Accidents Happen

By fanficxwriterx

2K 299 52

Trust me, I didn't want it to happen like this, it just kinda did! I didn't plan it this way...but now I'm st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A/N please read!!!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N!! Please read!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
A/N important!
A/N!! Sorry
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
New cover!!!
Chapter 31
Good News!
A/N (sorry)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 4

81 10 1
By fanficxwriterx

Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic so far! I'm truly enjoying the writing process for this story! So yeah, here's chapter 4!)

(Emery's P.O.V)
Once the interview is over, we head back to the venue to get ready for one last soundcheck before the pre-show. Only performing one song didn't make too much sense to me, but apparently it did to the people in charge of this thing. The boys and I walk to the trailer and change into our 'stage clothes', practically tripping over each other because there isn't enough room.
"Soundcheck in 5!" Someone yells, pounding on the door. I pull my shoes on and hop around the small space, tripping over a shirt and landing on the couch.
"You good?" Ricky asks looking at me.
"Yep." I say, tying my shoes and standing up. I get my in-ears and put the pack in my back pocket, running the cord under my shirt and resting the ear pieces over my shoulders. I grab my water and wait for Liam and Ricky to finish getting ready.
"Let's roll." Liam says, pushing the door open and jumping out, holding the door for Ricky and I. We follow him and eventually make it to the stage.
"I swear that's like a mile away." Liam says, making me chuckle.
"I don't think it's THAT far." Ricky laughs, fixing his in-ears.
"Thats what it feels like!" Liam says, doing the same thing, Ricky and I laughing again as we grab our mics.
"Let's do dis!" Ricky says happily, making me smile. We wait for the person in front of us to finish performing and I start to get a little nervous, worried about messing up or forgetting words. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, telling myself it'll be okay. I didn't know why I was so scared, it was just soundcheck. The big problem is when we perform later, in front of all the Disney stars and a few producers. I shake my thoughts and follow Ricky and Liam onto the stage.

(Skylar's P.O.V)
Lisa and I stop at small shop on Rodeo Drive, browsing the clothes, but not seeing anything I like.
"Nothing?" Lisa asks me.
"No. I think this should be okay. If not, they'll get over it." I laugh, making her smile at me.
"Let's head over to the park then." She says, making me nod as I follow her back out to the car.
"Hi Skylar!" A girl says excitedly, running up to me.
"Hi! How are you?" I ask her, even though I don't know her name.
"Can I take a picture with you?" She asks me, and it catches me off guard.
"Yeah, sure!" I finally say, smiling for her camera.
"Thank you! I'm a huge fan of you by the way!" She giggles shyly.
"Aww you're too sweet! Thank you for your support. It means the world to me." I smile at her, getting a hug in return.
"Come on, Ally." A woman says to her, possibly being her mother.
"Bye!" Ally says waving at me as she runs to catch up with her mom.
"That was strange." I say once I get in the car with Lisa.
"I thought it was cute. She looks up to you!" Lisa smiles, carefully pulling away from the curb and heading towards the park.
"I know, I think it's cool, it's just so...foreign." I say, making her nod.
"Understandable. It'll be weird for a while, but it's just something you'll have to get used to." She explains, her voice not as tense as it was earlier today.
"I'm glad those meetings are over. I don't think I could handle another one." I admit, pushing my hair back out of my eyes.
"I'm sure you'll be booked all the time once this movie takes off." She says, a quiet groan falling from my lips.
"Yeah, I know. It'll be difficult for a while, but I think I'll be able to handle it. At least I hope I will." I laugh, a smile barely noticeable on her face.
"You'll be fine. You've trained for it your entire life. You're skilled enough to know how to handle it." She says, turning into the parking lot of the venue.
"True. How many people are performing tonight? Do you know?" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"No idea. I'd imagine almost everyone that'll be there this weekend. Oh, here's your pass." She says, handing me a lanyard with a blue card on it that reads 'backstage access' in big, bold letters on both sides. I put it around my neck and fix my hair, opening my door and sliding out of the car, putting my phone in my back pocket and walking with Lisa to the main gate, showing the guard our passes. He nods and lets us in, holding the gate open for us. We walk to the guard that stands in the corner, who briefly glances at us before moving aside and letting us through.
"Oh my gosh! You're Skylar!" A girl, maybe a couple years younger than me squeals excitedly.
"I am. What's your name?" I ask smiling at her.
"I'm Tia. Can we take a picture?" She asks me, blushing slightly.
"Sure!" I smile, her mom coming up to us and holding a camera. I wrap my arm around Tia's shoulders, smiling for the picture.
"Thank you so much!" Tia says, turning to me and giving me a tight hug.
"Of course!" I smile, hugging her back tightly. She pulls away and screams as she walks away with her mom.
"She was adorable!" I tell Lisa, making her smile at me.
"What?" I ask looking at her.
"You don't know, do you?" She smiles at me, losing me completely.
"What are you talking about?" I ask confused, folding my sunglasses and putting them in my pocket.
"You have fans! That's two girls within 15 minutes! They know who you are!" She explains, a huge smile on her face.
"Ohhh, right. I'm just an idiot who acts in the background. I'm nothing special." I tell her, shrugging slightly.
"Well they sure do." She says, pointing at three girls standing at the gate, who all wave at me when I look in their direction.
"I'm gonna go meet them." I tell Lisa, making her nod.
"Hi girls!" I smile, watching them all internally freak out.
"We LOVED your last movie! Can we take a picture with you?" A blonde girl asks me.
"Sure!" I say, walking around the barricade, going to stand in the middle of the girls, smiling for their picture.
"Thank you so much!" Their mom says smiling at me.
"Of course! Thank you guys for supporting me." I smile at them, all of them nodding quickly.
"We all have fan accounts for you." One girl says smiling at me.
"Really? I'll follow you!" I say smiling at them.
"Seriously?!" They all day in unison. I get my phone out and open my notes.
"Type in your names and I'll be sure to follow you!" I tell them, handing one of them my phone.
"Oh, I'm Taylor, this is Sierra and that's Sadie." The blonde girl says, pointing at each of them.
"I love those names!" I say smiling at them as Sierra hands back my phone. I lock it and put it back in my pocket, standing with the girls and talking to them for a while.
"We better go find our seats girls. The show starts in 10 minutes." Their mom says.
"Bye Skylar!" They say happily, each of them giving me a hug.
"Bye girls! Have fun!" I smile at them, walking back to Lisa once they walk away.
"If all my fans act that adorable, I'm gonna die." I say, hearing her laugh as she shakes her head.
"Skylar! What's up?" Ricky asks happily, walking up to me.
"Uh, the sky." I laugh, making him roll his eyes.
"Ha ha. You're so funny. Wanna come hang with us?" Emery asks me.
"Lisa?" I ask looking at her.
"Sure. Don't get in trouble!" She warns me. I nod and follow the boys to wherever it is they're going.
"So how'd your meeting go?" Emery asks curiously.
"Well it didn't. I had Lisa cancel it." I tell them, making Ricky look at me.
"She seems tough. How'd you get her to crack?" He asks me.
"Persuasion." I laugh, making Emery smile at me.
"I doubt that." He says, making me laugh.
"What, you don't think I can handle myself?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, look out Em. Claws are out." Ricky teases, all of us laughing.
"Shut it." I smile, pushing him playfully, then giggling.
"You did not just do that." He says to me.
"But I did!" I smile, speeding up just as he starts to run into me, making him push Emery.
"Hey! Don't envolve me in this!" Emery laughs, pushing Ricky back, all of us laughing again.
"Okay, okay stop." I laugh, standing between them. Ricky tries to push me, but I stop him by putting my hand on his chest, pushing him back.
"Holy crap, you're strong." He says, pushing back against my hand.
"I have an older brother." I smile, letting him stand up slowly.
"Uh oh, I think we might be in trouble then. What do you think Ricardo?" Emery asks him.
"Nah, I think we can handle it. We'll be like, total best friends." He says in a funny voice, Emery and I looking at each other and cracking up. We sit in chairs outside a trailer, that I'm guessing is theirs.
"So what kind of acting have you done?" Emery asks looking over at me.
"I've done a few plays, a commercial and a movie." I tell him, remembering the KitKat commercial I was an extra in when I was younger.
"Are you originally from LA?" Ricky asks curiously.
"No, I grew up in Burbank. My family moved here when my dad got promoted as a head lawyer." I explain and the boys nod.
"Cool, what's your brothers name?" Liam asks me.
"Sebastian. He's back in Burbank for college." I tell him, making him nod.
"That's cool. Are you gonna go to college?" Ricky asks me.
"I think so. I'm just not sure yet." I say, seeing someone walk up to the trailer before opening the door and going inside.
"Are you gonna be at the show this weekend?" Ricky asks curiously, taking a drink of his water.
"Yeah, my mom bought tickets this morning. We didn't know that I'd have this kinda access." I giggle, Ricky nodding.
"Makes sense. I'm sure you didn't expect a movie role to pop up out of nowhere." He smiles, Emery and Liam agreeing with him.
"Yeah. I just figured it would've fallen out like the past ones." I admit, shifting in my chair.
"Surprise." Ricky smiles, making me laugh.
"That's exactly what it was. It took me like three hours before I could comprehend it was real." I laugh, Emery's laugh followed by Ricky's.
"I'm hungry." Ricky says randomly.
"I am too." I laugh, Emery rolling his eyes.
"You're always hungry." He chuckles, Ricky shrugs and stands up.
"Let's go find food." He says to me. I get up and follow him, walking around the thousands of barricades.
"They sure did a good job of making this a maze." Ricky says, making me laugh.
"They just wanted to confuse you." I giggle, pushing him gently.
"Would you stop?" He laughs, pushing me back.
"Nope. I won't." I giggle, pushing him a little harder this time. He laughs and pushes me in front of him, making me laugh harder.
"Stop laughing." He says smiling at me.
"Never!" I giggle, walking backwards, sticking my toungue out at him. He does it back and pokes me, making me laugh again.
"Stop." I say, pushing his hand down.
"Stop." He mocks me, poking me twice, then a third time. I walk beside him and act like it doesn't bother me, keeping my hands in my pockets. I look at him and try not to laugh when he makes a funny face.
"You were gonna laugh!" He says smiling at me.
"I don't what you're talking about." I lie, looking at him.
"Don't laugh." He smiles, poking me again.
"Poke me again, blondie." I giggle, waiting for him to poke me. He does it and I laugh, poking his sides, making him laugh as he tries to run away from me.
"Loser buys the food!" He yells, running away from me. I chase after him and he laughs, causing him to slow down, giving me time to catch up to him and even run past him, getting to the concession line first.
"I win!" I laugh, doing a little happy dance.

(Ricky's P.O.V)
Skylar turns the poking game into a race and I can't help but laugh at how competitive she is. She runs past me and gets to the line first, doing a happy dance.
"I win!" She laughs, making me roll my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. What do you want?" I ask her, reading over the menu.
"Hmm, nachos!" She says excitedly, making me smile.
"Is that all?" I ask her, making her nod.
"What about a drink?" I ask, poking her arm again.
"I have water back at the trailer." She says, poking me in the back.
"Two orders of nachos please." I tell the guy behind the counter.
"$5.00." He replies and I slide the money to him. Skylar pokes me in the back again and I look at her.
"I'll knock your nachos out of your hand." I threaten her, making her gasp.
"The nachos are innocent! Why would you do such a thing?" She acts as if it's the end of world, which only makes me laugh.
"Because you, are insane. That's why." I smile, handing her the nachos.
"Thank you." She says as we start walking back to the trailer.
"You're welcome." I smile at her, letting her go through the gate first. I know what you're probably thinking. 'Aww, Ricky has a crush', but you're wrong. I only see her as a friend. And right now, she's a pretty cool friend to have. I personally think that our personalities play off each other. She's silly and I try my best to be silly right along with her. Yeah, this girls cool...

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