I have a bad boy as a mate

By Luna25Nikky

105K 3.4K 99

Crystal is a 15 yr old girl how loose a Aunt, uncle , mom and dad do to a rogues attack a day before her 16... More

I have a bad boy as a mate
Our normal day
No not my ...!?
Night time
Arturo p o v
My first change
The beach
She is my girl friend ...!!!
What the hell
Once i got home :/
Oh boy some one is piss off
Please vote
My night with angle
The next moring
Is it really his ....?!
Angles mate
She told her mom and dad on me ..!!!
My first day at work
Where is she ..?
Wow ... !
Our talk
I showed that i cared
Oh fuck
Please take me back
Okay ...?
My bad night
Waking up
Getting ready
Talking with axel
What am i going to do ...?
we need to talk
Our fish fight
Our lunch date
We went swimming with the dolphins
She is so cute ...!!!
Our way home
I like doing this
She is so gonna get it
Whats a heat
Are you sure ...!
My punshiment ...
Wavkjng up ...!!

My birthday

3.1K 100 6
By Luna25Nikky

Crystal p o v

Today is my birthday I get waking up by Amy crys at 648 . The only thing that comes to me mind is I'm to young to be doing this of the age of 16 ... today is the I turn into my wolf I should be a little happy but it's not going to be the same with my family ..... once I got Amy to quiet down Eliz woke up . I took the both of them in to my room and put them on my bed. turned on the tv to some little kid show . I walk in to my closet and grabbed a light blue shirt and some black skinny jeans . I walked in to my shower and I let the hot water relax me . I jumped out and and put on my clothes . I dry my very long black curly hair with a towel I don't feel like doing anything to it so I just but gel in it and just left it down. I get my black eye liner on and only put it on the top of my eye lids . The eye liner makes my deep blue ocean eyes pop out even more. By time I'm done I can hear Judith knocking on my bed room door . " Crystal ....!? .... Gramps want us ....!!!" Judith said
"Okay sweetly ill be right their ,,,,!!!! " I say I take in one more look in to the mirror to see if I look okay . Today I'm dressing differently for one I'd promised my mom that I will dress more girly when I turned 16 . I don't like to brake my promises what so ever so I just sucked it up and went down the stairs . taking Amy and Eliz with me as I walked out of my room I could of smelled strawberry pancakes . I was in the kitchen by time I know it and three people in front of me sing happy birthday .....!!!

" Thanks you guys ...!!!! " I kissed and hugged my gramps, little sister and drake ... we were all fitting down at the table eating in silence . I look at the clock and its almost seven .

" Gramps we are going to be late ... " I say my gramps looks at nods his head . " Come in Judith .. I say looking at her not even noticing that she is in her pjs . " Can I stay home ...!?" I look at my gramps ... " Yea of you can you can help me with the twins today .." my gramps said I have all if them a hug good bye and a kiss as well . by time I get to school which is only a couple of minutes by my house . I could see that every one is their early and are looking at me . I look at the floor that whole time trying not to make eye contact with any one . Until some one grabbed me by arm as I was about to walk into the school .

" Girl I am so sorry .... crystal .....!!!!" Esmy said as she pulled me in to a hug . I hug her back and when I pulled away I have her a small little smile . She smiled at me and said " damn girl I didn't even notice you today so some one decide to look sexy today ....!? She says winking and nudging me with a elbow ... All I did was blush and giggle seeing that she was trying to get me in a happy mood . We both looked at each glazed for a moment when every body rushed inside because the band was playing some where inside the gym . Esmeralda. ... ( Esmy ) and I both looked at each and rolled our eyes and made our way to the gym because of some damn peeper ally for the football team and soccer team ..

By time we both walked in to it I could smell the most wonderful mouth watering smell ever ...!!! It smells like Strawberry and the ocean .. As I walked pass the foot ball team the scent only got stronger ....

" Mate ... mate ....!!! our mate is here ...!!!" I looked to see which boy it could be ... my eyes laid on Arturo's gray sexy eyes I got lost in them ...

" Mate .....mate ....mate ....!!! he is our mate ....!!!" I look away from Arturo and I tried to catch up to Esmy . I can't believe that Arturo is my mate ....!? I could feel a pair of eyes on me when I sat down with Esmy ... I was right just a few seconds of looking around I could see Arturo looking at me . " Hello every body ... how is every body doing ...!?" one of the teachers snapping me back to reality .

" Let give it up for our football team ... y'all for winning championships ....!!!! And lets give it up for our soccer team ....!!!! Now here goes the caption that every body loves that's on both teams and the caption of both teams .... Arturo .... Gonzalez ....!!!! " Very body cheered for my best friend well I should say mate ...

" Thanks every body I just want to thank you guys for coming out today and a couple of things ... people have been disappearing and I just want to say instead of being out so late y'all . go home and lock your doors try to stay safe as possible ....!!! thank you for your time and very one be safe .... !!! And come to cheer us on during our season ..! that was all he said then he's slut of a cheerleader ran up and kissed his lips ... I almost end growled out of anger but their were a lot of humans around and I couldn't do anything but sit there and get mad ....

Every body started to leave and so was I but then Arturo called me over to him ... before I knew I was gonna tell him off but in my head my wolf just shouted "mate ... mate ... please don't be mad at him he is our mate .....!!!!! " Was all she said ... before I could tell him off he cut me off ... " I Arturo Gonzalez reject you crystal Gomez ....!!! " I could feel my heart breaking and tears rowing down my face I can't believe he just rejected me ...! " Fuck you Arturo ....!!!! your such a piece of ass I just hope you and your slut off a BICTH have fun ass hole... !!!" Was all I could say I can't believe he just did that in my birth ....!!!it just piss me off even more before I walked away I slapped big fat jar head hard across the face before leaving to go to the restroom to go cry ..

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