The Devil's Wings (Watty's 20...

By KittyCadets173

16 3 0

My whole body felt like it was soaring through the cold, winter sky. My wings, the most precious thing on my... More

≈ Prologue ≈

16 3 0
By KittyCadets173

The light of dawn was only breaking over the dark horizon. The stars blinked out, hiding from the wicked light. I'm Fallon Zachary, and now all I'm accompanied by is the ever dying stars and the clear ocean. The only hope I have left in this cruel, cruel world. Maybe even the last hope I'll ever have.

The beach stretches it's sandy limbs on either side of me, reaching out to some unknown place, someplace it wants. I hold my hands in my head, this wasn't real. This couldn't be real. Tears splash down, wetting my collar with the red blood. I wipe it away and stand up, looking up at the house.

He stood there. Smiling down at the young girl. She laughed and swatted him away as he hugged her.
"Dad!" she laughs through tears of happiness.
"Oh, darling Fallon! What be on your mind?" he asks with respect.
It was true, the girl had been acting strangely lately. It had been odd, but she didn't think much about it.
Only a bit of sleepwalking, she assured herself.

"Of course, father. Everything's jake! Why?" she asked with some unease, the sun was starting to peak below the horizon.
"Sweetheart, I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, after your mother..." he trailed off.
"I know, it's just... I want a bit more wiggle room. I know after mum, you want to keep me safe. But I can't stay under every law and every rule you set!" she shouts suddenly.
"Fallon, tell me what's wrong" he insisted, she'd been fine a minute ago. Why was she suddenly so angry? The sun had fully gone.
"What's wrong! WHAT'S WRONG YOU ASK? Maybe you can answer that, you monster!" she screams at him, that's when the teeth started to peek out of her gums and wings slowly grew from her back.

He backs away into a tree. Terror is written all over his face. The creature standing in front of him let's out a deathly roar, and when she opens her eyes, they are black and red.
"F- Fall... Fallon" he stutters in astonishment.
The creature that was his daughter a second ago screams into the still night again. The water ripples on the beach, waves lapping high above the rocks, the creature starts to ascend into the night, then looks down, right into his eyes.
"May this night be one of weeping and terror! Scream in horror as you gaze upon me!" The creature almost roared out of it's mouth, a wicked grin set in place.
"You're not my Fallon" he assures himself, what was happening.

"I am the Beast! I am the terror that haunts the night! I will arise once again, and my kingdom shall rule all!" the creature screamed and swooped down.
A deadly scream rocketed the night. Trees swayed suddenly when there was no wind, animals backed up into their barns and huddled together, bats hid under the safety of the trees. The moon watched on, no grief, no fear, no emotion.

That's when I awoke, my body in a horrid form, wings and teeth had protruded from me, grotesque claws stuck out at angles, where my nails should be. But I remembered all of it so clearly. The last few nights it had happened, but this night, it felt like it... wasn't like normal. Something or someone had used me, used my power to destroy the one thing I had left to love.

Now I sit lonely on the beach, tears stinging my eyes as I stand up and avoid the house. News would get out soon enough, something like 'Ghastly Animal Takes Farmer's Life' or maybe even 'Creature Kills Farmer And...' takes her daughter. Is what I thought.

The sun shines it's ecstatic rays upon the ground, reflecting birds and occasional ripples in the water. Sand digs cruelly into her feet, enough for it to hurt, but not enough pain. That's what she needed, she needed pain. Pain would distract her, let her break free from the world.


The town was abuzz with activity. It wasn't often something huge happened here, in this secluded sea shore town. But some hikers had found a body this morning, just after sun broke. It was Daniel Zachary, and his daughter was nowhere to be found.

"Come get your Morning Post! Only five shillings, come get your Morning Post, best deal in town" a newsboy shouted from the street, earning shillings in the dozen as townsfolk ate up all the stories. 
Many said that it was a feral animal, wolf maybe. It could'a took her, the daughter.
"Can you believe this? He was just left to die there, so it couldn't been any animal I know, aye?" an elderly mother asks her daughter as she's pushed through the town in a wheelchair.
"No, mother. Nor me" she agrees soothingly and continues pushing.

A baker is in deep conversation with some patrons in his shop, "And so she could have done it. It seems right! Father left dead, not eaten by an animal, missing! It all fits" he tries to convince them while persuading them to buy his goods.
"Like hell! Obviously not, she was kidnapped and he was left for dead when he tried to save her. Now THAT'S the truth, Mr. Jones" a patron argues while buying a pastry item.
"If ya say so, but I believe what I believe, hey, want a sourdough bread? Half price just for today" the baker prompts and lifts the loaf to the counter.
"Nay, I'm all good. But just saying, when I'm in the papers because I solved it, you'll be sorry" he argues and pushes his way out of the store.
"And the croissants are quarter price, plus a fresh blood orange juice! ONLY FOR TODAY!" Mr Jones, the baker, shouts after the patron, failing to interest him, "Ah, damn. He looked like he had a few good bucks on him."


I walk away. Not to anywhere specifically, just away. I need to escape, I can't even look at the town anymore. I see two hikers talking excitedly, then one screamed. Just below him is father's mutated corpse, jaw open in a silent scream and eyes glassy looking at the sun.

I don't know where to next. I could venture into the misty ocean, down to sandy beaches until I meet it's end, up the mountains and hills, across lakes and rivers, through forests and plains filled with blood flowers. I could go anywhere. But I didn't want to go anywhere.

I wanted to go to wherever the world takes me.


Hello everyone! It's actually not the Galactic Unicorn Cat here, I'm Boolovepiggys, or as I'm known now, Lizzie & The Beasts. I created the cover and all of Ava's (Galactic) covers, plus editing. I wanted to write to prologue because sometimes I feel like I'm not a good enough friend, that I need to do more. And this is my more. To Ava, I hope you enjoy and I hope this novel becomes the best yet! (Also, The Quadrilogy Isn't Certain Yet, But It's What We Have Right Now!) 
Also, The Song's Runaway By AURORA, I Thought It Suited The Chapter, Well The End Part. Please Listen To It, It's AMAZING!!! Please Vote And Follow, Bye Now!

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