Quotes and Poems, Etc.

By UnnamedAndSearching

5K 27 17

Quotes about everything and anything. Poems about whatever I feel like typing then. Sad shit Happy shit... More

Quote #1
Quote # 2
Quote # 3
A Flower
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Quote # 5
Quote # 6
Quote # 7
Quote # 8
Quote # 9
Oh I Love You
Quote # 10
Quote # 11
Quote # 12
Quote # 13
Quote # 14
Once Again
Quote # 15
A girl
Quote # 16
Fight Song
Anything And Everything
Quote # 17
Quote # 18
Quote # 19
Quote # 20
Quote # 21
Quote # 22
Quote # 23
Quote # 24
Come back
Quote # 25
Quote # 26
Quote # 27
Quote # 28
Quote # 29
Quote # 30-32
Quote # 33
Quote # 34
A girl
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Quote # 37
Quote # 38
Quote # 39-41
It's Me...
Quote # 42
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Quote # 44
Not a quote
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Quote # 46
Found on google
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Quote # 51
(No Title)
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Quote # 60
The mind
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Quote # 70
Quote # 71
Quote # 72
Quote # 73
Quote # 74
Quote # 75
Quote # 76
Quotes # 77-80
The Things I've Heard...
Google Quotes on Trust
Pretty/Cool Pictures from Google
Gemini Quotes/Pictures
Quote # 81
Quote # 82
Quote # 83
Quote # 84
Nightcore-When she cries
Quote # 85
Quote # 86
Quote # 87
Quote # 88
System of a down-Chop Suey
Quote # 89
Quote # 90
Quote # 91
Quote # 92
Quote # 93
Imperfect Girl~Song
Random Quotes Saved to my Phone
Revised Quote (Picture is the original, I found it online)
Quote # 94-97
Happy Birthday
Quote # 98-99
Quote # 100
Quote # 101
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Quote # 117
My Sister's Cat
Quote # 118
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Quote # 120
Quote # 121
Love is like reading a book.
The divide
Quote # 122
Quote # 123
Let go
To My Love
The Truth that is Me
Cannot Erase You
I wish I knew
When I Go


22 0 0
By UnnamedAndSearching

They're meant to be funny...
They're meant to make you laugh...
But every time I hear people joking about suicide my mind goes blank...
Then I get really sad and angry at the same time...
The look on people's faces when I start talking at them for saying that are astounding...
They can't seem to figure what they did wrong...
They tell me ,"It was just a joke. Calm down." ...
How can that be a joke!
How someone dying...
Someone leaving this earth by ending their own life be a joke to you!
How can it be a joke to anyone...
I'm tired of hearing people say, "Sideways for attention, downwards for a solution."
It's not a fucking solution.
Every one has a place in this world!
Everyone is wanted by somebody!
Even the ones you call a nobody...
Yea the very same ones you deem unimportant!
The ones that are bullied, harassed, and hurt by the things you say and do...
My friend died until they pumped the pills out of them stomach and brought them back.
So don't you dare telling me it was just a 'dumb joke' because that is no joking matter.
So they next time you decide to crack a joke at suicide how about you think before you speak.

If you don't care, I can't change your mind. Just don't blame me when someone is angry with you for a 'dumb joke' you said.

Stop joking about suicide because no one ever wishes to lose someone they care about.

Always tell the world they are loved even if you don't know them let them know they matter. That they are loved. That they are perfectly imperfect just he way they are.

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