When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News

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By KarlieLucas2

Honey Lemon burst into the library looking almost frantic. "Is everyone okay in here?" she called out as her shoulders heaved, heart pounding.

At her outburst, both Data and Fred looked up from the computer. "Whoa," Fred called out. "What's going on? Did something happen?"

Seeing all was well, Honey let out a sigh of relief. "Deanna thought she sensed something wrong," she confessed. "Do you know where everyone else is? I can't seem to find Hiro or the others."

"Just chill for a minute," Fred instructed as he swiveled his chair around. "I'm sure the little dude's around here somewhere. As for Picard, he's over there," he pointed to the far corner, "reading. I think Wasabi and Worf went out."

Having tried to ignore the noise, Picard closed his book and moved to see what was happening. "What's going on?" he asked, seeing Honey and Deanna both in the room, both looking upset.

GoGo put one hand on her hip as she stood behind the other two girls. "We can't find Wasabi, Hiro, Baymax, Worf, or that Q guy," she replied. "Did something happen to them?"

Picard glanced around the room, realizing those gathered hadn't been in the room when Worf had announced Q was missing. "Worf and your friends went in search of Q," he stated. "It would seem he decided to go off on his own when no one was looking." His expression clearly showed his feelings on the matter.

Data looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted by GoGo. "How long ago was that?"

Looking for a clock, the captain tried to estimate in his mind. "I'd say it's been no more than two or three hours since they left. Why do you ask?"

Deanna took that opportunity to speak up. "Only a few minutes ago, I sensed something was wrong. I don't know where or who. I just know someone was in intense pain and that there was a lot of fear involved."

"I'm going to try calling Wasabi," Honey announced as she whipped out her cell phone. Chances were good if the others were out looking for Q, Hiro's hands would be busy and he'd be less likely to answer. Wasabi, on the other hand, was the most likely to answer. She doubted Worf had a phone. And even if he did, she didn't know the number.

The phone rang audibly as she put it on speaker. Finally, after four rings, someone picked up. "Kinda busy here," Wasabi's voice came over the line. He sounded somehow either distracted or distressed. Either was possible.

"Wasabi, what's going on?" Honey Lemon called out as she held the phone in trembling fingers. His tone was decidedly off, like he was fighting something. "Are you okay?"

Several voices spoke up in the background, though they were too overlapped to really understand what was being said until Wasabi's voice came back over the line. "Focusing on driving right now. Gotta go. Talk to you later." Then the line cut off.

GoGo raised one eyebrow as she switched the leg she focused her weight on, making her hips thrust to the other side. "What was that all about?"

Picard looked more than a little confused. "Can someone tell me what is going on?"

Data stood from the computer. "I believe I may be of some assistance," he announced. "Judging from the timbre and quality behind Wasabi's voice, I believe it would be safe to assume he is under some kind of duress. Considering the fact that I could discern Worf and Q arguing in the background, I cannot say I am surprised. However, there was another voice speaking that I could not identify."

"Well, at least we know they found that Q guy," Fred spoke up.

GoGo rolled her eyes. "Okay, so we know those guys are there. But who belongs to that other voice? And where's Baymax and Hiro? Something doesn't feel right."

The captain glanced towards Troi. "Counselor, can you sense anything else?"

Deanna breathed in deeply. "I can try," she said, then opened up her senses once more. But after several long seconds, she shook her head. "There seems to be a lot of confusion. If anything, I'm sensing apprehension. I don't know why."

"If all they were doing was going after Q, they should be heading back here," Fred reasoned. "So we only need to kick back and wait for them to show up. I mean, Wasabi could totally be distressed due to them arguing in the background, or because of the traffic. Guess we'll find out when they get back. I don't know about you, but I could do with some lunch."


Wasabi pulled up behind the garage of Fred's place, driving so slow Q could have sworn he saw some insipidly slow creature beat them across the concrete. And he made sure to tell the OCD freak as he parked and carefully removed his seat belt. The man's incessant mutterings were decidedly unattractive and disturbing.

"I say," the Doctor said, "where did you find this rather repulsive individual?" He glanced back at Q with a wrinkled nose and a funny quirk in his eyes, almost like he smelled something foul.

Q gave him a nasty look back as he crossed one leg over the other, or tried. Baymax's armor got in the way. "Well, who died and made you immortal?" But the Doctor decided it wasn't worth answering at the moment.

Finally, Wasabi took the key out of the ignition. "Okay. Gotta remain calm," he told himself. "Nothing really to tell here. Hiro just had a little accident but we're working on figuring it out."

"He's an infant," Q retorted as Worf opened his side of the car. "And unless your friends are at least as stupid as you are, they won't fall for that."

Worf exited the vehicle, then walked around to the other side, opening the door for Baymax. The robot ducked out of the vehicle, making sure to keep Hiro from hitting any part of his tiny body against the metal frame. "Out," Worf ordered Q the moment Baymax was clear. "Now. And no more comments."

Fiercely rolling his eyes, Q climbed out of the vehicle. "Well aren't we in a bad mood." His face looked rather like he'd eaten a sour pickle.

"Okay, you can do this," Wasabi continued to talk to himself, almost walking in little circles as the others vacated the car. "Just tell them how it happened. Just get it over as quickly and painlessly as possible."

The Doctor seemed to brighten up at the sight of the Manor. "Would you look at that!" he all but gushed. "Everything's still in order. Now where is everyone else? I'd really like to say hello to them all."

His question seemed to make Wasabi tense up even more. He suddenly threw his hands up in the air like a drunken ninja. "Who am I kidding? I can't do this! Everyone is going to freak out and then they're going to blame me!"

"The best solution to this problem would be to tell them the truth," Baymax spoke up. "They will understand." Before Wasabi could come up with any kind of response, the giant marshmallow waddled towards the back entrance.

Worf took Q by the arm, giving him a look that brooked no arguments. "Let's go."

"Ugh," Q said but went along with Worf's strong strides. It was that or get dragged. He found the idea of being dragged less inviting. "Let's get this over with. You do know you're all in trouble, right?" A low growl filled the air, causing the grumpy man to jump. "Touchy."

Wasabi took one last breath, trying to square his shoulders and failing miserably. "Baymax is right. Best to get this over with." He strode forward, following behind Baymax.


Fred was just about to bite into a sandwich when the door to the breakfast room opened and Wasabi entered. He absently put the sandwich down at the sight of his friend's obviously unusual demeanor. "Hey man," he greeted. "You okay?" He thought Wasabi looked decidedly pale under his dark skin.

Hearing Fred speak up, the others in the room turned to see who all had joined them. Each was in various stages of either eating or drinking something when the physics student shuffled nervously into the room, followed closely by Worf and Q.

"Uh," Wasabi said, clearly uncomfortable as he shuffled his feet. "Guys, we had a slight complication on the way back from finding Q," he hedged, glancing back at the Klingon as if for emotional support. When nothing seemed forthcoming, he turned back to those in the room, trying to moisten his mouth before continuing. "And, well, I have some good news and some bad news."

GoGo had her legs kicked over the armrest of her chair but she twisted to sit more upright at Wasabi's announced. "What do you mean you have both good and bad news? What's the good news?"

Wasabi gave an almost nervous laugh as he motioned for someone else to enter the room. At his gesture, the Doctor peered around the door frame with a rather childish smile on his face. "Hello!" he waved.

Honey put her cup down as she stared at the man in the doorway. "Wasabi," she said without looking away. "Who is that? And how can that be good news?"

The Doctor all but bounced into the room, except it was more like watching an uncoordinated cat as he wove around the perimeter before stopping near the middle of the room. "Hello, everyone. I'm the Doctor and I'm here to help."

GoGo gave him a rather skeptical look. "You're the Doctor? You look nothing like him."

Wasabi held up a hand. "Now I know what you're thinking," he said, sounding like he wanted nothing more than to sneak out of the room. "But it's really him. He's just a little different, okay? He went through something he calls regeneration, just don't ask me how that works."

"That's me!" The Doctor waved. "Same man, different face."

Fred nodded sagely. "Ah, so it's like when Captain Jack kept dying, except he wasn't really dead. And with a different face. That's cool."

The Enterprise crew, minus Worf, all gave Fred a rather odd look. Picard, however, was the first to speak. Clearing his throat, he stepped away from the table. "I see. What kind of doctor are you, exactly?"

The Doctor merely shrugged in a rather carefree manner. "Oh, all kinds. But mostly, I like to help people."

Honey exchanged a pained glance with GoGo before looking back at Wasabi. "So if that's the good news, what's the bad news?"

Wasabi rubbed the side of his neck, looking uncharacteristically like Tadashi for the briefest of moments, except he looked about ready to pass out. "About that," he shuffled his feet. "We had a bit of a mishap while we were out." He glanced back at the doorway with a nervous nod as Baymax's familiar frame filled the doorway.

Except that it wasn't just Baymax. GoGo slowly rose from her chair as she stared at the small bundle in his arms. "Is that...?" She walked over to get a better look. "How in the world?" She spun on her heels to face her friend, one foot stomping the ground as her body tensed. "Wasabi! Explanation! Now!"

Her tone caused Wasabi to jump like a startled cat. "I have no idea! He ran into an alley and no more than a few seconds later, he'd transformed into this!" He gestured widely towards the sleeping child in Baymax's charge. His entire body shook and he looked even more likely to pass out.

Honey stood from her chair and moved forward as well. Her eyes widened behind her glasses as she recognized the suit, albeit in miniature. And there was no mistaking that mop of hair. "Hiro?"

At that exact moment, the boy groaned in Baymax's arms. Looking rather sleepy, he turned his face towards the room and groggily opened his eyes. "Dashi? That you?" Then, a second later, he seemed to jump inside his own skin as he struggled to be put down, something Baymax did, mostly because he was afraid he'd drop the tot. "What happen?! You gwowed!" Then he realized his voice had somehow changed, along with his ability to speak effectively. He stared at his hands before frantically feeling his body. "What happen me!?"

Seeing the panic set in, Deanna moved forward to kneel by his side. She was only a moment or two slower than Baymax. "The important thing is that we all try to remain calm."

Data strode forward from his position near the far corner, pulling out his tricorder. He scanned the boy with the device. "It would seem that Hiro's molecular structure has somehow reverted to a much younger age. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before his intellect and reasoning do the same."

"What?!" Hiro squeaked, his small chest heaving. He grabbed for the nearest item of comfort, which happened to be one of Baymax's legs. "Not happen!"

Honey Lemon knelt to his eye level. "Hiro, it's okay. We'll figure something out. This can't be permanent."

From his position near the wall, Q rolled his eyes. "What?" he asked as Worf tightened his grasp on his arm. "Oh fine," he huffed. "Chances are good it is reversible," he spoke up. "If I can regain my powers that is."

"Hiro," Baymax said in his most soothing voice. "It will be all right." He picked the boy back up as he spoke. "There. There." His hand almost seemed to smother Hiro's head, despite him taking special care.

Hiro rubbed at one eye, tears starting to leak out. "Don't wanna stay like this! I don't wanna!" He let out a hiccuping sob. "Fix me, Baymax! Fix me?"

All eyes seemed to focus on the tiny tot as he struggled to stay in control of his emotions. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be much they could do. "I am sorry," Baymax said. "Unless we find a way to restore Q's powers, I do not believe we will be able to return you to your normal state."

The wail that escaped Hiro's tiny lips all but broke Honey's heart. She watched as he buried his face in Baymax's vinyl belly, his whole body shaking with emotion. "This doesn't look good," she worried. "If Hiro's emotional stability has slid this much, how long will it be until his mental stability does the same?"

Wasabi watched the spectacle as though he were viewing a horror movie he couldn't turn away from. "This can't be happening! I was right there! Why couldn't I prevent this?!' He slumped into the nearest chair.

Deanna glanced over at Picard. "Captain, if this continues, I fear everyone's emotional stability will be compromised."

Picard found he had to agree. Looking around, he saw that not only were Honey Lemon and Wasabi looking out of sorts, but so were Fred and GoGo. The adrenaline junky just hid it better. "Everyone just calm down!" he ordered in a stern voice. "All this pointless finger pointing and pity won't change a thing."

His words seemed to shake everyone back to some semblance of rationality. All except for Hiro, though his wails did decrease to quiet sobbing.

"That's better," Picard continued. "Now, I know this is going to be difficult, but if we can all remain calm, we might find a way around this problem."

The silence that followed was interrupted by hand clapping as the Doctor stepped forward. "Bravo! Couldn't have said it better myself! We just all need to remain calm."

Picard couldn't help but stare at the man and his antics. "I know you said you were a doctor, but what does that mean and how exactly do you plan on helping with this situation?"

"Well, I-That is to say-" the Doctor stuttered. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll find a way. Give me some time. After all, I've only just regenerated. Messy things, regenerations. You don't always get everything together right at the first."

Baymax glanced down at Hiro, who continued to hold onto whatever part of the vinyl he could reach. "I will continue to monitor Hiro's condition," he announced. "Perhaps that will give us some pertinent data to reverse these effects. I can at least monitor him to make sure there are no further complications."

"And I'll keep an eye on his emotional and mental state," Deanna added as she straightened from her partial crouching position.

Fred slouched back into his chair. "Well, that's a relief. But I do have a few questions. Since Hiro's kinda turned into a little dude now, who's going to take charge? And what are we going to do in the meantime? I mean, it's not like any of his usual clothes are going to fit, let alone anything else."

Honey reached for Hiro, taking him into her arms. He was just so cute! And he didn't resist the motion either so she bounced him up and down just a little to try and soothe him back to a more calm state. "We'll have to buy some new clothes and some items closer to his size and current needs." She didn't want to mention the possibility of diapers just yet, but knew they might be needed at some point. What age did most toddlers potty train at any way? And would Hiro have to go through that all over again?

"I'll take charge," GoGo announced. "At least for now," she amended at the looks sent her way. Even Hiro looked up at that announcement.

The tot folded his arms as he sort of glared at GoGo. "I in charge! I in charge!" It wasn't that he doubted her ability, but he somehow wanted to assert some form of control in a situation completely out of his control. Unfortunately, it wasn't really working and he knew it.

"And nobody's questioning that, little dude," Fred spoke up. "But we need to make plans. You know, just in case. It'd probably be best if we can all work together, "he added as he glanced at the other adults in the room. "We can't forget the overall goal, getting that guy's power back." He pointed at Q. "Otherwise things might end up being stuck the way they are now." He refrained from saying outright that Hiro would remain a toddler, mostly because he knew if he were in Hiro's shoes, it would only upset him further.

Wasabi breathed a sigh of relief. Things were going a lot more smoothly than he'd anticipated. "Fred's right," he agreed. "The solution to all our problems is finding a way to restore Q's powers.

The Doctor took that moment to wave his hands for attention. "I know I'm just coming in on this, but could someone please explain what all has happened up to this point? And while we're at it, could someone whip up some fish fingers and custard? I'm famished."

Hearing food mentioned, Hiro wiggled in Honey's arms. "Want food!"

"Perhaps it would be best to split into groups," Data suggested. "Those who feel so inclined may look towards Hiro's welfare while the others bring everyone else up to speed on recent events."

Picard nodded at that idea. "Excellent. But first, let's finish lunch. Then we can go our individual ways. I don't know about you, but all this drama has made me quite hungry."

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