Having Patience//AU// ( Harry...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Having Patience//AU// ( Harry fanfic sequel to ZT)
Chapter 1: A New Awakening
Chapter 2: Wants & Demands & Surprising Visits
Chapter 3: Liar Liar
Chapter 4: Back to Square One
Chapter 5: All Hell Breaks Lose
Chapter 6 : Pleasure is The Best Source of Healing
Chapter 7 Sneak Peak part 1: Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 7 Sneak Peak part 2 : Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 7: Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 8: Fights and Baby Talk
Chapter 9: Anticipation
Author's Note/ Sneak Peak chapter 10: So much for Waiting to Tell the Truth
Chapter 10: So Much for Waiting to Tell the Truth
Chapter 11: Baby....
chapter 12: Let's 'Talk'
Chapter 13: Parental Guidance
Chapter 14: Sneak Peak: Shocking Appointments
Chapter 14: Shocking Appointments
Chapter 15: Silver Bullets
Chapter 16: Family Intuition
Chapter 17: Sneak Peak :Parental Bliss
Chapter 17: Parental Bliss
Chapter 18: Again...
Chapter 19: Never Count Your Chicken's Before They Hatch...
Chapter 20: All Ends in Love & War
Chapter 21: Emotionally Unstable
Chapter 22: Igniting the Flame
Author's Note :>
Chapter 23: Let the Games Begin.
Chapter 24: Game 1: Dangerous Exchanges
Chapter 25: Game 2: Fighting the Challenger
Chapter 27: Decisons, Decisons, Decisons
Sneak Peak: Chapter 28: Last Straw
Chapter 28: Last Straw
Sneak Peak: Chapter 29: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 29: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 30: Part 1: Scheming
Chapter 30: Part 2: Behind Locked Doors
Chapter 31:Part 1: Prefighting Arguements
Chapter 31: Part 2 Sneak Peak: Happy Bloody Valentine's Day
Chapter 31: Part 2: Happy Bloody Valentine's Day
Chapter 32: Endings? Beginnings?

Chapter 26: Game 3: Merely Practice

421 10 0
By Amandaaapandaa

Blake's POV

Surprisingly my brother gave me clothes to wear, it was a Jersey crop top and these pattern pants (A/N:OUTFIT: http://www.polyvore.com/having_patience/set?id=113756878 ) ; pretty sure they were the red heads clothes but I could care less, I need a plan and quickly. I looked around the room  while letting my mind wonder to what things I could do, I stood up from the bed; my eyes went to the window and I shook my head. I'm not going to be jumping out the window.  I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror seeing my face pale from crying but my eyes holding anger in them, I let out an  angry scream and punched the mirror; watching the glass fall into the sink and I looked at my hand to see it scratched up. I sucked my teeth and bent down looking under the sink to see if their was a first aid kid, I found one and opened it; the first thing to catch my eye was the scalpel.

'What type of first aid kit is this?' I questioned myself and I pulled It out, watching as it shun in the light. And that's when the perfect idea came to me, I smirked evilly at myself before standing up and making my way to the door.


Harry's POV

"Jason, did you get the location?" clicking in the bullets to my gun and stuffing it in the hem of my jeans then fixing my black shirt over it. I grabbed my leather jacket and picked up my phone.

"Yes, I did. He's in Long Island; his house is like a damn mansion for no reason. I'm sending you the address to your phone to put in your GPS."

"Good work Jason." he chuckled on the other line, as I looked at the newly received text with the address. I quickly put the number in my GPS.

"I try." I smirked and hung up before putting my phone in the cup holder, I thrusted the key into the ignition and turned it; I drove out the parking spot once the engine roared to life, the tires screeched as I made a hard turn and made it to the highway. I was speeding on the highway, mind set on getting Blake back and ending this asshole for good. The sound of honking was heard and I quickly glanced to my left to see Ana and Shawn in his car racing down the highway, following me.

"Your going pretty fast, don't you think." a voice said and I glanced through the rear view mirror to see Chris in the back seat.

"When the fuck did you get there?" he laughed at me and climbed into the front seat.

"Snuck in while you were getting ready, pretty easy with the sun roof." I looked at him with a smirk and shoved his shoulder.

"Alright but try not to get yourself killed." he nodded and I continued to drive through the highway.


Blake's POV

I have been carefully unscrewing the door knob with the scalpel for a good 25 minutes, the last one finally gave out and I carefully pulled out the door knob and the door opened with ease. I looked into the hallway and saw that it was long but only leading one way, I noticed the light above and saw a vase near the table this small table; I quickly went over to it and picked it up, emptying out the ugly flowers and then throwing the vase at the light watching it fall to the ground with a loud 'Bang'. The hallway became dark and I leaned against the wall with the scalpel in my hand, the sounds of footsteps were heard as I waited for someone to round the corner; the man ran around the corner but didn't notice me standing up against the wall due to the darkness, while he was turned I quickly jumped on him and sent the scalpel in his neck and covered his mouth as we both fell. I removed the scalpel, which only knocked him out I might add, and patted him down; finding a gun and a set of keys, I quickly ran around the corner and quietly down the stairs till I saw a another door. I opened the door seeing it that it lead down stairs where most of the power boxes were, I quickly went down the steps and found the light switches; I flicked all the switches and everything went dark, I smirked before running back upstairs only to hear arguing.

"I am tired of this bitch, Joey, either you kill her now or I will." I heard Cynthia's voice.

"Don't worry baby, she isn't going to get that far." I rolled my eyes and walked out the basement, closing the door softly. I quickly ducked down and crawled behind the couch, I peeked my head over to see them walking towards what looked like the kitchen and I stood up before running outside the broken doors. I looked around the fencing and found a door, I ran up to it but not before looking behind me into the glass of the kitchen and seeing them kissing; I smirked before unclicking the safety and aiming it at the window, I clicked the trigger and watched as the bullet grazed against Cynthia's face as she pulled away from Joey. Joey looked at me with anger filled eyes and I flicked him off before running out the back fence and noticed that there were people standing there with guns in front of the main street. Most be from his gang.

"Oh shit!" I quickly threw myself back and shot my gun as they fired there's, I closed the fence door and ducked as bullets ran everywhere. I noticed Joey coming out and I jumped into the pool, I moved my hair out of my face just in time to see Joey pointing his gun at the water. I widen my eyes and swam around, hearing the muffled bangs of the gun as it missed me; I felt a bullet graze my arm and I opened my mouth in a muffled scream, blood started to appear through the water and I started to feel dizzy. I started to swim to the surface but pulled out my gun at the same time and when I got out of the water I aimed it at Joey. I took deep breaths as we eyed each other, the sound of gunshots distracted the both of us; we turned our head at the same time but I looked back quickly at Joey and sent the bullet through the air, hitting him in the arm. I pulled myself up out of the pool and took off running towards the gate door again, I threw open the door to see a familiar SUV on the lawn and I ran towards it holding my bleeding arm.

"HARRY!" I saw a flash of brown curls and I ran towards it to see him shooting a man in the head. I saw Chris fighting off another guy and I remembered the scalpel I put in the hem of my pants, I took it out and threw it at the guy attacking Chris; he fell to the ground and I ran up to Chris who saw me but then on the corner of my eye I saw a man come out with a gun pointing it at him.

Everything went in slow motion as I watch the guy start to pull the trigger as I pushed myself to run faster to Chris. And everything went back into motion.

"GET DOWN!" I screamed and grabbed a gun from the floor, shooting it and sending a bullet through the mans head. I sighed and winced when I looked back at my arm, I looked at Chris who looked at me then ran up to me; I engulfed him in a one arm hug, I let go of him and then grabbed his hand leading him to the car. I handed him the gun.

"Go in there and cover me, I have to get Harry." he nodded and I closed the door.

I looked around and my eyes caught sight of someone outside of the house from down the street and it looked like they were on the phone.

"Shit! HARRY!" he lifted his head looking at me with wide eyes.

"LET'S GO THAT PERSON LOOKS LIKE HE'S CALLING THE COPS!" I heard the sound of footsteps running and I looked away from Harry to see Ana and Shawn running our way, Ana had a busted lip.

"That redheaded bitch, is gonna get it when we really go at it. Yo!" she screamed and they ran to their car. I went up to Harry and grabbed him, pulling him off the guys and running to the car; as I was climbing in, I caught a glimpse of my mother and Joey as we backed up and sped away from the house. I sighed and rested my head against the head rest as we drove back to Brooklyn.



"Hold fucking still, damn it!" I groaned as Harry cleaned my wound and bit my lip as he wiped the alcohol pad on it and then put the gauze and taped it their. I took my arm back and fell flat on the bed, sighing. Harry pushed the things off the bed and laid down next to me, putting him arm around my waist and pulling me closer; I looked at him and smiled, bring my hand up to his face that was slightly red from getting hit. He came closer to my face and our lips grazed each others, I looked into his dark green eyes as he looked into my dark brown ones before smashing our lips together. Our tongues met as we made out in a hungry pace, my hands went in his curls as his hands brought me on top of him; he pulled away and I took a breath before looking at him.

"Thanks for coming to get me Harry." he nodded before pecking my lips.

"You know I'll always save you." I nodded and he licked his lips before looking at me, seeing that I started to get tears in my eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"I...I found out why my father killed your father." he looked at me in shock. Sitting us both up, with me sitting in his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"My mother told me how I wasn't really Ed's daughter after 15 years and that when he asked who was the father she blamed it on your adopted father. Harry, I'm so sorry!" I broke down in tears for the lost of my dad, even though he wasn't my real dad, he'll always be my dad in my heart.

"It's ok, were going to revenge him. Both of them, what happened today wasn't the real thing. Were all going to fight this one." I looked up at him and nodded my head before laying my head on his shoulder. My mind suddenly wondered to the outcome of this whole thing.

Will I leave Harry....

Or will I stay?

Hey guys:)

How you guys liking the story, comments are needed so I know If I have to fix anything, at all. And I don't mind your guys thoughts and questions.




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