Tales From a Broken Home [D...

By cheaterboy-A

1.1K 51 6

The story revolves around the boy named Allen Walker whose intelligence surpasses the average teenager, yet h... More

Tale Two: Haunted
Tale Three: Mark of the Devil

Tale One: Crescent Moon

619 18 0
By cheaterboy-A

In a place unknown to anyone else, stood a small figure. No one can tell whether it is a boy or a girl, or what he looked like, even the clothes seemed too hazy to decipher, however, it is quite clear that that small figure was a child no older than six. The child did nothing as he remained standing on that very same spot he was on, not moving as the scene around gave off a creepy atmosphere. The sky was pitch black, the land was dry, too dry you could see the cracks, the trees were dead, not even a leaf can be seen. To say the least, the place the child was is a place for dead only.

"Can you hear me?" someone called, his voice was deep, cold and carried nothing as it echoed throughout the place like a melody that would give you shivers.

"Can you hear me?" it called again.

"Can you...hear me?" the voice repeated for the last time.

The child opened his mouth to answer, but closed it out of hesitation and wariness. Who was that man any way? As the child looked around, all he could see were black sky, dry and dead trees and nothing else.

Cool breeze blew from behind, making the child's hair strands to sway forward, tickling his young face. The child felt like the wind was guiding him to somewhere as it continued on blowing silently. Curious, the child took a step forward followed by his other foot. He took each step hesitantly at first, but eventually he walked normally as his small and slow strides could. The wind still blew and only did it stop when the child reached a lake. He never would have thought to find a lake in a very cool, dry and dead place like this. If there is a lake, then why would the place suffer this much? The child wanted to know why.

The child moved forward, a little closer to the only body of water that can be found in such a dry lace. He kneeled down and hovered over the water. He looked at his own reflection, though he had never seen his face, he knew that the reflection was not his even though you could hardly make a picture out of it. The child averted his eyes to somewhere out there. And, that was when he noticed a black crescent moon reflected on the surface of water. He gasped. The child looked up and was surprised to see silver crescent moon instead of black. He then instantly looked back at its reflection then back to the silver moon and back to its black reflection.

The child was now confused.


"Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" the alarm clock on the head board rang like mad, informing the sleeping head below that it was already seven in the morning of Saturday. The figure under cream blanket squirmed, not wanting to get, but he had no choice since the alarm clock won't stop pestering him. So, a groggy hand poked out of the blanket and tapped on the head board, searching for the annoying alarm clock.

"Click!" he turned it off finally.

He lazily pulled his hand back under the covers and promised to wake up after ten minutes.


Ten seconds later...the bed's only occupant rose up, letting the blanket fall. With the bed head, and was still half asleep, the white haired teen blinked once, twice, and thrice before groggily saying, "I had a weird dream, but I can't seem to remember it." he sighed after a long pause.

The teen swayed his leg down to the side of the bed, stood, and made his way to the bathroom. Just like any other day, the teen grabbed some change of clothes, headed to the bathroom and changed. The teen then opened the door from the bathroom to his room. He was now wearing a pair of dark gray pants that reached pass his ankles, so much that it touched the floor, and a plain white sweater which sleeves are long enough not to see the tip of his nails.

"Haah..." he sighed, ruffling his stark white hair."I still want to sleep, but that weird dream which I could not remember prevented me to." he said dejectedly.

The white haired teen walked towards the door. He grabbed the knob, tilted it to open and went out as he closed the door behind him with a soft 'click'.

The house the teen lived in was huge enough to host a large ball party. It was a mansion after all, just a bit bigger than your ordinary one. Though it was that huge, there were no other residents inside aside from the white haired teen, three maids, a cook, a gardener, and a butler.

"Master, good morning." the brown haired butler greeted as he saw the teen appeared. He was waiting outside the teen's door not five minutes ago. As a butler, it was their job to wake their Master in the morning and serve him tea, but the teen had told his butler not to bother in doing it and to never come in his room.

"Good morning, Liam." he greeted back. The teen walked in the very long hallway and passed several rooms followed by his butler. They turned left then right and reached the top of the grand staircase. He climbed down and went straight to the dining room located at the east wing of the manor.

There, the maids served him the dishes which he liked that the cook made for him. There were a plate full of bacons, another plate of sunny side ups, and a bowl of chicken stew. A cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows was also served. However,...

"Can you please prepare a sandwich, an extra large one, for me?" he asked one of the maids. The teen just stood behind his chair at the head of the table, not bothering to take a seat.

"But, sir..."

"Just an extra large sandwich is fine. You can eat these instead." he gestured to the foods. "I have to hurry." he smiled.

The maid understood what he meant, and so she rushed back to the kitchen and asked the cook to make the teen's request. Not long after, she came back and gave the teen his sandwich. The white haired then picked the hot chocolate and walked out of the dining room with his butler following behind.


"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" someone screamed from a condominium followed by loud 'thuds' and 'crashes'.

The door of unit D-45 burst open as a flash of red came flying out.

Across the unit lied a red head with an eye patch on his right eye upside down.

"But I am here to pick you up!" he exclaimed right after the door was slammed close.

"I can go there myself, idiot!" a male replied from the said unit.

"But, you won't come!"

"That's the point! Now, get lost before I shove this blade down your throat!"

Standing up, the red head sighed. "I guess it can't be help. Well, just don't come regretting your decision." the teen said, his visible eye closed.

Silence took over for half a minute before the door cracked open and revealed a long dark haired Japanese teen in purple shirt and black trousers.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

The red head teen smiled mischievously.

"Aha, you see..."

"What? Just get to the point." the Japanese grumbled.

"...Teehee!" the red head couldn't take it anymore and giggled knowing that this was his victory.

"Don't 'teehee' me you stupid rabbit!"

"Ahh calm down. Like I said yesterday I want you to come and help me with something. I'll tell you the details when we get there."

"What's the catch?"

"Hm? Oh! She will treat us in a Japanese restaurant afterwards. I heard they serve sobas in various flavours and it really taste good like paradise!"

"Whatever." the Japanese mumbled and closed the door on the red head's face whose smile did not falter.

"Victory!" he exclaimed not too loud for his friend to hear but audible enough to make out the word.


"Sooo...what are we here for again?" the red head asked his companions.

"I thought you knew?" the Japanese scowled.

"Ah… about that. Sorry it's a lie." he smiled foolishly.

Currently, they were standing on the pavement in front of a clothing and cosmetics shop.

The Japanese glared at the mix Asian teen beside him, not satisfied with the answer he received.

"Hey, look! There she is! She will tell us details." the bouncy bunny exclaimed with delight, pointing to a certain direction. His Japanese companion averted his gaze to his right to see a Chinese young lady waving at them happily as she made her way to them.

"Hi there, guys! I'm glad you came!" she said.

"Of course! And Yuu here volunteered." he tapped on the other's shoulder who shove it unceremoniously and snarled, "Volunteered my face you retarded bastard! You tricked me! And I told you not to call me that!"

"What!? I did not!"

"Yes you did!"

"Did not!"


"Quit it you two!" the girl smack them on their shoulders. "Now, listen here. I have this friend who has a friend who transferred to our school recently. He will be starting his class this Monday. Just so you know he is new here. He rented a house not far from here and nii-san asked us to help him unpack his things and arrange those." she explained.

"Is this new student a girl?" the red head asked expectantly.

"Well, I don't know yet. I did not ask nii-san."

"I hope she is!"

"Yea, it will be fun to have another girl in our circle!"

"In our circle?" the Japanese asked.

"Yep! And that includes you!" the two chimed.

"Oh sweet..." he said sarcastically.

"Enough with the talk, guys. Let's go and meet our new friend!" the red head proclaimed, pumping a fist in the air excitedly.


The white haired teen arrived at the house he rented. The boxes that had his belongings sat on the door step. It was not that much of work to do since there were only three boxes. All he has to do is carry those inside, unpack the clothes and put it in the wardrobe, and unload his gadgets and personal hygiene and place it on their respected places. So, without wasting too much time marvelling the house's structure he carried a box, fished his key to house out of his pocket, and unlocked the door open. One by one he picked the boxes up and placed it in the living room. Just then, a knock was heard. He wasn't expecting a visitor as soon as he arrived, after all, he knew no one in the town, but nonetheless he opened the door and saw three strangers. One was grinning like a Cheshire cat, the other was smiling, and the last one was glaring a hole at the innocent pot.

"Yes? How may I help you?"

"Good morning." the girl greeted. "My name's Lenalee Lee, on my right is Lavi Bookman, and this one here on my left is Yuu Kanda. Just call him Kanda. You're Allen Walker I presume?"

"Yes, I am. So, how can I be of help?"

Lenalee was taken aback, but said, "Oh. We are here to help you unpack your things and arrange it. Nii-san asked us to."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Did he not inform you?"

"He did, but you don't have to. I can do it myself."


"Thanks but no thanks anyway. You can go back now. Sorry for the inconvenience." and with that, he closed the door.

The red head, Lavi, whistled, amused at the display. "Well, even though he speaks politely he still sounds rude."

"Tch. We're just wasting our time." Kanda grumbled, scratching the back of his head. "I'm going."

"Ah! Wait for me Yuu!"

"Stop calling me that!"

The two walked away, leaving the poor Lenalee staring at the closed door whose tears welled up as she did so. She was hurt at how the guy, Allen, spoke so politely yet full of rejection. She doesn't understand. Was it wrong to offer help? Maybe to some guys out there who has a manly pride saying there is nothing they can't do alone. It is alright if their help was not needed, but the way Allen spoke and act was something had hurt her ego.

"Lenalee! Don't mind him. Let's just go grab something to eat." Lavi called from the gate while struggling to free himself from Kanda's wrath.

"Y-yes! I'm coming."

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