A New Kind of Ruin

بواسطة RynExists

9 1 0

In the urban aspect, buildings are crumbling. The skyscrapers are littered with stray plants and broken windo... المزيد


9 1 0
بواسطة RynExists

In the urban aspect, buildings are crumbling. The skyscrapers are littered with stray plants and broken windows. Graffiti remains from when law was first in shambles and people didn't realise how serious it was. Large pieces of sidewalk are missing. Where did they go? Idk. ominous stains litter the remaining sidewalk. Variations of dried blood, among other things. The roads are littered with potholes and abandoned cars, most of them rusted out, some with broken windows. Even a few with people in them. Shudder.

When you make your way out of the city on your stolen bike, you might pass a radio tower with a tattered bedsheet waving as proud as a flag would. You know that it used to mean something to a lot of people. If you leave the city in the easy way, you take the highway, it's the easiest. You might see a ramp into suburbia. Because you're not new to the city scene, you know better than to go under the ramp, even though it's easier and there's no obvious danger. But you know what can happen to people who go under ramps. Not enough light, that's for sure.

But when you go above ramps, you get this strangely calming view of the city, if you're far enough from it. Sure, there are still cars parked from 20 years ago, and buildings that haven't had a good window washing for even longer, but for now, it's home. The rails of this particular ramp have a half-fallen banner on them for whatever cause, probably a safe place, although it could have been from Before. You'd push off your bike at this point, and head down into the suburbs.

The suburbs are an interesting part of this area. At this point, this is where a lot of people live, because, if you're like me, you find it to be a good base while planning your next moves. The grass isn't as overgrown as it could be, as on less productive days, people go out with scissors to trim the grass. It sounds ridiculous, I know.

Im sure that 30 years ago people would walk down these sidewalks with friends, children, or even pets. I'm sure this was the safe, rich-kid neighborhood. Not that I'd know for sure, as this isn't even my home country, and I should have left around 5 years ago. 

In which Kaitlyn is stranded in post-apocalyptic america. Chicago, to be more precise


did you know that there are over 135 ways to spell kaitlyn?? it's ridiculous man

new chapters every sunday/monday starting soon

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