The Caretaker

بواسطة CoffeeBite

449K 1.6K 64

This is a tale of lost childhood love that transpires years later into a whirlwind of lust, drama and romance... المزيد

The Caretaker
Wild Encounter

Blue Eyes Hypnotize

33.9K 514 10
بواسطة CoffeeBite

Chapter 1

Slicking back her damp long hair, Ibha Gurang poured the last bucket of warm water over her feet and turned off the tap. Her sun kissed body looked refreshing and steamy as she reached for her towel. Not caring to wipe herself dry, she merely wrapped it around her body, revealing her mid riff. Stopping by the mirror, she rubbed off the smog and gazed at her reflection. Her moist lips looked redder than ever as she clumsily tied her damp black hair into a bun. Being an Indian her exotic local beauty was what caught the tourists eyes apart from the breathtaking Himalayan mountains near Kaluk, a remote town nestled in Gangtok, India, a land rich with ancient history , myths and tales of love and the art of love making.

Ibha's bronzed skin shimmered as she drew in a deep breath and stepped out of the dingy bathroom. The sun was yet to rise, but Ibha as always was the early bird to wake up and finish all her chores. Walking past her siblings who were snuggled in bed on the floor, she stopped by the congested kitchen and bent to check on the kettle of boiling tea that she had kept earlier.

"Nido, Kiyah! Wake up, you've got school today," She shouted from the kitchen as she removed the kettle and placed another vessel on the stove. Pouring two hot cups of cinnamon tea, she gently walked towards her blind and ailing father who was sitting by the window.

"Good morning papa!" She whispered and kissed his cheek before offering him tea.

"Good morning Ibha, aren't you running a bit late today?" Her father spoke softly as he blew air over the hot cup of tea.

Ibha shifted her gaze towards the sun as it rose between the mountains and cast its golden rays over her tiny cottage. "Don't worry papa, I've brought all the supplies already. I've just got to get these two ready for school and leave for the villa," she assured him with a pat on the head and called out to her brother Nido & kid sister, Kiyah.

No sooner she heard them complaining and turning in bed, she smiled and rushed to get dressed for the long week in the Walker's villa. Ibha, after completing her studies had taken up the responsibility of taking care of an elderly Aussie couple who had been living there alone for quite some time. Wearing her Baku, a traditional Sikkimese long dress with sleeves to the wrist and an apron draped around the waist with its folds cascading behind, Ibha prepared her siblings' lunchboxes.

"Will you be coming back?" Kiyah enquired sleepily as she struggled to brush her hair. "Not today dear, but I'll surely drop by in a day or two to check on father and don't worry I've told Mrs. Lohia to cook for you all till I return," Ibha replied and shoved the lunchboxes in their school bags.

"Do you have to go?" Kiyah sulked.

Ibha smiled and pulled the brush from her, "You see me go there every week, besides I do come and stay over the weekends with you all, right?," Ibha explained and brushed Kiyah's hair while Nido hurriedly gorged on his breakfast.

"Can't grandpa and Grandma come live with us? I and Nido will sleep with you in the kitchen and let them sleep with papa," Kiya innocently suggested and made her laugh.

"Not possible, Kiyah. Who will look after the huge estate then? Now finish up your breakfast before your school bus arrives," she giggled and rushed to pick up her backpack and a basket of fresh supplies for the Walker couple.

Ibha had taken over as the official caretaker of the Walker couple after her father fell ill and lost his sight. Coming from a poor background, Ibha was the only bread earner of the family. Having lost her mother in a landslide five years ago and the unfortunate sickness that took away her father's sight, her siblings Nido who was thirteen & Kiyah who was five, were left with only Ibha to look up to.

"Nido, remember to pick your sister on the way and don't wander with your friends at night and please light the oil lanterns before sundown," She reminded him as she got ready to leave.

"Fine,you don't have to tell me the same thing over and over again. By the way what's up with the Baku garment? It isn't the festival season," Nido made a face and scrutinized her from head to toe.

Ibha merely smiled and carried Kiyah along as she stepped out. Their tiny brick cottage stood on the peak of the rocky slope with neighboring cottages that spread all the way down till the main road that coiled the mountains.

After seeing her off, she rushed towards her friend, Shambhuvi who had been waiting for her near a tea stall on her scooter. The sun had basked everything in its glory, the crisp cold wind brushed her body as she approached her friend in excitement. The local had just started coming out of their houses and leaving for their daily chores. A group of men seated at the tea stall ogled at the girls as they met and exchanged greetings.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I hope you won't get late for school?" she panted and smiled sheepishly as Shambhuvi started her scooter and gestured her to sit.

"It hardly matters, my student's are never on time. It won't make much of a difference if I walk in late, except for the principal," Shambhuvi replied and stuck her tongue out as they drove down the steep road.

"Ahh, your future husband can't stay a second without seeing you, huh?" Ibha joked and pulled her leg.

"Please he's the last being I would consider marrying, all he does is stares at my legs," Shambhuvi rolled her eyes and grimaced. "What about you though? Any guy you're dating whom I'm not aware of?" She added and asked her suspiciously.

"Oh don't start over it again, you know I'm not interested in this stuff," Ibha coyly replied and waved at the ladies plucking tea leaves in the tea garden.

"Just say that you aren't trying harder enough, I'm sure you may have some guy in mind when you think of Mr. Right," Shambhuvi commented and coxed her into telling what kind of a man she fantasized.

Not far away, a young, dynamic and sophisticated business man stepped out of his private helicopter and surveyed his surroundings. Dressed in corporate attire, that made him look all the more smart, he brushed his fingers through his golden hair and sighed. Realizing that nobody was sent to receive him, he frowned and cussed his luck. "I hope they have a proper explanation for this kind of welcome. The useless pair of bones didn't turn up even after knowing that their grandson would be coming today," he took off his coat and ordered the pilot to make arrangements for renting a car.

"Seventeen years, and nothing has changed as yet. The same old muddy roads, poor infrastructure and uncivilized locals," He complained till the arrangements were made of course with a price. Tour guides and taxi drivers ambushed him assuming that he was a tourist.

Loading the car with his bags somehow, he got in and whizzed off like lightning. Angry that his grandparents had not bothered to send anyone to receive him, he cursed and complained even more as he drove up the mountain. "This place stinks just like it did back then, huh I can't wait to get everything in place and head back to Sydney," he muttered and looked at the local in disgust while they on the contrary stared and admired his foreign features. One thing the locals never got tired off was befriending and showing their hospitality to foreign tourists, little did they know that Aaron Walker was no tourist but a resident at one point of time.

The climate was cool, but the journey had made him hot. Taking out a can of beer in haste, he drank it half and angrily flung it out the window without caring to see who was behind.

"Eww! This is disgusting, just look at this," Ibha complained in disbelief as she stared at the black car that past by them. The can landed over her chest, causing the chilled beer to spill over her dress and soak it.

"Tourist I tell you, they think they own the roads just because they can afford to hire a car. By the way that looked pretty expensive, I must ask Martin who he was," Shambhuvi exclaimed in resentment.

"How do you know whether the guy hired the car from Martin?" Ibha asked as she crushed the can with one hand and tried rubbing of the beer stain with the other.

"I know many things, now we are. Give my regards to Mr & Mrs. Walker," Shambhuvi brought the scooter to a halt near the bridge. "Don't go climbing up now, take the ropeway," She advised and discreetly handed over some changes to her.

"Sham, what are you doing?" Ibha felt embarrassed and cringed.

"You don't have to return it, oh and before I forget, happy birthday," Shambhuvi smiled and gave her a warm hug before turning her scooter. "No wonder you wore the Baku today, looking lovely though," She winked and sped off before Ibh could say anything. Holding the money in hand, she sighed and gazed up at the ropeway that stretched from the point where the bridge began to the lone tower that stood erect on the peak of the other mountain across the river. The ropeway was the best way of transit from one mountain to another when the river swelled and covered the bridge. Though the river hadn't swelled this time, Ibha took the ropeway so she could reach the villa faster.

The old couple stayed alone in their plush Victorian villa that was once merely their holiday home in India. Located on the Ghaya mountain with only a monastery for company a distance away, this grand villa was cut off from the town's daily hustle & bustle. What the couple loved about living there was that it was closer to nature and much quieter than other mountains that were crowded with congested neighborhoods and bustling streets. There was a sense of peace and tranquility the moment one entered the Ghaya mountain. Woodland creatures and exotic birds roamed more freely there, it was the perfect place for bird watching or mere camping trips. The Walker couple were very rich, they had acres of tea plantation on the very mountain they lived in, they could have sold it off and returned to Sydney their homeland, yet they preferred spending their remaining years after retirement in the villa that had given them many memories they cherished.

Ibha stepped out of the ropeway and covered the remaining distance on foot. It wasn't long before she reached the villa and found Mrs. Walker anticipating her arrival at the porch. The lady was old and in her 70s, bind to the wheelchair for her bones were too brittle to take her weight, she still managed to look as elegant as a duchess of her era.

Smiling in delight on noticing Ibha, she signaled her to hurry and come inside her bedroom. Ibha met Mr. Walker in the hallway and greeted him but he seemed too tensed about something and failed to notice her presence.

"Leave him, it's your birthday today and I don't want him to throw his anger on you and spoil your day. Oh and I must say you look lovely in this," Mrs. Walker said and caught her hand.

"Grandpa would never vent out his anger on me though he's known to be quite grumpy at times. He looked stressed back there, is something the matter? Do you want me to get something urgent?" Ibha began worrying for both as usual and expressed her desire to help.

"Ahh, don't you get tired of thinking about us the whole time? You're a young lady, you should be paying more attention to your needs than ours. What are we to you anyway? One day we will be gone and..." Mrs. Walker hadn't finished her statement when Ibha interrupted.

"Don't say that, you and grandpa still have many years to live. I can't imagine the villa without the both of you," She let out a tear and hugged the old lady tightly.

"Now there don't get so emotional, you know how old people speak, right? Well then look at the cake I baked especially for you," Mrs. Walker exclaimed in excitement and pointed out to the cake resting over the corner table.

"Thank you so much, grandma. It looks so lovely, I can't wait to taste it," Ibha felt overwhelmed with the love and reached for it when Mrs. Walker stopped her.

"Not now, wait for him. The more the merrier will be your birthday," Mrs. Walker stated and caught Ibha's curiosity.

"Him...grandma whom are you referring to? Do you mean grandpa? Shall I call him in?" Ibha questioned her in confusion and tilted her head when all of a sudden the heard the honk of a car followed but a loud screech at the driveway.

"He's here, Aaron is finally here!" Mrs. Walker's happiness knew no bounds as she rushed out to meet her grandson. Ibha having no clue as to who he was, followed the old lady out and stopped at the porch beside Mr. Walker.

Aaron stepped out in style and had a good glance around before his grandmother approached him with sweet words and praises. Standing there with no expression over his face, he merely stared at his grandmother while his grandfather stayed near Ibha.

"Who is he grandpa?" Ibha asked curiously and wondered who the young man with golden hair and skin as fair as Mr. Walker was.

"He's unfortunately my grandson, Aaron Walker," Mr. Walker murmured in disgust and made a face before marching in while Ibha looked on. She gasped and felt her heart skip a beat when Aaron took off his shades and met her eyes.

"His eyes..." She gasped on seeing Aaron's striking blue eyes, something she always wished in her Mr. Right.

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