Hermione's Baby (Dramione)

By yor0001

258K 4.8K 196

Hermione's world is turned upside down when a one night stand has landed her with the role of motherhood. How... More

The night to now
The test
Keeping my secret is hard
The Scan
12 week scan
An Encounter
Baby Shopping
Tools down at work
At the Weasley's
It's time
New Life
Truth Revealed
Talking and other things
Meeting with Parents
1 month later
Draco's Comfort
Give things a go
She's 7 months Already!!
Mrs Weasley's Discussion
There's been talk at the Ministry
A plan
Authors Note
Life at the Cottage
My mission
Coming Home
He Proposed
News Travels Fast
Her 1st Birthday
Charlotte's First Day

The shock faces

7.9K 146 4
By yor0001

I returned home with Charlotte after going out to get a few supplies. I summoned a charm to wash the clothes and I make dinner for myself. Charlotte is now a month old and becoming more curious with her surroundings. Draco visits her almost everyday but tomorrow I meet up with Weasleys and Harry to finally tell them who Charlotte's father is. I climb into my bed and I fall fast asleep.
I wake up before Charlotte the next morning, so I can make myself breakfast and continue reading my book. As soon as I'm about to sit and eat I hear her. I get Lottie and make her a bottle. I sit down with her in one arm while feeding myself and reading my book. This multi-tasking thing is getting easier.
I prepare myself and Lottie and apparate to the Weasley's.
"Hello Hermione". Harry says as he walks up to get a glimpse of Charlotte.
Charlotte stares up at him while Harry touches her hair softly.
"Where's Ron"? I ask
"Probably still asleep I imagine".
"I told him I'll be over here at 10am and its just past that now. Harry come with me please."
We quietly walk up the stairs together and get just outside his bedroom door. He is such a loud snorer. I carefully open the door and walk up to his bed.
"Harry can you hold Charlotte for a moment?"
I pass her over to him.
There is only one way to wake him up. There was a glass of water beside his bed so I grab and splash on his face.
"Bloody hell Hermione." He says panting
"Thats what you get for sleeping in when I wanted to talk to you. Now get dressed I need to talk to you."
With that Hermione, Harry and Charlotte left to allow Ron to dress.
Five minutes later Ron drags his feet down the stairs of the Burrow and sat on the couch.
Hermione felt butterflies in her stomach, nerovus of what her two best friends would think of her.
"So when I told you I was pregnant I didn't tell you who the father was, you respected that but I believe you both have a right to know after all she is almost like family."
Harry and Ron looked at each other
"Right, okay so who's the father?" Harry questioned
"Please don't become resentful towards Charlotte, it's not her fault but her father is Draco Malfoy".
Harry was shocked, his mouth wide open. Ron was wide eyed for a moment but that quickly changed when those words sank in. He frowned and stormed out.
Hermione hugged Charlotte tighter and looked at Harry for some kind of reassurance.
"Harry?" She looked at him
He looked up and said
"I really didn't expect this, he was completely rude to you when we were at Hogwarts and you slept with him. Why Hermione, why".
Hermione had no answer. She was glum and tears welled up in her eyes only to fight them back.
"I better go, just talk to Ron please and we'll make contact in a couple of days when
we all calm down." She said quietly.
With that she left with Charlotte.

Sorry it's been a little while everyone. Time does certainly fly. If you have any ideas that you would like me to add into the fanfic or just comment on what you think place it in the comments or just send me a message
Thankyou xx

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