Kidnapped By An Alpha (Discon...

By flamingjoel

183K 5.8K 722

I was screaming even louder thinking I was going to die. But then I landed in somebody's arms. I reacted qui... More

The Coffee House
Seeing Again
Waking Up
Finding Out
Shopping and More Explainations
Dylan and Madi
Supernatural Creature
The Tests
The News
Not an update
Getting Ready
Movie Date
The Date
Finishing It
The Surprise
The Mall
He's Back
I Am Free
The Diner
The Job


2.7K 106 1
By flamingjoel


I had run away from Jacob and into our room. And hid in the back of the closet behind all of the clothes.

I heard him running up the stairs and then the door slam shut.

"Alex, where are you. Oh you're going to regret running from me." Jacob said a sing song voice as he entered the room.

"You might also regret forgetting that I have heightened sense of smell and know that you're in the closet." He said as I heard the closet door open. I sucked in a breath not wanting him to hear me.

"Gotcha!" He yelled as he shoved the clothes I was hiding behind to the side and grabbed me by my waist.

"Ahh!" I let out a shriek as he flipped me over his shoulder and carried me over to the bed. He laid me on my back and then straddled me as he pinned my arms above my head.

"Now why did you hide from me?" He asked with an adorable frown on his face.

"Because you were gonna do something like this." I said trying to gesture to the position I was in, but I really couldn't considering he had my arms pinned above my head.

"Well, I think you should have a punishment for running." He said as he held my arms with one hand and used the other to stroke his chin in a thinking position, "what should that punishment be, hmmmmmmmm." He dragged out in silence for awhile.

I tried squirming under him but his grip was too strong and I was unable to get out of his grasp.

"Aha! I've got it. What if I tickled you?" He asked with a smirk as he looked down at me.

"No no no, Jacob no, please no." I begged as I looked up at him. There was a smirk on his face.

"1, 2," I braced myself waiting for it to happen, "3!" He yelled as he used his one hand to poke my sides and spider up my armpits continuously.

"Hahahahahahah! Pleahahahahhsse Jacob hahahahhahaha stahahahahp!" I yelled as I tried to get away from him, but I was stuck in place.

He continued to tickled me for another minute or so and then stopped abruptly, "Th-thank you." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"You're very welcome. Now you know never to run from me." He said and I nodded quickly, he chuckled and I felt his chest vibrate.

"Cmon let's watch a movie." He said as he got off of me and laid down on the bed. He grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix and we started watching a random move.

I sat in between his legs and during the movie he started playing with my hair, running his fingers through it and a shiver went down my spine at his every touch.

Half way through the movie we changed positions and I was laying on his chest. He continued to play with my hair and run his hand up and down my arms. But now I was tracing the skin on his abs, outlining every muscle I could feel and see through his shirt.

This continued until the movie was over and I was sad when he stopped. But then he picked me up by my waist and had my legs wrapped around his torso while I sat on his legs.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" I asked him with a smile and he nodded as he tried to lean in for a kiss.

"What was your favorite part?" I asked as I shoved him away playfully.

"The part when you ran you fingers along my shirt." He said with a smile as he tried to lean in once more.

"That didn't happen in the movie." I said again as I shoved him away playfully.

"Okay in the movie my favorite part was when you finally allowed me to kiss you." He said as he leaped forward quickly and caught my lips.

Sparks shot through my body and I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer as I returned the kiss and started moving my lips against his. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip asking for access which I granted. Our tongues fought for dominance for awhile until he won. His tongue started exploring my mouth searching every nook and cranny, while I did the same to his.

My hands moved up to his hair which I tugged on making him groan. I smirked at his reaction and continued with tugging at it.

We separated for a few seconds to breath, our foreheads against each other as we stared into each other's eyes.

"So about the whole non mating process deal, is that still a thing?" He asked out of breath with desperation in his voice.

"I'm just scared, you have to bite my neck. That doesn't sound like the most comfortable thing in the world." I said and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt."

"Promise?" I asked quietly.

"I promise, I won't hurt you." He said in a strong voice.

"Okay then, mark me." I said to him and he smiled at me.

He started trailing kisses down my neck. But when he kissed the spot where my neck and collarbone meet a new sensation that I had never felt before erupted through me and I let out a tiny moan.

"Found it." He said as I felt his smirk against my skin. He kissed the spot a few more time and then sucked on it for a few seconds. Then I felt his canines poke at my skin.

"Ready?" He asked and I could tell he could hardly wait any longer.

I couldn't even speak so I just nodded. I was able to feel his teeth sink into my skin and I jabbed my nails into his shoulder as I felt uncomfortable pain for only a few seconds before it was replaced with pleasure. I let out another small moan as I felt his teeth retract from my skin and he licked up the blood from my flesh.

I felt dizzy and then really sleep and soon I found myself leaning up against Jacob, fast asleep.


Oh my god, I have just been writing more and more chapters and I can't seem to stop. But like I said in the last chapter I want to hear your guys' ideas for what you want to happen in the story, and I may or may not just mention you in that chapter then if I use your idea.

But thanks for all the love and support you guys' make me the happiest person on earth and I can't thank you enough for that.

Well that's about it, my life hasn't changed since the last update so...
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