Death can't have her

By KuraChan-ya

701K 31.8K 9.1K

A wanderer, a student, a marine, a traveler, and now, a pirate. These are the titles Shiki had once owned. Sh... More

The marine life
Good pirates
It's a bear
Special Friends and older
Sabaody Archipelago
Her Freedom, Her Parfait
End of Sabaody Archipelago
The War begins
The Finishing Blow
So long Marine life
We all love Bepo
Perverts, Names and Bounties
Damn you Law
Lovely girls
Medical examination are tiring
Cooking with Shiki
To be friendly or not to be
The truth is unacceptable!
Manly Man!
Meeting Shiki's friend
An underhanded trick
Flirtation is disgusting
Another brownie point lost
Training with Shiki
Punishments are getting underrated these days
Back then
Shoot me
The process of reflect and repent
Marines Vs Pirates
An unexpected meeting
The Kids are here
Hot mess
Forgive, forget, who knows
Helping is good or is it bad?
Throwing and spitting
Teamwork leads to the infirmary
Mutiny and the magical coat
The search
The rescue
The final performance
The start of good moods
The end of Law's Birthday day
Just because
Let the race begin
Obstacle race
That handkerchief moment
Too early
Trying out new weapons
Done trying
Mini barbecue
The brilliance of a pan
Valentine mess
Bloody cafe
Guard down
Killing spree
Some revelations finally revealed
Sleeping makes you avoid looking like a tanuki
We need a party
Begin the preparations
What goes on during preparations
Shiki's presents
Finally awake
A new haircut
The biggest crime
The end of the line
The End?
News about the Death
Christmas Special


3.7K 229 51
By KuraChan-ya

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Its been hours since Tenma advised them to prepare the Operating Room and Law was beginning to feel restless in his gloved hands, standing beside the operating table with his tools besides him.

Standing next to him was Bepo, fidgeting with a worried look on his furry face.

Many of his men had rotated with ones that weren't in the room to relief themselves of waiting anxiously in the operating room, opting to head to the gallery for a break.

"Do you think that we were tricked?" Bepo asked, having notice his companion looking weary of the situation. 

Law remained silent, eyes shadowed by the rim of his furred hat. Memory of their meeting with Tenma flashed by, "No, I don't think we were." he eventually answered with a sour tone.

Bepo's sensitive ears twitched every once in a while, "Should we..." the bear trailed off, having a faraway look on his face.

Noticing this, Law looked up at him with a raised brow, "Bepo?" he called out, "What's wrong?"

The polar bear narrowed his eyes, straining his ears before widening his eyes in surprise once his ears caught something, "... Its Shiki-chan..." he murmured.

Quickly getting into action, Law opened up his 'Room" as far as he could, even pushing it farther than necessary as he furrowed his brows with gritted teeth in concentration, "Shambles!" he twitched his fingers, transporting Shiki with a scrunched up paper he prepared.

Everybody was surprised when a slightly blood-soaked Shiki, with both eyes visible in the open, landed on her feet. In her arms was a stone statue of Reika which was beginning to fade back into flesh and blood.

"Hurry and put her on the table." Law immediately ordered as everyone hustled into position, getting the needed equipment for their Captain.

Shiki quickly did as she was told, rushing to the table and setting down an unconscious Reika, gently.

Law immediately went to work but not before giving a quick glance towards a paled, anxious-looking Shiki just as she was rushed out of the room by one of his men.

He turn back towards his slowly dying patient and peeled off the blood soaked material from her infected wounds, a wicked grin settled on his face at the challenge before him, "This should be fun." Law muttered.


While reaching Law gave her a slight relief, it didn't settle her down to know that her friend could die or if there was enough time to save her. When she was rushed out of the room, she looked behind her, hoping that Law will save her.

As she was led to the infirmary room, Shiki continued to walk with a slight sway, passing the open door for her.

"E-Ehh?! Shi-Shiki-chan?!" the Heart Pirate called out, rushing up to her and grabbing her uninjured shoulder, carefully turning her to him, "I need to treat your injuries."

Shiki stared at him with a listless frown, staring at the man before her. She couldn't remember his name and this was probably the second time she met him, the first was when everyone introduced themselves to her. Turning to the opened door, Shiki pulled herself from his grasp, taking a step back, "I don't feel like it." she whispered even though she could feel blood sliding down her back.

Flabbergasted at her response, the Heart Pirate felt panicked, "But your wounds could be serious!" he cried, watching as she dragged herself through the hallway.

He gripped his head, quickly thinking what he should do. He couldn't ask the Captain, he was currently occupied. He needed someone she would listen to but the one she would was on the operating table, another person was a cat and that wasn't going to work!

"Ahhh, jeez!!!" he cried, almost pulling his hair out, "What is up with this woman?!" as he racked his brain for any interaction that he saw, a certain someone flashed in his mind, "That's it!" and rushed inside the infirmary.


Shiki took off her coat, ignoring the throbbing pain on her back and shoulder when she pulled her arms out of her sleeves. She didn't dare pull out the slowly burning vivre card from her pocket and opted to examine the slashed holes on her coat for a moment before placing it down on the bedside table. She would need to wash it and then sew it up... Or should she sew it up first and then patch it up?

She didn't get far in that thought when someone knocked on her door.

Moving to open the door, she blinked slowly at a surprised looking Leo with a first aid kit and clean cloths in his arms, Captain perched on his shoulder.

Seeing that her side fringe now laid over her left eye, revealing both golden eyes looking dull, Leo snapped himself out of it, concern at the look in her eyes, "Are you okay?" he asked, staring her at the scratches on her cheek.

Captain hopped off his perch and landed on his feet, circling around Shiki with a weak "Meow."

Shiki stared at the first aid kit with a thick red cross on the front before stepping back to let him in, already knowing why he was here.

Leo winced when he saw her back, with strands of her hair missing near her back, he could clearly see parts of the large red claw marks on her back. Flicking the light switch on to brightened the room, he closed the door behind him, "I heard that you were stubborn." he relayed, moving to the bed and laying the medical supplies.

He cleaned the cuts on her cheek, dressing it with a white patch and did the same for her arms. Once he was done, he looked away out of modesty when Shiki turned her back towards him.

She lifted her tank top over her head as she walked towards her bed, feeling some of her skin being peeled by the soaked fabric. Dumping the top on ground and flinching when it made a splat sound, Shiki lifted the sheets to cover her chest, sitting near the front of the bed with her knees brought towards her chest, moving her uneven hair over her shoulder.

Captain jumping onto the bed and sitting himself next to her

Feeling the bed shift and settled, Leo used a different cloth and poured the pure liquid onto it. He then looked over to her back and cringed at the claw- shaped mark slashed from shoulder to hip, "This might hurt." he warned, pressing the cloth to her back.

She made no sound as the rag touched her open wound, inflicting stings and a burning feeling on her back.

They sat there silently with Leo cleaning her wounds until he broke it to fill the silence, "Is Law busy?" he asked, wondering why it wasn't him treating her.

"... He's treating Reika at the moment." she whispered.

The hand on her back froze, amaythest eyes widening before focing himself to snap out of it when he notice her demeanor, "... Did something happen to her...?"

Seeing her curled herself up, her face pressing into her knees, Leo chided himself for asking that and tried to cheer her up, "W-Well, you don't have to worry right?" he tried to grin but it kept faltering, "Law is treating her, she's going to be alright!" he tried to peer at her face but had no luck.

She let out a shaky breath, gripping the sheets, "I know Law is a great doctor, but..." she paused, shutting her eyes, she wanted a distraction but the problem will always come back, "what if there wasn't enough time?" she murmured into her knees. 

"She'll be fine." he said, trying to reassure her, yet it also sounded he was saying that to himself as well.

For the rest of the hours, Shiki sat there with her face buried in her knees while Leo continued to clean her wounds. He didn't know how to stitch it up so he continued to clean them so not an ounce of blood will spill.


Hours passed when Law swiped off the sweat off his forehead, the rest of the guys letting out sighs of relief at the now resting woman with an oxygen mask on.

"Once she's stable enough, transfer her to the infirmary." Law ordered, getting affirmative replies. He pulled off his surgical gloves, handing it over to Bepo.

"Captain, should I tell Shiki-chan the good news?" Bepo asked besides him.

Law thought about it before shaking his head, "No, I'll go tell her. There's something I need to know." he said, turning around and heading towards the door.


As soon as Law stepped into the Shiki's room after, Shiki flinched while Leo snapped his head over to Law, the cloth pressed to her back.

Noticing the girl's action, Law gestured for Leo to hand him the needle when he realized the boy has cleaned up her wounds, "She's alive and will need to be on bed rest for 2 to 3 weeks." he stated, switching spots with Leo.

Leo let out a relieved sighed, turning to Shiki with a wide grin, "Isn't that great, Shiki?" 

Her shoulders sagged but he knew she was relieved just as he was.

Knowing she was going to be fine, Leo left the two and Little Captain alone.

Little Captain rubbed his little nose against Shiki's leg then turning to Law, giving a somewhat warning glare before following after Leo, slipping through the door just as it closed behind them.

Ignoring the cat, Law swiftly and skillfully stitched up Shiki's back and shoulder, wrapping bandages around them after she let go of the sheet covering her chest.

He stood up and headed over her closet to get her a shirt, as he looked for a top that wouldn't aggravate her wounds, he came across his hoodie that he gave her a while ago, "You still have my hoodie." he couldn't help but say.

"You have plenty of that same hoodie." she bluntly stated in a wavering voice without turning around.

Law didn't say anything but his eye did twitch. Resuming his search, he picked out a black backless halter top and went back to the bed.

Kneeling in front of her bed, Law placed her shirt next to her before turning her head towards him by her chin. What he found was what he half expected when he saw unshed tears simmering in her eyes with lips pressed tightly together.

"The operation was a success." he stated, staring straight at her eyes with a serious expression.

Shiki nodded, sniffling before surprising him speechless when she leaned towards him and nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, her hands rounding around him, clutching tightly on the back of his yellow hoodie.

Law stayed stock-still, not sure what to do at this unexpected gesture. He snapped out of it when he felt her lips start to move against his skin, a muffled sound coming from her.

"Law... I..." she didn't let her tears escape, "...Thank you." was her muffled gratefulness.

Blinking out of his surprise, Law stood up without breaking out of her embrace (or more like Shiki wouldn't let go) and sat comfortably on the bed besides her, properly returning her embrace, one hand stroking her head the other carefully around her waist, "You should be." he replied with a huff.

They stayed like that as Law began running his fingers through the uneven strands of hair, watching it fall at different times between the gaps of his fingers.

Shiki remained in her position, her grip loosening as she breathed in his scent, calming her down.

While it felt nice to have her in his arms, Law came here with another intention. The first was to check her injuries and the second...

"Tell me, what is your relation with Tenma-ya." he demanded, stopping his hand and pulling back just enough room for her to turn her head to him.

He was going to get Shiki to tell him everything.


I'm glad I finished on time, I was wondering if I needed to push it two more week since I have a quiz this week, test Tuesday and Two assignments the following week, but since I finished the quiz, one of the assignment early and finished this chapter today, I'll have the today and tomorrow to study! :D

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I finally have a Shiki and Law interaction!

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