Imperfectly Perfect

By lucasbabydoll

64 0 1

"Your rad as heck, don't let anyone tell you different." He was a badboy who took an interest in a badgirl... More



6 0 0
By lucasbabydoll

Freshman Year is where we will start our story, this is when I first noticed a certian blonde boy and my body ignited in fire.


I grabbed the tray that held the grub, we called school food, on it. I sighed, making a turn so I could meet my friends out in the courtyard.

I finally approached the table just as Michael lit a cigarette. "Hey, douchebags." I spoke up, earning a few chuckles and a few glares. I took the cigarette from Michael, taking a hit. "So, anybody do their English homework?" I asked, taking another hit from the cancer stick.

"Hey, did you guys see that new kid?" Cindy piped up, making me roll my eyes but continue to conversate.

"What new kid?" I asked, taking one last drag before handing it back to Michael. I looked at her, not knowing if she would answer me or not. Some days we liked each other, others we hated each other.

"The new kid, Luke, I think. He's in my Maths." Kayla pitched in, making me throw a thankful glance her way for excusing the awkwardness.

"Is he cute?" Hannah asked, picking at her slimy potatoes. I laughed at the action before turning my attention back on Kayla.

"Judge for yourself, there he is." She pointed out a boy. This boy wasn't just any boy though. His name was Luke, and he was supposedly the badest kid at his last school. Knee-ripped black skinnies, a nirvana tank, some old converse? Who was he? He looked like a regular kid, go figure.

I laughed at my thought before Michael spoke up. "Looks like Will has competition." He laughed and everyone else began laughing along.

"Totally, serious competition." I sarcasticly spoke, rolling my eyes. This kid wasn't nothing but a wanna-be badboy. He was a ordinary kid, who needed to loosen up. "I'm gonna invite him to sit with us." I spoke, and walked my way to him.

He looked down at me, smirking a little. "Nice skirt, what are you? Regina George?" He stated, playfully.

I crossed my arms over my chest, returning the smirk to him. "Nice shirt, what are you? Emo?" I laughed and I noticed a smile appear on his face. I'm glad he knew I was joking. "Anyway, want to come sit with us? You look all lame alone out here." I stated, truthfully.

He laughed a little and pulled out a cigarette. He lifted the cancer stick up to show. "I came out to smoke. This fucking place is stressful." He laughed.

I nodded and pointed again at the table. "You coming, big guy?" I asked. He looked over at the table and shook his head.

"Nah, I'm good." He said and I nodded. I was guessing that was meant for me to scram but I wanted to stay near him for some reason.

"Well how about I take you on a tour of Sydney? We can skip the rest of the day, go sight seeing?" I offered and he smiled down at me.

"You just want to spend time with me." He blurted, smugly.

I rolled my eyes. "As if. I don't even know you." I responded, turning my back to him to walk off.

"Hey, wait! What about your plan to skip and go see Sydney?" He yelled and a smile fell onto my face.

"In your dreams, Luke." I yelled back, sitting next to my friends.

"What happened?" Kayla asked, laying her legs on me. She stared over at me and I could feel everyone waiting for an answer.

"I welcomed him to join us but he turned it down. So I tried to pry. I asked him if he would want to skip and go sightseeing, and he acted like he did." I said. "But, he'd probably chicken out last minute, and get me caught. Then both of us would be in detention." I sighed

"You stay in detention." Cindy piped up, smirking. I glared at her and if looks could kill, she'd be dead. "I'm just kidding." She laughed, and it sounded as fake as she really was.

I bite my tongue but decide to speak up. "At least I'm not sleeping with the football team just to stay on the CheerSquad. Can you say slut?" I joked back, not really joking at all.

The whole table laughed and she screeched before stomping off. "Yo, what up with the insults?" May slung over and I groaned, shoving him off.

"May, you are gross. Keep your hands off me." I snapped, making him smirk. He started towards me, making me cringe. "Stop," I yelled.

I heard someone being shoved against a wall, then felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you alright?" I heard Lukes australian accent trickle in my ear, making me shiver.

"I'm fine," I spoke, pushing him back a little. "Now move." I snapped, walking inside the building.


I sigh and grab my helmet and start the motorcycle up, waving bye to my friends. I saw Luke walking alone, and frowned. I sped over to him and turned the bike off. "Hey, Luke, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. Willow right?" He said, not looking up. I nodded and smiled once he looked up.

"So, want a ride?" I expected everything in him to say no.

"Yes," He piped up, surprising me. I let him climb behind me, and his arms around my waist made my insides jump around.

I handed him the helmet and he slipped it onto my head, making me frown. "What? Pretty things can't be risked too much." He said softly, making my cheeks glow a pink.

I drove him home and smiled. "I live right next door." I stated and he smile, climbing off the bike.

"Thats rad." He said and I looked at him confused.

"What's rad?" I asked but he was already walking in his house.

I shrugged and parked my bike in my yard before rushing inside.

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