Forgetting About the Future (...

By nikkibrooks

621K 17.1K 15.3K

The wishing well is a very dark piece of magic that has been hidden for centuries. It has been rumored from t... More

The Wishing Well
Good Morning Death Threats
Progress...Sort Of
The Chamber
A Pang of Jealousy
Tensions Rising
Into the Forest
A Spark of the Fire
Twisted Thoughts
Falling Apart Under a Moonlit Sky
The Betrayal Begins
Making Bad Decisions
An Infatuation Of The Heart
Dirty Little Deeds
The Best of Intentions
Lets Watch the World Burn
Hymn Of The Broken Hearted
Fates Unknown
Lost In Time
Powers Within
When All is Lost
The Future Holds No Happy Ending
Sequel Update

The Battle Begins

13.8K 479 526
By nikkibrooks

Victories' POV

Victorie ran through the forest as fast as she could, troubled thoughts swirling in her brain. She didn't know what to believe anymore. As she was almost out of the forest Victorie collided into Tom sending the both of them to the ground. "How could you?!" Victorie screamed, picking herself off the ground and away from Tom. "Look, whatever that woman told you isn't true!" Tom pleaded. "You knew it would kill me. You knew that making the wish would result in my death. Was that your plan all along?"

"No. I had no idea. The woman you saw came to me as well. She told me she planted ideas into your head to turn you against me. She also said you were...that you were with child." Tom said moving closer to her. Victorie had never seen Tom look so upset. Perhaps he was telling the truth? "Why should I believe you?" Victorie asked. Before Tom could respond Victorie fell to the ground, screaming in pain. She knew exactly what this meant, Harry had found a way to bring her back. Tom kneeled down beside her and judging by the look on his face he knew this as well. "Do you have the vial I gave you?" He asked urgently. Victorie nodded, unable to speak. "You'll come back to me, right?" Desperation was evident in Tom's voice. "Of course." She said through sobs. Victorie had begun to feel extremely dizzy and her vision was blurry. "Victorie, I love you."


When Victorie opened her eyes she was laying in a small bed in a room she recognised to be Ronald Weasley's bedroom. She remembered the last thing Tom said to her, the words she had waited so long to hear. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all surrounding her bed. "Welcome back." Harry said to her in a very sarcastic tone. Victorie tried to sit up but found her arms and legs were restrained. "What the hell?" She screamed. "A safety precaution until we could find out how much Voldemort brainwashed you." Hermione answered, a worried look on her face. "I'm not brainwashed." Victorie was partially insulted by their accusations. "We know what happened with you and Voldemort. He got in your head and tricked you. You're safe now though, I'll never let him hurt you again." Harry said placing his hand over hers.

Victorie felt nauseous and jerked her hand away the best she could with the restraints. "We're getting you some help, Victorie. Remus said he believes he knows someone who can reverse whatever Voldemort did to you." Hermione said with a reassuring smile. Victorie knew at that moment how she was going to get out of this. Them all believing she was brainwashed by Tom was actually the best thing that could've happened. She decided to play along and wait for the perfect opportunity to get out of there. "I'm so sorry." Victorie told them, trying to look sad. "I thought I could handle it."

Hermione raised her wand and removed the restraints on Victorie. "Mrs. Weasley is cooking, I'll bring you something up." She said before giving Victorie a hug. "We missed you." Hermione added before leaving the room. "I'll um, go with her." Ron said awkwardly. Victorie hated being left alone with Harry and desperately wished she could just make her escape now. She felt in her pocket to see if the vial was still there and thankfully it was. Now all she would need to find was her wand. "I saw what he made you do. It makes me sick to think of him touching you like that. For a while I thought maybe you did fall for him, but I realised how stupid that would be. I know he forced you into all of that." Harry said sitting down on the bed.

"How exactly did you see what was going on?" She asked him. "Snape and Dumbledore found a way to check in on you, on what was happening." Victorie nodded and kept quiet until Hermione and Ron came back into the room. "Remus is here with a healer from St Mungo's. After you finishing eating she'll be coming up to see if she can help."

Victorie thanked Hermione for the food and ate as slowly as possible hoping to prolong what was about to happen. Eventually, however, the healer they spoke of came into the room. "Hello, dear. I hear you've had quite the experience." Victorie tensed up as the woman came to her bedside. She took out her wand and held it to Victories' temple. "Oh my, this girl is with child." Everyone else in the room went silent. "What?" Harry shouted. "I- I didn't know." Victorie lied. "Can't you get rid of it?" Harry asked the healer. Victorie had never wanted to kill someone has much as she wanted to kill Harry in that moment. Panic had begun to set in and she looked desperately around the room trying to spot where they put her wand.

"Well, yes I can but..." the woman said uncomfortably. "Then do it." Harry answered sternly. The room seemed to be spinning for Victorie. Everything was happening so fast she couldn't think straight. "Harry, shouldn't we discuss this?" Hermione said trying to be the voice of reason. "Discuss what? She's not having Voldemort's child. If it were you, would you want to have the baby?" He asked Hermione. "I'm going to go get Mrs. Weasley and Remus." She said running out of the room.

"Tell her, Victorie. Tell her it's what you want." Harry demanded. Victorie never got to answer. Hermione came back into the room with Mrs. Weasley at her heels. "Everyone out!" She ordered in a voice that would make anyone listen. "I want to speak to Victorie alone." Hermione, Ron and the healer left the room immediately followed by a reluctant Harry. Victorie was extremely thankful for Mrs. Weasley at that moment. Now all she had to do was convince her to let her go.

Tom's POV

Tom had completely lost his mind. The moment Victorie disappeared he began burning the whole forest down. Once the fire became entirely out of control he left to go back to the castle. All Tom could do was wait and hope Victorie would come back for him. Tom had already decided he would wait five days and after that if she didn't show up he would do anything to get to her. Anything.

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