Mrs perfect (Her Identity) 🍁

By moyo23an

1.1K 110 47

Natasha also know as Emullet, has always been an mystery nerd to everyone she meet. even her own mess up fami... More

Chapter 1: Bright smile and head up
chapter 2 control freak🍁🍂
chapter 3 my life my decision no rumours
Author note😪
chapter 4💖 how dare you
chapter 5 // Madness😵
chapter 6// run for your life😖
chapter 6: continue.......
Author note
chapter 8 // my heart 😤♥
chapter 9 pig face🐷// kiity
chapter 10// holding on🐚🐙
Author note
chapter 11// holding on prt2 //🎀 bear
chapter 11💋//overwhelmed
Chapter 12//🕠time
Chapter 13//☕time just stop
chapter 14//👑my crown
Chapter 15👣💉 Nightmare
Chapter 16// 👾lie be told
Chapter 17// 🎲 Decree my love
chapter 18// a lie
chapter 19// 🎳Road to no where
chapter 20// 🍒🍓one last breath
chapter 21🍄🌳// confusion
chapter 22🍁🍂🍁🍁🍁
chapter 22 part 1🍂☔💧
my first cover ever!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23 To Remember ✨💥
Chapter 24// no one else✨
chapter 25 safe at least
chapter 26// deep mistake
cahpter 27 // reveal part 1
Author request😩😭
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30 kidnapped//
chapter 31//Saved🔃
chapter 32 only one
chapter 33 weekened new song
❤❤❤ Author Appreciation 😙Author gratitude 😘😰❤
🌹Chapter 35// Finding My brother 🌹

chapter 7// just run 😳

32 3 1
By moyo23an

Quote 109: music keeps me sane when I'm surrounded by insanity🙌😪

human by Christina Perri

I can only compare this girl to that crazy quin girl from suicide squad, that moment when she was trapped in the cell with no way out, And yeah , that cell is her mind. A mind that she trapped her self in! with no way out so she's drawn to its madness. poor thing, Her mind is different from all the girls I know ....its scary
.. more scarier yet brutally funny only my Emullet could pull that off.

My nervousness bend a pain in my throat .

"Leave the girl alone!" her famine voice scorch my ear.

"What the fuck do you want!"
I turn around and started walking to the entrance before that thing would utter another words to my pissed off face .

"Gemini !!!" she yelled

Just a few more minute I said to my self while slamming my car door shut, I wasn't in the mood for this shit. I glance at the road and she was no where in sight and got out of the car constantly to ever exist, every corner, every tree no Emullett in sight. Getting back into the car and speed off hastily seeing woods no town noting in sight or at least not yet.
Up until eight miles up the road .

'Omg can that crazy girl run so fast I wouldn't be surprise or should I ?'

'Of course she can '

Who said that

'I did Gemini your conscious'

Where did you come from

'I was always here gem '

Oh my god I'm turning Into Her!!!
What's next !

'Oh relax Gemini'

Why are you still talking to me did ask your opinion!

'Well ..n..'

'Exactly now shut up!!

'Well your so mean '

And I'll end you if you don't

'Do I need to remind you that I'm you '

'Are you testing me right now I'm at the point where I'll do anything or better yet kill anyone who gets in my way!!'

'But i can help you'

'You serve no purpose hear !'

'Fine ill go'

"Omg I'm turning into her oh god I'm arguing with my self,!" I cry to my self in laughter
Getting out of the car again but this time the place was just spinning.

my mind was lost I could hear voices I could see dead people my chest was tightening my mind was lost.

5 minutes later upon driving I came upon a little cafe. oh great in the middle of no where what an appealing site to place a restaurant this isn't creepy at all.

I lit my fifth cigar for the last two hour and bolted out my car to ease my pain of losing her. the stress the anger cool down a bit but before i burst threw the door i throw away the unfinished cigar and saw that this place was a cafe shop intriguing ...... I knew my Emullet was here I could taste her, I inhale an I can smell her.

The door burst open and a guy came in he look kind of familiar he had broad shoulder curly blond hair hair and dark blue eyes. he wore a uniform did he work here. he look like a nerd if you ask me ...

He hurried to the other blonde hair boy who had on a uniform (hideous contractions) .....and whispered something in his ear he nod but before he could go threw the door
I grab him by the collar "don't i know you!"

"No I can't recall"

"Smart mouth huh!"

"Hmmm don't pissed me off with your smart mouth will you "

"I'm looking for someone a girl that has blond long hair wear glasses under her big bright eyes and wearing a dress ."

"No I haven't " he stuttered

"Hmmm well if you do give me call " giving him one of my best smile

"What if I didn't see her"

"Oh you will" I felt anger building into me

I reach into his pocket and pull out his cell phone and started typing my info.

"Now don't lose my number try not to chip "

I released him with a force and he fell to the floor the cold white time floor it look like it hurt

He got up and walk off but before existing the door he turn around poor kid look scared he better not mess with me or I'll give him something to be scared about.

Jake lake POV

I saw him flirting with cashier she was giggling quite loudly I must assume. I bet giving the chance she would strip bountiful Naked in front of him. now she is touching him lustfully oh brother I need to get out of this place.

Another update what you think do you feel the need to read more well you can just download the  watapp and subscribe lol just kidding or I'm I... who know anyway

Enjoy!!! share!!😨

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