
By idkbree

16.2K 824 159

If we weren't formally introduced, my name is Emilia Darst. I used live with my little sister and older broth... More

1. Beginnings
3. Arms Length
4. Battlefield

2. Nightmares

1.9K 194 49
By idkbree

Chapter 2 - Nightmares

Emilia's Pov

Dear Residents of Cabin #96

Welcome to your new home here in the far ends of Whitham. We've written this letter to inform you on what is necessary for you to follow to make sure your stay here is less miserable for you, but mostly for us.

We're not your friends, nor are we your caretakers. You will follow our rules, when we ask, as soon as we ask.

1) There will be no leaving the camp. No crossing the walls without console of the General first.

2) You are expected to work from eight in the morning to five at night. Breaks will be advised by each day. Jobs will be distributed by days (one and two). Your household (#96) will work every day two.

3) The soldiers on watch are your superior. You listen to them and do as they say.

4) Different days, there will be other jobs you women will have to do. And you will do them without question.

5) No leaving your home after seven at night till six in the morning.

If any of you fail to follow instruction and rules, there will be a severe punishment. Break them and you will have to deal with the consequences.

-Leaders of Camp #24

This is absolutely ridiculous!

Do they honestly think they can take us away from home, force us to work, and expect us to not act out?

I will run. I will run until my heart is content, and far away from this hell. Addie will follow, and Nathan will meet us. I'm not staying here. I refuse to be treated as not human, and forced to work because they only need us to win. They are sick people with corrupt minds. People should not be caged. Nor should we be forced into their labour.

I signed, resting the letter on the table of our little home. I didn't take much effort into looking around. It resembled a small hotel room, in the fact it only had two large queen beds to the right, and a small closed off bathroom in the far corner. To my left was a kitchen. It was very basic. A dinning table, small work area next to the stove, and the other side laid a refrigerator. Cabinets hung above the appliances and drawers in the worktop. There was a small sofa sat further past the kitchen, that looked to only seat two. And a large dresser against the furthest wall.

I walked over to the bed closest to the bathroom, and gently laid Addie down. She didn't stir once as I pulled off her shoes and tucked her in. Taking out her ponytail, I placed the tie on the bedside table, which also held a lamp and clock. I was glad she fell asleep on her own tonight. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, I let myself calm down, and look around the small house. My eyes wandered to the large dresser on far wall, questioning what would be in there. Examining it, I noticed it was separated in four sections. Four drawers above one another and sections placed side by side. The first two sections on the far left was occupied by clothing. The top one held undergarments, socks, and hair ties. Second was pants, all different, but they all looked to be work clothes. Third was tops. Ranging from plain, to flannel buttons ups, to jumpers. Lastly was what looked to be dresses. They weren't much, just plain, but enough for a semi-fancy get together.

I closed the drawers heading to the kitchen. I was extremely hungry, and only prayed this place came stocked. My wish was granted, seeing a few slices of cheese. Though it wasn't much, I love cheese, and was grateful to find several slices. As I was eating, there was chatting outside of my door. I didn't know who it was, but I was relieved hearing a girls voice. It was light and playful. Another soon joined, she seemed very sarcastic in her tone, but still held the same enthusiasm as the other.

My breath hitched watching the door rattle. I only guessed the voices were passing, not coming in here unwelcomed. Shouldn't they at least knock? I know I'm new to this place, but don't the rules still apply where a stranger knocks instead of inviting themselves in on their own?

"I can't believe were finally getting new-" The young brunette stopped mid-sentence, taking notice that I was standing near to her. "roommates.." She finished quietly.

"What's wrong with you?" Another asked, walking in. She looked just like the other. Their hair was similar, but the facial features held more differences than the rest of her body. Her eyes caught mine and her smile grew brighter. "Hey there! You must be our new roommates!"

"Roommates?" I quietly questioned.

"You weren't informed?" The one closest to me asked.


"Oh, well I suppose since you missed the meeting in the quarters because of your outburst, it's only explanatory." She smiled. "Oh, by the way, I'm Raven, and the one with my face behind me is my twin sister Haven."

Ah, twins. It makes sense why they looked so much alike. I assume one of them had dyed their hair because Raven had a very deep shade of brown, and Haven had a light, natural looking light brown hair. My hair seeming to be in the middle shade of both if theirs.

"It's nice to meet you," I tried to mutter a smile near to theirs, but I couldn't. "I'm Emilia, and that's my four year old litter sister over there," I pointed to the small bump in the bed, "Adelaide, but call her Addie for short."

"Oh, we'll try to keep quiet. But before I forget, we were called to come and pick up your clothing because you were taken away before clothing was handed out. You have about three shirts, two pants, two sets of undergarments, and one dress. If you need more you can feel free to barrow ours, or we can take you out to the market when we're free. Boots are already here, as well as coats. And Addie's clothes, coat, and boots should be in here too." Haven smiled, handed the large pile over to us.

"Thank you very much,"

"No problem! Feel free to take whichever drawer you like on the right side."

I nodded, heading over to the dresser to put the clothing away. They followed, placing themselves on the sofa, watching me. I felt cautious of my movements, but proceeded anyway.

"Well since you missed the meeting they usually give, I guess we can fill you in on what you need to know." Haven started. "By the way, we're both eighteen, and our last name in Montgomery. And we've been here for about three months. So if you need help, come to us because we were part of the first group admitted here."

"I'm also eighteen and my last name is Darst," I replied, feeling the need to share just like they had.

"Were you separated from your parents?" Raven asked.

"No, um....My parents died when I was fourteen. My older brother is my guardian, but he was taken to a different camp."

"I'm sorry to hear, but I'm sure your brother is a lovely person for taking you in like that." Haven tried giving me a smile.

"Yeah, he's something great." My heart already breaking from missing him so much. "So what did I miss?"

"There's not much you haven't missed. Most of its a given, or very logical." Raven responded.

"Except that each morning, jobs will be posted on the outside of our door, if the weather is bad, under it. But mostly we'll work out in the field towards the very back. This place is huge, so we have to leave about ten minutes early just to walk there since we're in the back and have to meet up at the cabin on the other side of the field. That job usually consist of picking berries, husking corn, or working in the barns with the livestock. Other days you could be working in the record building, for organisation reasons. Lucky ones, get to clean the soldiers houses and rooms. You're lucky to get something so easy, but not so lucky when you see the mess they make. Their houses are two floors like a normal house but are sectioned off with each room. Four on bottom, four on top. Usually you're only assigned to clean one house per day. And those are about all our jobs." She queried.

"What about Addie?" I asked concerned.

"Well since she's under thirteen, she'll accompany you on most of your jobs. Mostly the fields. Rarely will she be able to come to a house call or be in the record building. If that happens you can either sneak her with you on house calls, never the record building, or leave her here. And if you can't take her, we can bring her with us if we have the fields that day and you don't. But only if you're comfortable with that." Haven reassured me.

"This seems like such tedious work. Is the word fun not allowed here?"

"Well, when it's day one-the day we have off, we're allowed to roam the camp. We can go to the market near the centre of camp where we trade items we find, and pay for food and clothing we need.

"How do you even get money here?" I asked shocked. Mostly because it would seem redundant to even make their own money to buy things.

"None of it is good in the outside world, but we get paid for our hard work mostly. The fields are about two pounds a day, records four, and the soldiers are eight."

"Why the jump from four to eight?"

"No one wants that job. These men are beyond messy. Except for one. From what I heard, there's only been ten people from this camp who have been assigned to this soldiers room commonly. It's apparently so neat, there's no need to touch it, except to take out the dirty towels and replace them with new." Haven gathered. She seemed to be talking to both her sister and myself. Like Raven has yet to hear of this mythical room.

"Who's is it?" I asked, genuinely curious and praying that if I ever did get this job, I would end up with this soldiers room.

"He's the really cute, young one," Haven told her sister.

"Harry? The curly one? Harry Styles?" Raven raised a brow.

"Yes! That's him!" Haven clapped. "Emilia, just wait until you see him," She squealed.

"I already have," I sighed. But the girls took no notice in the long sigh and immediately started asking questions like school girls.



"He was one of the soldiers that came and ripped me from my home. He glared at me most of the way here, and yelled at me when I fell in front of him. But after I came out of the back of the record hall he was already there waiting with Addie in his arms, and an ice pack in his hand."

"An ice pack?" Raven questioned, tilting her head to the side.

I simply nodded and stood up from sitting position on the floor. I was going to go have a shower and clean myself of today's messes, but the twins had other plans.

Passing by them, my arm was taken, and pulled back with a slight force. Causing me to plop down on the sofa in between the two. Apparently I'm lighter than I thought.

"So you mean to tell me, grumpy, face-hard-as-stone, Harry Styles was being nice and waiting for you with an ice pack?" Raven concluded.


"And why did he have an ice pack?" Haven continued.

"Something happened in the office I was in, and he new it was going to happen."

"And what happened?" They questioned together.

"This big man was behind his desk, and we kept arguing about how he runs this camp. Next thing I know, Harry is called in, Addie is taken away with him, and the man back-handed me. Telling me not to act out again."

"Oh my god! Are you alright?" Haven asked, taking my face gently in her hands.

"So that's what that giant red mark is on you cheek. I thought it was a birth defect, but didn't want to be rude and point it out." Raven piped in, also looking at my face.

"I'm fine now. The ice did help, but then Harry was ordered to walk me back here so I wouldn't try anything. I got mad at him for knowing it was going to happen but not stopping it from happening. Then he told me our Capitol is not what it seems and I'm too 'innocent' to see it." I rolled my eyes.

The twins shared a glance at each other, rolling their eyes like I had but with a knowing look.

"Don't take it personally, every soldier tells you that if they talk to you. But don't take Harry not stoping that man personally either because that man is his uncle. General Aaron Styles. He's the most trusted general to Whitham's president. And he is now training Harry to be the next one to follow in his footsteps because he's so cold, and heartless now. And there's a rumour that says Harry's dad and Aaron fought in the beginning of the war together, both trying to be next top general, when suddenly they were both called from a short break at home to go and fight, and Harry's dad was killed the next day. There's a small amount that says Aaron had done it because his need for power was greater than his need for love. So they say he's general by greed. Or his dad committed suicide because of family issues at home." Raven told me with wide, wild eyes.

"But there's also another rumour also says he's running this camp very differently than others. Mostly because all the women under twenty-five go here. He lets his men do what they want with us, but no one ever knows about it because it happens in the darkest of the night, and the women are sworn not to tell. They threaten anything that holds meaning in their life. So it remains a rumour for now, but I think it's all like a ghost tale to only scare us into behaving." Haven added.

General Aaron Styles. Most trusted man to Whitham president, uncle to Harry Styles, and masked murderer to Harry's dad. Well...

I know these are only rumours, but has Harry not heard them being passed around here months before? Has he questioned anything? Had he been denied and lied to by his own flesh and blood? Lost his heart over a murder he does not know happened, and left to only think of it as an accident? Maybe he was threatened as well. Told to keep this a secret or something would happen. I'm not sure why I care. Maybe because this vile place has now become more interesting with the rumours that follow.

"Do you know what time it is by chance?" I asked, peering at the alarm clock on the night stand table. But I was too far away for me to see.

"Just about eleven," Haven replied, getting up to look at the clock. "Why don't you head to the shower, and I'll put your things away and Raven can show you everything you'll need."

"Thank you," I lowly replied.

She nodded with a smile, and left Raven to show me the things I'll need in the shower.

Upon opening the door, I was happily surprised to see a very clean, and almost white bathroom. It didn't have much, a flat sink, toilet, and shower attached with a bath. A small mirror was placed on the wall, and my feet pattered across the white tiles to it.

"Haven and I keep our toiletries in our bedside table since there is clearly no room here. The towels stay on top of the dresser, and I left a toothbrush on the sink with toothpaste." She smiled and left me to myself, handing a towel just before she closed the door.

I striped down the my undergarments and looked at myself in the mirror. I swore I could visibly see my stomach rumble from not eating for a whole day. My cheek had a noticeably red mark stretched across the surface. I touched the numb surface, but winced from the tenderness which laid underneath.

Sighing and taking off the rest of my clothing, I hopped into the shower. Though I wish I was greeted by steaming hot water, my skin only endured luke-warm water with tiny sprits of heat every so often. The hot water I dreamt about would have done wanders on my body from laying on Nathan the previous night. But I was still thankful the water wasn't ice cold. I reached for the small shampoo, rubbing it in my hair and rinsing out. I heard Haven tell me conditioner was a something you would spurge on considering it was more expensive than the shampoo. Grabbing the small, barely smellable bar of soap, I lathered my body, cleansing the rough day away from my skin. Washing away the foam, I gingerly turned off the water, and got out of the shower retrieving my towel.

After drying off the droplets of water, I peered at the clothing Raven had laid out for me. A plain white shirt, and soft shorts that looked about twice my size. Putting on the clothing, I wet my toothbrush, and brushed my teeth with the most vile tasting toothpaste I have ever tasted. Rinsing the sink, I made my way out to the bed to find Addie sprawled out in the middle of our bed, blankets conformed to her small figure, and small, light snores escaped her mouth.

"She's so cute!" Haven whispered.

"She looks like the younger version of you." Raven added.

"I guess, I mean, I don't see it." I whispered, gently pushing Addie to her side of the bed, and taking some of the duvet for myself.

Addie stirred for a bit, before opening her beautiful blue eyes. She looked her surroundings as her eyes met mine.

"Where are we?" She asked in the smallest voice possible.

"We're in our temporary home," I told her, pushing back her hair. "Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake."

"Where's Nathan? He didn't sing me to sleep like he does every night." She quietly asked, grabbing my hand.

Addie hit a point in time after she turned three, and endured the worst of nightmares. She would wake up screaming and sweating. We had no idea of what she saw. She would cry before she could continue. When she woke for the day, she would only feel comfortable near me and Nate. She was petrified of everyone else, even Marie. She relived those nightmares every night for a little over four and half weeks. In that time, Nate worked so many hours over time during that period so he would be able to get her professional help. It was expensive, but after two days, and the doctor hearing us recall anything he asked, he came to the conclusion that at her age, something in her brain is still working itself around-progressing, developing. That things inside are still trying to figure out what needs to happen. He reassured us it was slowly die down over time, and after she grows older. There was no treatment for it, but once Nathan recalled seeing our mum sing to her swollen stomach at times, and even after she was born, the doctor suggested to try it again. But couldn't guarantee if it would work. Out of Nate and I, he was the one that held more lung power, and the received beautiful vocals from our mum. The night he sang before she went to sleep, was the night Addie finally found her peace. He's sang to her every night since, and she's been nightmare free.

"He-We won't be seeing him for a while..."

"How will I sleep?" Her eyes started to tear.

"Just think of his voice before you sleep," I reassured her. "I'm not as good as him, but I'll try if it gets too much."

"I'm scared," She cried.

"No, shh. It'll be okay. I promise. I'll be here when you wake, and I've met some new friends, and they're already so fund of you." I slowly rolled over, and pointed to the two girls watching us. "That's Raven, and that's Haven."

"They look alike." She giggled.

"They're twins."

"Hello!" She waved.

"Hello, cutie!" They said together.

"You can meet more of them in the morning," I laid back down. "Let's go to sleep, it's a long day tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight, Em. I love you whole big bunches." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

"I love you whole big bunches too, Addie." I leaned in kissing her cheek as well.

After a few minutes, I heard her soft snores again, and slowly got up to the still talking girls.

"I just wanted to warn you, I'm not sure if it will happen, but Addie used to get terrible nightmares, and could only sleep if Nathan, my older brother sang to her. I told her to not worry and such, but I'm not sure if it will happen again. So don't be alarmed if it does happen."

"Oh! That's awful! But it's fine, I'm sure she grew out of it. And if she hasn't, we can handle it." Haven told be, both smiling.

I smiled relieved. Hopefully if it does come down to it, they will help me. Or at least try.

I turned off the bedside lamp, and rolled to my stomach. Breathing in deeply, I signed one last time and let sleep condemn me.


I awoke to loud screams of my sister to the side of me. Scurrying to my feet, I ran to her side, waking her, and holding onto her dearly. Her screams were still present but not as high pitched. Tears ran down her face, and her hair was a balled up mess.

"Shh, shh, it's me Addie, it's Emilia. You're okay, I'm here, take deep breathes." I told her.

She didn't comply, but her breathing became heavy and relentless. Raven and Haven soon joined me by my side, looking at me for instruction.

"Do you know the song Que Sera Sera?" I asked.

Nathan had never sang the song, he had his own favourite to sing to her, since this one was a bit too girly. It was a very old song, and I hadn't expected the twins to know of it. But I was surprised when they both nodded their heads in agreement.

"It's a classic." Haven smiled.

"Sing the chorus with me?" They both smiled and waited for me to begin.

"When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be
Will I be pretty
Will I be rich
Here's what she said to me"

I nodded to them and they began to sing along as well.

"Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be"

We waited for her to settle, but she never had. Her screams quieted just enough to hear our voices, but raised again as we waited for her calm herself.

"That usually works when Nathan isn't home." I shook my head thinking of other ways.

"Maybe it's all the sudden change and knowing Nate isn't here that's scaring her."

I signed knowing its true, but also in frustration knowing I can't help her.

Suddenly their was a loud knock at the door but no one answered it. We all looked at it in fear. Yet Addie still continued.

"Open up!" A loud voice yelled.

I rushed over to the door, not wanting the twins to get it. This was all me and I wouldn't have them take the blame.

When I open the door, I was met with man in uniform half on and unruly curly brown hair.

"Is there a reason there's screaming coming from here at two in the morning, Miss. Darst."

"I-My little sister she gets terrible nightmares and we can't calm her down. Usually my older brother sings to her, but-but he's not here, a-and she won't stop." I shuttered nervously in front of Harry.

"Let me in." He commanded.

I did as so, stepping to the side. He walked passed me and his eyes settled on the crying girl with her head in her hands. The twins moved to kitchen, watching Harry make his way in and getting Addie a drink.

He knelt down in front of her, taking her hand and rubbing it softly. She slowly looked up to see Harry was in front of her. Her screaming quieted but her cries still bled through. I saw him whisper something to her, her nodding in return. He stood up, reaching his hands forwards and picking her up under her arms. She had her arms opened wide, and wrapped them around Harry's neck. He held her close to him, hugging the child that held on for dear life.

"Give me two minutes." He told me. I only nodded. What else could I say?

Harry walked out our door with Addie, sitting on the step. He moved her arms around so she was now cradled to his chest, protecting him from the building wind. His thumbs brushed over her wet cheeks, and what I heard next made my heart melt.

"And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse"

Harry's voice carried through the open door to my ears and instantly to my heart. When I told him she needed someone to sing, I didn't expect him-of all people, to come to her rescue.

"Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

His voice hit deep octave and it just about soothed me to sleep too. I could visibly see Addie relaxing. Though her sniffles were still present, she listened on.

"And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth"

I felt the presence of two bodies behind me. Neither one dared to say a word. We were all afraid he would stop if he caught us making this into a big deal. I knew this would only stay between us, but I couldn't help to wonder, why? Why is he doing this? Isn't he supposed to be the cold, heartless man the twins told me about?

"Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

Addie soon turned mute. Her breathing was normal and her sniffles had stopped. She wiggled in his hold, sitting up slightly to look at him better.

"Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I..."

A small incoherent giggle escaped my lips seeing Addie's hand touch his hair. She gently pulled one curl, watching it separate from the rest. He pulled her right hand away from his head, and kissed the back of her hand.

"Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

They stayed on the step for a few minutes. Harry held her and pointed to sky, naming the stars and the images they made. Addie let out a loud sigh, leaned back to Harry's chest, and held him close.

Carefully, Harry stood to his tall height. The twins fled quickly seeing him move, and left me standing there to wait for him.

"I'll put her back in bed and leave you be." He told me as he passed by the first bed to go to ours.

He gently placed Addie on her side of the bed. Pulling the duvet up to shoulders, he tucked them in a bit and showed a barely there smile.

I was expecting he'd show himself the way out, not wanting to drag this moment on any longer than necessary. Like he said, he'll leave. But he surprised me by striding over to me, pulling on my wrist, and dragging me outside into the chilly night air. He led us to the side of our home and addressed me in the middle of the dirt road.

"What happened, is not mentioned ever. Not unless I bring it up, got it?" Harry looked me dead in the eye.

"Already understood. I wouldn't dream of it." I honestly told him.

Harry seemed to be surprised by answer. Like he expected me to fight back about it, speak around, or ask why he did something he didn't have to. Of course I wanted nothing more than to ask, but I knew that would be completely pushing my luck. Although I don't want to be here or listen to the rules here, Harry is a lot more frightening than anyone I've ever come across -excluding his uncle- and I'd hate to set him off by something I know will. You have to know your limits around him, and I'm just starting to understand which ones I can push.

"Good, now would you care to explain what she's seeing that makes her scream Bloody Mary?"

"I have no idea, she's always too scared to tell me or Nate. It's been under control since a long few months ago. But since we arrived here, and taken away from my brother, it's happened again. I just want to know how you do it. She doesn't fall asleep easily without reassurance Nate will sing to her. Why you?" I regretted my tone towards Harry at the end. He took major offence to it, narrowing his eyes. There's no denying it, I was jealous. How did he do it, and not me? Not her own sister.

"Watch it," He warned me about my tone. "And I don't know how. When I brought her outside while you were inside talking to my uncle, I was just humming to pass the time. I may have sang a bit without knowing it," He confusingly scratched the back of his neck. "Next thing I knew, she was out like a light."

Why him? Of all people to make her fall asleep in the dreaded place, why did fate choose him? I'm her sister, the job should just be handed to me.

"You really need to work on that because if I didn't come as soon as I did, there would have been other men showing up, and it wouldn't have been pretty. You're lucky it was me."

I rolled my eyes. "I was counting my lucky stars it was you."

"I'm sure you were, now-" Harry never got to finish his sentence when we heard voices in the distance. Slowly, but gradually getting closer.

Harry held his index finger to mouth signaling to stay quiet. Like I would dream of talking. He slowly backed up closer to the side of our home. Gesturing for me to do the same. I did as so, taking steady steps toward him as he held his palms up for me to come to him gentle and steadily.

The yellow-orange hue of the lamps on the poles above casted shadows of the two men walking around. They seemed deep in conversation and looked like the were heading the other way. My back pressed closer to the wall as they crossed to another path. Just when I thought the coast was clear, the taller one of the two directed his vision down the road and right to us. My eyes widened when he stopped his friend and pointed in our direction. Harry tensed beside me, drawling I'm deep breathes.

"On three." He said.


The two men squinted at our dark shape.


They started moving closer.


As soon as three left his mouth, my wrist was taken again and hauled forward in the opposite direction of the men.

"Stop! I order you to stop!"

Harry was in full sprint down the road, curving in between houses and paths. I did all I could to keep up and not fall. His long legs made him all the more fast, and mine struggled to maintain in pace with his. I had no idea how far we ran but it felt like it was in a wide shortcut-filled circle the only consisted of a few blocks.

"You're one of them, why can't you just explain what happened so we can stop?" I panted.

"I got into a bit of trouble with my uncle and I now have the same curfew as you." I replied with deep breathes, as he slowed down and pulled us into a unlit pathway.

"Great, I'm stuck with the fugitive of soldiers."

"Could be worse."

"How so?" I asked wearily.

"Well it looks like they're coming right over here." He said pointing to returning men.

-- sorry it took so long to update, but I hope the length makes up for it! please vote and or comment to let me know what you think and if I should continue :) --

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