© Lucky One! | ExoPink SuRong

By bigbadb2st

25.8K 1.7K 74

Chorong and Mark have been lover for almost three years.They are happy with the way they love.But their paren... More

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Lucky 30 (super short)
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Lucky 33

514 31 0
By bigbadb2st


"Chorong wait"
"Let go of me!"

There are loud voices upstair.What is happening?

"You can't judge me like that". Suho defends. "What?How couldn't I?I was in your room all night long!" Chorong shouts,letting off her anger. "You can't put the blame on me.You drunked last night and I was passed out"

Chorong smirks. "Are you saying it's mine for drinking last night?" "No...". Chorong cuts Suho shut. "Stop.Okay,fine.It was my fault". Suho sighs. "I didn't point at you". "Okay enough.Let's just forget about that.Nothing bad is going to happen.NOTHING.Now,just mind your own business.I'll get going"

Chorong walks out from the master room back to hers. "Wait". Suho follows her. "Where are you going with your attires?". "I'll get back to my house". Suho frowns. "What?Must you have to?" "Yes Joonmyeon.For our sake". She continues packing her clothes

Suho grabs Chorong's hands and makes her turn to face him. "Hold on.Can you give me a chance?" This time,Chorong frowns. "What chance?" Suho hesitates to let out his voice.Something blocks him which is his pride

"Ahh...I know it". Suho gulps down his saliva. "Look Suho.We are cousin". "In fact..." "Yes in fact we are not.But I treat you as a cousin.Perhaps more than that which is as my brother.It's a no way for you to be someone special right here". Chorong points at her chest,where her heart takes place

"It's taken Suho". "You know he has no feelings for you.And why does you keep on chasing over him?" Chorong grows silent together with her watery eyes. "It's because of our promises". "Go to hell with your promises.He can tell you million of those words.But he can't fulfil all.Maybe you too.Or me,everyone.You both just a human being"

"Shut up Suho!Don't say as if you were in my shoes.I trust him.His words.Our promises". Finally tears come down,polluting Chorong's cheeks. Suho looks down to his feet,trying to swallow everythings.She still can't move over Mark even it's already almost a year.The worst is,he even engaged and will get married soon

"Fine". Chorong startles and looks up to Suho's face who doesn't give a stare at her. "Just go.I can't stop you,can I?" Chorong loses her words.She turns back and walks away leaving Suho speechless


"Did I bother you during your holiday?" "Aniyo.You can call me anytime Miss". Chorong smiles at her driver. "Anyway,why are you coming home so suddenly Miss Park?" "Ne?Hurm". Chorong doesn't know what to say. "Mom and dad is coming back from their 'second honey moon' soon,so I decide to make a surprise for them". Suddenly that idea pops up into her mind. "Aigoo,your parents must feel happy to see you like this Miss". Chorong grins. "Do I change a lot?" He nods. "Eo"

Chorong couldn't stop herself from smiling.She is totally forget about what just happened between her and Suho last night



Chorong crosses the date on the Apink Season Greeting calendar.She ties up her hair into a tail and climbs down the stairs to the kitchen

She opens the fridge and takes out all the things she bought yesterday

She sets up everything to cook for her parents who will be home winthin hours

After struggling alone in the kitchen,Chorong finally finishes with her cook.She ables to smile wide to her ears


She comments and brings the last dish to the dining table.She glances at the clock on the wall.It is already 2 in the evening.Mr and Mrs Park are scheduled to touch down at Incheon Airport around 1:50.They are probably on their way home

Chorong ie suddenly brought to dreamland.She is thinking about Suho everytime the word Airport pops in her mind

"I still have time to take shower"

She washes the thoughts away and goes upstair to wash up


"Aigoo,I don't know when we bought all these". Mrs.Jihyo seems disbelieve so see all things they bought from abroad

"Whoa they are so lots.Let me help you to bring them in". Mr and Mrs Park goes speechless to see the figure who is now standing in front of them. "Ch..Chorong?" Mrs.Jihyo's eyes become teary. "Welcome home mom,dad" Chorong grins as wide as she could before hugging both her beloved parents

"My daughter Chorong". Mrs.Jihyo sheds tears. "Eo.It's me" "Welcome home honey" this time her dad speaks. "Ahh don't be sad.You should smile to see me here". Chorong pouts her mouth. "Arasseo.I am not crying.Let's go in"

All of them go into the house.Chorong leads them straight to the dining room."After a long journey,I bet both of you are hungry.You must miss Korean food so much". "Whoa" Mr and Mrs Park are surprised to see all the meals on the table

"Come,sit down.Let's eat.I cooked speacial to celebrate you home". Chorong pulls out two chairs for her mom and dad to sit down. "Wow,my daughter changes a lot". Her dad comments while smiling. "I think we really should thank Gayoon unnie". Mrs.Jihyo adds

Chorong stops her movement to hear the name.Yeah,auntie Gayoon.How is she doing?She still has no idea that Chorong already comes back to her family.Isn't it improper for not telling her?

"So Chorong,are you going to stay here again?" Chorong startles at her mom's sudden question. "Ne?Erm well,let us eat first,then we'll talk about it.Okay?" Mrs.Jihyo smiles and glances at her husband. "Arasseo"


I feel like wanna write more but I think it is enough here ^^

Enjoy reading!

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