Alaska || Auston Matthews

By madeinthezm

99.4K 1.6K 616

We've all heard of Auston Matthews. He's the rookie that everyone who considers themselves a sports fan is ta... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
I ain't dead
twenty five
twenty six


3.3K 54 7
By madeinthezm


The drive to the beach was short as far as distance goes, but it felt like it took twenty years due to the tension between Auston and me. We didn't say anything, let alone look at each other. I was going to offer a polite smile, but he didn't look my way long enough for me to be able to.

Maybe he regretted last night. Maybe I was bad. Oh God, I really hope neither of those is true. That would just make things even more awkward between us. I mean, I understand that we, or at least I didn't think of the consequences of our actions in the moment. I hate blaming the shots, but I know for sure that I wouldn't have slept with Auston if I hadn't been drunk.

I would assume the same would go for him, but he only had one shot the whole night. So, unless he's an extreme lightweight, he was stone cold sober for our whole 'encounter.' I really don't want to talk to him about it, but I know I have to because I can't pretend like he doesn't exist forever. However, I have no idea if he wants to talk. Knowing him, he'll just give me the silent treatment for the rest of the trip.

Steph seems a little skeptical of me and how quiet I've been, but she's so wrapped up in having fun with Mitch, she hasn't said anything. In fact, the pair has been inseparable ever since we hit the beach. Willy and Carly have been the same way along with most of the other couples, leaving me to my lonesome. I don't mind, though. I know they'll get bored of their boys and want girls time soon enough.

"Alaska! Get out here and stop moping!" Carly yells. I sit up from my sprawled out position and look down to see her and almost everybody else hanging around in the shallow water. I stand up from my towel and make my way across the stretch of warm sand. Carly starts waving her arms around like a maniac when she sees me approaching.

"Girl, you're already tan! How long did you nap?" she exclaims when I finally reach her. The tide washes over my toes, cooling them down instantly. I shrug my shoulders.

"Not long enough," I reply with a chuckle. Carly glares at me and throws her hands up. As you can see, she's a very expressive talker.

"C'mon Alaska! You can sleep in Toronto, but you definitely can't go to the beach there! Can you at least try to be present and have some fun? Maybe even smile?" she asks. I scoff and cross my arms over my chest.

"I am being present! I took a nap because I was tired, but I'm here now, so let's do something "fun"," I say, making air quotes with my hands when I use the word fun. Carly rolls her eyes but eventually sighs.

"Fine! You're right, let's have some "fun." Go jump in the water," she says, using air quotes around fun just as I did before motioning towards the ocean.

"Not yet! I just got down here!" I say, looking at the brunette like she's said the most absurd thing. I know I sound like a wimp, but I'm not warm enough to get fully submerged. 

"Are you serious?! We don't have all day," she complains. I watch her eyes widen in frustration as her cheeks heat up and a breeze blows through her hair. 

"Yes, actually we do! We're on vacation for God's sake!" I rebuke, tossing my arms in the air for emphasis.

"No, actually we don't! We have to leave here at four because we have dinner reservations at 7," she explains matter-of-factly.

"Does it ever cross your guys' minds to make me aware of plans a little farther in the advance?" I vent. It's true, though! Every time they make plans, I find out about it an hour before we have to leave. A little notice would be great for my anxiety.

"I just told you about the plans!" she insists, causing me to chuckle.

"That's exactly my point!" I exclaim, trying to calm myself down, knowing we're starting to kill some of the couples' "romantic getaway" vibes. 

"Well, shit guys! We're on vacation, not some dramatic soap opera! Can you please try to lighten up?" Steph says, butting in from seemingly nowhere. Carly and I both look at the bright-eyed blonde with scowls.

"That's what I was trying to tell Miss. Doom and Gloom over here, but she doesn't listen very well," Carly explains to Steph, making Steph laugh. 

"Oh my God! She really is Miss. Doom and Gloom! I love it," Steph says, siding with Carly. I gawk my head at the pair who look at me with big smiles.

"I am not Miss. Doom and Gloom! I can be very happy and optimistic... when I want to be," I say, my statement fading at the end because I know they're right. 

"Prove it," Carly says, motioning back to the water. I glare at her and look to Steph for help.

"You heard the woman. Jump in the water and claim the title of Miss. Sunshine," Steph says, grinning. I shake my head.

"Can't I do something else like build a sandcastle or collect seashells or fly a kite? I think those are much more "sunshine and rainbows," don't you think? Hell, I'll do all thr-" I whine, finishing my statement with a squeal as I'm lifted off the ground and thrown over a broad shoulder. 

I swing my head up to see that Auston had grabbed me and was carrying me deeper into the water. I knock my fists into his sturdy back in protest, but all he does is chuckle and continue. Carly and Steph's howls of laughter can be heard from the shore.

"Auston, I swear to God I'll break your face if you don't put me down!" I yell, panicked. Deep laughter erupts from his chest, deepening my annoyance.

"No can do, Laska," he yells, continuing to bound through the waves.

"Why the hell is that? Last time I checked, I didn't like you," I complain, allowing my arms to dangle freely.

"Really? Because the last time I checked, you were naked, screaming my name," he says. I can practically hear the smirk in his cocky reply. God, I want to slap him. Thankfully, we're out of Steph and Carly's earshot, or else I would have to face their inquisition.

"Oh shut up! You were the one wanting to go another round!" I fire back. I feel his walk start to slow down significantly and then stop completely, alerting me that we have arrived in deeper water. Before he replies, he pulls me back over his shoulder and places me against his front. My legs wrap instinctively around his waist, but immediately regret it due to the smirk that plasters Auston's face.

"Like you didn't want to continue," he says, rolling his eyes. I scrunch my eyebrows together while holding his gaze.

"In all honesty, one was enough," I say, proud of my stubbornness that will surely piss him off. He frowns but recovers his smirk in no time.

"I highly doubt that. You just don't to admit I was good," he says arrogantly. I scoff and glance back to the shore, seeing everyone too preoccupied to see our dramatic reminiscing of the drunk sex we had last night. I did say I wanted to talk about it...

"Good? I'd say you were just about average. That's okay, though! It gives you lots of room for improvement," I smirk. His brows furrow in confusion and disbelief.

"Well, if we're giving sex feedback, I must say that you could work on the amount of scratching. I have some pretty sick marks on my back to prove my point," he says, throwing me over his shoulder again. This time I focus on his back, sure enough, finding dozens of scratch marks. He honestly looks like a rabid cat attacked him.

"You love it!" I say, grinning. He chuckles and mumbles something that sounds like "Yeah, I do," while tossing me from his shoulder, into the ocean. A short scream escapes my mouth before I'm underwater. Coolness rushes over my sun-kissed body as I break the surface for air. Auston stands there with a satisfied grin while I shoot daggers at him through my glare.

"That's it! There goes your face!" I yell, lunging towards him, however, he turns and starts running as fast as he can to the shore. I follow his actions, scrambling through the water, yelling his name every few seconds. 

He reaches the beach just before I do, hiding behind Mitch as soon as he hits the warm sand. Carly and Steph stop their conversation and smile when they see me standing there, dripping wet. I glare at them, knowing they got what they wanted.

"Hey there, sunshine," Steph says, causing Carly to laugh. I can't help but smile at my best friends. They're too damn annoying to stay mad at. 

"Are you ready to actually have fun now?" Carly asks. I roll my eyes but nod reluctantly. She squeals in excitement while holding up her phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, eyeing the shiny iPhone. She smiles brightly before tapping the screen a few times.

"I have to document this rare occasion, duh," she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Steph nods in agreement, leaning closer to Carly so that she, too, can see the phone screen. Carly holds the phone up to take the picture and flashes me a thumbs up. I stay put with my arms crossed over my chest and lips pressed in a firm line. 

"Are you serious?! You were smiling five seconds ago!" Carly groans, looking at my pose. 

"What am I supposed to do in this picture?" I ask, sighing. She shrugs, still aiming the phone's camera toward me.

"Just look happy!" Carly exclaims desperately. I groan, releasing my arms to my sides and softening my facial expression to a soft smile. This is gonna be one hella cute picture.

"Are you fucking serious? You look like you just killed a puppy!" Steph says, tugging the ends of her hair. 

"My apologies. I'm bad at faking smiles," I say smugly, causing Steph to glare at me.

"Just imagine a situation where you'd be genuinely happy," Steph explains. I sigh and picture the first happy thing that comes to my mind: eating junk food with Harry Styles. It's stupid, but at least it made me smile. However, I have to shield my eyes from the blaring sun that's conveniently located right above the camera.

"Perfect! That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Carly says, motioning for me to come look at the picture. I jog the few feet and lean into Carly so that I can see her phone. I'm surprised to find that the picture she took isn't half bad. I actually look happy in it. 

"Fine, it wasn't that bad. Actually, do you mind if I use your phone to post it?" I ask her. She grins and hands me the phone. I say a quick thank you before logging into my Instagram and posting the photo.

@alaskamay : just a little vitamin D to brighten up your Tuesday

Tagged: @carlyyvalentine @stephlachancee

Location: Malibu Beach, LA

1,183 likes | 43 comments

@carlyyvalentine : love the smile :)

@stephlachancee : gosh darn my bestie is hot

@adamvin : damn Lask

@adamvin : I miss u baby

@marner_93 : damn Lask

@marner_93 I miss u baby

@adamvin : @marner_93 fuck off dude

@marner_93 : @adamvin fuck off dude

@alaskamay : @marner_93 stop being a pest

@marner_93 : @alaskamay just trying to deal with your snake infestation

@alaskamay : @marner_93 I appreciate it :)

@austonmatthews : throwin up them peace signs #cool

@alaskamay : @marner_93 ^^you gonna do your job?? 

@austonmatthews : ouch

@43kadri : ^I feel physical pain for you

@mattymarts17 : @austonmatthews good luck with this one

@williamnylander : you got a lil something on your knees

@alaskamay : @williamnylander thanks, I didn't notice

@natpeters : you wanna make a stop in the Burgh to visit me 

@alaskamay : @natpeters I promise I'll be home soon :/

@adamvin : @alaskamay I can't wait ;)

@marner_93 : ^why do snakes gotta be so fuckin creepy

Surprisingly, the rest of our time at the beach is dedicated solely to girl talk. Carly and Steph both ramble on about their plans with Willy and Mitch, always stopping to make sure I'm fine wiht them talking about it in front of me. I just nod and smile, listening to all of the romantic things they'll be doing the next couple of days. As much as I hate to admit it, I am a little sad that I don't have someone to do all these couple-y things with. 

They both assure me that someone is out there waiting for me in an attempt to make me feel included in the conversation. However, they do make a few suggestive comments about the time I spent in the water with Auston, saying that it's a step in the right direction. I even briefly consider telling them about last night with the Leafs' leading rookie, but I quickly banish the idea from my mind. I know that if I tell them, they'll tell Willy and Mitch, who will tell other people, etc. It would certainly get back to Auston eventually which would stress me out to the max.

And Lord knows how well I handle stress.



I know I'm a horrible person and liar for not updating in so dang long, so I cranked this sucker out, fueled by guilt and caffeine. Sorry if it's short and shitty, but I thought something is better than nothing!

Btw, MATTS SCORED TONIGHT (technically last night, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Saturday in my mind)!!!!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you amazing people who are sticking with me, voting, and leaving lovely comments!! I really appreciate them and enjoy hearing from you guys! Also, this story officially has over 1,000 reads!!! I know it's not much compared to other stories on here that literally have 300 million reads, but 1,000 is a lot to me, so let me have my moment. 

Happy Saturday/Sunday! Enjoy your weekend!

xx- Emily

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