Our Love Story.(a Jackseptice...

By Makerofstorys

37.4K 1K 761

It was an normal day for me just at my house making YouTube videos but I heard a knock on my door and it was... More

1:Hello jackaboy!
2: busy day....
3: mark is this a date?
4: Darkiplier
5: the great escape or is it?
6: Mark is back!
7: lets have fun!
9:Jack is back with mark!
10: Hello anti good bye jack
11: To close with anti or death
12: Mark!?
Shout outs!
14: look who came!
2 New book update!!!
15:That boyfriend stealing bitch!
A little SURPRISE!
Welcome to hell Ethan...
17:shhh...hahaha our secret.
19:A special date
20:meet my mom mark!
21:All a dream or a nightmare
22: welcome bob and wade!
23:The puppte master
25: Anti's true form...
chapter 26
27: jack is alive and well so is dark..
28: To Close...
29:A dream come true...
31: Busy as hell night....
32:Its over isn't?
33: Emotional rollercoaster.
New book out!
A new book out 2! XD
Yay...made new story 3...fml.
Made new bs story...
34: the journal 1...
Face reveal...
35:The journal 2
37:I Won...
Happy Easter!
38:Last Of Him...
39:hugs and kisses
40: Final Story...
This is not the end!!!
The Sequel Is FINALLY OUT!

30: trouble begins...

405 15 4
By Makerofstorys

Mark's pov:
I woke up to the sound of a loud as hell bang then Sam and Tim ran in the bedroom giggling holding the door shut.
"LET ME IN U LITTLE F-" Jack said banging his fist against the door then I cut him off.
"JACK LANGUAGE!" I yelled as the kids giggled.
"LET ME IN SAM!" Jack yelled.
"What did u 2 do?" I asked in a upset tone.
"We banged two frying pans together in front of daddys face while he was sleeping." Sam said giggling.
"Yea and now jack is scaring us because we woke him up..." Tim said smiling.
"No never make jack mad! Now hide under the bed I'll handle jack!" I said then they did as I said and then I opened the door.
(A/n: well this escalated quickly...XD)
"WHERE ARE THEY!?" jack said in a Angry tone.
"Hey- hey babe calm down..." I said softly as I grabbed his shoulders.
"Where are they!?" Jack said angry.
"Babe plz just calm down and everything will be ok..." I said in a calm tone.
"Ok...Ok.. I'm calm...." Jack said softly.
"Good now go to the living room and I'll find the kids ok..." I said.
"Ok..." Jack said then he left the room.
I shut the door and the kids came out from under the bed.
"Your lucky I saved your butts!" I said anoyed.
"Where sorry dad..." Tim said softly frowning.
"Yea sorry mark..." Sam said also frowning.
"It's fine just NEVER do that again...." I said as I opened the door then they ran out giggling.
Well first day being a parent...They almost got killed..Well isn't that just AWASOME! I thought sarcastically as I walked out of the room to see the kids playing tag.
"Be careful u two u don't want to brake something." I said in worry.
"U sound like a mom." Sam said giggling.
"Yea!" Tim agreed.
"I'll kill u two!" I said then I started to chase after them.
Then I bumped into something and I broke with a loud crash, then jack quickly turned his head at me.
"Uhhh...." I mumbled in fear as I walked away slowly from Jack's view.
"Come on Sam and Tim let's go to the store." Jack said after putting on his blue sweater.
"Yay can we get stuff!?" Tim said happily.
"I'll think about it." Jack said as he took Sam's hand. Then they left the house and I walked around the house and I found a note written by jack.
Mark I really enjoyed the last date and uhhh yea so I planed a date for us today I already have everything ready! But u have to do me one tiny favor...U need to call a babysitter...yea but love u xx  
- jackaboy
The note read.
Then I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and diled 4 numbers...
Bob, wade, Ethan, and Felix...
" Hey mark what's going on?" Ethan said.
"Yeah what's going on here u never called me ever since the accident happed..." Felix said suspiciously.
"Shut up guys let mark talk!" Bob and Wade said.
"Well I need u guys to babysit Jack's and my kiddos...." I said.
"WHAT U AND JACK HAVE KIDS! AWASOME!" Ethan said excitedly.
"What that isn't possible!" Felix said in anger.
"Who cares felix!" Bob said.
"How many are there!?" Wade said with joy.
"Uhh two Tim and Sam." I said.
"Then why do u need four people to take care of 2 kids!?" Felix said.
"Because there more than a handful​...They made jack very angry this morning." I said.
"There lucky! Your the only one besides his family that can calm him down..." Wade said.
"That's true but why can't u and jack take care​ of the kids?" Ethan asked.
"Date night...." I said softly.
"Ohhhh..." They all said together.
"And what's in for us?" Felix asked.
"Fuck off felix! And where only going to be gone for about an 1 hour or 2...So yea." I said calmly.
"Fine we'll do it." They all said.
"Ok thank u guys so much! Oh and just in case if I hear from Sam or Tim that u guys where treating them badly so help me I will fucking kill all 4 of u if I have to...But otherwise thx for agreeing see u guys at 8pm!"
I said then u hung up the phone.
Then the door got kicked open and I saw jack dragging Sam and Tim crying.
"But I wanted ice cream!" Tim cryed.
"Me too!" Sam also cryed.
"U guys had 3 cones each back there! I spent like 18 dollars on u 2 for ice cream counting the stuffed animals it's 25!" Jack yelled in stress.
"Jack go chill I'll take care of them..." I said before jack exploded.
"Thank u markimoo..." Jack said then he walked to the bedroom.
"Ok what stuffed animals did u 2 get?" I asked.
"I got a teddy bear." Tim said holding it out for me to see.
"Cool! Sam what did u get?" I asked.
"Uhhh... I got a tiger." Sam said as he held it tight.
"Cute...well how about I get u 2 stuff to draw how dose that sound?" I asked Tim and sam.
They looked at each other and nodded.
"Ok." Tim said.
They both sat down at the dinning table and I gave them stuff to draw.
"Thanks mark!" Sam said happily.
"Thx dad!" Tim said with joy.
Then I walked off to the bedroom to check on jack.
"Babe how u feeling?" I said as I walked into the room.
Jack didn't answer.
"Babe?" I said woried.
"Oh sorry just day dreaming... but I'm fine." Jack said calmly.
"Thank god.." I muttered.
"How are u so good with them!?" Jack asked.
"Well u just got to be calm and happy most of the time.... Speaking of calm and happy where is the jack I love?" I asked as I sat next to jack.
"Places..." Jack muttered.
"Haha very funny...But really has something been going on that I don't know about?" I said in worry.
"No....Uhh I can't lie to u yes Something has been going on..." Jack said in fear.
"Come on u can tell me." I said holding his hand.
Then jack told me the hole story about dark and him and how things went wrong and blah,blah blah....
"So all that really happed!?" I said in anger.
"Y-yes just plz don't get mad at me..." Jack whimpered​.
"Im not mad I'm Furious!" I yelled.
"Because of the kiss thing..." Jack said softly with tears in his eyes.
"No! Because u hurt yourself! Is that why u now wear long sleeves!" I said in saddens​ mixed with anger.
Jack nodded yes then I grabbed one of his arms rolled up the sleeve and saw bandiges.
"U weren't lying.." I said with tears running down my face.
"I'm sorry I was Angry and sad at the time I wasn't thinking...." Jack said crying.
"But are u ok now?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm better now..." Jack said with tears.
"I'm sorry for getting mad at u it's just I don't want to almost lose u again...." I said hugging jack.
"It's ok mark..." Jack said as he patted my back softly.
Then he let go of me.
"I guess all I needed was to get that off my chest Because I feel better." Jack said with a soft smile.
"Good...But promise me you'll never do that again..." I said with a weak smile.
"I promise..." Jack said.
Then we heard a loud crash.
"Oh God what did they do..." I mumbled .
"We'll find out..." Jack said
Walking towards the dining room.

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