Broken (The Charade Trilogy)

By paynekisses

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A few months pass by and Skylar is still recovering from her wounded shoulder. Harry is by her side the whole... More

Broken (The Charade Trilogy)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note

Chapter 1

89 7 0
By paynekisses


I sat at a library table waiting for the rest of my work team-- Harry, Celine and Niall.

They were late. And for the first time I wasn't early, I was right on time.

The deal was, right when I got released from Grant's hospital, I would have to join the others in their punishment; working in the school library.

No, it wasn't as bad as I expected. But yes, it was work and I was missing out on all the parties and the social life I could've had if I hadn't went to rescue Celine.

Instead of meeting new people and exploring the world as it comes to me, I'm stuck in a library stacking books with the same three people that still probably hate me.

Though, Celine and I are on better terms now. She visited me in the hospital a couple days after I was shot and we straightened everything out.

She thanked me for risking my life for hers, then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Niall stayed with me everyday while I was in the hospital, and usually snuck in every night when visitors weren't allowed. He claimed he overreacted over the whole situation and he was looking for an apology in return for lying. That's when I explained to him my whole past. It wasn't long until he got rather annoying.

And Harry, well, it's Harry and the most I could get out of him was a pat on the back and a reassuring "I'm sorry this happened to you". I don't want to say that I was expecting more from him, but he "loved" me and I thought he was going to give me a kiss or something romantic like that.

But instead of me getting Harry's kisses, Celine was getting them. Yes, they started dating the night we found her. I was torn, but it looks like he loves her more than he has ever loved anyone else and seeing him happy is the only thing I want.

I guess you could say that we're all one big happy group of friends now. And even though I say that I want to meet other people, these three will always be my best friends here at Grant.

They all walked in, one by one. Celine holding Harry's hand and Niall walking in behind, bringing up the rear.

Once he saw me sitting alone he made his way over and took a seat on the table, smirking.

I smiled back at him and glanced back at Celine and Harry, taking another make-out break.

"They did that all the way here. . ."

Niall whispered, close to my face. He was laughing, but we obviously felt differently about the whole situation. I thought it was gross, overrated, and absurd. Niall looked at it as a joke, completely opposite of my thoughts.

I shook my head in disgust, they were both already sweating from the stifling hot sun and they were all over each other. Their bodies sticking to one another. I was sweating just looking at them.

I shook my head in their direction as I stood up from my seat. "This is a library, not your apartment, Harry!" I yelled to them as I made my way closer to the sweaty mess.

Niall followed a great distance behind me. "Yeah. Just because Ms. Coleman isn't here yet, doesn't mean you can have sex on her tables." Niall chuckled at his own joke as he pushed Harry's sweaty forehead away from Celine, their lips finally detaching.

Harry laughed and pushed back his wet curls that were sticking to his forehead from all the sweat. "You guys are just jealous that you don't have a significant other like Celine and I do." He made his usual smirk.

Niall and I looked at each other and laughed sarcastically.

"You guys are making out in a library, I'm so jealous." I joked.

Niall nudged my shoulder and began to crack up.

My joke really wasn't as funny as he made it sound, he just likes to laugh and once he starts he can't stop.

We laugh so much together. And most of it comes from making fun of Harry and Celine.

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