Life as Stefan Abingdon

By Chloe-Tron

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This story is about how Chloe and Stef,Catherine and Dru, paige and Ash get together but some unexpected twi... More

Life as Stefan Abingdon
Chapter 1 : The flight
Chapter 2 : going home
Chapter 3 : Home
Chapter 4 : Ash and Dru
Chapter 5 : Drunk
Chapter 6 : 'Sexytime'
Chapter 7 : uh oh
Chapter 9 :meeting the guys
Chapter 10 : The shop
Chapter 11: Arguing still
Chapter 12 : OMG OMG OMG
Chapter 13 : Phone call
Chapter 14 : Goodbye
Chapter 15 : ....
Chapter 16 : News
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : The letter
Chapter 19 :Goodbye Ashley
Chapter 20 : The text
Chapter 21 : Dead people
Chapter 22 : Traumatized
Chapter 23 : Flight home
Chapter 24 : Home
Chapter 25 : Splash!(Not in a sexual way)
Chapter 26: Suprise
Chapter 27 : Happy Birthday Dru
Chapter 28 : Happy Birthday Stef
Chapter 29 : Short chapter
Chapter 30 : Flash
Chapter 31 : Hate
Chapter 32 : What are friends for?
Chapter 33 : YOU!
Chapter 34 : Hospital again
Chapter 35 : Getting worse
Chapter 36 : Test results
Chapter 37 : Telling the boys
Chapter 38 : A+
Chapter 39 : Signing up
Chapter 40 : Giving Blood
Chapter 41 : Blood Transfusion
Chapter 42: where did she go?
Chapter 43: Going to see Imi and Oli seriously didn't know what else to call it
Chapter 44: Just another Day
Chapter 45: Home YAY!!
Chater 46: Day with Imi and Oli
Chapter 47 : Your home!
Chapter 48 : Tea
Chapter 49: Studio
Chapter 50: Dad?!
Chapter 51: Matt the twat!
Chapter 52: Tonsillites
Chapter 53: Shopping Trip *FLICKS HANDS UP IN AIR*
Chapter 54: What have I done?
Chapter 55: finally Dru's POV!
Chapter 56: Leaving...
Chapter 57: Going to Zoe's
Chapter 58: Staying at Zoe's
Chapter 59: I need your help
Chapter 60: Please Forgive me.
Chapter 61: Back as a family.
Chapter 62: Newwwssss!!
Chapter 63: Happy End?
Authors Note

Chapter 8 : Horrible memories

129 3 0
By Chloe-Tron

*Catherine's POV*

Chloe just ran out of the shop i think i know why Stef just stood there confused "Omg i can't believe i said that to her i feel bad" i said not realising i had said that out loud "what happened?" asked Stef really confused "umm well Chloe will kill me for saying this but she was in a relationship a few years ago and the guy who she was with would hit her and punch her she came round mine once with a black eye and cuts on her face she wouldn't talk to anyone about it and one day she refused to do something he said, i can't remember what it was but he stabbed her in the stomach 3 times and he ran off and she hasn't seen him since but i was the one who found her collapsed on the floor holding her stomach because i was going round then anyway and i took her to the hospital and she had to stay there for a few day's and they stiched up the cuts because they were really bad and she hasn't trusted anyone since but now she has found you she is happy again, she may not gave told you this but I know for a fact she loves you she has for ages.And I can tell by the way she looks at you that she likes you alot too, but i shouldn't of said that to her" i said to Stef who was taking it all in word by word he just looked at me and "oh poor Chloe i can't believe that happened to her she doesn't deserve this no one does" Stef replied going red slightly from what I said before.. "where did she go?" i asked walking out the shop and looking around then Stef walked off and shouted "i will be back in a few minutes!" where would he be going at a time like this. i took my break walked off into the opposite direction looking for Chloe.

*15 minutes later*

I still couldn't find Chloe i was getting worried i went to every place i thought she would be ,but no sight of her my break was over so i had to go back to the shop I hope she was ok.

*Stef's POV*

I was in the shop with Catherine she was really nice and i could see why they were best friends,Catherine had just told me that Chloe was in an abusive relationship before she met me and that she trused no one until now and she does definatly love me that made me smile to myself that she trused me and Loved me alot because I feel the same. wait i knew exactly where Chloe was so as me and Catherine walked out the shop i walked off and shouted "i will be back in a few minutes" it was raining typical London weather so i put my hood up and i started jogging i didn't look behind me i just kept going and i soon came to the field where the hill was she was sat at the top of the hill under the tree with her back to where i was i started to walk up the hill.

*Chloe's POV*

I was just sat in my favourite place i just wanted to get away from the world just thinking about my past but but the rain kind of helped it was washing away my tears .Yes i was crying. then i heard footsteps i didn't turn around but even if i did i wouldn't be able to see who it was because my eyes were too blury.then i felt a warm pair of arms around me and they put their head in my shoulder i felt his fluffy hair on the side of my face i turned around and instantly hugged him back i just cryed into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck "shhh, it's ok don't cry, i know what happened but it won't happen again i promise" Stef told me

"Thank you Stef i needed to hear that thank you " i replied

"It's okaaii" he replied.

I wiped my eyes.

"Chloe"Stef said getting my attention.

"Yes"I replied.

"I din't know how to do this in a cute ir adorable way but I need to say this because I can't keep it in anymore...I love you and I have since the moment I first saw you, you're Beautiful, funny, cute, kind, loving, and all around amazing and I know we have only known each other for a short time but I feel I have known you forever.O want to ask you, would you be my girlfriend?" he asked holding my hands helping me up.I took in every word he said and my heart melted, he was pouting his heart out to me.I loved him back as well but I find it difficult to say.Come on Chloe say it.

"Yes!!Yes!!Yes!! I thought you would never ask!"I exclaimed kissing him instantly.He was a bit shocked but he kissed me back.I pulled back, smiled and he took my hand and we walked down the hill in the rain, i was cold because i haven't got my jumper on i forgot it but i didn't care.

*Stef's POV*

I found Chloe i knew she would be there because she said that was her favourite place when i got to her she was crying and didn't turn around so i wrapped my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder she turned around and i saw her bloodshot eyes and her red cheeks and i told her not to cry and it won't ever happen again and she wrapped her hands around my neck. "Chloe"Stef said getting my attention.

"Yes"I replied.

"I din't know how to do this in a cute ir adorable way but I need to say this because I can't keep it in anymore...I love you and I have since the moment I first saw you, you're Beautiful, funny, cute, kind, loving, and all around amazing and I know we have only known each other for a short time but I feel I have known you forever.O want to ask you, would you be my girlfriend?" I asked finally getting ny words out and helping Chloe up and holding her hands whilst doing so.

"Yes!!Yes!!Yes!! I thought you would never ask!"She exclaimed kissing me instantly.I was a bit shocked but I kissed her back.Then we started to walk back to the music shop to tell Catherine i found Chloe and as we were walking back i felt Chloe shivering i took of my jumper and put it around her "no Stef i'm fine" she stuttered

"No you not your shivering" i said to her "thank you" she said"

"It's fine" i replied

We soon got to the shop and Catherine was inside at the desk she ran from where she was stood and squeezed Chloe "can't breathe" Chloe squealed

"Oh,sorry" Catherine said going a rosy pink colour.

"I'm so glad your ok ,i didn't mean to upset you at all and i'm sorry i reminded you of that" Catherine apologised "Cat it's fine" Chloe replied returning to me and grabbing my hand."what time do you finish Cat?" Chloe asked.

"WAIT ARE YOU TWO...."Cat asked freezing.

"Yes!!!"I beamed.


"Yeah, in my favourite place in London too, the hill with the lake where we used to go sometimes"I told her.

"Awwhhhh, and I finish work around 5 why?" Catherine replied asking a question.

"Cause I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the boys place with me and Stef so you can meet the other guys paige is coming" Chloe asked. on the way bac to the shop i asked her if she wanted to ask her friends ti come round to meet the other guy's so she did "i would love too" Catherine exclaimed. Chloe gave her the piece of paper i gave her with the address on it and we said bye and left.

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