The Past Returns Jax Teller l...

By Lacey118

312K 5.9K 85

What if Andy had dark past before she became a cop. What if after her mother left she became a different pers... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Thank You!!

Chapter 17

6.4K 142 0
By Lacey118

Andy and Jax had been with Abel over an hour, she got to feed him, change his diaper and had rocked him to sleep. She was smitten and Jax loved watching them bond. He could tell already Abel adored her.

She had just put him back down in bassinet when Jax's phone went off. Andy looked back behind her as Jax, took the phone and went out in the hall. She stayed with Ab lfor a little while longer, making sure he didn't wake up, then she stepped outside joining Jax.

"Sorry, I gotta go." He told her, kissing her quickly on the lips as he finished his conversation and hung up.

"Ok, I'll stay a little while longer to give your mom some more time to do her thing. Then I'll head home." She said.

"Home?" He questioned smirking at her.

"You know what I mean." She said blushing.

"I know, and I like it. See ya at home." He said waving as he walked down the hall after giving Miles a nod that she decoded into meaning take care of his people.

"So Miles," Andy said turning around to look at him, wanting to get to know him better as she stood outside the window where she could watch Abel. "Been a Prospect long?"

"No, just some months." He said shy to talk to her.

"At least almost a year to go, huh."

"Yeah, a long way to go." He said.

"Well, you look like you're doing a good job. Jax wouldn't have you here with Abel if he didn't trust you a lot." She told him as he smiled. Miles never got compliments, he had no idea what they thought of him. It was nice to hear that he was hopefully doing good.

"I'm going to go grab a bottle of water, can I get you anything?" She asked Miles noticing he had nothing on him. Wondering if they weren't allowed to eat or drink while on a post.

"No, thanks." He told her, thinking how really nice she was. He wondered if he was supposed to follow her or stay with the baby. He figured baby, always baby.

"Ok, I'll be back. You stay right here." She told him, in case he was unsure of what to do since Jax told him to look after them both.

Andy went down the hallway to the vending machine, grabbed a bottle of water and headed back to sit with Abel.

She nodded at Miles as she went back into the room and put on another pair of scrubs. She picked up a fussing Abel out of the bassinet and went to rock him a bit in the chair until he hopefully went back to sleep.

She looked up when hearing the door open seeing her old school mate Tara walking in.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea..Drea?" She said in a very surprised tone.

"Hi Tara, or should I say Doctor Knowles. Congratulations, a doctor that's great." Andy said smiling at her.

"Thanks, you visiting with Abel? Does Jax know you're here? " She said still shocked at seeing Andy back in Charming and holding Jax's son.

"Yes, do you think the Prospect would let me in here if Jax or Gemma didn't?" Andy said as she kept rocking as Abel looked at her refusing to close back his eyes. "Jax just left." She added.

"Oh, well I guess you're in town visiting your family?" Tara said as Andy looked up at her. Still a surprised and unexpected look on Tara's face and tone. Now Andy knew she was on a fishing expedition for information.

"Yes, I'm on a vacation. Visiting my family." Andy said.

"That's nice, I'm sure your family is happy for you to be back for a few days."

"Yes, they are. I'm heading to meet them for a little party soon." She smiled.

As Tara just looked at her and looked at her with Abel. Andy didn't know where Tara got the few days assumption was, obviously it was bait for Andy to tell her how long she was staying and Andy wasn't going to give it to her. Andy knew that Tara knew about her and Jax's past, she was wanting to know about her and Jax's present. Andy could totally tell. Andy was wrong, high school was still present all these years later. Tara still had her crush, now her only hope was that Hale was over his.

"I'm not sure if you know, but Abel's mom hasn't been able to be with him, so he's been needing extra attention. It's not good for him to get attached to people that won't be there. He's looking for that comfort. It could cause development issues with his weight if he gets too attached and then someone leaves." Tara told her in a doctorly way, Andy just looked at her and sized her up. Knowing that this was beyond a doctor conversation to have.

"I didn't realize that was part of your job description, deciding who Jax let see the baby and who didn't. Isn't that up to Jax and even Gemma?" Andy said matter of factly to Tara. Knowing very well that Gemma was right. Andy did not trust this doctor at all, ex-school mate or not, she didn't like her.

"Yes, yes of course it's up to the family." She fumbled as Andy just stared at her with a stone look on her face. "I'm just letting you know since you've been here awhile from a medical stand point.." she continued before Andy stopped her.

"Ok, stop right there. I understand what you're telling me and I will take it under advisement and I will discuss it with his father and grandmother. Since it is a medical development issue and all. Thank you for letting me know." Andy said as Tara looked a little taken back that Andy was going to go to Jax and Gemma with her comments and that Andy had dismissed her like that. Gemma already hated her, Tara realized how stupid she was.

Andy smiled as Tara nodded and with a ghost look on her face walked back outside the neonatal.

"We need to get you out of here, gain some weight fast little man. You need springing from the weird doc that still gotta crush on your daddy." She baby talked to Abel as Abel smiled and giggle back at her not understanding at all what Andy was telling him.

About 30 minutes later, Abel had fallen back asleep in Andy's arms. Andy got up and put him in the basinette back. It was almost four o'clock and she was probably going to need to head out soon to get back to the house for the barbeque.

Andy shred her scrubs and quietly left the room.

"I'm heading out now Miles." She told him.

"Have a good night." He told her.

"Oh, I have a question. Dr. Knowles, she go in there a lot."

"Not really much anymore, she used to before but Gemma threatened her to stay away from her grandson unless he needed medical attention." He told her as Andy smiled at Gemma's antics.

"That sounds like Gemma, make sure she is following what Gemma told her. See you later." Andy waved at him as she left.

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