By eoghanconnelly13

107 14 2

James, Sarah, Molly. Ordinary on the outside, different inside. The carer The liar The murderer "In life, th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16-3 years later
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-1 year later
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- 1 year later
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

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By eoghanconnelly13

James walked down the one lane road he lived on. There were no cars out this early. He was on his way to the bus. He hated the bus. The people he sat with always bullied him over sarah, telling him that she wasn't real. He Almost wished he could prove it. As he reached the bus stop he thought he saw someone looking out at him from behind the bush. 'It's just your imagination, its too early' he thought. As he boarded the bus he saw a girl walking down to the end. He couldn't se her face, but she looked all too familiar.
"So james, how's the very real sarah today." A guy called jack said.
"Haha" his friend Aran laughed
"Dead." James said to him
"Oh great, more lies to add to the story."
"Well, jack, she isn't dead yet, but just wait a sec I'll deal with." James said, pulling a handgun from his bag.
"WTF, why do you have a ha—" jack didn't finish, James covered his mouth.
"Just take these." James said handing them bullet proof vests.
"James what are you doing."
"I told you, I'm gonna kill sarah."
"Okay" James said calmly.
He then stood up pointed the gun at where he had seen the girl sit. She was gone.
"Over here James!"
James turned to see sarah pointing a gun at jack and Aran.
"Kill'em,  I don't care."
"I'm not here for them."
She pointed her gun at him and fired. James ducked out of the way just on time. He fired at her, missing by miles.
"I thought you were better than that."
"Just warming up darling." James said in a confident sarcastic tone.
He had hidden behind a seat. He poked out quickly taking aim and firing. He hit her in the shoulder. She winced, but quickly shook it off.
"Aww, that's cute. Well times up."
She fired again at him, hitting him in the chest.
"You won't win that easy" he shouted, pulling off his coat to reveal a bullet proof vest. He fired at her again. He hit her in the stomach.
"You're a lucky guy James, but if you aren't careful, your  luck will run out." She said, glaring at him. Then she turned to jack, Aran and two others called Dominic and Rebecca. "And to you four who didn't believe in me." She raised her gun to them.
"No!" James shouted, lunging towards the gun which he pushed out her hand.
But it fired, and jack was hit. The bus fell silent. Nobody could believe what they'd just witnessed. James leaned over to where jack lay, and checked his pulse. He was gone. James looked over at  Dominic, who would have been first to die if James hadn't stepped in.
"Isn't that what you wished for James. Jack dead." Sarah said, getting to her feet, with an evil smile on her face.
"Stop this now sarah, before anyone else gets hurt." James said
"Oh James, so sweet and innocent. I'm just beginning" sarah replied still smiling evilly.
Sarah stepped back towards the bus' door. She gave James one last glare, then left.
"You could have killed her, gotten your revenge. Why didn't you James." Aran asked him
"Because that would have made me as bad as her." James replied

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