My Bodyguard Boyfriend

By inactive8765

392K 11.2K 760

What happens when your over-protective and filthy rich parents get to know about a minor attack that happened... More

My Bodyguard Boyfriend
2. I Hate Him Already
3- The Spat
Author's Note
4 - Time To Be Friends!
5 - Crush?!
6 - Surprise!
7 - Its About Time
8 - Please Be Mine
9 - Part I - The Break Up
9 - Part II - Finally
Author's Note
10 - The Proposal
11 - The Recovery
12 - The Special Ring!!!!!
Author's note again!
13 - Pranks And Scares
14 - Identity
15 - The Big Plan
16 - Misunderstood
17 - The Big Step
18 - Making Up
19 - The Happy Ending

1. The Intro

36.4K 906 106
By inactive8765

“Mom! Dad! Everybody at college will laugh at me!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“He will not be in public vision sweetheart! Don’t worry, nobody will have a clue.” Said mom, relaxing herself on the sofa.

“The attack was not even targeted at me. This group of boys got into a fight…”

“Enough now.” Dad cut me off, “This is my final decision. We love you dear, and we know what’s best for you, okay? This is the second time something like this happened in your college, and you can’t miss the chance of attending the same. It’s the best in the state. So this looks like the best idea.”

I hung my head down in defeat. Shit. I was going to have a bodyguard now. A nineteen year old girl who is in the first year of college has a freaking bodyguard. Everybody would think I was this pampered and spoilt little brat. I just hated the idea. The fact that it would be a secret when I was at college came as a slight relief.

My parents were super rich. I got everything I wanted and needed. But, I was never demanding. I was always happy with exactly as much as was necessary. Unlike my twin, Brad. He was the ultimate asshole. But I loved him to death. He was always there for me, and could not even stand me getting pricked by a pin, but the whole bodyguard idea was too much for him, too!

“Hey Clairey… Don’t you think they went overboard? A bodyguard? ” he chuckled.

“Damn it Brad, I don’t find it funny. Stop laughing immediately or…”

“Or what pest?” Brad continued his devilish laugh, “Will you hit me with a pillow? Oh Em Gee… I’m like, so scared!”

“I don’t talk like that you moron! Shut the hell up!”

“So he’s coming tomorrow, eh?”

“Yeah.” I said, picturing a large and bulky guy in a black suit with black shades wearing black shoes. An emo bodyguard. With not the slightest trait of fun and happiness on his face. A large scar on his cheek maybe, and my imagination almost made me throw up.

“Just imagine. A large guy wearing a black suit and black shades and black shoes…”

“Yeah I got it…” I cut Brad off, “You sure are one hell of a twin!”

“Good night Clairey… sweet dreams of the monster about to enter your life” Brad laughed.

“Good night Brad. Get lost.” I was in no mood to joke.

I went into my room and got into bed, still slightly depressed. I wondered how cruel and monstrous the bodyguard would look. How the hell was I going to live with a guy around me all the time? ALL THE FREAKING TIME! A creepy guy, ugly guy. Well, that’s what most bodyguards look like.

Next thing I remember is opening my eyes to daylight. I had slept in the exact same position the entire night. My right ear ached as it had been pressed under my head the whole night. I got out of bed and put on my slippers. I suddenly remembered that the bodyguard would be here any minute. I looked into the mirror. My hair looked like it was a new furry species from the equatorial forests waiting to be discovered. I decided I would go down without changing, show him my crudest form, in the hope that he would run away. I would do everything to make him dislike me. Yes! *Fist pump*

I ran down the stairs like a mad hyena, shrieking, “Morning mates!”




I stood there, looking like a clown who had escaped from prison. And facing me was my bodyguard. Nothing like I had imagined. Just the exact opposite. He was gorgeous to say the least. THE LEAST. He had short blond hair, cut to the perfect length. His body could put Dwayne Johnson to shame. His arms were so muscular that their mere sight made me shiver! He wore blue denims and a tight black t-shirt, which made his chiseled abs prominent. Oh boy… And his face. His face was angelic, yet powerful and stern. He had blue eyes, I noticed, when he took off his aviators and ended my daydream.

“Claire Watson?” Said my man-shield (now I don’t know why that came out), confused.

“Err… no, She’s not… umm. I’ll call her. Wait right here.” I responded, stammering like I never had in my entire life.

I disappeared up the stairs, all the while thinking how hot he was. Oh my God, he was going to be my bodyguard. I grinned at the thought! I had the quickest shower and put on a fancy red top, which was weird because it was more of a party wear. But I looked amazing in it, and I wanted to make up for the first impression I had left on him. I think I was crushing on him. Big time. I straightened my hair and went down. Elegantly this time. I tried to ape those models who sashay down the ramp with ease. At this sight, Brad broke into a hysterical laugh.

‘Oh Jesus. You, brother, you better watch out.’ I thought to myself.

“Hi. I’m Claire. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m your bodyguard. Nice to meet you too.” And man, he flashed a smile which made me drool over him instantly.

Hey, bodyguard, don’t you have a name? I stopped myself before I blurted that out, I did not want to seem too clingy. Besides, I had just met him. Control, Claire, control.

I sat down on the couch, opposite to my new acquaintance, and Brad right beside me. As Mr.BG talked to my parents, I stared at him, smiling like an idiot to myself. I looked at Brad and he had the most confused expression on his face.

“What the fuck are you doing Clairey? You staring at him, you look like a retard. You need help, trust me sister.”

“Go away monster. He’s yum.”

“Alright, this is weird now. He’s your bodyguard!” he chuckled.

“Please, I already had the best first impression. Shut up now. You’re just jealous of him. Go away now.”

Brad got up and thrust a pillow at my head before leaving, which dislocated my perfectly in place hair. He was so gonna pay for this.

“Claire, honey, show him the guest room. He’ll be living there for quite some time.” Mom directed me.

I was more than happy to be assigned the job; I liked him a lot already. Dad probably sensed the matter and said, “I don’t want any nuisance.”

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, BG right behind me.

Author’s Note:

Hello, to everyone reading this story! If you are reading this, thank you so much, I hope you liked it and if you did, please PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT, it would mean a lot! I am open to all kinds of suggestions for the betterment of this book, feel free to criticize. And if you liked it, let me know, I’ll be glad. Also, I am confused as to what would be the perfect name for Mr. BG… any ideas??

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