Teen Wolf. Season 3B. (COMPLE...

By TheoRaeken5696

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Alexa feels like everything is going to stay normal for sometime, but it gets much more shorter than she thou... More

#01 Lost Coyote.
#03 Electricity.
#04 Black Strangers.
#05 Oni/Nogitsune.
#06 Eichen House.
#07 Void Stiles.
#08 Parchment.
#09 CheckMate.
#10 Stiles?
#11 Allison.
#12 Aiden/The Divine Move. (Epilogue/End).
Season 4.
Season 5A.
Season 5B.
Season 6A.
Season 6B.

#02 Coyote Shift.

946 21 0
By TheoRaeken5696

"Alex's P. O. V."

Me and Scott keep on running. Malia had ran off after we recognized her and now we're running back to try and find Stiles because well, we left him behind and along and unprotected and... we're horrible friends. Around the corner of a tree we run into Stiles and let out a small scream, Stiles nearly dropping the flashlight.

"I think I found something." Stiles says after we calm down from our hearts nearly jumping out of our chests. "Us too." I say. We follow Stiles to where he found something and we come to a small cave, well it's both that small but the entrance is. We duck and walk in. "It's a coyote's den." Stiles says. "Werecoyotes." Scott says.

"You see this? It's Malia's. It's the same she was using in the picture." Stiles says while kneeling down and graving a coat as me and Scott kneel down too. "We shouldn't be here." Scott says after graving a teddy bear and looking at it. "What do you mean?" Stiles asks. "We just invaded her home, she won't come back."

"She won't like our smell." I finish saying. "Well if she's not coming back here, where's she going?" Stiles asks. "I don't know." Scott says. "Do one of you think you can track her? Do you have her scent?" Stiles asks. "I don't know, maybe. I'm better at this when I'm a werewolf. But know I'm worried that if I do it, I won't be able to go back to normal." Scott says.

"The door's still open. What about you?" Stiles asks me. "I think I have it." I say. "If you can't find Derek somebody else will have to help us." I say. "Basically this is the crime scene, and investigation isn't our speciality." Scott says referring to me and him. "But it is my dad's." Stiles says.


Sheriff comes out of the cave with a small blanket and walks towards the three of us. We called him and he came here along with other officers to investigate. "Are you sure it was her?" Sheriff asks me and Scott once he's in front of us. "We saw her eyes, and they glowed like ours." Scott says for me and him.

"That makes sense." Stiles says. "But it wasn't Malia. It was a coyote of four feet." Sheriff says. "Well, yeah but, it's the part we haven't been able to figure out yet." Stiles says. "But if there was a Full Moon and she changed while her mom was driving then anything could've happened." I said.

"Horrible stuff, could've happened. Claw marks, destruction, broken things." Stiles says. "Which could've provoked the accident." Scott says. "Think about it dad. They're in the car, Malia starts to change, her mom loses control, that's why she crashes and everybody dies." Stiles says. "Except for Malia." I say.

"She blames herself. She runs out in the woods, and in the end, she stays trapped in the body of a coyote." Stiles says. "It has a little bit of sense." Sheriff says, making our eyes widen that he actually believes us. "In a fairytale of the Chinese dynasty." Sheriff says. Why doesn't he believe us? It makes perfect sense.

"Guys this is... crazy. I need to keep it a secret, not a single word, neither of you. I don't want anybody to hear this, especially Mr. Tate, I don't want him to hear this." Sheriff says. "Scott?" I asks while he seems scared, looking behind us but there's nothing. "Scott!" Sheriff says more firmly, bringing him back to reality.

"Sorry. What were you saying?" Scott asks and glances to where he was looking. In that moment we hear a police car siren, the car comes in sight and the engine gets cut along with the small siren. "Oh no." Sheriff says. Looks like he knows who's here. The door open and out walks Scott's dad and Mr. Tate.

Why did he bring Mr. Tate? He's an idiot. "Mr. Tate." Sheriff greets and Mr. Tate sees the blanket Sheriff's holding. He gently takes it grabs it from Sheriff's hand and observes it. "Mr. Tate?" Scott's dad asks. "It's hers." Mr. Tate says. "Okay, wait here." Scott's dad says. "Dad," Scott starts.

"We'll talk in a minute. I'm really interested in why you're mother isn't bother about you running in the woods this late." Scott's dad says and walks away.

The next day at school.

"Here's the den. In between these paths." Stiles says while showing Allison his tablet with the GPS location. Me, Scott, Stiles and Allison are at school at our first period and we're telling her about Malia the coyote and her den. "They're less possibilities, coyotes travel by paths but, I think you're right, she won't go back to her den." Allison says.

"Coyotes don't like wolves and our smell is now all over her den, also the polices." I say. "And they're smart, if they don't want you to hear them they walk on the tip of their toes." Allison says. "The tip of their toes?" Stiles asks. "The tip of their toes." Allison confirms with a roll of her eyes and the bell rings.

"I gotta go. Send me the location." Allison says. "Sure." Stiles says and she walks put of the classroom because her first period isn't history, but it is mines, Scott's and Stiles'. The three of us split up and take a seat, but before Scott can he gets stopped by Kira. "Hi, my name's Kira, you already knew that, I knew you already knew that, why am I telling you again." She awkwardly says.

Scott smiles and let's out a small chuckle but not in a type of making fun of way. "I have something for you." She says and takes off her backpack. "For me?" Scott asks. "Mhm, um, it's about the bard, my explication was a little bit confusing, so I investigated a little about it and I printed it out for you." She says.

"You didn't have to do that." Scott says while nervously smiling and scratching the back of his neck. Can't they be more obvious with their crush on each other? Especially Kira? Just in case you didn't notice, it's sarcasm. "It only took me a few hours." She says as if it's not that much of a big deal, making Scott's eyes slightly widen while I try to contain a laugh at the situation.

"Wow, you're really nice." Scott says. "I just printed it." She says. "Kira!" Her dad, Mr. Yukimura, calls out for her. "You forgot all that research you did for that guy you like." Mr. Yukimura says while Kira turns around to look at him as he hands her some papers that are at least two or thee centimeters thick.

She takes the papers, having an expression on her face as if she's saying 'really dad?' while Scott eyes are wide and his jaw is slightly dropped. Why is he acting all surprised, it's obvious she likes him. All I'm doing is simply watching the show with a small smile on my face while it's taking everything inside of Stiles to not to burst out laughing.

Mr. Yukimura gives Kira a small smirk and walks away as if nothing. Kira awkwardly turns around and gives Scott the papers while he smiles, she glances up at him and awkwardly smiles back at him. They both sit down and I give Scott a smirk while he looks somewhat shyly down to his desk as Mr. Yukimura starts speaking.

"Okay students listen up, we were talking about the concentration camps prisoners of war, there's something in our lecture that I want to check with more detail, who would like to pass to the front and read out loud for us? Mr. Stilinski would you like to pass?" He asks while Stiles already has a more serious face.

"Uh, well, maybe- maybe someone else could?" Stiles says. "Everybody participates in my class Mr. Stilinski." Kira's dad says. "Okay." Stiles murmurs and stands up, walking to the front where the book is. I notice he seems to have difficulty to see and he slightly grips on the wood. He's breathing becomes uneven and hard.

"Stiles?" I ask loud enough for him to hear, it catches Scott's attention and he looks forward where Stiles is. "Stiles?" I re- ask while standing up, Scott doing the same after me. "Stiles are you okay?" Scott asks while we start to walk to the front towards him. "We should take him to the nurseries office." I say and Mr. Yukimura nods while me and Scott help Stiles out.

As soon as the three of us are out Stiles runs to the boys bathroom, him and Scott enter it and without me thinking I do it too, thankfully, nobody's there but us. "Hey Stiles, look at us, is this a panic attack?" Scott asks while Stiles leans over against a sink, placing his hands on each side of it to support himself.

"This is just a dream. This is just a dream." Stiles repeats to himself while he looks down at the sink and then the mirror. "No, no it's not." Scott says. "This is real, you're here with us." I say. "What do I do? Well, how do you know this is a dream?" Scott asks Stiles. "Fingers, count your fingers, you have more in dreams." Stiles informs.

Me and Scott glance down to our hands and I don't see more fingers than usual. "How many fingers do I have?" Scott asks Stiles while holding his hands up with his pointer finger out to signal one. "Stiles, look at my hands and count my fingers." Scott says and Stiles turns his head to look at us while he breathes heavily.

"One." Scott says and puts another finger up. "Two." I say. "Three." Stiles says after Scott has another finger out, each time we say a number putting another up. "Four." Scott says. "Five." I say due to us taking turns. "Six." Stiles says. "Seven." "Eight." "Nine. Ten." Stiles finishes saying, his breath becoming more even now.

He leans back against a wall and slides down until he's sitting on the floor. "What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asks while me and Scott kneel down in front of him. "We'll figure it out." Scott says. "You'll be alright." I assure Stiles. "Will I? What about you?" Stiles asks, referring to Scott. "You can't shift anymore Scott."

"Allison is being chased by her dead aunt, and I'm losing my mind. We can't do this, we can't, we can't he'll Malia. We can't help anybody." Stiles finishes saying. "We have to try." I say. "We can try." Scott reassures.


"Are you 100% sure that it's a girl and not an animal?" Sheriff asks Stiles. We're still in school, standing in the now pretty empty halls except for us. Just a few minutes ago, a Coyote, Malia, almost at Kira. She's not hurt but Scott says that Malia looked pretty decided to either kill Kira, or eat her. She's lucky Scott was there to scare off Malia.

"Yes. Scott and Alex are sure." Stiles tells his dad and then they glance at me and Scott who are standing at the entrance of school. "Are you listening?" Stiles asks us from afar and we nod. "Okay, let's resolve this." Sheriff says.


"Scott, we now what she's looking for." I tell Scott while me and Stiles walk in the boy's locker room where him, Kira and his dad are, Kira and his dad being far enough to not hear us. Stiles unzips his backpack and pulls out the same baby doll that we found in the wrecked car in the woods from the car crash.

"You took the doll out of the car." Scott says after giving Stiles a somewhat disapproving look. "I thought one of you could use it by her scent." Stiles says. "Where did you get that? Where did you find that?" Mr. Tate asks which is now apparently here as he then takes the doll out of Stiles hands.

"It belonged to my daughter." Mr. Tate says. "Kids, get out of here." Sheriff says, walking in the discussion. "Mr. Tate, I don't know how you found put about this, if you hear the police frequency or what, but you can't be here." Sheriff says starting to push Mr. Tate out of the lockers room but he stops.

Sheriff slowly moves the side of Mr. Tate's jacket and we see a gun. "I have a permission." Mr. Tate says. "The schools of California are free gun zones, with or without permission." "I-" "You should leave Mr. Tate, right now." Sheriff says. "But- just- just find that animal. Find that thing!" Mr. Tate says while Sheriff has to practically push him outside.


"Cinacin. It's a soothing for horses. For a Coyote I hope it works in seconds. I only have three, so who ever shoots has to have good aiming." Deaton says. Me, Scott, Stiles and Isaac are at the animal clinic. Sense Mr. Tate wants the Coyote dead and people are trying to catch her, we'll try to catch her first for safety.

"Allison has perfect aiming." Scott says. "Or more like she use to have." Isaac says. "She can do it." I say. "If we get to find that thing." Isaac says. "Why is he here anyways? What is his purpose? Besides the persistent negativity and the scarf. Why are you using a scarf? We're at 18 grades." Stiles argue. Which in my opinion about the scarf, it is true.

"Look, maybe I'm asking the question that nobody wants to ask, tell me how do we make the Coyote turn into a girl again if she hasn't been a girl the last eight years?" Isaac asks. "Me or Alex can do it." Scott says. "What?" I ask. I obviously have no idea on how to do that, but I don't think it's impossible to do either.

"Really?" Stiles asks right after my question. "Remember the night Peter trapped us? In the gym he made me change with just his voice." Scott says. I know what he's talking about, they had been telling me everything they all went through when we had recently finished with the problem of the Alpha pack and the Darach.

"My father did it at the distillery." I say. "She's a Coyote girl Scott, who knows if it'll work the same. Find somebody that teaches the both of you how." Deaton says. "That's why you called Derek." Stiles says in realization. "Yeah but we can try." Scott says. "Only that now, the idea of shifting into my werewolf form scares me." Scott admits.

"We need a True Alpha." Stiles says. "Do you now know who you're talking to?" I tell Stiles while me and Scott look at him in a somewhat way that shows that he offended us. "What I'm trying to say is, we need an Alpha who can do Alpha stuff, an Alpha that can do it, one that can-" "Work?" Isaac says, completing Stiles sentence.

Stiles instantly makes an agreeing signal. "Excellent. I'm an Alpha with functional problems." Scott says. "What about Alex?" Isaac asks and they all look at me. "How the hell am I supposed to do that, I don't know how to do that, I'm still kind of new at being an Alpha too." I say. "If it's not neither of you or Derek, who else can help us?" Deaton asks.

"I don't trust Peter." Isaac says. "Nobody does." I say. "What about the twins?" Stiles asks. That would be a problem because they left me too, not that I blame them, and I don't know where they are but Ethan sometimes texts me to ask how I'm doing which I appreciate. "They're not Alphas." Deaton says.

"After what happened with Jennifer, when she almost killed them, they stopped being Alphas." Deaton finishes saying. "And if they know how to do it?" Stiles asks. "Nobody has seen them in weeks." Scott says. "Actually that's not, completely true." Stiles says. "Have you seen them?" Scott asks me and I shake my head side to side.

"I wasn't talking about her." Stiles says. "Gee, thanks." I sarcastically say.


Stiles pushes the door of Derek's Loft open. Me, him, Scott and Lydia are at Derek's Loft because apparently Lydia's the only one that has been seeing them, or more like just Aiden. But the thing is that she texted them to see us here but I don't see anything in here. It wouldn't surprise me that they didn't or won't come.

"They said they're see us here." Lydia says after walking in and seeing that they're not here how they said they're be. Stiles walks in too and me and Scott stay at the doorway while I let out a sigh, admitting a defeat towards them. Right when I'm about to walk deeper in the loft, I instinctively duck, dodging a punch.

I dodged Ethan's punch. Well they are here, they were hidden but unfortunately, Scott received Ethan's punch that was originally for me and then receives another one from Aiden. Honestly I feel really bad and sorry for Scott because it's kind of my fault he got one more punch than he should have.

The next thing I know is that me and Scott both get thrown back against the cold and cemented floor, Stiles immediately pulling Lydia out of the way towards a wall to be safer. They walk down the stairs towards us and me and Scott stand up. Ethan and Aiden both start to attack us, Aiden fighting with me and Ethan and Scott.

While I'm defending myself, Ethan's beating the crap out of Scott. I know Scott's scared of loosing control, but he has to at least block the punches. He's literally doing nothing except for practically being Ethan's personal punching bag. At some point Aiden stopped attacking me and went for Scott too.

As much as I want to help Scott Ethan and Aiden didn't let me due to 'teaching him how to be an Alpha'. I thought you'd show us how to roar." Scott says while he's laying down sideways on the floor with blood on his mouth and lips. "That's what we're doing, you do it giving in." Ethan says. "Giving in and letting it all out. That's how Deucalion taught us." Aiden says.

"Then why did you stop fighting me?" I ask him, preferring for him to fight me so at least Scott has less pain. "Because you can easily give in, you do it all the time." Aiden says. "Why are you so sure if I still do it?" I say. "Alright." He says, throwing a punch at me and taking me by surprise, his punch being hard enough for me to fall on the floor.

I instantly feel my teeth and nails quickly growing into claws and canines and my eyes turning to red as well out of anger. I turn my head around in his direction and roar loudly at him. "You see? You've always had horrible anger issues." Aiden says, proving his point of view and clearly wanting me to get angrier.

"You're just pushing on my buttons." I say. "For a good reason." He says. I quickly stand up and throw a punch at him but he slightly moves his head out of the way and catches my wrist at the same time, but only for me to throw another punch right away and this time I knock him down to the floor.

I shift back to my human form while I see him spit out blood. He's definitely not happy with what I did. He just smirk and wipes off the blood on his mouth, but instead of attacking me, he just pulls Scott up on his feet. I guess him knowing that he was right is enough for him.

"Do you know what's funny, I think I tried something like that one time using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls, but you're right, punching him until killing him is better." Stiles says. "That's your plan? Punching me?" Scott asks. "You're afraid to shift." Ethan says. "You shift, and then you punch us." Aiden says.

"And then you roar." Ethan finishes saying and then roars. "You can't shift with us." Aiden says. "Do you think you can hurt us?" Ethan asks, starting to push Scott to Aiden and then Aiden to Ethan back again. "Come on Scott give us the best of you, we'll heal." Aiden says. Scott throws a punch to Ethan but he blocks it and then punches his stomach.

The force of Ethan's punch makes Scott stumble backwards and then Aiden punches him on his face. "You're an Alpha, if you wanna roar like one you have to press the pedal to the bottom, you have to turn into a monster, turn into the beast, turn into everything you're afraid of." Ethan says. "That gives you power and strength." Aiden says.

Scott tries to throw another punch to Ethan but he gets out of the way, making Scott lean down enough to expose his back and for Ethan to punch on it and make Scott fall on the floor. "Giving in doesn't turn you into the villain." Ethan says. "Only if you control it." Aiden clarifies. "Control is overvalued." Ethan says and kicks Scott on his stomach.

"Please Scott, defend yourself." Stiles murmurs. "And if I can't control it? If I can't be human again?" Scott asks, sitting up on his knees. "Then it'll dominate you, and you'll turn into Malia. You'll be getting further and further from being human, you'll turn into an animal or something worst." Aiden says. "You'll turn into Peter." Ethan says.

Scott finally stands up and wipes of his blood on his mouth. He runs towards Ethan but he grabs him and slams him on a table behind him and Aiden. Ethan gets on top of the table and starts to repeatedly punch Scott's face while I turn my head around to look anywhere but towards Scott.

At one point I stop hearing the noise of punches being thrown to Scott's face and I look back again to see that Aiden's grabbing Ethan's wrist. "What? I thought we were helping him." Ethan says. That's far away from helping in my opinion. "You already helped him enough." Aiden says and then pulls him off of Scott.

Scott turns his face towards us who are already walking in his direction and we see that his entire mouth, nose and jaw is covered in blood as he then spits out blood.

The next day.

Stiles parks his jeep in the woods while me and Scott park our motorcycles in the woods to, being side by side while Lydia parks her car too. We all get off and me and Scott take off our helmets. Me, Scott, Stiles, Allison, Isaac and Lydia are at the woods to see if we can capture Malia before anybody else does and then probably 'sacrifices' her due to her behavior.

"Does anybody else think we're doing more bad than good?" Lydia asks. "We're trying to prevent a father killing her own daughter." I say. "Actually we're trying to prevent a man to kill a Coyote who is actually his own daughter, the one which we don't know how to turn back from Coyote to human." Isaac says.

"And again you're not helping." Stiles says, the conversation provoking Scott to make a disapproving look. "Did you bring it?" Scott asks Allison. She opens the back of the car and takes out a gun that's going to be used to sedate Malia. Within just a few more seconds we here a gun being shot from distance, the noise capturing our attention.

Me and Scott instantly get on our motorcycles, start the engine and put back on our helmets. "Hey! Guys! Wait! Wait!" Stiles calls out for us but we're already driving off towards where the noise of the gun being shot was heard. Not long after me and Scott hear a scream. It sounds like Isaac's.

We hear it too loudly and it makes me and Scott fall of our motorcycles due to losing control of it. We stand up after letting put a few painful grunts and we take off our helmets, leaving them with our motorcycles and then running off as an instinct without saying a word to each other.

Soon enough we see Malia still stuck in her Coyote form and we run towards her, chasing after her. We then feel ourselves starting to shift to our werewolf forms to keep up with Malia, our teeth and nails growing into claws and canines and our eyes glowing red, only being half shifted.

Scott completely shifts to his werewolf form and we make it to where the car of the accident is. We see Malia on the other side of it and we waste no time in tuning towards her, jumping over the car and landing on the other side where Malia is, the both of us being on our legs and a hand on the ground to keep us steady.

Malia stops right in front of us and growls at us while showing her canines. Me and Scott roar at her loudly, our roar being in synchrony, sounding the same and slowly shifting into a howl. Malia glows her blue eyes at us and growls but soon enough the blue color of her eyes fades away and she takes a few steps back.

Our roar fades away too and we see how Malia shifts back from her animal form to her human form. She slightly sits up, leaning on one of her arms while she looks at herself and then at us.

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