The life of Amelia, Alfred, a...

By KalhiaDCJones

57 1 0

This is the story of Amelia, Vladimir, and their kids with some surprise and. D.C. filming a blog everyday ho... More

Dealing with the problem and Explanations

Meetings and D.C's problem

48 1 0
By KalhiaDCJones

South America's point of view

I can't believe we left D.C. and Transylvania be in charge while we are at a world meeting. I know I'm going to regret it before lunch. But at least I can keep an eye on them. I take out my spell book and do the spy spell and watch through Alexa's eyes. " Amelia what are you doing dear." Vladimir whispered knowing what I am doing. "  Watching the kids through Alexa's eyes." I whisper back trying to focus on the spy window.

Then my book got taken away from me by mom. " No magic to do what you want during meetings." Mom said reminding me of the rules she put down for me and my brothers. " Fine make me worry about my pets." I said trying to keep my secret. "  You'll get this back when lunch comes around." Mom said walking away from me. Then I set my head on the table and look at the braclet that D.C. made me.

England's point of view

I took Amelia's book away and start looking through it to see what she was doing. Wait is that Transylvania and another girl besides Lily. " Francis and Lily look." I said looking at the page. " D.C. oh yeah why are they running?" Lily whispered knowing the other girl.  " I don't know let's hope they are okay." Francis said worried about the two.

D.C. point of view

I can't believe we lost Hawaii and Alaska. I have to get mom. I run into meeting building and start looking for mom and Vladimir. When I found the room I run in and start looking around. " Excuse me everyone but I'm looking for Amelia E. Jones/ Kirkland has anyone. Seen her?" I asked wondering where she could be. " Well aren't you miss polite but who are you?" A girl with blonde hair and glasses asked wondering who I am. " I am Kanyla E. Jones also know as Washington D.C." I said telling who I am.

Then everyone gasped surprised by the fact that I'm a persified capital. " How is this possible I thought only nations can be like who we are." A girl with dark brown hair and green eyes said trying to make my interdiction false. " No it's very true guys meet my daughter." Mom said standing on the table to get everyone's attention. " She doesn't seem like your daughter Amelia." The same girl said looking at me. " Don't say that Chiara." Everyone that knows about us said worried about everyone. Then ran outside and grabbed and grizzly bear from outside and brought inside the meeting room. " What the crap is that a bear." Mom said worried there's a bear in the meeting room. " It's uncle Alfred's magic riding bear it's harmless." I said knowing that it is harmless. " Oh good I don't need you getting mauled to death by a wild bear." Mom said happy that I'm not hurt.

South America's point of view

" So yeah I have kids and I love them very much but now I know something is wrong." I said going up to Kanyla. " I need to find Takria." Vladimir said walking out the door. " Kanyla is something wrong at home?" I asked wondering what's wrong. " I lost Hawaii and Alaska." Kanyla said about to cry. " We have to find them then let's go." I said getting worried about them two. " Okay we should hurry." Kanyla said also getting worried. " Guys we got to go I'll see you in a few weeks Alfred and Matthew tell them secret." I said walking out of the room.

Then I ran out of the room and met up with Vladimir. " Youngest are missing we have to find them." I said running towards the exit. " Let's hurry then."  Vladimir said opening the door for me.

Romania's point of view

As soon as I left the meeting room i started looking for Takria. As soon as I found her she was looking for Lily. " Where is she I need Lily' s help right now." Takria said looking in a different room. " Mina let's go I'll call Lily when we get home." I said grabbing her hand. Then ran to get to the car and get home.

Then we saw Amelia and Kanyla on our way to the door. " Youngest are missing we have to find them." Amelia said running to the door.  When we got to the door I opened it and let the girls out. Then we all got in the car and drove home.

Amelia point of view

When we got home I saw Halia and Adrik chasing after Liberty and Freedom me and Alfred's dogs. " Halia and Adrik your okay." I said getting out of the car and giving them a hug. "  You two had me worried you two know not to go after the dogs without asking." Kanyla said trying to be a good older sister. " Calm down Kanyla you did the right thing by getting me in proud of you but now we have to worry about everyone else at the meeting that want to meet you all." I said holding Kanyla's shoulders. " Thanks mom." Kanyla said happy that I'm not mad.

Then we all went inside and started working on the plan. " What am I going to do I have never been able to tell anyone about the kids unless I was willing to but now I'm being forced to." I said running to my room. I started crying when I got there and wondering what to do. " You don't have to be afraid Amelia I'm sure your mother and the others will be okay besides what's going to happen?" I hear Oliver, Vladimir, and Vladimir's kids say. " Your right guys thank you now let's think." I said ready to figure this out. We decided to spend the rest of the day figuring this out.

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