Making Monsters

By yatzirig_

628 37 6

Emma Luna Wolf has had a rough life. She's been bullied by her 'best friend' and her posse since freshman yea... More

Making Monsters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

70 2 0
By yatzirig_

"Where to now?" he asks curiosly. 

"Well, I was gonna head back to my place. You can come over if you'd like I guess."

"Uh, your parents won't mind?"

Oh. I'll keep this short for now. "I don't live with my parents. They kicked me out."

It looks like he's thinking of something to say but ends up giving up. It's an awkward silence for a good 10 minutes, but I can't bring myself to break it. 

"Why'd your parents kick you out?" he asks. I'm glad he broke the silence, but couldn't he have asked something else?

"That's something I don't like talking about. Sorry."

"Oh. It's fine. I understand." Thank God he doesn't push it. We keep walking for a bit more in silence. It's not awkward silence, it's comfortable silence. We come near a Taco Bell and I ask, "Wanna grab something to eat? I'm starving."

He looks down and replies, "I don't have money to pay with," he kind of looks, embarassed? Why would he be embarassed? I won't ask for his sake, but I do want to know.

"Don't worry about it. I got ya covered," I say grabbing the money from my pocket and showing it to him, even though he's not even looking.

"No, it's fine. I'll just wait 'til I get home."

"Trust me it's fine. I got it. Now c'mon, let's go eat some food," I answer smiling, trying to lighten up the mood. He doesn't say anything and we walk into the fast food restraunt. 

"I'll have a Stuft Nacho and a Baja Blast. Jason what do you want?" When I turn around he looks up from the ground and responds, "I'll have the same, but can I just get a soda instead of the Baja Blast."

"Will that be it?" the cashier asks. 

"Yes," I respond.

"10.63 please." I hand her the money and she gives me my change back along with the receipt. Jason stays silent as we walk over to a table with 2 chairs. Why is he being so quiet? It's really starting to bother me, not in the rude way, of course. I wonder what he's thinking. Where are all these thoughts coming from anyway? I never wonder this stuff, and I just met this guy.

Without thinking I blurt out, "Why are you so quiet?" Why did I just do that? He looks up at me with wide eyes and he looks scared or surprised. I can't tell. He quickly recovers as he thinks of something to say. I have a feeling he's going to make up so random excuse and I don't like being lied to.

"Don't lie to me Jason. That's one thing I hate, liers. Tell me what's on your mind, i'll listen. I won't judge you." He stays quiet a little more and quietly responds, "I'm just thinking of my uh old friends back home, that's all." 

"Oh," is all I can manage to say. I probably seem like the biggest idiot ever. I hope the food gets here quick so we don't have to sit here in awkward silence. Right on cue, the worker calls our number and I stand up to get the food. I grab a couple packets of hot sauce and make my way back to our table. I set the food down and hand Jason his cup. "Thanks," he whispers. I sit down as he stands up to fill his cup. 

I hope he doesn't think i'm a total creep or an asshole. What if he didn't sit next to me this morning in Mr. Simons' class, would we be at Taco Bell right now? Funny how everything happens by one simple thing. I usually don't  go out eating with someone I met just 4 hours ago. What the hell is wrong with me? I hope this isn't as awkward to him as it is to me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Jason's hand is in front of my face moving side to side. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking about stuff," I say.

"It's fine, don't worry," he says smiling. He has a beautiful smile. I just realized that, wow. 

"Having fun looking at my face?" he says laughing. He must have caught me staring at him. Oh gosh, I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks and he laughs. 

"Stop laughing Jason," I whine, covering my face.

"I'm sorry," he answers trying to control his laughter, "it's just that I found it kinda cute."

He found that cute? What? No one ver finds me cute. I can see the red creap up onto his face. Now it's my turn to laugh at him. 

"Don't laugh Emma! It's not funny," he looks away. 

"Okay I'm sorry," I decide to change the subject, "we should probably get eatting 'cause our food's gonna get cold." With that, I unwrap my stuft nacho and open a pack of hot sauce while Jason does the same. 

We eat in silence, while I'm out of it again. This time I take the time to admire him. His black beanie looks good on him. His black hair falls perfectly over his beautiful brown eyes. He has a black t-shirt on with grey skinny jeans and I don't know what shoes he has on, but I know that he looks gorgeous. Emma, you need to stop. 

"Ready to go Emma?" I hope I wan't looking at him too long. I can't help but blush a bit and I'm glad he doesn't laugh or call me out. 

"Uh, yea let's go." We stand from our seats and I take the tray over to the trash can. While I throw away the trash from the tray I let go of the tray and it falls into the trash can. Oh no, we need to leave right now.

"Let's go Jason!" I whisper. I quickly start walking and I hear Jason right behind me.

"What happend?" he asks.

"I accidently threw away the tray," I answer laughing and walking as he follows behind laughing as well. 

When he's done lauhging he says, "Today's been the best day I've had in weeks. Maybe even months, but I'm glad I was spending it with you."

His comment catches me off guard but I shrug it off. "Me too," I reply. It's true though. It's been the best day I've had in a while. The rest of the walk is spent in comfortable silence. 

Once we reach my apartment I grab my keys and open the door. "This is where I live," I tell Jason. 

"It's a nice place," he complients, "know where I can throw this away?" he asks gesturing to his cup. I grab it from his hand and head towards the kitchen. I throw away his cup along with mine. 

I leave the kitchen and head back to the living room. "What do you wanna do?" I question him. 

"I don't know. Talk? We could use this time to get to know each other," Jason states. 

"Okay. Ask me anything and I'll answer truthfully."

"Okay. Umm, what's your favorite color?"



"October 28," I respond.

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Umm, I listen to rock or screamo," I say using air quotes.


"Yea. Is that bad?"

"No! I was just surprised and glad because I like that music as well," he says enthusiasically. There's another thing I like about him now. His taste in music. I swear he's like my dream guy. 

"Okay, now my turn to be nosey," I remark jokingly.

"Okay then," he replies smiling.


Random update cx hope you're enjoying this story! Leave feed back .o.

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