They Don't Know About Us//Boo...

By macee2323

20.5K 358 55

Bree and Chase start to feel something blossom between them. They can't comprehend their feelings for each ot... More

a/n 2020
Chapter 1//Bree's Diary
Chapter 3//Leo's Broken Promises
Chapter 4//Thinking About You
Chapter 5//Leo's Jam Part 1
Chapter 6//Leo's Jam Part 2
Chapter 7//Leo's Jam Part 3
Chapter 8//Leo's Jam Part 4-The Dance
Chapter 9//They Dont Know About Us
Chapter 10//Best Friend or Love Interest? Maybe Both?
Chapter 11//Mission Creek Mall
Chapter 12//Honey, I morphed myself
Chapter 13//Bouching Off the Walls
Chapter 14//Flowers and Chocolate Stawberries
Chapter 16//Suspicious Much?
Chapter 17//Golden Buzzer Pt. 1
Chapter 18//Golden Buzzer PT. 2
Chapter 19//Can't Take Much More
Chapter 20//Me and Ethan Down in the School Yard
β€’update-apr. 2019β€’

Chapter 2//Anger Issuses

1.8K 27 3
By macee2323

Chase's POV:
    After Bree and I were done cleaning, we went back to Tasha to see if she wanted us to do any more chores. "Oh, yes! The back deck has some pine trimmings on the floor, could you two sweep them up? Tasha said with delight in er eyes. "Yeah sure, we can do that." I said as I looked at Bree. We got the brooms and a dustpan. Leo and Adam came out as the elevator opened. "Hey, I wanted to sweep the trimmings!" Leo said, his eyes growing, again. Tasha laughed and smiled, "Sorry, Leo, they beat you to it."

    Bree got the last branch. "Finally done." She said, wiping a hair away from her face. I could have done that for her! I wish I had done it for her. Anyways, I grabbed the dustpan and scrapped of the branches into the dustpan. "Let's go do something." Bree said, getting ready to super speed. "Wait, we better ask Tasha again before she gets mad." I said as I grabbed her arm, trying to stop her. Truth is, I didn't want to do anymore chores, I just wanted to be forced to be with Bree. Well, of corse I still could have been with her all day, but that's not cool. I bet she would be embarrassed to hang with me all day, I mean, I'm her younger brother.

//Bree's POV:
    Chase is so humble. He knows that if we run off, Tasha will get mad, and he doesn't want that for me. He is so perfect, I just wish I could tell him how I feel. I can't! He won't want me back! I guess loving your own brother is as crazy as it sounds.
    We walked back inside and to Tasha. "Is there anything else we are supposed to do?"Chase asked Tasha in kind of an irritated tone. I knew it, he didn't like cleaning with me. My face drooped a small frown. "Oh, no you two are off the hook. You can go get the two 20 dollar bills from Donald's desk." Tasha replied as she picked up one of her Lady Magazines. We walked over to the desk together. I still felt bad that he felt that way; or maybe he didn't. I don't know! Boys are so confusing. I grabbed one of the 20s and I told Chase that I'd be in the lab. I wish he would come with me. Maybe he had something more important to do.

//Chase's POV:
    Oh no! I think that she thinks I was mad we had to clean together! I was only saying it in that tone so Tasha wouldn't suspect anything. Now she won't ever like me! I touched my two fingers to my temple. I searched for Bree's data base. There it is! I thought. I looked at all of the pictures we took together with my Bionic camera in my eyes. She is so beautiful. All on her own. Without makeup or anything I thought again. And now, she was sad because of me! My face clenched and I heard a voice in my head say, "Commando App engaged." My faced turned tomato red and I roared loudly.

"Raaaaahhhh!" I roared to make sure everyone from Tasha to the Lab heard me. I slowly walked towards Tasha as she slowly got up from the couch with a very terrified look on her face. "Guys! I think Tike's back!" She yelled towards the elevator. The elevator opened and Adam, Leo, and Bree came out. "Mom, it's Spike! Not Tike!" Leo yelled to her slowly walking to the couch. "How cares! Just fix him!" Tasha replied.

//Bree's POV:
    What triggered his commando app? Maybe he knew that I was upset. Chase really does care! My smile grew with excitement. Or maybe just because we're related. My smile faded as Sike/Chase walked up to Adam and said, "Hey princess, when are you gonna fight me?" He voice was deep and kinda pretty. "Why? I'd take you on any day!" Adam said, correcting his battle stance. "For the hand; of her." Sike/Chase replied as he pointed at me. Adam laughed, "Oh right, you don't know us! You see, you are our brother Liking Bree would just be wired." Leo looked at chase then said, "Very." I scolded Leo, walked over to him and said, "Hey, before we change him back, do you ant to see how this plays out?" I folded my hands and smiled. Leo's eyes grew and he nodded. "No! can we just hurry? I just bought that toaster!" Tasha yelled as she stood on the couch hanging on the the edge. Leo and I looked at her then back at Adam and Chase. Spike/Chase had Adam pinned against the wall and had the toaster on Adam's chest. Come on Chase! If Adam wins, then in Spike's mind he will be devastated. And will turn back into chase! I thought. My face grew excited with ideas. "Leo, Adam! I have an idea! If Adam wins then Spike will be devastated, and he will turn back into Chase!" I yelled. Adam looked confused, like he always is. "I'm already doing that, Bree! He's too strong! NO HE ISN'T! WHAT AM I SAYING?! HE IS STILL PUNY LITTLE CHASE!" Adam yelled, his temper rising. H pushed Spike/Chase to the round and pinned him. Spike's face became droopy and tired.

//Chase's POV:
    "Commando App disengaged." The voice said. "What? I was in commando mode? Why?!" Chase said as he got up from the floor. "I don't know, but all I know is that you wanted to fight Adam for Bree." Leo said to Chase with a confused look. "Really?"
"I didn't win, did I"
"Does that matter?" Adam said as he set the dented toaster on the counter. Tasha was filled with rage. "Ugh! That toaster is all dented and their are scratch marks on the floor!" Tasha yelled. Leo turned to her and tried to calm her down. "Mom, anger lady face, angers lady face, we will be right back." He told her as she calmed down a tiny bit. He grabbed Adam and I's arms with Bree in the middle as we walked to the elevator. It opened and e all stepped inside. "That was close Chase. I'd you or Adam dented another appliance she old have blown her top." Leo said, letting go of our arms and pushing the button to go to the lab.

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