Drama (Robbie Kay fanfic)

By AyeRobbieKay

66.4K 2.1K 702

When 18 year-old Miranda Lytle was younger, she was best friends with Robbie Kay. Little did she know that wh... More

Drama Prolouge
New Beginnings
Flirting much?
Nurse visits
It's not what it looks like
Forgive and Forget
True Colors
Little Liars


3.6K 93 65
By AyeRobbieKay

~Chapter 6~


Miranda's POV

My eyes flickered open and a bright white light blinded me.

"Shes awake." I deep husky voice said from the corner of the room.

"Get the boy in." The voice said again.

Wait, boy? What boy? I don't need the boy in here...

"Miranda!" I British voice screamed, running at me. My vision was still a little blurry and I was still trying to take everything.

2 strong arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt like passing out again. The smell of the room hurt my head and I just wanted to be back in my dorm.

"I'm so glad your ok." The guy pulled me away and I took in his facial features.


Tears were streaming down his face as he looked at me. I just stared at him confused. What the hell happened?

"W-w-what h-happened?" I stuttered, utterly confused.

"You passed out! You had me worried sick!" He answered almost immediately.

I was to weak to fight back. I tried sitting up on my elbows, yet fell immediately.

"Whats wrong with me?" I whispered, throwing my hand on my head. It felt like I had absolutely no energy.

"Why did I pass out?!" I started getting angry, yet I don't know why. Robbie turned towards the doctor, wondering the same thing.

"You passed out because of starvation and dehydration."

Robbie whipped his head to look at me. I gulped.

"Starvation?" He questioned quietly. I didn't say anything, he'd be to mad if I did. Plus, why'd I have to answer to him?!

"Miranda?" He snapped me back into my thoughts. I stared into his eyes I could tell they were asking me if everything was ok. The thing was, everything wasn't ok.

I was starving myself.

Out of nowhere Robbie put his hands on my waist. He slowly dragged them up to my chest and I stared down while he began to unzip my sweater.

I still had my white bandeau on, but he saw my stomach. He gasped when he saw my ribs practically sticking out of my stomach.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. Look, I couldn't go back to my old self. I couldn't let anyone have a reason to make fun of me ever again.

"Oh dear, we have to get you some food." One of the nurses said as she saw my deflated stomach.

"No!" I screamed shooting up in bed. My vision became extremely blurry and I fell back onto the uncomfortable bed again.

"Miranda, your eating." Robbie said firmly. I just groaned and thought of my plan to easily just force myself throw it up after. Robbie turned towards the nurse waiting in the doorway. "That would be great, thank you."

He turned back towards me and frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?"

My eyes widened. Did he really think I'd tell him?! Who did he think he was? I mean sure, former best friends here.. but also former bully.

"Why should I?" I hadn't even told my best friend Alyssa.

We sat in silents the whole time we waited for the nurse to get back. When she did she had a bowl of steaming soup with her. She handed it gently over to Robbie and left the room to go talk to the doctors.

"Eat." Robbie handed the bowl over to me, but I refused.

"Miranda. Eat." I shook my head too quickly and my head began to ache again.

He sighed and lifted up the spoon with the soup in and tried putting it in my mouth. I pressed my lips together as hard as I could.

"Miranda stop being so damn stubborn!" He yelled.

"Please eat! You don't, you die! I-I.. can't have that." He looked away and but before he did, I saw tears form in my eyes.

"What will make you eat." He asked in a hush tone. I knew the only person who could get me to eat.


I sighed and looked over at my phone on the table. He glanced up at me and back at the phone. He smirked and extended his hand and reached out for it. Once he picked it up his smiled faded and I eyed him wearily.

"Who's Ashton winkyface?" He looked up at me and I avoided his eyes.

"What did he say?" I asked in a hush tone.

He let out a sigh and glanced back down at the text. "'Hey babe, I miss you *heart* Something up?'"

I reached for my phone, but he shot his hand back. "Give me my phone!" I screamed, reaching for it again.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He asked curiously.

I nodded my head and looked at his jealous face? Hah, he was jealous! He looked back down at my phone and unlocked it. He went to my contacts and clicked on Alyssa's 'call' button.

"Hello? Alyssa?"

I could faintly feel her talking back.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I let out a snort at her reply.


"Robbie, Robbie Kay! Woah, what are you doing with my babe! Get away from her!" She started shouting so loud, Robbie had to move the phone away from his ear.

"Look, she passed out because of starvation and-" He began to talk again, but she interrupted.


Oh god, was I dead.

He slowly handed me the phone and I held it up to my ear.

"Hi...." I said awkwardly.

"Miranda, eat."

I obviously didn't want to be on Alyssa's bad side, so I grabbed the bowl and practically shoved the soup down my throat. It felt so good to eat. I missed the feeling of something filling my stomach, easing my pain.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Robbie asked, glancing down at the empty bowl in my hands. I couldn't help but smile. Its hasn't been so long since I've eaten... 2 weeks probably, but still.

I gave the bowl back to Robbie and the doctor came in.

"Miranda, I'd like to ask you some questions." Well that didn't sound good.

Robbie nodded and stepped out of the room. The doctor pulled up a stool and sat next to my hospital bed.

"Is it true your weren't eating?" He looked down at his clipboard and began to write something. I hesitated before answering. What if he locks me up in an asylum or something?

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Why were you starving yourself, Miranda?" He questioned.

Should I tell him? How would I? The boy in the that other room who practically just saved my life made me feel self conscious about myself? I had to just come out in say it... right?

"Bullying." I finally replied. He nodded and wrote down some notes on his little clipboard. He got up and just walked out, not saying anything. I saw Robbie come back in and he smiled at me.

"I still havn't forgivin you, you know." I glared at him and he just laughed.

"Ok, cuz saving your life isn't good enough?" He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me.

"2 years Robbie. 2. Years." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him.

"Look." He walked over to my hospital and held onto my hand. "Miranda. I am so so so sorry." I didn't bother to stop him. I kind of wanted to hear him apologies... don't ask why.

"Why?" I finally spoke up.

He tilted his head and looked at me with confusion. "Why what?"

"Why did you make fun of me! Was it fun to cause me pain!?" I lifted my head and my vision became blurry again.

"Woah, calm down." He got an extra pillow from the other hospital bed and put it behind my neck. He helped me up so I was sitting up properly. He sat on the edge of my bed and I looked at him in the eyes.

He took a deep breath and began. "Yes, I made fun of you, but here's the thing Miranda. I didn't do it for pleasure. I didn't do it to watch you suffer. I did it because i liked you."

I looked at him, unable to speak.

"You beat me up because you like me... What the hell!? Do you think I'm that stupid?! Because if you do-"

Out of nowhere he pressed his lips onto mine and put his hands onto my waist. It wasn't soft and passionate, It felt rough and it was getting more intense. I refused to kiss back. I pulled away from him and looked at him weirdly.

I slapped him hard and the chest and he grasped where I hit him.

"Ow, that hurt!" He said in his baby voice.

"You can't do that!" I screamed, throwing a pillow at him.

"Do what?" Was he really that clueless?

"You can't tell me you made fun of me because of you liked me then make out with me! I have a boyfriend!" I pushed my back up against the headboard, getting away from him.

"I had to hide my feelings for you somehow." He said in a 'duh' tone while rolling his eyes.

"Your telling me, you hurt me because you were trying to hide your feelings? That's bullshit!" I kicked him with my foot and almost hit him off the bed.

"Miranda-" He started.


"What?" He asked curiously.

"I. Said. Go." I pointed to the doorway.

"Miranda, don't do this." He looked at me with pleading eyes, but he was ignored.

I didn't say a word. He took it as a sign. After he left I overheard voices coming from outside my room. I slowly got up and leaned against the wall to listen to the 2 male voices. One of them being Robbie's.

Robbie's POV

As soon as I got out of the room, the doctor pulled me aside.

"You go to her boarding school right?" He asked, examining his clip board.

"Yes." I nodded his head and saw something unusual written down.

"Your locking her up!?" I screamed, pointing to a note on one of his little papers.

"Shh!" He pulled me off to the side, blocking everything out.

"I'm not going to lock her up." Relief washed over me and I smiled.

"You care about her?" He asked curiously.


"Make sure she takes care of her self... You know, eats and stuff." I nodded my head and let him continue. "Your school, their going to say she needs to go to rehab for her disorder.. I won't let them. She's a good girl. Just take care of her, ok?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"I will. I promise."

We heard a door close behind us and we turned to see Miranda running down the hall. Oh god.

The doctor yelled something to some people and they began to run after her. They both caught up to her and picked her up. She was thrashing and kicking in their arms.

"Let me go! I'm not being locked up!" I couldn't help but laugh.

She suddenly got out of their grasp and punched one of them. Holy shit... I began to get up and run over to her. She was going even faster which was surprising since she was in heels. A few more people were running behind me.

"Miranda!" I screamed still going after her. She was a few feet away from the door when she tripped and fell face flat on the ground. I kneeled down by her side and she looked over at her now swollen ankle.

Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at me.

"Please! Please don't let them lock me up!" She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my chest.

I stroked her long, black, hair and soothed her. "Shh, they aren't locking you up." I missed this. I missed comforting her so much it hurt, she'd never forgive me.

She pulled away and widened her eyes. "They aren't?"

"No. I wouldn't let them. The school wants to, but the doctor's going to talk them out of it. Well, as long as I look after you."

She sighed and looked up at me. "Thank you." She squeezed me tight and then attempted to get up, but fell.

"Woah woah woah. You twisted your ankle, you can't walk." I put my hand at her knees and on her back, lifting her up bridle style.

"I'm so going to get you for this." She smacked me hard, but let me carry her.

"Damn your light." I whispered in her ear. She shivered and I laughed.

"Not eating for 2 weeks does that to a person." She laughed, but then it quickly faded when she saw my serious face.

Miranda's POV

I felt so weird in his arms. Yet I kind of felt safe. I looked up into his green eyes and he looked back. It felt like it was just us in the world. At that moment, I didn't see that I was in the arms of someone who hurt me, I saw that I was in the arms of Robbie. Just Robbie.

I hate to admit it, I really do. But I missed him. I missed him coming over, hanging out everyday. I missed going swimming in the summer. I missed having karaoke singing competitions even though we purposely sung bad. I missed having my brother with me, protecting me.

But right now he didn't feel like my brother though.. he felt like more then that. Even though I hated to admit it, I wanted him to kiss me again.

Woah, Miranda. SNAP OUT OF IT. You have a boyfriend. Ashton, remember?

I brought my hand up to my head, hitting myself. "Shut up!" I yelled at myself. Then I realized I was in Robbie's arms, and he was staring at me... I pressed my lips together awkwardly and lowered my hand down to my side blushing.

"Ok..." He looked in front of us at the doctors. "I'm going to go check out and I'll bring you back to your room." He winked at me and set me down on a chair nearby the check out.

I couldn't help but stare at him when he stood at the front counter. God. This is so complicated. I can't be liking him. I have a sweet boyfriends back home and missed him dearly. Right? This guy, the guy who stood in front of me, was a monster. He tortured me for 2 years and almost got me to kill myself. But for some odd reason I couldn't shake the feeling that I was falling love all over again.

|| Hey I've been writing this all day because 'The Carrie Diaries' have been freaking DISTRACTING me!


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