In Love With the Enemies

By catsRULEdogsDROOL

75.7K 1.7K 300

The only life under thinking, confused Maroon remembers, is her life with Viva. Maroon's life takes a dramat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Thirteen

3.3K 83 21
By catsRULEdogsDROOL

Has a bit of langage. Just as warning. 

Maroon’s eyes fluttered open as light stung into her eyes, blinding her. She moved a hand to cover her eyes and stretched out the other, yawning.

Sitting up, Maroon pulled away the covers lazily, stretching out her body and lowly getting out of bed. She stretched again. Her body was so sour and tight. Maroon stretched out her body like a cat before walking outside of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. 

Walking down the stairs, at the last stair there, she stopped, staring at her reflection. She slowly pulled back her hair to reveal a deep, bite. She ran a finger around it before proceeding to the kitchen to wash away the dried blood.

The house was empty of everyone, completely silent of any noise other then the running faucet, where she held a towel, wetting it. She then turned off the faucet and placed the towel gently onto the bite, cleaning off the blood.

Maroon jumps a bit as she hears the front door open and hears Caleb call out for her. She is about to respond when he runs into the kitchen to gap at her. His expression turns for relief that Maroon is alive, but then his face turns hard as he notices the towel place on her neck.

“What happened?” Caleb asks through gritted teeth, glaring at her neck. He didn’t move, but she could clearly see his body shaking in rage. 

“Viva bite me.” Maroon matter-of-factually said, before moving the towel back and smiled. “Don’t worry. The bleeding has stopped, I’m just cleaning the dried blood.” She smiled again, walking towards Caleb.

“What! Viva was here?” Caleb shouted, furious as he stalked towards her and grabbed the hand holding the towel and forced it away from her neck while he examined the bite. His eyes had already turned black with anger. 

Caleb growled deep in his throat as he glared at the bite, which now almost covered his mark, making it blend in with the bite, making the his mark almost non-existent. Caleb growled again.

“God damn it!” Caleb again shouted, still angry although Maroon didn’t understand why he was so upset. Moving away from Maroon, Caleb growled, trying to control his wolf as he flipped over the table, causing it to crash into the wall. Maroon let out a yelp and moved away, eyes wide. 

“Where the hell was Duke to stop all this?” Caleb shouted, storming upstairs. He should of known that Viva was going to return and that one guy, no matter what the strength, could stop him. Viva always got what he wanted. Maroon smiled at the thought of Viva. 

Things turned serious as she realized that she had to tell Caleb that Duke was dead, and the person she loved had killed him. It wasn’t Viva’s fault though, he was only protecting her. The only reason Viva left her here is because he knows that she’ll be save with Caleb and it isn’t time for her to come home. Maroon feels sad that she doesn’t get to see Viva for a while, but she doesn’t mind Caleb’s company all that much either. 

“Caleb,” Maroon whispered, looking down at the floor, sad that she was the one to share the news of Duke’s death. “Duke is dead.” She slowly looked up through her lashes at Caleb’s reaction. His mouth was the tiniest bit agape, but then closed and scowled.

“And why might that be? Your precious Viva kill him?” Caleb taunted. Maroon hated the way he was handling this, but nodded anyway.

“He was just protecting me.” Maroon whispered looking all the way up. 

Caleb swung his arms in the air in disbelief. “Protecting you? How the hell was he protecting you, Maroon?” Caleb shouted, storming over towards her scowling. He grabbed her forearms, startling her enough for her to look up at him, green eyes wide. “What happened to you Maroon? What did he do? Why are you acting like this? Protecting Viva? He wasn’t protecting you, Duke was! If Viva was protecting you so much, why do you have this bite on your neck? Tell me how he was protecting you!” Caleb shouted demandingly and viciously, shaking her.

“Ouch! Caleb! Let go!” Maroon cried, struggling in his grip. He immediately let go but didn’t move away. He was waiting for an answer. He crossed his arms when Maroon didn’t answer. She was holding back tears from his previous shouting. She had never liked shouting. It has always scared her. 

When Maroon didn’t answer, Caleb eventually walked away, leaving her alone again. All this felt so familiar, like deja vu. She let a single tear escape as she wished she wasn’t here and could just go to Viva. She wanted him, needed him. 

Maroon picked up the towel she hadn’t realized she had dropped, and made sure all the blood was dry before washing it out and laying it on the kitchen faucet. Sighing, she made her way into the living room. She knew that Duke was probably still upstairs and that they would have to do something soon, which would result in Caleb, who she didn’t feel like speaking or seeing, although she doubting he wanted the same thing. 

Plopping down on the couch, she grabbed the television remote and clicked through the channels for something that interested her. Finally she found a movie that she felt she had seen before, but could remember specifically. 

Thankfully the movie had just started, so Maroon hadn’t missed much and was quickly sucked into the movie. She found it humorous when the main character confessed me wanted to kidnap the President of the United States, knowing he couldn’t. He did though, which Maroon found vary cleaver. 

By the end of the movie, when the credits started, Maroon thought if she should return to her room or just sleep down there.

She was interrupted though, “Maroon?” 

Maroon turned around on the couch to see Caleb leaning against the wall, watching her expressionless. She returned the stare into his blue eyes. He pushed himself off of the doorway and took a step forward.

“I am sorry, I yelled at you. I shouldn’t of been so harsh.” Caleb apologized, making Maroon feel guilty.

“It’s alright.” She responded quietly. He took another step forward, showing he was about to ask something serious.

“What happened while I was gone. I know Viva was here, but,” Caleb paused, seeming to think or process something. “Why are you acting so strangely? I feel like were back to the day I first brought you here.” 

Maroon sighed, getting up from the couch and walked towards him so she was about a yard away. “I don’t know. I guess feelings I thought I didn’t have anymore, weren’t really completely gone and seeing him again must of brought them back to the surface.” 

Caleb’s fist tightened and shook. He didn’t seem to be pleased with how she answered. “What about everything I told you? About Olivia and how he would do it to you. How he took you from your baby sister, Olive. Is that all just okay now that he is gone?” Caleb seemed to want to be gently, but his words stung.

“I asked him about Olivia. He told me that he didn’t kill her. And–” Maroon paused, looking down. “And I trust him that he isn’t lying.” 

Hearing that, Caleb snapped. He growled deeply, causing Maroon to look up at him and back slowly away. Growls got louder and louder and his eyes turned pitch black with anger. Maroon bumped into the wall, frozen in fear at Caleb’s posture and anger. She could tell from all she remembered, his wolf wanted to come out. She knew if it did, things wouldn’t end well. 

“Caleb.” Maroon pleaded, holding out an arm. “Calm down.” 

Caleb snapped again, “Calm down! Calm down? Why the fuck should I calm down, Maroon? After everything I told you, everything Viva did to you, you still side with him! What the fuck is wrong with you, Maroon? He murdered Olivia before me! He took you away from your sister, which resulting in her being left along with your abusive mother! Olive is dead, because he made you leave her. How can you forgive him for that? He is a monster! I can’t believe you don’t see it! It’s right in front of you Maroon! Do you want to die?” Caleb shouted again, shaking in anger, black eyes wide with fury. Maroon’s chest throbbed as she let out a sob of pain and guilt and fear.  

Caleb seems to soften as he sees Maroon’s broken expression of hurt. He sighs and runs a hand through his thick, blonde hair and starts to pace. “Look. Maroon. I am sorry. I just–” Caleb paused, meeting her glassy eyes. 

“I can’t lose you.” 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :) Comment and vote if you did! Thanks!

Question: Why does Maroon suddenly side with Viva, after she even though she said she hated him? Will she forever be Viva's, or will Caleb win her back? (Who would you choose personally?)

Note: If you think I am going to drag this into a repeat of the same chapters where Caleb has to win her over, don't stop reading. There is actually only a few chapters left and they aren't about Caleb winning her back. They have action. Just wait and see! :)

Thanks again everyone! Vote and Comment! ^,...,^

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