Trouble Never Sleeps

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Are you willing enough to go all the way just to get you and your boys out of trouble?? More

Trouble Never Sleeps
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII

Chapter V

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By QuestionsAndAnswers

I'm going to try and make this chapter long so bare with me lol


The next couple of weeks went as I planned all I did was stay in bed all day, played ps3 and had a bell next to my bed so Lucy would get me what I wanted. (The bell was Lucy's idea by the way I was just happy with staying in bed all day playing my ps3). But it was getting boring just staying in bed all day, I needed to go for a run and now! "Lucy I need to go for a run!" I shouted downstairs to Lucy. I started climbing out of bed just to be pushed back into bed by Lucy.

"No your not going no-where!" Lucy said with her eyes on me.

"Please Lucy, I have been stuck in bed for nearly 4 weeks and it's doing my head in" I pleaded to her.

"Fine but you come straight back" Lucy's eyes was full of guilt. I rushed out of bed and grabbed my Man City football kit shorts from my wardrobe. I  made my way to my favourite place in the world, the place I could become a wolf a no-one would know. As my bones arranged itself to become a silver backed wolf, I shouted in pain why was it hurting so badly! The pain slowly died off just leaving me in my wolf form. I ran around for a while to die off some spare energy, chased some squirrels and rolled in the grass for a while. My fur wasn't as silver as it was a couple of hours ago which means my human form isn't going to be too clean either but it was totally worth it. Next thing I knew I got woken up by some noises by the bushes making me howl really loudly.

"Who's there?" some girl walked out of the bushes, her eyes darted to me laying perfectly on the floor in my wolf form casually licking myself clean. "You okay there?" She came closer to me and started stroking my side. 'Why is she not scared' I thought to myself words repeating themselves over and over again. 'What can I do to scare her off?' I howled louder than before but she just looked very worried like I was in pain or something. "It's okay I'm here now" she hugged me gently.  Wait ... She smelt really nice ... She can't be .... No it can't be. I needed to get out of here, it was getting late anyways and Lucy would be worrying about me also I refuse to believe she's my mate. She can't be my mate because she might not even be a werewolf.

"Where you going?" The girl shouted. Her scent changed a little, it had a hint of sadness in it now.

'Go back to you mate! She needs you' My Wolf growled at me.

'No I refuse to believe she's my mate!' I argued back.

'Well believe it! She's your mate get over it!' My wolf snapped back.

I couldn't let my wolf win this, if she was my mate (which I highly doubt) I don't want my wolf getting in the way of it all. Ah shit I'm still wolf but I can't turn back when I'm in a busy neighbourhood ... well I can't stay as a wolf! Closest bush ... wall just something! I hid behind some house or it could be a hotel well if it's a house, they are just being greedy. The house looked very victorian like, big rooms and just prefection outside look of it. Wait ... I'm getting off topic, my bones rearranged themselves back to normal as my body slowly turned back into my normal form. Aha I was right, I'm covered in grass stains and dirt. I chuckled to myself as I walked back home but the images of that girl kept flashing through my mind, I can't just leave her there she could get attacked or even worst killed. I ran there as fast as I could (which was not very fast compared to my wolf speed). 'But I can't rescue her in human form ...' I slowed down as I got lost in thought.

'I don't think she's really bothered for whatever form of you, you rescue her in!' My wolf snapped at me making me come back into reality. I finally arrived at the place I just orginally ran from ... where is she? What's that over there? That isn't blood is it? The girl's scent got dark and gloomy which was totally completely different from before. "What the hell happened to h-" I got interrupted mid-sentence by a scream ... my mate's scream!

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