Love in LA • a Ross Lynch Fan...

Από Crazy_Girl_SA

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Tori and Ross have been through a lot together. A psychopathic stalker, suicide, rape, court trials, deaths... Περισσότερα

Love In LA
Chapter 1
New Book!
31 (preview)
Butterflies Against Cyberbullying
New Story
38/The Wedding!
39 (part 1)
Very Important
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 (Final Chapter)
Third book


812 21 1
Από Crazy_Girl_SA

*Wednesday 15th of February 2017*
Ross's POV

"Ah! Home sweet home," Tori sighed as we walked into our apartment and I smiled lightly. I kicked off my shoes, but Tori didn't even bother as she walked into the kitchen.

I followed her into the kitchen and saw that she was taking out a bottle of water. "Want one?" she asked as she motioned to the bottle and I shook my head before walking closer. "Love you," I mumbled against her cheek before giving it a kiss and she smiled as she blushed. "I love you too," she said before kissing my cheek. Her lips were wet and cold against my cheek. I turned her face to mine before placing my lips on hers and she immediately responded to the kiss. While kissing her, I took the bottled water out of her hands and placed it on the counter. I pulled her body closer to mine and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I placed both my hands on her hips as I snaked my tongue into her mouth.

Suddenly my phone's ringtone filled the air and I groaned distastefully. I decided to ignore it as I pushed Tori back into the counter and she pulled away. "Your phone," she said breathlessly and I quickly looked at it before rolling my eyes. While kissing Tori's neck I said, "It's Rocky. I swear if he calls me one more time to talk about how amazing time he's having in bed I'm gonna kill him," I said and Tori started laughing loudly. "I swear I can't listen to it anymore," I groaned as she laughed and my phone stopped ringing. "Oh just let him brag. Apparently guys do that and you're his brother so you're obliged to listen," she said and I hummed. "Not really no," I said and she giggled. "Rocky," I groaned as my phone started ringing again and Tori chuckled. "Just answer it or he's not gonna stop," she said causing me to huff as I picked up the phone. "I swear, you better be calling be calling for something important or so help you God-" "Oh calm down! I have to ask you something," Rocky interrupted me. Tori started to move away and I quickly pushed my weight against her so she couldn't leave. "Yes?" I questioned. "I want to ask Michelle something very important," Rocky started and by the tone in his voice I immediately knew what he wanted to ask causing me to stand up straight. "Rocky," I started and he giggled nervously. "You can't judge! You only knew Tori three months before asking her to marry you! I've known Michelle for three months now," Rocky said and I sighed. "That's true. Okay how about this? Bring her to Cali, introduce her to some friends and family and see how it goes from there," I suggested and he hummed. "That seems like a good idea. Okay I'll ask her if she wants to come for a visit. Is it normal that I feel like my stomach's gonna fall out of my ass?" Rocky asked and I laughed. "Yeah that's normal. But bring her here before you pop the question," I said and Rocky sighed. "Yeah I know. I gotta go. She's about to get out of the shower," Rocky said and I nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later, bro," I said and we said goodbyes before hanging up.

"You'll never guess what Rocky just told me," I said and Tori rose a curious eyebrow.


*Friday 17th of February 2017*
Ross's POV

I walked into our apartment after the meeting with management and heard the TV on. Rocky's on his way back to LA with Michelle. They'll be here in a couple of hours. As I walked in I saw Tori pacing around the living room with a stressed look on her face. She's expecting a call from the Whitehouse today and at three she has a meeting with Pantene.

"Hey. You're home early," Tori said as she looked at me and I smiled. "The meeting wasn't that long. I'll tell you about it later. Are you okay?" I asked and she shrugged lightly. "Just a little nervous. You do remember about the meeting today, right?" Tori asked and I nodded. "Yeah I do. Do you wanna go now?" I asked and she nodded. Today all the shareholders at Victorious are having a meeting. Just some stuff we need to talk about. "Okay let's go. I'm just gonna change real quick," I said before quickly running into our room. I put on my tuxedo before putting on my shoes and I looked at myself. "Should I keep the blazer on?" I asked Tori and she nodded. "It's a formal meeting," she said and I looked down at her outfit. She had on a black dress that had some beeding at the bottom and black high heels.

She looked beautiful. "You look beautiful," I said and she smiled at me. "You look handsome," she replied and I chuckled. "Let's go," I said and she grabbed her purse before I led her out of the apartment. I grabbed the car keys to her Audi before locking the door and we took the elevator downstairs. We walked into the garage and she looked at me. "Are you driving?" she asked and I nodded before opening the door for her and she thanked me before getting in.


"The files in front of you contain records of everything that's happened this past month," Tori said as we all sat in the board room and everyone grabbed the brown paper file.

Currently we were at the Victorious headquarters and all the board members and shareholders were having a meeting. Basically everyone who has shares in the business, but our financial advisor and publicist was also here.

"I have a question," Kyle started and Tori turned her head to him. Nadine also flew out to join the meeting. "Is everything sorted out with the woman who stole stock?" he asked and Tori nodded. She was presenting the whole thing so she was standing. "Yes it is. We got back all the stock and it was sold in our shop again. She'll be in court next month," Tori said and Kyle nodded. I expected her to be more nervous about this, but after she realised that she knows everyone personally she relaxed a lot. "Also I just want to confirm everyone knows about the other seven branches that are opening right? Three are in Europe, two in the UK and two in South Africa," she said and everyone nodded. Tori really wanted to expand her business there. I think it's because she also grew up there. Victorious is doing really well. Honestly it's shocking how quickly we're expanding. We're worldwide. "There's something I need to tell everyone," Tori started as she looked down before looking up again and we locked eyes. I gave her an assuring nod with a small smile before she took a deep breath.

"On Tuesday I got a call from the Whitehouse," she started and everyone immediately sat up straighter, shock and curiousness all over everyone's faces. "The Whitehouse?" Nadine questioned and Tori nodded. "Yeah. They told me that Melanie Trump wants to speak to me. After I talked to her for a while she told me that her designers dropped her, as all of us probably know. She told me that she wants me to be her designer. She wants me to make all of her clothes and outfits," Tori said and everyone, except me, was looking at her in complete shock and surprise.

"Tori that's amazing!" Nadine said excitedly and Tori gave her a small smile. "That's fantastic. Congratulations," Jasper said before standing up and congratulating her with a hug. After everyone congratulated her she turned to our publicist. "What do you think about all of this?" she asked Reagan and he was silent for a moment. "I think it's a wonderful opportunity," he said after a while and she nodded. "But?" she asked and he sighed slightly. "I just don't want you guys to lose customers, but then again seeing as most of the country voted for Trump I don't think it'll be that big a problem. Are you sure you're gonna be able to handle all of this?" Reagan asked and Tori furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" "Well correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not the only job offer you've gotten this past week," Reagan said and Tori looked at him shocked. "How did you-" "It's my job to know what's going on in this company, Miss Kors. Well I mean with the wedding, the other job offer, Ross's potential tour, the Whitehouse and the company do you really believe that you'll be able to give your all in the company?" Reagan asked and she rose a sassy eyebrow before placing her right hand on the long, black table and leaning forward slightly.

"Mister Fitzgerald just remember that there's a difference between knowing what's going on in the company and stalking its board members. Do not question my dedication to this company or my ability to handle my personal life and work life. I am the CEO and founder of this company and I will not answer to you or anyone else. There are a lot of amazing publicists in LA. Don't forget that," Tori said. Her voice was thick with authority and that made Reagan shrink in his seat. All of us, except Tori and Reagan, had small smirks on our faces. That's my girl.


"That was so sexy," I said as soon as we stepped into Victoria's office and she looked at me weirdly. "What was?" she asked as we sat down on her couch and I pulled her closer to me. "What you said to the publicist. You had so much authority in you tone. It was so sexy," I said before giving her a small peck and she giggled. "Calm down, would you? I just had to make him understand," she shrugged and I hummed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Tori said a 'come in' before Tori's new assistant, Olivia Munn, walked in. Tori's been spending more time at the office since the beginning of the year. Tori, Jason and I have offices all on the same floor so that's nice. I don't really come here, but I'm here occasionally.

"Miss Kors the Whitehouse is on the phone. They're requesting to speak to you," Olivia said and Tori nodded before standing. "On line one," she said again and Tori thanked her before she disappeared out of the room. "Hello?" Tori asked as she sat down on her chair at her desk and she looked at me anxiously. "Hello, Melanie. It's nice to talk to you, too. Have I made my decision? Yes I have," Tori said in between pauses and I gave her a reassuring smile. "Melanie it would be my honor to be your designer," Tori said after a moment and I grinned proudly. I could actually hear Melanie cheering over the phone causing me to chuckle. "Yes. I will speak to you then. Thank you for the opportunity, Melanie. Have a good day," Tori said before hanging up the phone and she looked at me with a huge grin on her face. "Congratulations, baby," I said as I walked to her and kissed her grinning lips. Hell even I was grinning like a complete idiot.

"Hold on a second," I said before quickly walking out of the office and I walked to djdn desk. "I'm sorry to bother you I know you're busy, but could I send you to get something real quick?" I asked her and she immediately nodded. "Of course, Mister Lynch," she said professionally. "Please go buy us a bottle of the finest champagne you can think of," I said as I handed her my back card and she nodded. "Of course, Mister Lynch," she said before standing up. She quickly grabbed her purse before taking the elevator down.

In the past couple of months Victorious hired some new designers, got interns and hired a lot of people for the office. The building had about eighteen floors. A couple of floors aren't being used, but as soon as we expand even more they'll be used.


"A toast. To Tori. Congratulations on the job offer. I'm so proud of you," I said as we all had a glass of champagne in our hands and she blushed. Nadine, Kyle, Jasper, Jason, Tori and I were all standing in her office with champagne in our hands. "To Tori," everyone repeated before everyone clicked their glasses together. "So, Nadine, how long are you visiting?" Jasper asked before taking a sip of his champagne. Yes he did have a glass of champagne. It's not like we're in public also we aren't trying to get him drunk.

"Well until I find an apartment," Nadine said with a small grin and Tori looked at her shocked. "You're moving here?!" Tori and loudly and Nadine nodded before they shared a hug. "I'm so happy! Now I can finally talk Afrikaans again!" Tori said and everyone laughed at her. "Yeah, but actually I'm not the only one that's moving here. Nicole and Lily wants to move here, too. I'm searching for apartments for all of us," Nadine said and Tori's grin widened. "That's amazing! This day is so good," Tori said and everyone nodded in agreement.


Victoria's POV

"Miss Kors they're ready for you," a middle aged woman said and I nodded before standing up. My hands were shaking slightly and sweating as the assistant led me towards the room where the meeting will be held. Right now I'm meeting Pantene's chairman. I still had on my dress from earlier so I looked fine. I'm seriously nervous.

The woman opened the door for me and as soon as we stepped in about ten people stood up from their seats around the table. "Ah, Miss Kors, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Harvey Jones, chairman of Pantene," a man said as he shook my hand and I gave him a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said and he grinned at me before he introduced me to everyone, but honestly I'm so nervous I can't even listen right now.

"How are you feeling?" Harvey asked as everyone sat down and I chuckled lightly. "I'm shaking like a chihuahua in heat," I said jokingly and everyone around the table laughed loudly. "No need to be nervous we just wanted to ask a few questions, that's all," he said and I nodded with a smile. Thank God my hair looks amazing today.


"Miss Kors I just want to confirm your wedding is in May, right?" Harvey asked and I nodded. "Yes," "And do you have any business meetings scheduled for next week?" he asked again and I nodded. "I have to be in Washington on Wednesday," I said and he nodded.

"So we'll start filming early next month. If we stay on schedule we could film all the advertisements in a week or two," he said and I looked at him shocked. "Does this mean..." I trailed off and Harvey grinned. "Congratulations, Miss Kors. You got the job,"


As soon as I walked into our apartment I heard laughing coming from the kitchen and I quickly walked to it. I saw Nadine and Ross cooking, or well more like dying of laughter, and I cracked a smile at the sight. "Oh hey! How'd the meeting go?" Nadine asked and Ross turned to face me with an anxious expression. "I got the job," I said and both of them immediately cheered loudly before both of them attacked me in a hug. "Congratulations!" both of them screamed and I laughed. "Thank you guys. What are you making?" I asked as I looked at the stove and Ross gasped. "Shit the mince!" he yelled before running to the stove and Nadine and I laughed loudly. "We're making vetkoek!" Nadine said excitedly and I giggled at her. "Also your husband is horrible at writing songs. He started singing a song about mince and it was so bad!" Nadine laughed and Ross grinned at us. Suddenly he started singing a song loudly about mince and honestly it was hysterical. By the end both Nadine and I were laughing hysterically as we leaned on each other for balance.

It's good to have her back.


"So how are things over there?" I asked Lily and Nicole. Nadine and I were Skyping them while Ross was talking to Rocky on the phone. "Things are good. Nothing new. How about there?" Lily asked. "Things are great. Just busy. Where exactly do you want your apartments to be?" I asked before Nicole spoke up. "I just want it to be safe. Close to stuff," Nicole said and Lily and Nadine nodded in agreement. "Well I actually have three apartments. I bought them a while ago. One of the renters are being evacuated because they're not paying rent and the other two are empty. People recently moved out. It's all in the same building and about five minutes away from here. You guys could have it if you want," I said and Lily and Nicole said some stuff in agreement. "Just send us the prices and stuff through email," Lily said and I nodded.

"I can't wait to have you guys back. It's gonna be so much fun," I said and everyone grinned. "I can't wait!" Lily yelled loudly and everyone laughed at her excitement.


"I'm so glad I'm here. I missed you so much," Nadine said as she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back just as tight. "I missed you, too. Goodnight. Sleep well," I said before we pulled away. After she also said goodnight to Ross, she disappeared into the guest bedroom and I fell down next to Ross on the couch. "I've been thinking," Ross started as he intertwined our fingers and I looked at him. "No I haven't been thinking I want to tell you something," Ross corrected himself and I smiled lightly. "Things have changed. We aren't doing a world tour anymore. At the beginning of March we'll have a small tour. About two months. To get publicity for the next album. Give the fans sneak peaks here and there. So by the time of the wedding we'll be done with the tour. Later in the year we'll have a world tour," Ross said and I nodded. "So you're starting in March?" I asked as I bit my lip and he nodded. "Why is there a problem?" he asked and I sighed. "Not really. I just won't be able to be there at the start of the tour. We start shooting the advertisements for Pantene in the beginning of March," I said and he looked at me, unsurely. "But you're gonna be able to join us right?" he asked and I shrugged. "I mean so far I'm gonna go," "Tori, will you even be able to join us?" Ross asked again and I sighed. Just as I opened my mouth my phone started ringing and I looked at it.

Harvey Jones stood across the screen so I quickly picked it up. "Hello?" "Hello, Miss Kors. I am sorry to bother you this late, but there's something critical I have to tell you. I gave you the dates wrong. We won't be filming in March," he said and I sat up. "So when are we starting?" I asked. "We start filming on Monday. I am sorry for my mistake," "No it's fine. Uhm, I'll be able to be there on Monday and Tuesday, but I have to be in DC on Wednesday," I said and he hummed. "That's fine, Miss Kors,"

After he gave me all the details and promised to mail them to me, we said our final goodbyes before I hung up.

"See. I told you you worry too much," I said as I kissed his cheek and he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "They gave me the dates wrong. We start filming on Monday. Not in March," I said and he smiled lightly at me before kissing my cheek. "I love you," he said as he placed his head in my neck and I blushed. "I love you, too," I said and he lightly pecked my neck.   

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