The Secret Life of a Nerd (a...

By bridge16

460K 10K 969

Gertrude's my name. Gertrude Bambi Goldsmith to be exact. I'm a nerd, I won't deny it. My parents are destit... More

The Secret Life of a Nerd (a Student/Teacher romance)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

15.7K 374 25
By bridge16

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. It's my first day at Paradisina High School. Brett and I walked in through the doors together, but making sure we weren't walking too close to eachother. If Brett was going to get the job as the principal, he can't be seen displaying affection towards a student.

We walked to the office where the superintendent was waiting for Brett and where a secretary was waiting for me with my class schedule. Brett left me without a word and went into a separate office. He looked back at me and winked, reassuring me everything would be fine. I walked up to the secretary's desk , where an old lady with glasses sat.

"Excuse me? I'm Gertrude Goldsmith. I'm new here." I introduced myself.

"Ah, yes. Gertrude Goldsmith. I have your schedule right here.". She handed me a piece of paper. I looked it over and was pleased with it.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure. Welcome to Paradisina High School. If you like, I can get one of the students to show you around?"

"That won't be necessary, May.". I heard Brett interject. "I would be glad to show our newest student around."

"Why, if it isn't Brett Anderson. I haven't seen you in years. I take it you got the job?"

"You're sure right I did. I'm now Principal Anderson."

"Oh that's wonderful!"

"It is indeed. I better get going and show ms...." Brett trailed off, playing dumb.

"Gertrude Goldsmith."

"I better show Ms. Goldsmith to her first class."

"Do you still remember your way around?" May asked.

"Of course I do. How could I forget?" Brett laughed. "Come on, Gertrude. We better get going."

I followed him out of the office. No one was in the hallway since classes started ten minutes ago. Brett and I got to school late because we fell asleep by the lake last night. We only woke up after the sun had risen and by then we were running late. Funny how time is different between Minnesota and Massachusetts.

"I just noticed that you look like a nerd. I thought you were going look like Bambi in school?"

"I was, but I thought it would be better to look like a nerd in school and then look like a completely different person outside of school. If I look like Bambi outside of school, then it would be easier for us to go out together in public. I mean, the Bambi look and the Gertrude look are completely different."

"That actually makes a lot of sense, and that's smart."

"Mhm. So where's my first class?"

"Let me see your schedule.". Brett instructed. I handed him my schedule and he looked it over. "Math first period? That sucks."

"It may suck for you, but I happen to like math."

"Well then, I guess it's good then?" he chuckled. "But if you like math now, you're gonna love math. You have Mr. Sanders. He's a cool guy. In fact, he was my favorite teacher in high school. Let's see...what else is on your schedule. A bunch of study halls, gym, lunch, and English. Come to my office during lunch so we can eat together. As for the million of study halls you have, I'll be calling you down to my office, so don't get too comfortable there.". He gave my schedule back and we stopped walking in front of room 221. He opened the door and mooned me in. I looked around the room and all eyes were on me and Brett.

"May I help you?". Mr. Sanders asked. He was probably in his mid-forties, but he looked good....not as good as Brett of course.

"Ummm....". I stuttered, being extremely nervous.

"Mr. Sanders, this is Gertrude. She's the new student and she's in your class. Sorry she's a bit late, she had to stop by the office first. Oh! And I bet you don't remember me.". Brett said.

" look very familiar. Oh! How could I forget you? Brett, it's nice to finally see you again.". Mr. sanders replied, shaking hands with Brett. "What are you doing back?"

"I'm the new principal."


"Darn right. Isn't it funny? I used to be your student, and now I'm your boss."

Mr. Sanders laughed. "The tables certainly have turned. Brett, it's a blessing to have you as my boss. I always liked you."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. So, I'll let you get back to teaching and I'll leave Gertrude in your hands. I'll see you later.". And with that said, Brett left.

"Gertrude, there's an empty seat next to Ryan. Ryan, raise your hand.".

A guy with short brown hair and green eyes raised his hand. Wow...he's hot. He definitely has that farm boy look going for him. Why are farm guys so cute? I walked over to the desk next to him and sat down. Ryan smiled at me so I smiled back.

"Ok class, take put your text books and begin working on page 289 through 291. Gertrude, I'm afraid I don't have an extra textbook laying around so you'll have to share with someone. Ryan, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing."

"No, sir.". He answered.

"Alright then. Get to work."

Ryan slid his desk closer to mine and opened the textbook so it was on both of our desks. I took out a piece of paper and began working on the questions. There were about 50 questions per page, all review questions of everything from the first chapter to the ninth chapter. I was finished with all the questions in about 15 minutes. I put my pen down and looked around the room. Everyone was still working. My eyes came around to meet Ryan's and he looked shocked.

"You're finished already?"


"Mr. Fairing, Ms. Goldsmith is there a problem?". Mr. Sanders asked, but at the same time sounding angry.

"No, sir. No problem at all." Ryan answered.

"Then why are you speaking to one another? This is not group work."

"We know, sir.". I replied. "Ryan was just shocked at the fact that I finished all the work."

"Finished? There's 150 questions to complete. It should take you the rest of the preriod. That includes showing all work to each problem."

"I know. I finished."

Mr. Sanders gave me a suspicious look, like he didn't believe me. "Bring your paper up. Let me see."

I got up and brought him my paper. He looked it over, and then again to check the answers. He even looked it over a third time to make sure. After he finished, he, too, looked shocked. He looked up at me in amazement. I don't know why. Those problems were easy.

"Ms. Goldsmith, these answers are all correct.". He said in a daze. All of a sudden, I felt all eyes on me. I turned around and surely enough, everyone was staring curiously at me. "Not one single mistake or stray mark, everything is done perfectly, no cross outs or anything. Gertrude, did you look up the answers?"

I shook my head. "How could I look up the answers?"

"Most students have Internet on their phone, iPod..." he trailed off.

"No, Mr. Sanders. I actually left my phone at home today and I don't own an iPod or anything like that."

He looked at my paper and then back up at me again. "Come with me."

Mr. Sanders stood up and led me out of the classroom and back down to the office. We walked past May, and into Brett's new office. His office was empty except for a desk, an office phone, and a computer. Brett was leaning back in his office chair reading a book. He out his book down when Mr. Sanders began talking.

"Brett, this girl doesn't belong in my class."

"Mr. Sanders, whatever she did can't be that bad." Brett replied, assuming Mr. Sanders was mad at something I did or said.

"Bad? What she did is magnificent! She finished 150 math questions in 15 minutes. She doesn't belong in my class. Hell, she doesn't belong in any high school class. This girl is ready for college. I suggest you consider allowing her to graduate a year early. She's obviously on a higher education level than most of the students here."

Brett smiled. "I agree. I was just looking over her transcripts and she had an A+ average at her old school. And if she took two gym classes this year and another English class this year, she'd have all the credits she needs in order to graduate. She certainly has room in her schedule for those classes. What do you say, Gertrude? Are you willing to give up two of those 5 study halls and graduate early?"

"Ummm...I guess so.". I answered, unsure if I was ready for college.

"I'll add those classes to your schedule then and I'll have you taken out of math since you're obviously ahead of the curriculum. So, I'll be replying your math class with an English class and one of your study halls with a gym class. So technically you're only losing one study hall. Please, sit down. Mr. Sanders, you may go back and attend to your class."

Mr. Sanders nodded and walked out of Brett's office. "Well, babe, looks like you get to be a senior this year."

"I don't know about this, Brett. I don't know if I'm ready for college yet. I mean, I haven't even taken the SAT yet."

"There's and SAT exam coming up in two weeks. I'll have them sign you up so you can take it."

"I'm still not sure I'm ready for college."

Brett got up and closed the door, locking it from the inside. He went came back, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the chair. He sat back in his office chair and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You ARE ready for college, Gertrude. Believe me, you're mature enough, you're smart enough, you're mentally ready, and you have the potential to do more than well in college."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

"But when I go away to college, I'll be away from you. I'd miss you too much, Brett."

"Getrude, what college do you want to go to? Have you thought about that yet?"

I shook my head no.

"There's a college about an hour away from here. It's a good college and you could come home every weekend if you'd like. Or you could live at home and drive back and forth everyday. Either way, we'd still get to see eachother. Sure, I'd miss you so so much, but I want what's best for you and your future."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do. I love you more than anything in this universe. Tell you what. We can go see this college this weekend, and if you like it, then apply there. I'm sure you'd get it. But if you don't like it, then we'll figure out something else. Does that sound good."

"I guess."

"That's my girl.". He gave me a kiss on the lips that lasted longer than is probably should have. "You have study hall next, right?"


"Stay here with me. I'll call your teacher and tell her you won't be coming to study hall. We have more important things to be doing with our time."

"And what will we be doing for the next hour, Principal Anderson?"

" things.". He said, winking at the end. I swear, all guys think alike. But with Brett, I don't mind ;)

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