Does Love Sink or Swim? ( Be...

By PossesAngel123

116K 2.8K 2K

He's a notorious villain in this little game we all call love. A man who lost all the hope and mercy from his... More

Author's Note
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Irrelevant Authors Note
Authors Note
Another A/N
I'm Back (A/N)
Authors Note
I'm Alive


7.8K 140 258
By PossesAngel123

      I threw my head back in frustration and groaned aloud. My hands tighten around the PlayStation's controller. Trying hard not to throw it at a wall. Can't have that happening again... Last time I lost my temper, I threw an Xbox controller out a closed window. Glass went everywhere... I closed my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows to keep my "cool". I slowly got up and went back to the main menu. All my data was deleted. "Silver...", I growled, clenching my teeth. As if on command, the devil himself popped up on my tv set. "S-Sorry Ben... S-Slender told me t-to do w-whatever it took to g-g-get your attention...", Silver sputtered out, eyes casting down. I shot a glare his way, not really caring about his shy attributes. "And what did Slender supposedly want me to do?", I asked, venom hurdling his way. "Y-Your kill list... Y-you haven't updated i-it.", Silvers head snapped up, causing direct contact between us. I mentally groaned as I placed my palm against my forehead. "Maybe I can update my kill list if only Jeff didn't over kill last week." I looked up,"And by the way, thanks for deleting all of my data".

       Ever since Jeff's over kill last week, to restore society back in order in not in a state of massacre panic. Slender created a system where he now hands you a list of victims names, locations, fears, etc. Each pasta has to retrieve a list per week. I honestly liked the old rules better, kill whoever you please, write down their names and locations and hand it to Slenderman. "Thanks Jeff for screwing everyone over...", I mumbled under my breathe.

My eyes scanned down the list of the various names.
Bethany Lackwitz
Steven Jons
Peter Cunningham
Melissa Valender
Brian Stewards
(Y/N) (L/N)

         Better get a start on researching them. Even though Slender puts some of their info on these lists. Its better to spot check for yourself. Its kind of awkward when you mess with a person lights when their already having electricity problems.... I walk into my room and head towards my computer. I clicked the on button and was greeted with a soft hum. The computers logo popped on. As I waited for the computer to boot up, I re-read over the list. "Geesh, these people got some weird names...", I whistled. My computers already up and ready to go. I hunched my shoulders forward then intertwined my long slender fingers together and bent my hands inward, receiving a satisfying cracking noise. I placed my hands over the home keys of my keyboard, ready for the long way of research.

             I stared intently at the information I gathered on a blank spreadsheet. Bethany was a huge GTA fan, Steven loved Legend of Zelda, Peter mainly obsessed over Skyrim, Melissa plays pretty much everything, Brian's a noob at COD, then there's little (Y/N) who doesn't play any video game. Unless playing Just Dance with her friends count... I mainly focused on gamer victims. Why the hell would Slender assign me with a non-gamer? Makes my job a little harder since I scare the shit out of my victims through their beloved video games and electronics. If Slenders pulling a challenge, then challenge accepted. I'll go after (Y/N) last. Her death wont be the prettiest. "Good luck winning this game (Y/N), for playing would be absolute hell...", I smirked.

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