Monsters Inside Him (Complete...

By Grey09x

1M 26.7K 2.1K

A (completed) Zayn Malik fanfiction Hannah is a US citizen who attends the University of London and gets the... More

Chapter 1: The Streets
Chapter 2: His
Chapter 3: Forced
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: Never
Chapter 6: Marked
Chapter 7: Violence
Chapter 8: Not Alone
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Overnight
Chapter 11: Fire Escape
Chapter 12: Attack
Chapter 13: Monster
Chapter 14: Prisoner
Chapter 15: "Because I Love You"
Chapter 16: Drunk
Chapter 17: Playing with Fire
Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two
Chapter 19: Trying
Chapter 20: My Match
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding
Chapter 22: Three Strikes
Chapter 23: Expulsion
Chapter 24: Job Search
Chapter 25: Electric
Chapter 26: Waiting
Chapter 27: Independence
Chapter 28 & 29: Fucking Insanity/Dark Side
Chapter 30: Like a Child
Chapter 31: Safe
Chapter 32: Panic
Chapter 33 & 34: Little Things/Stick To Your Guns
Chapter 35: Worried
Chapter 36: Clubbing
Chapter 37: Comfort
Chapter 38: Stages
Chapter 39: Pleasure
Chapter 40: Reconnection
Chapter 41: Threat
Chapter 42: Danger
Chapter 43: Zayn's POV
Chapter 44: Nightmare
Chapter 45: Zayn's POV {pt. 2}
Chapter 46: Safe
Chapter 47: Zayn's POV (pt.3)
Chapter 48: Over
Chapter 49: Moving on
Chapter 50: Forever
Chapter 51: Back For You
Chapter 52: Cooking
Chapter 53: Good-Bye
Chapter 55: Homecoming {Part 2}
Chapter 56: Delusional
Chapter 57: Alphabet
Chapter 58: Sick
Chapter 59: Second Guessing
Chapter 60: Epilogue
Authors Note
Contact Me

Chapter 54: Homecoming {Part 1}

12.3K 391 18
By Grey09x

Chapter 54: Homecoming {Part 1}

“Darlin’, this way.” I felt Zayn’s hand clamp on the back of my sweatshirt, but I ignored his tugging. He dragged me around to the other side of the car while a guy who worked at the airport struggled with our luggage.

Just as I was instructed to do, I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the trip to the airport. Zayn stared out his window and I stared out mine.

“Hannah, are you even listening to me?” A hand was waved in front of my face but I didn’t look at him. I just shrugged.

“Well I SAID that you won’t have to worry about immigration because I know people who work here so we’re going straight on the plane.” He pushed me gently in the direction of the plane. I rolled my eyes and didn’t ask the question on my mind.

We were in the states, so how the hell did he have connections to the airport?


He grabbed my hand tightly and brought me over to climb up the steps into the plane. I didn’t fight him. He forced me in front of him so he could be behind me as I walked up to the plane. He had always claimed that it was to catch me in case I fell, but I knew it was only so he could stare at my butt.

I ignored him that time, even though I knew he did it to get a reaction out of me.

I could tell my silence irked him. I could tell that he didn’t know what to do with the fact that I wasn’t fighting with him, I wasn’t arguing. He didn’t think I’d give up that easily.

Well, joke’s on him. He wanted me to be a good little girl and do everything he says, then I would do it. I wanted to show him that it wasn’t what he wanted.

“Are you alright?” Zayn asked as soon as we were settled in our seats. There was no one else on the plane, but the flight attendant told us they were just about to open the gates for all the people who follow directions and went through the airport security.

Well she didn’t say it like that, but that’s what she meant.

I shrugged at his question and looked out the window at the men in bright vests loading up luggage.

Of course I was sat by the window and Zayn got the middle seat. If, for whatever reason, I needed to get up, I’d have to go through him first. He also bought the aisle seat in our row so we weren’t stuck next to someone we didn’t know and we could use the extra seat to put our carry-ons.

Waste of money if you ask me, but of course my opinion didn’t matter.

“Tell me what the fucking problem is, Hannah. I don’t have time for this.” He growled. I could feel his angry eyes watching me as I blatantly ignored him.

“Fine, you don’t want to hash this out now? Then I guess you’re going to wait until this plane is filled with unsuspecting people to unleash the Hannah-bomb.”

The Hannah-bomb? He’s fucking comparing me to a bomb?! He’s the one with violent anger issues, not me. I’ve never been a risk to anyone before, with the exception of defending myself against Zayn and that one time I attacked Harry for being a dick and raping my best friend. But no one else, no one innocent, has ever had to worry about me and he’s fucking calling me the bomb?

It took all I had to just ignore him and stare out the window and not turn around and strangle him.

But that’s what he wanted from me; a reaction.

As much as he said he wanted me to be calm and submissive, I knew that he loved my feisty and battle ready attitude. He was always the one to provoke me. I was proving it to him by becoming exactly what he wanted.

“I must’ve really pissed you off if you don’t even wanna talk to me. The Hannah I know doesn’t shut up.” He pressed again. I knew he wanted to push my buttons, and to be honest, it was working. But I refused to give him the satisfaction of setting me off just so he could punish me.

It’s a sick cycle.

“Fuck.” He cursed harshly once he realized I wasn’t budging.

“What do I need to do to get a drink around here?!” Zayn called rather rudely to one of the flight attendants. The woman smiled and came over to us to see what the fuss was about.

“Sorry, sir, but we don’t usually serve drinks until a half hour into the flight.” She apologized. I knew we were flying on a British airline, there was no other way Zayn could’ve gotten past customs in the first place, but the stewardess spoke with a heavy New York accent.

Poor thing had no idea what kind of a controlling dick she was dealing with.

If she was British, she’d have known who Zayn was.

“Well, seeing as we won’t be taking off in a while, I think it’d be best if you gave me a drink or you’ll have a problem on your hands.” He responded angrily. The flight attendant looked shocked at his sudden rudeness and the fact that he dared to speak to her like that. Her eyes flitted over to me for assurance and, normally, I would’ve apologized to her and told him to back off.

But I didn’t.

Submissive girls would let their boyfriends harass innocent people.

I just felt bad that the unsuspecting flight attendant was caught in the crossfire.

“Sure thing, sir. What would you like to drink?” She gave in.

“A scotch.” Zayn’s eyes moved to meet mine, but I quickly looked down.

“Do you have any form of identification on you, sir?”

“Excuse me?” He spat, his head whipping around to glare at her. I guess no one had asked him that before, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel gratification in it. It pleased me that this girl didn’t know who he was and that he was feeling emasculated over it.

“I’m very sorry sir, but it’s policy. You don’t look over 21.”

Well he actually was over 21. He had recently turned 22, but it was over the duration of my kidnapping, so we never actually addressed it.

It was still funny that she thought he didn’t look it though. It was still funny that she was treating him like every other human being on the Earth who wasn’t the leader of some horrible gang.

“Fucking bullshit.” He spat at her as he practically shoved his passport in her face. She quickly scanned his birth date, apologized profusely and ran off to get his drink.

Neither of us spoke until the lady came back with a glass of Scotch.

“Would you like anything, Miss?” I turned to look at the woman who was practically shaking under Zayn’s glare.

“No, but thank you.” I said quietly before returning my gaze to the window.

I could hear Zayn gulping down his drink, but didn’t comment on it.

People started to board the plane and as they passed us by to find their seats, they made it obvious whether or not they were from Britain or elsewhere.

Anyone who wasn’t from England looked at the young couple, who wasn’t speaking or even looking at each other, with sympathy. They could tell we were fighting and expressed their concern through supervising eyes.

The ones who were from England immediately recognized who was on their flight and turned their attention elsewhere, rushing back to their seats to avoid making a scene and getting his attention.

“I should piss you off more often, the silence is nice.” He comment with a husky voice once he downed his entire glass. I didn’t spare him a glance as he called the stewardess to collect his cup, refusing a refill.

“I’m enjoying you not talking for once in your fucking life, if you’re wondering.” He spoke again. Jesus Christ, if he kept those comments up throughout the whole six hour flight, I didn’t know how long I would last before I physically attacked him.

Dumb idea getting on the plane.

Six hours.

Suspended in the air.

Nowhere to storm off to.

A crowded area.

As soon as everyone boarded and we took off, Zayn announced that he was going to take a nap and, obviously, received no response from me.

I, on the other hand, chose to watch the in-flight movie. It was hard to follow, consider I had no idea what any of the characters were saying, but I didn’t have headphones. The ones offered on the flight cost $5 and I, stupidly, didn’t have cash on me.

And I certainly wasn’t going to degrade myself into asking Zayn for money.

I woke up when the movie was halfway over, in his arms, safe and tight. I suppressed the feeling of warmth and comfort and quickly sat up straight, without his touch. I didn’t want him to wake up and find us cuddling.

Then I’d lose.

Somehow, and only lord knows exactly how, we survived the long plane ride without going at each other.

He made comments at me here in there but, miraculously, I ignored them and continued on as if he weren’t there.

When we finally landed, Zayn made sure we were the first off the plane and the first to get our luggage. I was pulled in tow behind him and didn’t fight it at all. He carried our shit and took care of everything until a black SUV pulled up in front of us.

The second the door closed, all hell broke loose.

I didn’t even get to buckle my seatbelt before he had me pinned.

“The fuck you think you’re doing, huh? You think it’s smart to provoke me when I’m under this much stress? Cut it out, Hannah, before I lose my cool.” He snarled at me. His elbows were leaning on either side of my chest, blocking my hands from moving up, and his hands were pressed down near my head. His knees straddled me and ended all means of escape.

But I wasn’t done.

“I’m sorry if I upset you, master.” I responded back with as much politeness as I could muster. His eyes instantly filled with rage and I could visibly see his jaw clench and unclench. His hands curled into fists next to my head and I could tell he was going to lose it.

“What the fuck did you just call me?” He breathed out quietly, evident in each word that he was struggling not to lose control.

“I thought that’s what you wanted, master.” I tilted my head to the side, letting my eyes taunt him as I took in his internal debate.

He was off of me in an instant.

I sat up quickly and buckled myself in so that he wouldn’t be able to pin me down like that again. He had sat up too, and occupied himself near his part of the car by trying to take calming breaths.

But it wasn’t working.

So his solution was to land a loud punch into the head rest of the passenger seat in front of him. I was thankful that the only other person in the car was the silent driver who pretended not to hear exactly what was taking place in the back.

Both the driver and I jumped as another punch was landed on the innocent seat. And another. And another.

I think after four punches, Zayn finally managed to calm himself down. He didn’t look at me again after that until about 30 minutes into our drive.

“Look, Darlin’, I’m sorry if what I said to you was offensive, but I’m not sorry for saying it. I need you to be safe. I need you to never be kidnapped again. I need you to be with me, alright? And no matter how much you bitch and moan about it, I’m not changing my mind. This is all we fight about, so let’s just stop, ok? This is stupid.”

“I agree. This IS stupid. I’m my own person and I can make my own decisions. I’m glad you’ve finally realized this.” I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my glare elsewhere.

“Dammit! How many times are we going to fight about this? Hannah, don’t you see we’re going in circles and NOTHING is going to change?” His hands caught my right one and clasped it tightly.

“Please, Darlin’. Can’t you see, we’re literally going in circles fighting over the same damn thing!” He pleaded with me desperately. I met his eyes which were nervously flitting around my face. I pursed my lips together tightly and let out a long sigh.

“I hate it when you get so controlling, Zayn.” I whined softly. He gave me a sad smile and pulled himself closer to me, which was easy, since he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

He wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and forced me to lean against his chest. I let myself be drawn into the safety and warmth of his embrace.

“I know, Darlin’,” his voice hushed me smoothly, “but I can’t help it. Not when it comes to you. You’re my everything.”

We stayed like that, in each other’s hold, until we pulled up in front of this ginormous house. The driver had to enter a security code to get through the gate that broke through a massive fence surrounding the house. Then, an impressively armed guard came to the car door to check IDs and the passengers inside. Once he saw Zayn was in the car, he immediately waved us through.

I stared out my window in shock.

“This is our new home?” I asked quietly, without looking away.

“Yeah.” Zayn muttered impassively. I could tell he didn’t like it much.

“Isn’t it a bit… big?” I asked him. It was a gorgeous house, but it seemed a little large for the two of us to be living in. I liked the small and intimate apartment Zayn and I shared. It was private and manageable. I felt like I’d get lost in the house.

“Yeah, but you’ll get used to it.”

“You don’t like it?” I turned to face him. I could tell he held the exact same reservations that I did, but I was shocked that he still moved into this place.

“I don’t hate it. I just miss my flat.” He responded half-heartedly. I could tell he wanted to lighten the mood that was dampened by my attitude, but it wasn’t exactly working.

“They why’d you move?”

“Hannah, I think it’s obvious.”

I was afraid he’d say that, because it was obvious. I had been literally taken from our bedroom. I had been taken right out from under his nose. He moved for me. He moved to keep my safe.

“Zayn, I don’t want to be the reason-”

“For your safety, I’d do anything. Now drop it.” He growled. So I did; I let it drop. I didn’t want to push him too far so soon after we had just had an argument.

I was touched that he was so willing to move for me.

Regardless of how much we fought (even if it was about the same thing over and over again), Zayn and I loved each other. We were going to be together because even a monster like him deserves a happy ending.

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