Choose Him

By stromerdavo

11.2K 120 17

They thought the distance would work, but they were wrong. After months without each other, will they find ea... More

New Best Friend
Dropping Jaws
F*ck Boy
Some Boy
Boys and Girls
Take Me Home
Farewell Frenchies
Third Wheel
Veggie Man
Brent time
Unexpected Visit
Ice Cream
Lake House Part 1
Lake House Part 2
Lake House Part 3
Blonde Bimbo
Beer Pong Champs
Chef Mitch
New Beginnings
M 0 v I n G d A y
Cold Blooded
Small Boy
Got Your Back
Call me Will
Cuddle Buddy
All Star
Best Friends


254 4 0
By stromerdavo

Dylan's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan and reach for my phone. "What?" I snap in a bad mood. "Good morning to you too." Connor chuckles. "Dude it's so early. What do you need?" I ask. "It's like 11:30. Wake up. Some of the boys and I need your help to find Cae a birthday gift." he says. "Alright. Where do you wanna meet?" I might as well go out knowing that I still haven't gotten a gift for Davy yet. "Eaton?" "Okay, see you in 30." I hang up and get dressed. "What's the rush?" Ryan stops me. "Davy and some of the boys need help finding a gift for Cae." "Oh shit, I forgot to wish her happy birthday. Damnit. I'm coming with you. I need to get her and Connie something too." he says. We decide on taking the subway down to the mall instead of driving because it would faster. We get off at Dundas station and ring Davy. "We're at sport check." he says. I make my way to the store and greet the boys. "Guys people are going to notice us." "No they won't." Mitch (marner) says. I notice that some of the other leafs are here too. Auston, Willie, and Matt Martin. "Ryan. Haven't seen you in a while." Connor says. "Miss me?" Ryan smiles. We first head into sport check because Ryan needed to get new stuff. "So what kind of stuff is Cae into. Like what do you think she'd like for her birthday?" Mitch asks. "She loves sports. She isn't a total girly girl. So don't get her anything too fancy or too extra." "Wow that helps a lot." Ryan rolls his eyes. "You're gonna need to help us more than that. Like I haven't even met the girl. I don't wanna give a bad impression and give her a shitty gift." Auston says. "Same." Willie agrees. "What did you get her?" Matt asks. "I got her a team canada hockey jersey." "Of course. Why am I not surprised?!" Connor says. "She loves hockey and she loved my gift!" I defend. "I should have brought Steph with me. She would be more help than Stromer." Mitch says. "Well too bad. Today is bros only." I say. "I say we go to Pink or some girly store." Willie says. "That's so awkward though. Like would you really gift a bra or panties to a girl you barely know?" Auston asks. "Pink sells clothes too you know." "What does this girl look like?" Matt asks. "Ask Dyl. He probably has a photo album of just her." Mitch teases and I scoff. I pull out my phone and type in Cae's username on instagram. I show the boys her profile and they tap on her multiple posts. "Stromer's got a hot girl eh?" Willie teases. "Watch what you say, or Dylan will turn into beast in no time." Auston laughs. "Alright boys. Let's go to Pink I guess." Ryan says.

Cae's POV

"What are you doing after school?" I ask Em as I collect my belongings and file out of the classroom. "No plans. Why?" We head to our lockers. "The party is this weekend and I still need to get Connor a present. I was wondering if you, Kayla and Dali would come to the mall with me." I close my locker and head to my last period class. "Sure. I need to get him a gift too. I'll ask the girls in class." Em replies, and we walk in the same direction to our last class. "Thanks. We'll meet at the front." I say and she nods. We split paths and I head to AP stats.

Dylan's POV

"What about this?" Willie holds up a PINK sweater that one of the girls had already gifted her. "She already has that." I say. "What about this?" Auston holds up a pair of PINK slippers. I shake my head. "We've been here for 30 minutes already and people are judging us. I'm calling Steph." Mitch says.

Mitch's POV

"Hey Steph? I need your help. Well we need your help." I say. "Sure, with what?" "Um, the boys and I are trying to find birthday gifts for Caelyn but we need your advice on what to get her since you're a girl and probably know a lot more than we do." I explain making her laugh. "Where are you guys?" "Eaton. Were at PINK because Willie insisted to come here." I say, and Willie rolls his eyes. "She told me she wanted some Nike stuff and a polaroid camera." "Okay. Like what Nike stuff exactly?" I ask. "Literally anything Nike. Oh and a fitbit. I have to go now. Just text me if you need anything else." Steph says. "Thanks. Love you." "Bye." She ends the call and the boys wait for me to say something. "Looks like we're headed to the Nike store."

Cae's POV

"Do you think Connor would like this?" Kayla asks holding up a Toronto Blue Jays jersey. "I'm pretty sure he already has one." I tell her. "You know Connor more than we do. What are we going to do?" Dali panics. "I'm going to call Dylan." I say. I call his number and he picks up on the fourth ring. "Hey what's up?" his voice rings. "The girls and I are trying to find something for Connor for his birthday. Do you know what kind of things he would want?" "He wants the new call of duty and NHL 17 video game. He also mentioned a new hat or sunglasses." Dylan says. "Is he a yeezy kinda guy?" "Nah. But he'd probably appreciate some shoes." "What size?" I ask. "10.5" he replies. "Stromer get off the phone." I hear Mitch yell in the background. "Are you with Mitch?" I ask. "Yea. He's being really annoying right now. I should go." he groans and I laugh. "Bye, have fun." I hang up. "What did he say?" Em asks. "He wants the new NHL 17 and call of duty video game. And he'd probably want a hat and sunglasses or shoes." I say. "Okay, where in yorkdale can we find hats?" Dali asks. "Try foot locker or champs. I'm not too sure if there's a lids or not." I say. Dali ends up buying Connor a Jordan snapback from foot locker, and Em gets Connor a pair of aviator classic Ray Bans. Kayla buys the video games, and I get him grey Nike Roshes. "Do we need anything else?" Kay asks. "I think we're all good." Em says. We leave the mall and all head to my house.

Dylan's POV

"Who were you talking to?" Mitch asks from behind me. "Cae. She wanted to know what to get Connor." I say. "Did you get him anything yet?" Mitch asks quietly as we walk behind the group. "Yea. Can Ryan and I get a ride?" I ask Mitch. "Sure thing." We say bye to the other boys, and Ryan and I follow Mitch to his car. "Wanna come over?" Ryan asks, and Mitch nods. "I hope Caelyn likes our gifts." Ryan says. "Oh she will definitely love mine the most." Mitch says with confidence. "Sure." I roll my eyes. Mitch got Caelyn the new fitbit she had told me she wanted for so long. Ryan got her Nike pro running shorts and a hoodie. Matt got her Nike slides, Auston got her a white polaroid camera and film, and Willie got her a pair of Nike air zoom pegasus 33 running shoes.

"Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?" Mitch asks. "I got to head home in an hour. I still have to pack." Ryan says. "Oh right, you're headed back to New York?" Ryan nods his head. "Guess it's just you and me stromie." Mitch smiles. Mitch and I go to his basement and play NHL 16 for two hours. "Hey, I think your phone is ringing." Mitch says. I look over to the coffee table and see Caelyn's picture lighting up my screen. "Hey what's up?" I say into the phone. Mitch mouths, who is it, and I mouth back Caelyn, and he smirks. "You left your sweater here the other night." she says. "Oh don't worry about that." I say. "Are you sure?" she asks. "Yea. What are you doing right now?" "The girls left a couple hours ago, and I just finished homework. What about you?" I look over at Mitch who is making kissy faces at me. I roll my eyes and flip him off. "I'm at Mitch's place." I say. "What are you guys doing?" "Beating Mitch's ass in NHL 16." Mitch chucks a pillow at me causing my phone to knock out of my hands. "Mitch!" I yell and jump on him. "Hey Cae!" I tackle Mitch to the ground. "Dylan's attacking me! Make him stop!" I can hear Cae laughing through the other line. "Mitch give my phone back." I whine. "Cae says to stop bullying me and to get off me. She also says she likes me better than you." Mitch says. "I need to tell you something Cae! Dyla-" I tickle him and he drops my phone on the ground. I quickly grab it and get off Mitch. Mitch groans. "Sorry about that." I apologize to Cae. "Boys will be boys." she says making me smile. Mitch gets off the ground and flips me off. "So are you home alone then?" I ask. "Ya. Collin left while I was at school." She says. "Oh that's right. He's back in LA right?" She hums. "How was your day?" I ask. "It was good. The girls and I went to Yorkdale to get some stuff for Connor. What about you?" "I went to the Eaton centre with the boys. Just a day out with the boys." I say. "Did you get anything?" "I got Connor something." I answer. "What did you get him?" she asks. "I'm not telling you!" I sing. "You suck." She groans. "No, i'm pretty sure you suck." I say laughing a bit. "Fuck you." "I know you want to." I joke. "Okay bye." she says. "Wait no!" I cry into the phone. "I'm sorry. I was just joking." I say. "I know. I'm going to shower now. I'll text you later." she says and hangs up the phone. "You need to leave." Mitch says looking up from his phone. "What? Why?" "I'm going out with Steph. She's bored and wants cuddles." he says. "Okay fine." I huff. "I'll drop you off." he says. "Drop me off at Cae's." I tell him. "Okay. Give me her address." I tell Mitch her address and he drops me off at her house. "Thanks Mitch." "Use protection!" he shouts as he backs out of her drive way. I use the spare key Collin had given me to open the front door. No sight of Caelyn. Then, I hear the water turn off. She must be in the shower. I head towards her room and plop down on her bed to get comfortable. I'll just wait until she gets out of the bathroom. I probably should have texted her to let her know I was coming over.

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