mr. dolan ✦ e.d.

By drizzyhoedolan

5.2K 151 52

"mr. dolan is so hot." "he hates me so much." in which a girl meets the new teacher. [mature content] +lower... More

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e l e v e n

t h r e e

521 20 6
By drizzyhoedolan


"wake up, it's time for school." megan sang, taking my covers from me.

"no." i curled up in a ball, trying to keep warm.

"get up girl." she pushed me off my bed.


i got dressed in dark blue jeans and a grey tank top that clutched tightly to my skin. it's the perfect weather since it's that time of year where it's the end of summer, beginning of fall type of thing. i brushed my teeth and hair, putting my shoes on at the door. megan gave me a mug of coffee and we headed toward the elevator to go to the campus.

"good luck with your classes."


i walked into my math class and sat way in the back, even though there were so many desks, i'd probably get moved up a few rows. the teacher wasn't here yet so i took my phone out of my back  pocket and played a game to kill time.

"hello students, sorry i'm late." i heard. i set my phone under my notebook and finally looked up at the teacher, only to wish i didn't. it's that dick from the bar!

"fuck." i whispered to myself, covering my face with my right hand while he talked about what we were going to do this year.

"who can tell me what the quadratic equation is?" mr. dolan leaned up against his desk and looked around for someone the call on. "i guess i'll pick." he smiled, looking annoyed at us. damn, that's all it takes to annoy him? this should be a fun year.

"jade.. uh jade wesley?" he searched the room again and my face turned white. "is there a jade in here?"

everyone looked back to where i was sitting which made mr. dolan's eyes immediately snap towards me. thanks guys i thought we were cool. his face went from looking semi-content to the angriest face i've seen in a while. "tell me, jade, what's the quadratic equation?"

i pushed my glasses up to look down at my notebook from last year since i hate wasting paper, "uh, i, uh it's a x squared plus b x plus c equals zero, sir."

"sure, and how about not stuttering so much next time hm?" well fuck you too.

i rolled my eyes as he watched me slump back in my seat. "alright, let's see what you guys know." he started to hand out a piece of paper to everyone in the class. when he got to me he yanked it away right as i reached for it and leaned forward so his lips were by my ear, "we're not going to have any problems this year, are we?" his voice was low and scared the shit out of me honestly.

i looked up at him, exasperated, "no, are you?"

"someone likes to run their mouth, don't they?" he smirked, dropping the piece of paper on my desk. "don't try me, wesley. got it?"

"no promises, dolan." i crossed my arms like a child until he walked away then proceeded to start on the worksheet that i already didn't want to do because of all the equations laid out across the paper. it's not that i'm not smart, well i think i am at least, but i'm just lazy and never apply myself to school work. i get occasional a's but mostly b's and c's, nothing more, nothing less.

i finished the worksheet in a matter of fifteen minutes and looked up to see most people still working so i decided to go on my phone because all my teachers allow it as long as i get the lesson.

as i scrolled through my social media, a hand appeared in front of me and took my phone. "hey!" i whisper-yelled.

mr. dolan towered over me and mumbled, "no phones in class, you can get it back afterwards."

"but i'm done with that stupid worksheet, that girl is on her phone, and so is like everyone else who's done. what was i supposed to do for the next half hour?" i mumbled.

"i don't know, maybe fix your attitude."

i gasped, feeling slightly offended but mostly enraged. "it's not my fault your class is too easy."

"we'll see about that." he walked back to his desk as i shot daggers into his back with my eyes.

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