Little Payne (One direction)

By rymcgee19

127K 2.7K 371

Amanda Payne you think is probably Liam Payne's daughter. Think again. His baby sister. She is living the lif... More

Little Payne (One direction)
~Chapter 2~ I'm Calm
~Chapter 3~ The Game
~Chapter 4~ The News
~Chapter 5~ That Jerk
~Chapter 6~ What
~ Chapter 7~ Oh My
~ Chapter 9~ LIAM!
~Chapter 9~ LIAM! Part 2
Not an update
New story
New cover is up!
~Chapter 10~ Reliving the Past
~Chapter 11~ Monster
~Chapter 12~ Departure
~ Chapter 13~ Birthday
~Chapter 14~ Running Away?
~ Chapter 15~ The Destination
New chapter
~Chapter 16~ Telling the Truth
~ Chapter 17~ Date Crasher?
10.1 K Reads?!/ Maybe a contest
Contest Time
Contest Ending Time
~ Chapter 18 ~ Rebel
~Chapter 19 ~ Old Enemies and New Friends
~ Chapter 20 ~ Ellie and Carrie
~ Chapter 21 ~ Day with the Girls
~ Chapter 22 ~ Going Home
~ Chapter 23 ~ Regrets
~ Chapter 24 ~ Hurting
~ Chapter 25 ~ Phone Call
~ Chapter 26 ~ The Return
~ Chapter 27 ~Boyfriend
~ Chapter 28 ~ My Wish
~ Chapter 29~ Caught
Next Chapter
~ Chapter 30 ~ Everyone Knows
New Story

~Chapter 8~ What Are You Doing Here

3.7K 112 17
By rymcgee19

Chapter 8: What are you Doing Here

''Ross what are you doing here?!" I screamed at him. "Doing something I should have done a long time ago,'' he replied grabbing something from his back pocket. ''This is for hanging out with those stupid boys all the time, especially Niall, instead of me.'' he said while holding up a gun. He pulled the trigger but I ducked. ''What is wrong with you!?'' ''Nothing much,'' Ross held the gun up up ready to shoot again but I kicked it up in the air. It flew into the air and I jumped up and grabbed it then pointed it at him. We heard the door open and close and multiple pairs of feet running down the stairs since we were in the basement. Ross smirked and put his hands up in an 'I surrender' pose and acted all innocent.

''Amanda what is going on!?'' Liam screamed at me. I turned around and he saw the gun since my back was turned to him. ''Amanda where did you get that? And you better not lie to me!'' Liam told me with all seriousness. ''I don't know it's Ross's'' I told him the truth. '' What?! I don't even own a gun! I think your going crazy,''Ross acted all innocent. ''Amanda are you lying to me?'' ''No I'm not!''

''Amanda Marie Payne stop lying to me! Why are you doing this?'' Liam was getting angry, I have never seen him this angry.Only one time when my parents didn't want to take care of me and gave me to Liam but thats a different story for another time. By now all the boys were scared.I bet they have never seen him this angry either.

''I'm not lying. Why don't you believe me?'' I said starting to cry.''Amanda go to your room now!'' ''Not until you believe me!'' I yelled back. Liam walked up to me and stopped right when he got in front of me. ''Tell me right now why are you doing this andwhere did you get the gun?'' He gritted through his teeth ''I di-'' I got cut of my a sting to the right side of my face. Everyone gasped and I looked up to see Liam's hand in the air. My own brother who said he would protect me and never hurt me just slapped me.

Word count: 411
Remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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