Butterfly Tattoo [Nate Ruess]

By M_Tomlinson98

898 15 2

My name is Kennedy Fain. I am a young lady from Kentucky. My parents died in a house fire while they were in... More

Butterfly Tattoo (Nate Ruess FanFiction)
[2] Best Date Ever
[3] Piano Lessons
[4] Park
[5] Adoption?
[6] Adoption Office
[7] Dylan
[8] Fights
[9] Finding Out
[10] Reunited

[1] New Neighbors

125 2 0
By M_Tomlinson98

Nate Ruess' POV ~

Today was the day me, Jack, and Andrew finally moved into our new apartment.

It was quite fancy, and it was surrounded by several nice homes.

"I wonder if anyone friendly lives around here." Jack questions as he slowly drops the last box off the moving truck in the living room floor.

"The landlord mentioned that there was a girl that lived by herself in the house up on the hill; you know, the one that looked really huge?"

Andrew looked up to me with confusion.

"Why in the world would she want to live up there by herself? She is basically asking to be robbed and hurt."

I chuckled at his comment.

"I am certain that she has security locks. At least, I would if I had that big of a house."


Finally after a couple hours of unpacking and placing things in their spot, our apartment is fit to live in.

Me, Andrew, and Jack stand back side by side, and admire the way everything looks.

I turn around, only to notice the girl's big house sitting up on the hill.

I become more tempted and more tempted to go meet her.

Jack and Andrew must have known what I was looking at.

"Dude, I don't think that is such a good idea." Jack stated.

I turn around in defense.

"And why would it not be a good idea?"

"Because you never know, she could be a lunatic." Andrew inputs.

That is the final straw, I have made up my mind.

I quickly turn and jog into the kitchen, and pull out a brand new pack of Oreos.

"Dude, where are you taking my Oreos?" Jack tries to block me from leaving, but he fails.

As I open the door and hold my hand on the handle, turn my head around and look at them.

"I am going to meet her."

Kennedy's POV ~

I step out of the shower, trying to look around for my towel, dripping wet which causes me to be instantly cold.

I stand in front of the sink, where I usually place my things, feeling my heart sink after realization that I had forgotten to get one before I came in here.


Even though it is just me that lives here, I still feel slightly embarrassed when I have to walk around naked.

Then, out of nowhere, I hear the buzz.

THE buzz.

The buzz that notifies me that someone is down my driveway at my gate, wanting in.

I rush to my bedroom and grab my robe, and then make my way to the stairwell.

As I run down the stairwell and down to the front door where my speak box is beside of it.

I press the button that allows me to speak.

Instead of speaking, I just cough into it, to signal that I am listening to whoever is there.

I then, hear a manly voice.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

I stay silent.

"Uhm, I am your new neighbor down the block here, and I thought I would be friendly and introduce myself to you."

That seems convincing enough. But why would he want to meet me? Why would he want to come up here? Especially MY house?

I press in the button to open up the gate, and then slowly open the front door.

I step on the door frame, and cross my arms, awaiting on the young man to catch up to me.

Getting halfway up, I could hear him panting.

"What is the point of your having a long and steep driveway?" He says it in a joking manner, which causes me to chuckle at his words.

He finally reaches my front porch, and stands in front of me.

I lean over on the doorframe, with my arms still crossed.

"It's great that I am finally getting to meet you."

I smile at him, and slightly nod.

He holds his right hand out, I hesitantly hold out mine, and let him shake it.

"Hello, I am Nate. Nate Ruess. What is your name?"

I pointed to my throat, giving him signal telling him I cannot talk.

He begins to nod his head slowly.

"Oh, you can't talk, can you?"

I shake my head, and place a frown.

He smiles at me.

"That's nothing to be discouraged about. That is actually pretty cool. It makes you unique. Especially since you're really pretty."

I look up to him, showing him a smile.

He points to the inside of my house, asking for permission to enter.

I nod my head nonchalantly, and then back up to let him in.

After I shut the door and turn around, he has placed the box of Oreos on my kitchen table, turn started to scan the inside of my house with his eyes.

"You have a really nice house. Does anyone live here with you?"

I shake my head.

"Why not?"

I shrug my shoulders. I do have a reason, but that's not really his concern at the moment.

He stops, and then takes a good look at me.

"Do you have your own phone?"

I nod my head, and pull it out of my robe pocket.

He plays with it a couple of minutes, then hands it back to me.

"I put my number in it, and then downloaded a app for you. It speaks for you. You just type in the words you want it to talk, and it will. Try it out."

I shrug my shoulders and opened up the app.

I awaited Nate to ask me a question.

"What is your name, pretty lady?"

"Kennedy Fain."

"That's a pretty name." He smiles.

His smile is just so pretty. His pearly white, straight teeth.

"Say. If you ever needed someone to talk to or need someone to keep you company, I am a text away."

I smile at him, and nod.

"Thank you, Nate. I will be looking forward to talking to you more."

He comes over to me, and hugs me tightly, which causes me to laugh.

He lets go of me, and then opens up the front door.

When he gets outside, I stand on the door frame once again.

He takes my right hand, and kisses it.

"Goodbye, Kennedy."

I wave goodbye to him, and then slowly shut and lock the door.

I walk back upstairs and fix myself up.

Wait, I just realized something.

I just got out of the shower, put a robe on, without drying myself off. Wearing only a robe, I opened up my front gate to a man that I had no clue who he was, and let him into my house? And he STILL thought I was pretty?

I am good.

@ahoyhenry - twitter

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