Magi's Queen's Candidate |Au|...

By sharonz123

96.1K 2.4K 1.2K

(Y/n) was exiled from her country. For what reason you might be asking? Well a gang of thugs that called them... More

A/n: Description
Chapter 1: Blackmailed by a Gang of Thugs
Chapter 2: One In The Same
Really Quick A/n
An Really important note
Chapter 3: Questions, Answers and a Time Skip
Chapter 4: Rude Awakening and The Plan
Chapter 5: Mission gone wrong
Chapter 6: Dragged to a Torture room
Chapter 7: Black Butterflies?
Chapter 8: Looking around
Real Quick Question
Chapter 9: Telling the Royals
Chapter 10: Telling the Royals part 2
A/n: Q & A
Chapter 12: Y/n V.s. Kouha
Tablet Trouble.......
Chapter 13: Shiroen
Not a Chapter, but an Important Explanation
Chapter 14: Going back to Kou
Chapter 15: THEY WILL PAY (End)
real quick after thoughts

Chapter 11: Questions of Dungons

3.4K 117 84
By sharonz123

I sigh and set my pencil down. "Finally done." I said wiping the sweat from my brow. I stood up and grabbed the huge stack of papers, then I start walking towards the door to the Prince's office. I knock on the door and after a moment I hear a come in. So, I open the door to see that emotionless expression I have grown accustomed to seeing.

"I have your papers here." I said in a happy tone

"Good job, since I don't really have anything else for you to do, you can have the rest of the day off. Just set those papers on that table over there." He said pointing to a table in the corner of the room. I set the papers on the table, bowed then left. I walked aimlessly down the Kou Empires corridors. I guess being here for 3 months doesn't help your sense of direction. I kept walking until I found an archway. When I walked through the archway, I was out in a plaza. There was stone bricks used for the ground  and the whole place was closed in by red fences that were probably the height of a house. The only thing that was really worth staying for was the beautiful peach tree in the corner. I walked over to it when I heard a noise. When I inspected it more closely, I saw a crouched figure among its branches, that was non other then the Magi, Judar.

"Hey Judar." I said kind of happily because I haven't seen him in a few weeks. I think out of everyone in the Kou, he's my favorite person. I mean in the first month or so he was pretty rude to me but we ended up becoming friends.

"Hey, what are you doing out here, thought you had work?" He asked

"Well, I just happen to finish early." I replied sarcasticly, we sat there and talked a little while. When I mean talk I mean Judar yelling about how annoying everyone is and me nodding my head to satisfy him. After a little bit, he brought up a topic I had been interested in for quite sometime.

"So Y/n, why don't you go capture a dungeon?" He asked with a sly smile. While I tried to climb up the tree to get up to his level. I climbed in silence thinking over what he said.

"If I captured a dungeon........" I thought slowly climbing up the tree finally getting to the branch next to him. I shifted into a comfortable position and looked at Judar. I sighed and answered with:

"Eh, why not." He smirked and I grinned.

"Then it's settled, we're going to a dungeon. I heard there was a dungeon that just popped up around here as a matter of fact, it's number 89 and it's name is Shiroen." He said like a know it all.

"Well, I need to practice some sword fighting. Because it's been a while...." I trailed off thinking about the time I spent in the thevies guild. (God I can't keep one name for them)

"Well you could probably get Kouha to practice with you. But you need a sword...." He said trailing off and I snapped my fingers.

"I heard there was going to be a good blacksmith in town soon and he takes requests." I said

"Well, you get ready for that, we will be leaving in 3 weeks." He said jumping out of the tree and leaving me alone in the plaza to contemplate my thoughts.

~One week later~

I ran down to town as quickly as I could so I could be the first on there. The black smith was in town today and I had to be the first one to order. I ran around a curb and down the street while listening to the jangle of coins in my pocket. When I finally made it a saw an oldish man with a scruffy beard. He turned his head, smiled and walked over to greet me.

"Hello, the names Oscar. What do you need this fine morning Missy?" He said in an Irish kind of accent

"I need you to make me a sword, sir." I said politely

"Alright how do you want me to make it?" He asked while getting a pencil and paper to write down my order.

"I would like for it to be polished silver, with a blue gem in the handle. I would also like it to be light weight." I said counting off the mental check list I had in my head.

"Alright, give me 134 gold and I'll have it ready in a week." He said and I grabbed the bag I had in my pocket and handed it to him. I waved goodbye and headed back to the palace.

~Another week later~

"Alright, Kouha wait right here and I'll be back in a minute, okay?" I asked and he nodded, then I ran out into town. I ran down the familiar streets and towards the black smith's shop. When I made it he was outside waiting for me.

"Hey, sorry I'm late...." I said trailing off slightly out of breath.

"It's no big deal, I have something heating up anyway. So I have your sword right here." He said handing me a sword. I picked it up and swung it around a couple times. It was light, shiny and had the blue gem in the handle where I asked for it to be. It was a fine sword for sure, completely worth the money, I paid for it.

"Thank you so much it's perfect." I said bowing and he waved his hand

"I'm happy it suits your fancy. Well I hope you have a good day now!!" He said and we waved bye to each other. I ran back to the field I left Kouha in quickly so I wouldn't get yelled at. When I made it back he looked at me with a devilish smirk and raised his sword. I smiled back at him and also raised my sword.

'Let's see what this baby can do.'

How is everyone doing this Monday? Well I'm good but I just wanted to say I'll be trying to have an update every Monday. I can't promise it but I'll see how it works and/or how stressed I get. So I'll type back at ya later!!!😘

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