Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

By blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)
Epilogue (part 6)

Chapter 35

1K 97 121
By blondemccann


"Shhhhh! We don't want to wake up dad now do we?" I whisper to the twins as we were in the kitchen looking for some chocolate to eat. I felt like having some chocolate for breakfast then I saw these two running into the kitchen all woken up. It's like they knew what I was doing. "Where does Justin keep the damn chocolates?" I whisper to myself as I check every cabinet in the kitchen.

"Daddy, there." I hear Cailin whispering then pointing at the last cabinet on the right. I smiled to her walking up to the kitchen grabbing some.

"Here we are." I put the chocolate down breaking them into pieces. After two minutes of eating I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. That meant one thing, Justin is officially awake!

"Babies get down here." I wave my hands towards them fast pointing at the counter below us. There was table beside it. We quickly hid there. I look to see Justin looking around to spot us. I put my point finger on my lips telling them to be super quiet so we wouldn't get caught doing this.

Justin suddenly came in front of us looking down the table that we were in. We all screamed a little because he looked a bit creepy looking at us.

"What are you guys doing there?" He asks but looking into my eyes only.

"Uh, we were playing hide and seek." I clear my throat getting out.

"Right, then I guess this is nothing." He wipes the corner of my mouth with his finger then licking it. "Mmm, chocolate. Now who was eating it?" I awkwardly grin knowing I'm busted.

Damn it!

"She did!" Drake yells to her sister quickly running away.

"Did not! Daddy did!" She frowns being cute pointing at me.

"Hey baby doll we were supposed to be a team." I whine picking her up putting her on the counter.

"Bae, you know they're not supposed to have chocolate in the morning." He gives me a quick glare and walks up to Cailin kissing her head gently.

"I know but I was craving for some." He hums putting Cailin down as she runs after Drake.

"They're gonna get all jumpy, bae." He laughs pulling me into a hug. I smile and hug him back. "I gotta get ready for work." He pulls away seconds later going to the stove to make some breakfast.

"What do you do?" I ask sitting down on the chair beside the table.

"That doesn't matter."

"Are you a drug dealer?"

"You're not funny."

"So I guess a stripper?" He gives me a straight face and cracks the eggs. "Seriously imagine you as a stripper," I laugh little holding my mouth,"So seriously where do you work?"

"Like I said it doesn't matter." I tap my fingers on the table getting impatient with him.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Aren't we supposed to know everything about each other? Plus we are engaged-" he cuts me off with a big sigh.

"Drop it Jason. I'm gonna quit it anyways today." I was about to open my mouth again but he cuts me off once again. "And you need to stay with the kids till I get back please." He smiles putting the plates down on the table.

"Why won't you tell me?" I frowned feeling worried inside my stomach. He didn't reply back but kept playing with his food. "I wanna make up some rules around here since I'm back." I pulled away from my plate and placed my hands on the table. "I don't want you working anymore. I don't want to hear your whining or crying anymore. You've done enough around here for too long it's my job to take care of you guys." He gives me a confused face but I ignore it. "And second since you're still skinny I want you eat properly." He was about to say something but I shake my head. "The chief called me today and told me to come back. I don't know why but he said I was the best they got so as being done I said yes so you can stop worrying about money all the damn time."

"Jason, I can't just sit around here and do nothing and why do you wanna go back to that job that took you to the Asylum and can you even go back? And what about your head?"

"They think I'm all good in the head like I'm cured or something but they don't need to know the story...I'll fix that don't worry and nonsense you'll be like know house wife." When I said that he quickly slams his hand on the table.

"For the last time. I'm not a woman. I am a man and I will act like it whether you like it or not." I roll my eyes waving him off.

"If I wanted a woman I wouldn't be marrying your ass." He gasps kicking my legs under the table. "Dude, ouch that hurts who wears shoes in the house?" I whined rubbing my sore legs he just crossed his arms being childesh. "Baby boy I'm doing this for you. You've worked so hard these past few years can't I just return the favor?" I stand from my seat walking towards him making him sit on my lap. He still doesn't say anything. "I love you." I said as I kissed the back his neck slowly.

"I love you too." He smiles and turns his head around to kiss my lips.

"I have this thought in my head." I said as I picked up his left hand and played with the finger that the ring was on it. "We go my way for a whole month if you don't like it we'll stop after that, how's that?" He hums liking the idea.

"When do you start work?"


"Okay, I gotta go now or I'll be late for work." I scoffed holding him in as he was about to get up.

"No baby boy, I have a better idea you're gonna get fired." I smirk and throw him on my shoulder.

"Jason, w-what?! No! Put me down right now!" He yells, wiggling. I went to the living room seeing Drake looking at me and jumped on me as he was on edge of the couch.

"Ahhh!" We all fall down on the ground, groaning.

"Shit, he got that jumping thing from you." Drake sits on my stomach going up and down.

"Stop swearing around them." He glares picking up Drake in his arm. "You know maybe I should make those cookie jars which if we say one bad word-" "no, no not gonna happen I'll be poor by the end of this mouth if that happens." I see Justin looking at the clock putting Drake down on the sofa. As he was going to walk away to the door I spread my legs making him trip and fall on the ground. I take the opportunity and pick him up again.

"Jason, stop it this isn't funny anymore! I need to go!" He whines and yells trying to break free but miserably failing.

"I'm not trying to be funny, I miss you and we need to be together more." I make up to the stairs to our room putting him down on the bed. "Don't you dare move." I quickly pick up the handcuffs I keep in the drawer.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see." I smirk and cuffed our hands together. I even got a great plan of flushing the key away.

"You flushed the key? The heck is wrong with you? Did you take your pills this morning?" I roll my eyes not liking his chose of words.

"Yes I did, remember you made me?" I shake my hand that was cuffed to his.

"I swear if I get fired I'll..."

"You'll what?" I smirk waiting for his reaction. He scoffs pulling the cuffs and starting to whine.

"This is ridiculous take these off." He groans pulling them again.

"Damn stop it, it hurts."

"It's your own fault for flushing the key. What were you thinking?" This time I pull it hard making him loudly whimper.

"Stop it or it's gonna hurt." I drag him out of the room going down the stairs. We sat down on the couch for a couple of minutes then I felt needed to pee.

"I need to use the bathroom." I stand pulling his arm.

"I'm not hearing you pee, Jase." He pulls me back down.

"What do you want me to do pee right here?" He makes a disgusting face. "Then get your ass up because I need to pee." When we make it to the bathroom I open it but Justin doesn't come in. "My hand baby, get in." I pull his hand but he refuses.

"You don't even have to sit just do it already."

"I swear to god you are so childesh."

"Says the person who flushed the key." I finished my business getting out. I give him a look seeing Cailin walking towards us and making grabby hands towards me.

"Awe, baby doll." I pick her up and hold her.

"Because of you I'm gonna get fired by my boss thanks a lot." He sighs going to cross his arms but then couldn't because of the cuffs it made me chuckle for a second.

"Daddy movie?" She asks me rubbing her chin on my shoulder.

"Sure-" "Jason no I want to get of these," he groans pulling them making me groan as well.

"Stop that it hurts you're gonna bruise my arm. Now quit whining and let's go watch a movie with her."

"I'm not moving from this spot." He stamped his foot making my baby doll giggle.

"You wanna bet?" I playfully ask.

"Try me." As soon as he said that I picked him as well walking towards the living room but he kept wiggling and I accidentally dropped him by tripping over our Persian carpet.

"Seriously dude you need to stop squirming so much my ass is probably red right now."

"Thanks to you so is my hand." I ignored him because he was right. We all sat down to enjoy the movie then suddenly I felt like something was missing.

"Where's Drake?" I look at my left which Justin was sitting.

"How should I know I'm stuck with you remember?" He shakes his hand that was cuffed.

"Cailin where is your brother?" I whisper to her she shrugs getting up from my lap setting Netflix on.

"She knows how to put it on?"

"Yeah I taught her."

"But she's only two years old.


"I seriously can't believe-" I got cut off by something being smashed on the floor. We both stood up in shock.

"Please don't let it be my glasses again." I hear Justin whisper under his breath making me roll my eyes.

"Come on." I pull him towards the sound that came. "Drake?!" I yell his name but no answer from him. "Drake?! Can you hear me?!" I suddenly look to see Drake running towards Justin crying his eyes out.

"Baby? What's wrong?" He kneels down rubbing his shoulder.

"Fell!" He shouts through his sobs.

"Drake son calm down, what happened?" I kneeled towards him as well, seeing him hugging Justin tightly. Justin pulls him away bringing a kleenex out of his pocket and wipes his face.

"Take a deep breath and tell me what happened okay babe?" He sniffles wiping his nose.

"C-cake dropped." He points to the room which I guess the cake was in it.

Why would a cake be in that room?

"What does he mean ca-" When I was about to continue Justin drags me into the room and quickly looks around.

"Drake, why? You know how daddy worked hard for this." Justin sighs looking at the smashed cake on the floor his voice was so sad I could feel my heart drop. I didn't say anything only brought my lips into my mouth. I've done enough lock us up together already.

"I-I sorry daddy." Drake mumbles holding into Justin's legs tightly.

"Can I have a minute alone please?" He asks lowly for the two of us to leave.

"With the cake? Sure," I nodded waving my hand towards Drake telling him to hold my hand as I was about to walk out then I remembered we were locked up together.

"Shit." I whisper under my breath.

"Never mind, I just wanted a yummy cake to celebrate but never mind. I'm over it." He sighs kneeling down towards Drake.

"Daddy I'm so sorry. D-d-did not mean it." My heart warms up to this but I know deep down he's in big trouble.

"Like how you broke my glasses again last week?" Drake looks down bitting down his lips hard. "Don't hurt your lips you're just...never careful next time okay?" He nods fast hugging him but then running out of the room.

"Well that went well." I speak up after minutes. He just gives me a look I grin awkwardly looking down.

"I have another job at four Jason I can't miss that too."

"Too bad you already did." I bring my cuffed hand up but then a smirk places on his face making me confused.

"What?" I ask suddenly seeing him grab the knife trying to get the cuffs off. "Shit, what are you doing? You could chop my hand off," I reach my hand to grab it from him but he pushes my hand away bringing the knife near me.

"Don't let me use this on you."

"Yeah and I'm straight." As I sarcastically said that he laughs sitting on the ground and still tries to cut it off somehow. "Justin you doing that won't do anything." I sit down hovering over him.

"S-stop I want this thing off!"

"A knife won't cut it off!"

"Yes it would!" He shakes the knife around almost hitting my chest, I decided to play with him to teach him a quick lesson.

"Ouch!" I hold my chest going down on his chest.

"Jason? Bae? You okay? Oh my gosh," he quickly sits up looking around my chest.

"Got you!" I grab the knife throwing it in the bathroom.

"You shit!" He screams but laughing as he throws himself on me. "That was not funny I seriously thought something happened to you."

"You know I forgot the feeling, the feeling of being alone but not lonely but I guess when you touch me my fears and my secrets belongs to you only, you know how to close the door behind it. You just have to let me love you, slowly and hold you." I whisper and hold him my chin on his neck and rubbing his back slowly.

"I know you've been hurt by the way you look away from me I know it's too early. You don't talk about it and you know what I'm talking about and that's fine, I get it so don't worry because this love is incredible." As he finishes his words he places his lips on mine I just wanted more and more.


I yawn trying to get more comfortable on the couch, suddenly opening my eyes going into the thought of that when did I even go to sleep here, I look around to spot Justin beside me, I look to my side seeing the handcuffed is unlocked and there is no sight of Justin.

"Justin?! Baby, how did you even break these off?!" I yell out for him but no answer from him. I stand up stretching my muscles, scratching my head walking towards Drake's bedroom. I look inside to see him watching Keeping Up With The Kardashian's in his iPad but he quickly turns it off when sees me. "Draaaaake? What were you doing?" I walk inside sitting beside him.

"N-nothing daddy." He says in his baby voice being really cute.

"What were you watching?" I sit beside him, stretching my legs a little. As he was to open his mouth Cailin comes inside screaming running towards me. "Baby doll, what's wrong?" She quickly points at her brother I see him smirking a little.

"He took Barbie two." She swings her legs towards him but I stop her.

"Hey, stop that, you're older mature a little." I point a finger at her. They both look at me confused like I said something bad.

"What?" I shrugged rubbing my hand in his hair. "By the way where is your dad?"

"Daddy went work." Drake says sucking his thumb. I quickly stand in shock making both of them shocked as well. "Where does he work? Do you guys know?" Dumb question I know but maybe he told them. They both shrugged, Cailin quickly took the appertainty grabbing Drake's iPad and ran out of the door, Drake screamed running after her. I waved them off laying on Drake's small bed. I was pretty pissed off at Justin leaving me like this, how the hell did he even break these cuffs? I hear the kids screaming and running all over the house, I sighed loudly getting up from the bed walking towards them. I look to see Cailin almost hitting Drake, I quickly give her a cold glare making her stop from doing it. I guess this hitting thing never left her soul.

"If I ever see you hitting anyone little girl I'm gonna have to punish you so don't get to that level." When I said that she started crying sliding on floor with Drake quickly running away. "Hey, hey I'm not gonna punish-" "he took my Barbie two Daddy I want her!" Well then I thought she's crying because of me.

"Drake! Get your little ass in here!"


"You know Valentine's Day is coming and I wanna do something special for dad, what do you think I should do?" I ask Drake seeing him play with his toy cars.

"What Valentone's Day?" I chuckle hearing him say that.

"'Valentines' and it's a special day which you show someone special that how much you love them. When I say special I mean someone you love."


"Like get them chocolates or bears I guess oh or flowers."

"Can I get Charlie those things?"

"Why Charlie?"

"Becauseeeeeee I like him, he looks like Kylie Jennaaaa and I really like her." I scratch my chin getting that he meant Kylie Jenner.

"Isn't Charlie a little bit old for you?"

"No?" Damn he got my sassy side.

"Okay then." I let the conversation go, I need to have a talk with Justin about this.


"Jason baby I'm so so glad to see your beautiful face darling." Mama waves her hand looking at me through the screen I decided to finally FaceTime them and tell them about me being out.

"Maaaaaaa," I blush a little looking down.

"You should tell him." Mom nudges her shoulder.

"Tell me what?" I ask bitting my lip.

"That I love you." She smiles I knew that she was sliding something away. "If you're not telling him then I am."

"Hello? I'm still here." I knock on the screen getting impatient. They both sigh I see mom getting up walking away.

"Babe, I need to tell you something." Mom gulps looking at me with seriousness.


"Dylan is your father."

"I know that?"

"No I mean your real father, your birth father."

"What do you mean?"

"Well before I was with mom I was with Dylan we were in a relationship that ended badly and I had you." I freeze in my spot being confused as hell.

"He's m-my birth f-father? W-why didn't you tell me? Is this is why he kept coming back? Why did you lie to me about him?" Mama shakes her head.

"You know how a person he is, after I got with your mom I tried to forget about everything happened with him, but sadly he kept coming back in my life and now he did this to you."

"You mean take my place? I know he was an asshole but he risked his life for me."

"He left us Jason, he left when I said I was pregnant with you how is that any better?" She sniffles rubbing her nose with the back of her hand. A tear slowly rolled down my eye. I didn't say anything but keep silent for five minutes. "Babe? You okay?" I nodded, licking my lips.

"Jason? Son, we can't come and see you but don't you think it's time to at least come back here?" I hear mom asking feeling worried.

"I just came out and I can't just leave everything here, I've got-" "you know what never mind, I'm sorry for asking I just wanted to see my son for once." And with that she left the screen with mama only looking at her with shocked.

"She just misses you, babe" I nodded.

"I gotta go mom the kids are calling me, I'll talk to you later." I said bluntly.

"Don't do anything stupid Jason I'm serious." I rolled my eyes ending the FaceTime. Mom quickly commented saying 'at least say goodbye.' I didn't reply to her, I just putted my phone away on the nightstand. I felt weird inside but none of this was really my fault, I was just simply a big mistake.

"Daddy, Daddy door!" I hear Drake shouting coming inside the room.

"It's probably dad," I sighed getting up from the bed. I picked up Drake holding him in my arms, I hear the doorbell making me groan as of why he didn't take the keys with him. I open the door relieving a guy looking like some type of model.

"Who are you?" I ask him not really caring.

"Hi I'm Elijah um is Justin home? He left his jacket at the restaurant we were in last time and I wanted to give it back to him." His British accent rolls off his tongue saying it. Drake wiggled out of my arms before I could answer his ass. "Um do you know if he's available this Friday? He said he likes movies so why not go to see Fifty Shades Darker with him." He grins pulling the jacket out of his bag handing it back to me. I quickly snatched the jacket away from him and shutting the door at his face.

Justin and I need to have a talk when his ass gets home.


-Sorry for not updating you guys want long chapters so it takes time writing them. Also can I thank those people who are still with me when I wrote the first book? I hope I still make you happy with my writing 💜✨

-Isn't Elijah hot? Wonder what's gonna happen with him...🤗


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