The Second Wallflower

By Akai_Blue

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Rouge Faye was just a normal 8 yr girl with a loving family, but something has happen with her family. she go... More

Character info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Character info
Chapter 11
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's note

Chapter 12

494 11 0
By Akai_Blue

Rouge Pov~
I was currently in my bedroom with Mitsuki, who was playing with Kio on the floor and I was in laying in my bed. "This little guy is so cute." Mitsuki pets Kio, "So well trained like a proper dog but playful like a puppy." Kio yawns as hoops on my bed, cuddles in the covers as he sleeps. "He must be really sleepy from playing all morning." I pet as he sleeps.

A knock on my door catches on my attention. I get off my bed and open the door, "Hey, Yuki!" I smile as see him with tray of food in his hands. "Hi, Rouge." He peeks into my room. "Hi, Mitsuki." She waves. "Hi Yuki." "What are you doing here, Yuki?" I ask. "Ranmaru made some soup for the house and decide to bring you guys some food." Yuki answers. "That's sweet of Yuki." I take the tray from him and set it on my desk. "We'll see you after it's done. Thanks Yuki." I kiss him cheek and close the door.

"That was nice of us to make us food." Mitsuki states as I grab a bowl and examine the food. "What's wrong?" she asks. "It's just...the last time he made something..." I get queasy thinking about it. "You never know. It could taste good." Mitsuki assures as she gets up off the floor and walking out the door. "where are you going? I thought you wanted to try some soup." I stare at her confused. "I already ate a huge breakfast plus I have to go work. I'll see you later." She leaves my room. I stare back at soup. "at least it smells good." I take a spoonful of soup and bring to the inside of mouth. My eyes widen. "This...taste...good." I'm shocked Ranmaru made this by himself. "He actually did a job. Maybe I should give him some credit." I continue to eat my soup, including Mitsuki's portion until it was all gone.

Third Pov~
All the boys, including Rei was in the dining room eating the soup Ranmaru made. All of them were questioning the food. "I did the best I could you guys." Ranmaru states. Kyohei dips his fingers in the soup, then tries the soup. "This is really good." Kyohei says with surprise. "Since Ranmaru did make it, we should eat it." Takenaga states. "Thank you for the food." Yuki states. "Yeah thanks." Rei says and all them began to eat the soup. "By the way Yuki, where did you get these mushrooms from?" Takenaga asks. Yuki begins to explain he was walking until they found four girls with different colored hair were chanting around by a basket of mushrooms and were about to eat them but were chased by hunger, drooling dogs.

"That's how I got them." Yuki answers. Resulting in Kyohei, Takenaga, Ranmaru, and Rei to throw up. "Hey! You're wasting it!" Yuki scolds them. "You should throw up too if got anything from those weirdos." Kyohei tries to Yuki throw up, then all of them starting arguing over the mushrooms. Not noticing that Sunako coming in, "Thank you for the food." She says. "Wait you at that?" Takenaga asks. "I wasn't supposed to?" Sunako asks, then she starts getting pale and passed out.

"Sunako!" all the boys went to check if she okay. "Is she breathing?" Yuki asks. Then Kyohei picks her up in princess carry. "You better wake up, Sunako Nakahara!" then something started happen as Sunako's chibi version started to turn into a normal form. She started to open her eyes, then stared back at Kyohei. Sunako start to become nervous and face to turn pink, "This is so embarrassing. Please put me down." Sunako asks shyly. The boys stared at her for moment, "Ahhh!" they panicked and Kyohei drops. "Was I too heavy? This so embarrassing." Sunako blushes, shyly.

The boys panic from the Sunako eating the poison mushrooms. "Wait didn't Rouge eat some too?" Takenaga asks. "Maybe it didn't affect her..." "What's with all the commotion?" Rouge walks in the room, wearing a completely different outfit from earlier and wearing glasses. "Rouge? Are you okay?" Yuki asks. "Is there something wrong with my face? Is my dress messed?" Rouge checks her outfit. "What?!" the boys shout with disbelief. "" Yuki questions. "This is creepy." Kyohei backs away from the girls. "I think they are pretty cute." Ranmaru blushes at them. "Shut up, Ranmaru." Yuki says.
"Hey Ranmaru? Is this the mushroom?" Takenaga points at the picture of the mushroom in the book. "Yeah that it. I remember because of the pink crown in the middle." Ranmaru states. Yuki begins to cry. "I'm so sorry!" Yuki whines. "Wait a minute." Ranmaru steps up with some sort of dance and puts both his hands out to Sunako who was on the floor and Rouge who fixing her hair; both turning to Ranmaru. They were like scenes from a prince and princess story. "Come with me, ladies." Ranmaru asks gentlemanly. "It so cheesy!" Kyohei, Takenaga, and Yuki panic covering their eyes. "Thank you, kind sir." Sunako smiles. "Thank you being a gentleman." Rouge takes his hand. "This way ladies." Ranmaru leads them somewhere else before giving a thumbs to the guys.

"This is strange." "Yeah." "Sunako is a..." "A Lady!" the boys cry with happiness. "Free rent!" Kyohei cheers along with the others. "Sunako's is asleep in Aunty's room and Rouge is decorating her room." Ranmaru comes back. "Good job." "Wait? You put both of them into Aunty's pink and frilly room." Yuki ask. "yeah." They all begin to cry with joy. "Don't cry, idiot." "I don't mean to but it truly amazing."
"You guys are weird." They turn to Rei, "what do you mean?" Kyohei ask. "what happens if Sunako and Rouge both turn back to normal for tomorrow." Rei throwing his beer in the trash as they stood in silence. "ah well." Kyohei shrugs it off and they cheer that Sunako is a girl. "Morons." Rei shakes his head and he goes to check on his sister.

"Rouge?" Rei knocks on the door. "Yes. Come on in." Rouge answers and Rei opens to see her new room. "Welcome to my new room." Rouge twirls with delight.

"Isn't darling?" Rouge asks as sits in her chair. "It sure is different in here." Rei steps in glancing around. "Hey Rouge. I'm...back." Mitsuki steps into the room with disbelief. "What happened to in here?" Mitsuki ask, then stares at Rouge's new appearance. "What the hell happened to her?" Mitsuki eyes widen. "Mitsuki. That language will not be allowed in this room." Rouge scolds. "What?" Rei and Mitsuki were stunned. "Now, I'm going to take a long bubble bath with my lavender and rosemary scented wash, then go to bed." Rouge grabs her stuff and leaves the room.

"Can you explain what is going on?" Mitsuki turns to Rei, "It turns out her and Sunako ate some kind of weird mushroom that Yuki found and Ranmaru cooked. The result was that turn into ladies." Rei states. "Wow." Mitsuki states. "This isn't going to end well, is it?" Mitsuki ask. "It never does." Rei closes the door of Rouge's door and they both leaves.
The next morning, everyone except Rouge was in the dining room with stunned expression; staring at Sunako smiling wearing a maid outfit. "Good morning, lady and gentlemen. I'll go get your breakfast." Sunako walks out of the room. "Thank you." Takenaga compliments. "Get the food ready. I'm starving." Kyohei states. As Sunako walks out, she changes into a chibi version. "Huh?" the boys look at her, but nothing wrong. "Maybe it was a hallucination." Takenaga sweatdrops. "Yeah." Yuki laughs nervously.

The breakfast begins to be served. "Such an elegant meal." Ranmaru stares at the meal. "It look good! let's eat." Kyohei drools at the sight. "Thank you for the food." Everyone takes a bite of the food with a smile...then threw it up. "It's so bitter!" "It too salty." The boys complain. "this isn't good." Rei wipes his mouth with his napkins. "Yeah." Mitsuki pushes her plate back.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't good." Sunako ask, shyly. "Change back?" Kyohei demands. "huh?" Sunako says and Kyohei grabs her shoulders, "Change back. We haven't anything in the last days and I'm hungry!" Kyohei yells. Sunako begins to develop tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry." Sunako falls to ground and begins to cry.

"Hello!" a high pitch voice comes into the dining room. "Oh no!' Kyohei panics. "I'm back! I went shopping and got my nails done."

Rouge comes in with a smile, then stops seeing Sunako on the floor crying. "What in the hell happened here?" Rouge clenches her fist. "I didn't mean it." Kyohei cowers. "Rouge?" Rei edges closer to his sister, then she snaps out of it. "What?" Rouge eyes blinks rapidly. "I'm so sorry. I'm must be exhausted from shopping." She giggles. "Rouge!" Kyohei approaches her, "Can you cook us some dinner?" Kyohei pleads. "I just got my nails done and don't want to mess up my outfit. Besides, what kind of lady will I be if I cooked?" Rouge giggles. "I'm going to my room to put my clothes away. Bye!" Rouge finger waves and leaves. "I'll go see what she doing." Mitsuki shakes her and follows Rouge.

"Why isn't she hitting me? why didn't she hit me?" Kyohei panics. "Because they are acting how ladies normally act." Ranmaru states. "I'll go prepare the food over again." Sunako stands back up. "Not that okay." "We can eat this all day." Takenaga, Yuki, and Ranmaru continue to eat the food. Sunako tears in her eyes, then smiles, "I'm so happy." Takenaga, Yuki, and Ranmaru all sigh with relief. "I'll go do your laundry." Sunako walks to the door.

"Hey! I'm still hungry!" Kyohei throws a tantrum like a child. "that was close." Rei states as sits on the couch and Kyohei sits in his chair with frustrated huff. "You really shouldn't be so mean to Sunako. She is a lady now." Yuki says. "Well that 'lady' is doing your dirty laundry." Kyohei smirks and they run to stop Sunako. "This is pain in the ass." Kyohei mumbles. "For once I agree with you." Rei sighs lays down on the couch.

Sunako was in the laundry room, blushing as she holds on the boy's underwear. Just as she puts in the laundry, "Wait!" Yuki, Ranmaru, and Takenaga rush to stop, "we'll do they laundry." They start handwashing their clothes. "Okay, then I'll go clean your rooms." Sunako walks by them walking to the door. "That fin...!" the boys realize about what's in their rooms. "Wait! I... have...stuff in there!" Ranmaru and the others run after her, then stop as they see her clothing. The begin to blush, then look away. "I can't do this. It feels like I'm cheating on Rouge." Yuki blushes as he covers his face.
Kyohei was lying on the couch, complaining about eating. "Kyohei." Takenaga comes into the living room and sits on the table in front of Kyohei. "I'm going to need your lips." Takenaga asks staring into Kyohei's eyes, seriously.
"Takenaga!" Kyohei panics while backing away dramatically, "Are you serious?! I didn't know you were like that! This is insane!" Kyohei yells. "It's not that. I need you kiss Sunako again." Takenaga puts his hand on his forehead, "having two girly females making me feel like I'm cheating on Noi." Yuki and Ranmaru came in, "Having Sunako and Rouge the way they are is exhausting. You basically walking on eggshells with their feelings." Rei walks in. "Two girly girls are too much to handle. I want the regular girls back." Yuki states. "I agree." Ranmaru says. "So please kiss her, Kyohei. So she can turn back to normal." Yuki shakes Kyohei, "Why didn't you say so?" but Kyohei shrugs, "But I'll rather have free rent." Kyohei states. "But you are the one that wanted to change her back!" Yuki states. "I change my mind." Kyohei says, then Kyohei, Yuki and Takenaga begin to arguing. "Kids." Rei sighs as he leaves the room.
Mitsuki and Rouge were in my room and we put away my new clothes. "Are these adorable?" Rouge smile twirling with glee. "Yeah, I guess." Mitsuki put the clothes away, then notice that the clothes begin to change to girly to hipster. 'why would she buy this?' Mitsuki questions as she helps put her clothes away.
*knock* "Come in." Rouge calls out, revealing Rei coming into the room. "Hey, how are you, guys?" "Fine." Mitsuki says. "I'm" Rouge holds her stomach. "Rouge, are you okay?" Rei rushes to her. "I'm fin...Mm!" Rouge rubs her stomach. "Why don't you lay down and sleep?" Mitsuki suggests. "Yeah, I guess that's a good idea." Rouge lays down on her bed and takes a nap, while Rei and Mitsuki leave the room.
"Do you think she is okay?" Mitsuki asks in concern in her voice. "I'm sure she's fine." Rei states, then smells food. "It seems dinner is ready." Rei heads to dining room with Mitsuki, she shivers with fear, "I hope it taste better than before." Rei chuckles, "One can hope." Rei states as they walk to living room.
"Dinner is served." Sunako smiles at the feast on tables as the boys drool at the food. "it might be plain because of the color kinda of different from before." The boys and Mitsuki all take a single bite of the food, leaving them stunned. "This is what I'm talking about!" Ranmaru, Yuki, Takenaga, and Kyohei begin to devour the food. "This actually good." Mitsuki takes another bite. "yeah, I should bring some to Rouge when she wakes up." Rei comments.
"Is the food good?" Sunako asks shyly. Kyohei, who is shirtless, stops eating as he turns his direction to her, causing to jump slightly. "Um...!" Kyohei begins to hug and cries. "Thank you. It so good!" Kyohei cries with happiness but the feeling them hugging caused Sunako to shake out of control then pass out on the floor, with a bloody nose. "Sunako?!" The boys and Mitsuki check Sunako to see she back to normal chibi form. "She's back!" Yuki cheers. "It is, Sunako." Ranmaru smiles as they begin cry with tears of joy.
"Wait if Sunako is back, then..." "AHHH!" a scream was heard down the hall and fast footsteps came to living room. "!" Rouge comes panting in the living room by the door, "What the hell happened in my room?! It is frilly. And what the hell it is up with my clothes?!" She points at her clothes. "I feel so claustrophobic in these damn clothes." She tugs on the clothes. "Rouge!" Mitsuki rushes and hugs her. "You're back to normal." Rouge pulls back from the hug, "Normal? What happened?" "You don't remember what happened?" Rei walks up to Rouge, "No." she shakes her head, then sees Sunako on the floor passed out, "Why is she...?" Yuki puts his hand on her shoulder, "It's better if you didn't know." "Oh...okay. Well, I'm going to destroy these clothes and my room but I need a shower. I feel like I took a long nap and need to a refresher." Rouge leaves and heads to the bathroom.

Rouge Pov~
After I took my shower, I went put on MY clothes and cleaned up whatever happened in here.

"Finally, it back to normal." I put the final touches; my dreamcatcher Aunty gave me from overseas. "Now that's done, I need something to drink." I leave my room, walking to the kitchen and grab myself some hot tea. "That smells good." I turn to Rei leaning against the door, "You want some?" I ask and he nods. I set him up a cup and poor him some tea.

"You always knew what good tea to make in any situation." Rei smiles as he drinks his tea, "That's because I had someone to teach me how." I look up at him and he smirks. "and may I ask who that person is?" he leans in, "Nobody but an older, immature airhead." I stand up with the cup in my hand. "You are a brat sometimes." Rei glares. "And that's why you love me so much." I walk out the kitchen, unnoticing the smile coming from Rei's face.

I make my back to room, then stop in front of Sunako's room; seeing everyone surrounding Sunako's door to see her watching a horror film. "Maybe we should give her the mushroom again." Takenaga covers his mouth as he cries with fear. "She's so scary." Yuki has tears down his face. I smile as walk by. 'whatever happened to us, I'm glad everything is back to normal.' I go to my room and go to bed.

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