The Chronicles of my Life: a...

By starielizabeth

165K 3.7K 3.8K

Not classmates, not friends, not best friends, but lovers. - Or a story in which a girl who has a bright fut... More

1. Welcome home baby!
2. One year
3. Preschool
4. Hey! that's my apple juice!
5. Hey you picked that colour not me!
6. With a new school comes new people
7. Fishy tank colours
8. Playdates at the park
9. Birthday wishes
10. Years only feel like days with friends
11. Chemistry isn't easy
12. Costumes
13. Halloween part 1
14. Halloween part 2
15. Halloween part 3
16. It's a dream. It's all a dream
17. Sometimes tea is chill
18. Let us get lettuce
19. Grocery store with David and Liza
20. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people
21. Happy Christmas!
22. Annoying texts and mixed emotions
23. Gifts and ever lasting memories
24. New years
25. Froyo and fans
26. Valentines day and secrets
27. Sleepovers
28. Happy birthday to... me?
29. Are you five or something?
30. Annoying girls and the beach
31. Tator tots and pop quizes
32. Concerts and surprises
33. The carnival
34. The Winter Dance part 1
35. The Winter Dance part 2
36. Happy Christmas
37. Birthday...
38. ...Ruined
39. 6 months
40. Lazy day
41. Wait, what?
42. The smallest things cause the most change
43. Going out and interesting news
44. Road trip fun (gone wrong)
45. Pain, heartbreak, and a stupid party game
46. Arguments, tears, and confusion.
47. 365 days with you
48. First of the last
49. Costumes and stargazing
50. Bucket lists
51. Plans for the future
52. Prom and talking
53. Endings and new starts
55. Twenty One Pilots clique
56. The actual first day
57. Accidents happen
58. Secrets
59. Forever
hOLy SnIKerDooDLeS

54. New York, meet Liza Koshy

1.5K 37 37
By starielizabeth

AN: Listen to song with earbuds it's trippy af but soo good

September 2, 2017

Liza's POV

Since NYU didn't open until 6 this morning, I ended up staying in a nearby hotel for the night. Once 6 AM rolls around, I head back over to the campus. As soon as I get there, I can see the long lineup of hopeful students who are checking in. I get into the painfully long line up and wait until I get to the front desk. 

Lady at desk: "Name?"

I am a bit shocked by how tense she sounded, but who could blame her she if the one who has to keep track of like 50,000 students.

Liza: "Elizabeth Koshy."

Lady at desk: "Ok. You are in room 428. Also just so you know, the first number is the dorm you are in."

Liza: "Thanks."

I take the key she is holding towards me and I walk toward dorm 4. I take a quick look around the campus. Wow. This place is huge. I realise I am at dorm 4 and I walk in. The dorms have long hallways, with each side having doors leading to different rooms. I walk down the hallway until I find room 428. I stand in front of the door and take a deep breath in. 

This is it. This is the start of my future.

I open the door to find a girl sitting of one of the beds. The room is perfectly clean and tidy. Wow, my roommate is more efficient than me. She turns to me and smiles. 

Girl: "Hi! I'm Kassie!"

She jumps up from the bed and hugs me.

Liza: "Hey. I'm Liza."

She pulls away from me and smiles at me. Her eyes are a dark brown colour. She has dark brown, almost black hair, that appears to have been bleached into an almost blonde colour. 

Kassie: "Sorry. I probably seem really weird. I'm just so excited!"

Liza: "Me too."

She squeals and runs to the end of the small room.

Kassie: "So I know that most people separate their room into two but I think we should decorate it all the same theme."

I smile.

Liza: "That sounds great."

This is going to be fun.

After what feels like hours of Kassie telling me about her plans for decorating, we decide to go to Target and pick up some decorations.

Kassie: "Ok let's go."

Liza: "Wait we have to call an uber."

Kassie: "No no. My friend goes here and she has a car. I will text her she can drive us and come with us."

Liza: "Cool."

Kassie takes out her phone and texts her friend. I still don't know who she is talking about but I guess I will find out soon.

Kassie: "Ok she is here."

Liza: "That was quick."

Kassie: "She is in dorm 6 not far away."

Kassie grabs my hand and drags me outside. She stops at the parking lot and looks around. She points to a black mustang convertible. 

Kassie: "That's her!"

She runs towards the parked car and I follow. Kassie gets in the front and I get in the back.

The girl who is sitting in the driver seat turns around. She has purple hair, green eyes, a nose piercing, and a huge smile beaming at me.

Girl: "Hi. I'm Rory Anderson."

She puts her hand out and I shake it.

Liza: "Liza Koshy."

Rory: "Wait, THE Liza Koshy? From vine?"

Liza: "Umm yeah that's me."

Rory turns to Kassie.

Rory: "You got Liza Koshy as your roommate? You lucky bitch."

Kassie laughs. I sit awkwardly in the back. 

Kassie: "Can we go to target already! I want to decorate the room!"

Rory and I both laugh. Rory starts driving. Kassie turns on the speaker. Holding onto by Twenty One Pilots starts playing. Kassie and Rory start singing.

Kassie: "I'm taking over my body, Back in control, no more shotty, I bet a lot of me was lost, Ts uncrossed and Is undotted, I fought it a lot And it seems a lot like flesh is all I got, Not anymore, flesh out the door, Swat!"

Rory: "I must've forgot, you can't trust me! I'm open a moment and close when you show it, Before you know it, I'm lost at sea, And now that I write and think about it, And the story unfolds, You should take my life, You should take my soul!"

They both laugh. Rory turns down the volume.

Rory: "Oh yeah we are obsessed with Twenty One Pilots."

Kassie: "Well I am just a normal fan. You are so obsessed!"

Rory: "True."

Kassie: "Plue she loves Josh Dun."

Rory: "No I don't."

Kassie: "Yes you do. You are in love with Josh."

Rory: "Ok fine maybe I am but is it that wrong to be in love with him? I mean he is adorable!"

I laugh. 

Rory: "Do you like Twenty One Pilots Liza?"

Liza: "Yeah they are cool. I want to go to a concerte at some point."

Rory: "Well they are playing here in like a month. I have three tickets because Kassie and I have been planning to go. But the other ticket was for my old friend but she moved back to Canada."

I look at Kassie confused.

Kassie: "Oh yeah right! I forgot to tell you. We both are from Canada."

Rory: "Go Canada. Woo."

We all laugh.

Rory: "Anyways. Do you want the ticket?"

Liza: "I mean, if you guys want me to come, I would love to."

Kassie: "Yay! I think this is going to be fun."

Liza: "I hope so."


AN: Sorry for short chapter I am just dying from math homework and emotions... fun.

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