The Heir's Pretend Girlfriend

By simplicity432

333K 7.9K 884

Shannon Richelieu just lived a normal teenage life with her mother at their Los Angeles apartment until her m... More

1 ✮ Wrong Restroom
2 ✮ Gem Girl
3 ✮ I Can Be Tough Too
4 ✮ Fancy Champagne
6 ✮ Bench Sleepover
7 ✮ Lock the Door
8 ✮ Taffy
9 ✮ Bloody Knuckle [W i l l]
10 ✮ Chicken Suits
11 ✮ Watered Soup
12 ✮ Kidnapping is Illegal
13 ✮ The Confession
14 ✮ Beach House Blues PART ONE [W i l l]
15 ✮ Beach House Blues PART TWO
16 ✮ Drunk in Love
17 ✮ Door Opening Classes
18 ✮ Snowshoe Bunnies
19 ✮ Outdoor Movies
12 ✮ Only the Butt of the Airforce One is Allowed [W i l l]
21 ✮ Is this Gouda Enough for you
22 ✮ Hijacking Cheesecakes
23 ✮ Home Sweet Apartment
24 ✮ The Greenhouse
25 ✮ Pancakes for the Growls
26 ✮ The Heir [W i l l]
27 ✮ Miss Worthington
28 ✮ Polo Tournament
29 ✮ Bathtubs are for Sleeping
30 ✮ The Shocking Reveal
31 ✮ The Scott Chandler Enlightenment

5 ✮ You're a Handful [W i l l]

9.7K 238 16
By simplicity432

-Will's Point of View-

"You're a contemporary dancer, yet you don't know how to dance regularly?" I chuckled while trying to guide her clumsy footsteps. Dammit, I just told her she was a contemporary dancer even though she never told me she was one.

I sneaked a peek her way only to see her watching herself fall on her own feet. Well, it looks like she didn't notice.

I remember staying late at school one day to avoid my dad at home. He was rarely home, but he needed to pick up some stuff before going to back San Francisco for who knows what.

So, I walked aimlessly around Atriele Academy to kill some time and that's when I saw her dancing alone at the Fine Arts Building. I avoided this building for a while because of Charlotte, but when I noticed someone dancing through the outside window, I couldn't help myself.

I was shocked when I saw Shannon dancing.

She danced just like Charlotte, except that she would laugh whenever she fell down.

Why was she such an interesting person to watch?

"I'm a work in training," She fought back playfully and I almost forgot that I was still dancing with her.

For a while, we actually started having a normal conversation together. I couldn't believe that the annoying girl from the Boutique was in fact pretty interesting. When she first asked me about the pretend girlfriend deal, I was absolutely against it, but for some reason, I had to comply with her. I needed to know why Charlotte broke up with me and most importantly why I caught her talking to my dad the day before she broke up with me. I just new she wasn't in love with someone else; she didn't fall in love that easily.

I tried visiting her many times after the break up, hoping she would tell me, but she never did. I wanted her explanation and no one else's. She just can't leave me like that without a reason. I didn't want her to be like all the other women in my life.

All of a sudden, I could hear someone crashing to the floor and crying out with pain. She was rubbing her ankle, crying out that she twisted it. I could see the crowds starting to surround someone and once I saw a hint of blonde, curly hair, I let go of Shannon and quickly ran to Charlotte. Maybe, it was my first instinct, but I ran to her yearning to hold her and make sure she was okay. Even though she broke up with me, I couldn't help but leave her alone. I still cared for her.

She saw me approach her and wiped some tears away from her eyes. "Will." She whispered.

I quickly grabbed her from the floor and she rested her head on my chest. Everyone just silently watched us as Derick came running up to us, "Hey Charlotte! Are you okay?" He motioned the live band to start playing again so people could go back to dancing. He took us to the side so Charlotte could have a chance to breathe from the crowd.

"I just need fresh air," She winced when she touched her ankle, "Someone accidentally pushed me while I was dancing and I fell down twisting my foot."

"I'll take care of her," I declared. From my peripheral vision, I could see Shannon inching toward us, but then deciding to stop, "Tell Shannon that I'll be back-"

"Ugh," Charlotte cringed and Derick motioned us to the front door. But before we could open the door, Scott Chandler came rushing in late. He was always late to the parties.

"Oh well, hello," He weirdly eyed Charlotte in my arms and hugged Derick, "Happy birthday, bro!"

"Thanks! Charlotte hurt her ankle," Derick clarified to the latecomer, "Will's going to take her outside to get some fresh air." Scott looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" He eyed me and then his eyes shifted over to someone at a cocktail table. His mouth began to form a grin.

"Seriously," He held the door open for us and whispered something that only I could hear, "Who in their right mind would leave such a beautiful girl alone at a table." As I walked out, I turned back to see Scott walking over to Shannon who was standing alone at the cocktail table. I could see her reaching over to grab some champagne. Damn that girl, she's going to feel super sick if she drinks too much champagne. I'll deal with her later.

I scoffed at Scott walking away. Ever since the day I beat him in an archery match when we were six years old, Scott Chandler had become my rival. So everything I wanted, he couldn't help but put his hands on it. Never ever will I let him win anything from me even if that something was Shannon Richelieu.

"I'll be back," I said loudly so even Scott can hear.

I walked outside and luckily there were no more paparazzi. After all the stairs, I sat Charlotte down at a nearby bench in front of Derick's mansion.

"Thanks Will," She hesitated, "I know I can always count on you." She placed her hand above my hands and smiled. For a few seconds, I actually let her keep her hands on top of mines, but I soon let go. She quickly retracted her hands back, embarrassed, and then I grabbed her ankle as she winced with pain.

Stop making me feel this way when you wont tell give me a reason to believe any of this.

I put her ankle on top of my legs so she could relax and I chuckled remembering a memory. "This reminds me of that one time when you hurt your ankle before a dance recital and you wouldn't stop crying to me."

"Hey!" She punched me jokingly on my shoulder while laughing, "You knew that dance recital meant a lot to me. I couldn't afford a twisted ankle during a crucial time."

"Yeah," I smiled weakly at her, "I know how much dance means to you so can we stop with the twisted ankles?" I teased her and then she looked at me with a sad expression.

"Will," she began, "I've missed you."

"Do you really love that new girl of yours?" She continued when I didn't say anything.

It was silent for a bit and for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to tell her anything yet. I was still angry at her, but yet I still wanted her.

"I should bring you to your car," was all I could muster up from the silence. She was about to say something, but then shut her mouth when she knew I wouldn't talk about it. I brought her up into my arms again and carried her while she called her chauffer to bring the car up front.

The chauffeur opened the door asking if Miss Jewel was okay and she nodded her head. He took her from me and placed her into the back seat and then I leaned in to kiss her, but stopped quickly. You're not dating her anymore, jackass!

"Thanks Will," She grabbed my face and kissed my cheek, "I hope your girlfriend won't mind that I did that." She waved good-bye and shut the door.

I stood outside for a while watching the car drive off and feeling confused at everything. Why was she doing this to me?

After a while, Opaline ran outside to my side. "W-Will, Shannon ... is ...," She panted while grabbing a hold of my arm. She looked panicked.

"She ... she fainted." She continued.

Hurriedly, I ran all the way up the long set of stairs and into Derick's house. The guests were still dancing and having a good time as I paced myself while walking around the sea of people. I checked every room and every bathroom until I spotted her lying down on a sofa in the guest room. I quickly ran up to her and saw how red her face was.

"She fell down after drinking so much champagne," Sophia came beside me when I entered the room, "I didn't really see, but that's what Scott told me."

This stupid girl. I told her not to drink champagne.

"I-I guess she's really allergic to it cause she said her lips were feeling tingly and after a few drinks she passed out in this room." Opaline finally came beside us.

Where the hell was that bastard Scott; I'm going to kill him!

"How much did she drink!?" I demanded.

"I-I'm fine guys," Shannon suddenly spoke as she tried getting up from the sofa. I immediately stopped her and then I saw that she was covered with a men's jacket similar to Scott's. I took away the jacket from her and covered her with my own jacket.

She immediately took my jacket and pulled it closer to her.

"Give this back to Scott," I exclaimed and tossed the jacket to Sophia while helping Shannon up from the sofa, "I'm taking her home."

"Scott said he'll be right back to take her-" Sophia stopped when she saw that I was already halfway to the door. If Scott was that worried about her, why would he let her drink all that champagne? No way am I letting her go home with him.

"W-Will," Shannon shivered under my arm as we exited the mansion and walked over to my car. I didn't like being driven around by a chauffeur so I drove myself instead, "I'm fine." She looked at me with drowsy eyes and her flustered face started going away little by little. She was going to have a major headache tomorrow.

I opened the passenger seat of my Mercedes and carefully put her in. She tried to fight back, but after realizing that I wouldn't leave her alone, she finally obliged.

I walked around and entered the car. "Damn Shannon," I looked at her, "You're such a handful. Why did I ever agree to become your fake boyfriend."

She started frowning and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit at her face.

"Just take me home." She whispered and pulled my jacket closer to her red face. When I realized she wasn't wearing her seat belt yet, I reached over to grab it which startled her into twitching away from me.

I smirked. "Don't worry," I grabbed the seat buckle and buckled it, leaning in closer, "I won't do anything."

"P-please," She looked away embarrassed and hid her face with my jacket, "I know that already."

I chuckled. No lie, but she looked really cute when she blushed and she blushed a lot. She would always try to look away or bite her bottom lip when she was embarrassed. The annoying, outspoken girl I met at the boutique was actually someone really shy.

I began driving and opened the window a little bit so she cool feel the cool air coming in. After a while, I exited the freeway, but then realized I didn't know where she lived.

"Where do you-?" I began to say and stopped when I saw her head against my car window, sleeping. Her curled bun was already coming out of her hair and she looked so peaceful sleeping in the passenger seat.

This girl. I pulled over to the side of the driveway and started dialing Opaline's number so I could get Shannon's address when suddenly she whispered, "Will..."

I looked up from my phone to look at her and laughed quietly. She was dreaming of me.

Shannon Richelieu, you are such a handful.

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