Apocalyptic: The Beginning

dwcyrus द्वारा

101 13 14

Book 1 of a 3 part series. Before the rise of Lucifer and the war between Heaven and Hell there was simply t... अधिक

Having 'Fun'
Light and Dark
Duck, Duck, Fly
A Ray of Sunshine
Just a Little Fun
Rise by Sin, By Virtue Fall
Kindled Flame


35 3 13
dwcyrus द्वारा

Gabriel ran his tiny hands over the soft brown fur of the mammal. Tentitave hands trailed across it's body as the Angelic being inspected it's duck-like bill. His father didn't know he was making this beast but the little angel had been working on it for awhile. Every day he added a new trait to it. At first it started off as just a brown furred mammal. Then he added more coarse fur and the duck bill. A large flat tail was added yesterday to replace the once skinny one. Gabriel figured it was still missing something however. 

He couldn't ponder on it long however as brown beady eyes suddenly blinked open, wide-eyed in shock as the mammal started to get to its feet. It was still disoriented and reaching down Gabriel applied his gift as he remolded its feet adding a thin layer of skin making them webbed. 

"Coo?" It inquired looking down at its feet. It hadn't moved to escape so Gabriel found himself relaxing. That proved to be a wrong move however as the minute he relaxed the beast quickly turned leaping off of the table. Gabriel quickly went to grab it his arms wrapping along its body but it managed to slip free. With a mocking honk it started to waddle away leaving the tiny angel behind. 

"Wait! Puss!" Gabriel yelled having already named the creature. It was known as a Platy but he figured the name Puss fit the mischievous creature. Chasing after it, he was surprised at how fast it could actually run as its beak-like nose turned towards him mockingly. It was heading towards the fountains. Little feet pounding against the ground Gabriel just made it as the creature attempted to crawl in. 

Grabbing onto its body he pulled her close against him as he pouted, "Puss you can't keep running away, you aren't done being created yet." He explained tightening his hold on the water creature as it let out an alarmed coo trying to break out of the others grasp. Black hair fell into the boys eyes as he shook his head trying to shake it out of his face. In his distraction he ended up taking a few steps backwards towards the fountain. 

His knees connected with the marble as with a cry of surprise he fell backwards. Both of them falling into the water with a loud splash. The Platy managed to rip out of his grip as it started to swim away, happily cooing. Spluttering the little angel splashed halfway out of the water as he started to shiver due to the cool air. Water was so cold to him and made everything slippery afterwards; he didn't like feeling unsteady so it always upset him. Managing to finally, at least be sitting, he felt the presence even before the booming voice spoke in his head. 

<Gabriel? What are you doing in the fountain> A genderless voice asked in amusement as the Astral form of white appeared in front of Gabriel. Everyone imagined something different upon seeing God but nobody had ever seen his true form. Gabriel just imagined him as a solid ball of white light, so upon seeing it appear, his eyes widened. Trying to get to his feet to bow he ended up almost tripping again before God's energy managed to catch him holding him up. 

"I apologize father!" Gabriel immediately said as he managed to bow this time. Adolescent angels were born with a small pair of wings on the top of their head no longer then a foot long and the color their wings would be once they had grown. Gabriels were a soft downy white colour that couldn't help but flutter as a drop of water itched them.

"I thought you would be gone for much longer. You said you had a great project." Gabriel explained. He always wanted to look his best for when his father appeared but now covered in water and a bit of dirt from the creation room, his hair sticking against his head, and Puss rubbing against his leg, he felt extremely embarrassed. 

A loud chuckle in his head interrupted his train of thought as he looked up at his creator in confusion. <What is that queer creature you have made?> The voice pondered as Puss was lifted out of the water by an invisible force. It let out a squeak of alarm which prompted Gabriel to immediately attempt to grab him. His arms wrapped around the wet form as he pulled the creature close to his body nuzzling the top of its head. 

"It's a Platy. This one is Puss." He said smiling. He had made a couple others but this one was his favorite. Despite Puss's endeavors which worked to exhaust the tiny angel. 

<Are these what you have been making in my absence?> Gods voice asked unreadable in its intent. Gabriel beamed as he attempted to walk out of the fountain only for Puss to leap free and land in the water again. Almost knocking Gabriel over if it wasn't for God righting the Angel again. 

"Yes, I've made four of them! There's Puss, Otty, Duke, and Beavus." He explained wanting to go show the others to God. However the presence stopped him the same chuckle sounding in Gabriel's head.

<I will see them later. For now I wish to show you what I have been working on> The voice explained causing Gabriel to freeze before he nodded quickly. He hadn't expected that, usually God didn't include him in things that he was working on. Especially when it involved Conduit which was the official name for what the humans would later refer to as Earth. 

Setting Puss down in the fountain he patted its head before stepping out of the fountain using the marble wall to keep himself steady. Shaking his head his pars, the little wings on his head, flicked to get rid of the stray drops as he sighed looking down at himself. His clothes were disheveled and a pool of water was forming beneath his feet. His wings felt heavy and he felt all around cold. Regardless of these facts however, he moved to follow the light as it lead him down the castle to one of the empty rooms. 

"Why are we here? This is just empty space." Gabriel said confused as he fought the urge not to cross his arms. He really just wanted to show God his creations, he had worked hard on them and admittedly he wanted the praise. Instead the door opened revealing large black wooden beams and lush velvet fabrics. Confused Gabriel stepped inside looking around before his blue eyes focused on a cradle as he spotted movement. In almost two strides, he was met with pale skin and the soft dark grey feathers of another angels pars. Shocked he stepped back looking over at God in accusation, his face crinkled in antipathy. 

"What's that?" He asked voice quivering as he looked back down at it. It seemed to be sleeping at the moment its little hands wrapped in the soft fleece of its blanket. It's little chest rising and falling almost peacefully as its little wings fluttered in dream. 

<He is Luciel. Your brother>

"I don't want a brother!" Gabriel exclaimed crossing his arms as he stomped his foot glaring down at the little creature below him. It's eyes blinked open at that moment being a sharp crimson as it met his darker blue. Luciel seemed to be just watching him till a little pink tongue stuck out as it let out a little squeal. 

Gabriel again took a step back feeling offended his pars fluttering rapidly as he crossed and uncrossed his arms. He was upset and looking over at God he found his presence gone leaving him with this... Luciel. "I don't like you." He told the other angel truthfully.

To his horror the other angel just giggled, a light sound that cut through the air like daggers. Gabriel stepped back hand coming to rest on his chest as he flinched not used to the strange sound. Luciel just found his reaction even more amusing as the laughter seemed to pick up in pitch. 

<You will have to look after him Gabriel. He is your brother and he needs you> God's voice boomed, <You will have to teach him what I have taught you. The mission of an angel, the plan I have created for you.>

"Father, please, I- can't look after him. He-"

A smash sounded behind him and looking over he found the little angel on the ground tangled in blankets as the baby kicked and tried to get free. Gabriel watched him for a moment not wanting to accept or even touch the newest addition. As Luciel started to cry though his resolve broke till finally he sighed. 

He took his time as he walked over to him, reaching down and wrapping his hands around the others waist lifting him up so that Luciel was eye-level with him. 

"Guess I'm stuck with you." He muttered. 

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