Mara:A Charmed Affair

By RoryBaptiste

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Excerpt: Alecs head tilted, too long curls falling into his eyes as he inspected her sprawled on the grass, o... More

7: Nymphomaniacs&Strange Kisses
8:The Strange&The Manipulative
9: TheLink
10: AGameOfRisk
11: Raging Emotions
12: Alec's Addiction
13: Something Like Love
15: In The Dead Of Winter
16: Marked (FINAL)

14: Of Love and Secrets

2K 29 4
By RoryBaptiste


The table nearly cracked in half at the impact of Masons fist against its surface, “Alec, you’re fucking up again.”

This time Mason was serious, Alec could tell from the jumping vein in his jaw that he meant business. So what? Alec swiveled around in his chair until he came to a halt in front of Mason, the older man pressed his palms against the plastic arm rest and bellowed, “Are you listening to me!”

His young cousin shrugged and leaned into his chair as if nothing were wrong. He had 99 problems and a pansy bitch like Mason wasn’t one of them. He had things to think about, like his shitty job trying to change up his hours, Aria showing up at his house every other night like a Succubus waiting for her fill, sweet damning Seraphina batting her eyelashes at him, Taylor running away from him every time he turned the corner and…..Mara…being Mara.

No, do you hear me Bitch?

But he couldn’t say that, not to his alpha, he would say it to his cousin, but his alpha?

Not in his lifetime.

He chuckled a bit at the morbid joke and turned his eyes to the side as Mason hovered over him with flaring nostrils and breath acrid enough to kill the dead again.

Outside Mason’s elaborate cabin the beginnings of snow began to drop from the sky like light white flakes of dandruff, that’s what it looked like to Alec anyway. If he could, he would have caught one in his hand and preserved it just like that until he could present it as a gift to Mara. Chicks liked sappy crap like that, but she didn’t. Even so the flakes fell against Masons uncurtained windows and dotted the green grass in lieu of its white Christmas…a Christmas he would once agains celebrate without his mother.

Hot breath hit against his face once more and he rolled his eyes and inhaled in exasperation, “Yes sir, I hear you.”

“Where. Is. She?”


Mason sounded like a broken record, the alcove library darkened merely by the bookshelves echoed his words, Where.Is.She?

Unnecessary candles lit merely for the satisfaction of the Missus flickered though no wind chanced to arouse its flames.

I.Don’t.Know, Alec rehearsed within himself as he closed his eyes and exhaled gently into Mason’s face. The older man stiffened and cursed under his breath, “Alec damnit, you keep it up and I’ll forget that we’re related. I don’t give a damn who your mother was, you keep that witchcraft shit to yourself.”

But it was a part of him, like his breath, like his hair, like his eyes. He felt the surge of energy everytime he breathed in, it was like, like…… ice….like the complete extreme of some wild and untamable power that he had. How could he keep that to himself and be a selfish fool not to share it with everyone else.

Still, Alec smiled to himself and shushed Mason, “Shh, Shh, don’t want the wife to hear do you?”

Because she would just love oh so much to know what her husband was really capable of, wouldn’t she also love to know that Mason, the Alpha, was related to a mutt? A hybrid?

“You have one more tim—“

“Shhh,” Alec flicked his index finger and pressed it against his lips as he leant back and closed his eyes in rest. Mason didn’t scare him, his position did, “You’re so sure I did away with her aren’t you?”

Because Alec is always the bad one right?

With a chuckle and an exhalation of breath he opened his eyes and smirked at his cousin, “Are you sure you didn’t do away with her?”

It could easily be done, maybe she was ripped in two, or maybe ripped from limb to limb, and burned somewhere close by, “You know I wouldn’t.”

“But they don’t know that, do they cousin?”

As far as he was concerned, the girl had never existed to begin with.

“Hey, do you have a Vibrator?” Andrea blew over her cup of hot cocoa, while Mara turned her nose up at her cup, or rather yet the statement.

The two girls sat nestled on a couch in the corner of a bustling Starbucks as the snow fell in sheets outside. Day had begun to fade and in its place a bleeding mixture of orange red and pink painted the horizon as the sun set. Mara rolled her eyes and scoffed, “I wish you would shut the fuck up.”


Had, she really said that?

Had words so rude and coarse just left her mouth.

From the shocked look on Andrea’s face they had come out of her mouth. Mara poised her lips, bit the inside of her cheek and snaked her eyes back and forth guiltily as Andrea’s face calmed and eyed her steadily.

So much for moving on.

The two girls were just like two bitter old spinster women snapping at eachother for no reason at all. It was no wonder that the both of them were miserable sitting there in the coffee shopped, they probably deserved to be.

“And you need a long ride on a steel dick.”


Andrea sat back with crossed arms and a look of satisfaction as Mara’s lips trembled and her eyes watered from the insult. That was the thing as well, lately she’d been more sensitive then normal, she wanted hugs and kisses and the only guy who seemed to be offering them was Alec.

She politely declined at every account.

Mara had to be honest and say that she missed Blaise.

She missed him.

Just like Andrea’s salty ass missed Rafe.

“We need to stop this madness.” Mara sipped a bit of her hot cocoa and sighed to herself.

Andrea shrugged, “Yeah, maybe so. I was serious about that vibrator.”

A string of manic laughter left Mara’s lips as she pictured what she would do with a vibrator where her Auntie checked each and every room for a difference in arrangement. There would be no way she could hide something as explicitly sexual as that, “I’m a virgin Andrea. Think about it.”

“Plenty of virigns use vibrators. How do you think they’re still virgins?”

“Hell I don’t know, I think I’d rather have the real thing then be pissed off about something vibrating in my va—“


Andrea sputtered out a bit of the warm hot cocoa in her mouth and ashamedly wiped away at her turtleneck. Mara mean while cocked an eyebrow at the familiar intruder, “Rafe, we were just talking about you.”

Rafe settled into the couch just across from the girls and folded his hands over each other as he leaned forward and watched Andrea, “Oh really?” his eyes stayed focused on Andrea though he spoke to Mara, “And what was said exactly?”

Oh, shit.

Andrea hastily wiped at her sweater, though the dribble of diluted milk and chocolate were long gone, but she focused anyway on her thin black turtleneck and searched for invisible stains. Mara caught on quickly, maybe because it looked so odd that the both of them were looking at Andrea as she was wiping at non existent spills. As cute as it was watching her cousin stare at Andrea lovingly Mara felt the need to vomit, so she did what she had to do.

“Ow! Damnit M! What was that for!”

Andrea’s smooth pale hands rubbed at her side as she winced and Rafe chuckled lightly, “He said something to you and you didn’t respond back.”

“I w-was wi-“

“You were doing nothing. Talk to him.”

Mara had been for their separation earlier, but she soon realized that she liked Andrea better when she was happy and she liked Rafe better when he wasn’t moping around cyberstalking Andrea on facebook. She didn’t care what happened, as long as the two stopped being so damn depressing and made up or something..

Shit…it was all so tiring…and it wasn’t even her romance.

“Mara, we were supposed to hang out though.”

But Mara was already up and running, “I’m going to check out DSW for a minute. I’ll be back, text me when you’re through.”

Don’t fucking text me.

And she meant that. Those two were about to make something happen if it killed her.

Not that she wasn’t half dead already.

Her excuse was that the bus was right around the corner from Wal-mart. She didn’t want a ride from Alec, she didn’t want to bother her aunt, nor did she want to come between whatever Rafe and Andrea had going on. She just wanted to walk, pretend that something romantic was about to happen to her any minute as her feet crunched against dead leaves and her hair blew in the cold wind as the lamp posts casts white light against her already pale features.

All I have to look forward to is Alec.

She didn’t want Alec, maybe her body did, but her mind and heart did not. She couldn’t help that her muscles tensed and that she felt good whenever he accidentally kissed the sensitive spot on her neck. Alec was like a piece of shit, he happened to stink up every place he went to and she had a mind to tell Taylor that Alec was screwing her bestfriend, because she may have been slow but she caught up on a lot of things.

It was common knowledge that Rafe had ho’s some who were unwillingly his harem girls and then those that threw themselves at him like fresh meat. Seraphina was an asshole and she wished that Taylor would realize that before she got her feelings too hurt.

“Why don’t we all just fuck Alec, would he leave us alone then?”

No, because Alec had a libido that most men would kill for and that most women were afraid of. How crazy would it be to fantasize about 24/7 sex and then realize that you wanted to do something more than have some guy stick it to you whenever he got the feeling in his crotch. No doubt Seraphina was on his list of girls to screw after he got through with Taylor. Poor girl.

That was the one who Mara felt sorry for, she wasn’t too close to Taylor, but she knew that she was sweet and that her family was just like her aunt. They pushed Taylor to whoever would take her.

“Bitches.” Mara muttered into the cold air and shivered as a gust of wind circled around her body like a hurricane. She tugged her thick black jacket closer and flipped the hood over her head as she stepped over remnants of snow and more dead leaves.

A car whizzed by, wetting the bottom of her khaki pants as she trudged along. She shivered in effect and grumbled as she lifted two wet legs now exposed to the dangers of the cold.

Honk, Honk.

Her head moved to the left instantly and she saw him, ginger hair fluttering around his face as he leand out of his car, “Do you need a ride?”

“No…thank you.” The monotone words hung lifelessly in the night.

Blaise shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “c’mon, its cold our here.”

“I’m ok, thanks. The bus stop is up the street.”

Really she couldn’t bare to be too close to him because then she would remember how badly she wanted to press her nose into the crook of his neck as his tickled hers with his soft lips and facial hair. She couldn’t go back, no she couldn’t.

“Damnit Mara. Its cold as fuck out here. You could get sick.”

She tossed his words up in the air with a flick of her hand and continued along with her eyes set on nothing in particular. He drove along side her anyways, “Are you mad at me?”

As mad as fire is at water, as angry as Medusa at Poseidon, as as…

She couldn’t think of anymore words to describe how angry she was at him, “No.” She lied with an unconvincing face and pinched lips.

“I had to. Can I explain?” She avoided his gaze, though he looked on and arched his neck to catch the expression on her face.



“Fuck off Blaise.”

Because she really was that angry at him. Maybe it was irrational, made it made sense, but she was angry.

“I didn’t want to leave you there.”


The moment her mind questioned and her face turned to him the answer flitted through her mind as she remembered her legs buckling underneath her and her body crumpling to the ground, “You did that?”

She stopped and stomped her feet facing him, “You did that to me! Why the hell would you do that!”

Now was his chance, if he never got another he would get it there on the corner of Alice and Maples street. His fingers fidgeted as they turned off the car, his body pulsed as he shoved the keys into his pockets, leapt out the car and slammed the door with such clumsiness anybody watching would have laughed.

“Don’t come near me Blaise!”

He held his hands up, spread them wide and pleaded with her, “Mara, please. I swear to God that wasn’t me.”

“Then who was it?”

At the risk of having his body skinned and his brain melted he pressed his hands together and remembered who was the important person, who meant more than him right now, the girl that he had fallen in love with like a fool for a princess. If anything were to happen to her later down the road it would be his fault, if Alec were to get tired of her one day and wipe out her existence it would be his fault. If he never told her what was going on and she found out just moments before her demise, it would be his fault.

He breathed heavily, pressed his lips to the tips of his fingers as he fought to keep down all the emotions gathering in the center of his chest, and Mara stared blankly.

“Who was it Blaise?” she repeated in a softer tone with wide eyes and cold frost bitten lips.



A/N: Yeah I know I suck :/...I'm sowie

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