Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wa...

By KariHunter3

34.6K 792 180

What happens when two best friends, who've known each other since the 3rd grade, gradually come to realize th... More

~16: Final Chapter~
Update and Thank You


2.8K 59 13
By KariHunter3

                                                                                   Kira's POV

The following morning, I woke up and noticed that I fell asleep on the couch. I think Keith put the blanket over me. I could hardly remember what happened since I was asleep.

I lifted my head up and got my whole body up from the couch. I walked into the kitchen to get me some water. Suddenly, I noticed that Keith came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepy head." he stated, giving me a morning hug.

I smiled, hugging him back,"Good morning, Keith. How was your sleep?"

"It was okay. Oh, by the way, Woody facetimed me last night. I got something to tell you."

After I got the water from the fridge, I sat down at the table, and so did he.

"What did Woody say? Is everything okay?" I asked a little concerned.

"Well, yeah, no big deal but, he said that Algee told him last night that he was going to come pick you up and take you out to breakfast. Basically a breakfast date." he explained.

"Oh really? Hmm, that's nice. I'd love to catch some breakfast with him. No big deal." I said, minorly blushing.

Keith's face wasn't too happy looking. He actually looked kinda concerned/jealous. So I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong, Keith? Is somebody jealous?" I asked in a joking tone.

"No, not at all. I wanna make sure you're safe with that dude. You never know what might happen." He said, nervously and concerned.

"Oh, nothing's gonna happen between Algee and I. We're just gonna get breakfast, talk, and come back. Look, I've known Algee for a while now and I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anything out of the ordinary."

"Well, not as long as we've known each other. I've known you for sixteen years, Kira. Sixteen long years. You've only known him for three years or so." Keith started to get defensive and a little upset.

"Keith, calm down, okay? I'll be fine. Don't worry. You're like a brother to me and I know you're just looking out for me, but, I'm 24 years old. I think I can take care of myself, okay?" I told him nicely, with a smile.

He looked up from the surface of the table and smiled at me.

"Okay then, Kira. You should start getting ready before he comes." he insisted.

I nodded my head and finished my last little bit of water. Then, I got up to get my luggage that was still by the door. I unzipped my toiletries bag and my clothes bag. The outfit I picked out was a Captain America t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and black Converses, then my purse.

After I got all the things I needed, I headed to the guest bathroom so I could take my shower and get myself ready.

While I was taking my shower, I was thinking about my upcoming outing with Algee and how it might turn out. Of course I was hoping for the best but, I just don't want to upset Keith, ya know? I could tell he was kinda upset about it.

Keith is my best friend/crush and I can't lose him. I love him with all my heart.


After I took my shower, I put on my clothes, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on perfume.

Then, I got out of the bathroom and put my dirty clothes in my travel bag. Keith was sitting in the living room watching "Good Morning, America".

I walked into the living room and sat next to him. I noticed him kind of staring at me. I looked over at him and he was still looking smiling at me. I started to blush, like always.

"You look cute, Kira." Keith said with pearly smile.

"Thanks, Keith. It's just a little something I put to together for going out."

"You look like a geek though, haha!" he joked. I hit him on the leg, playfully.

"Shut up. I look like a cool geek thank you very much, Keith, hehe."

"Whatever, girl, haha." he smiled, then turning back to the tv.

I took out my phone from my purse and checked it. My notifications have been blowing up with text messages from Algee. I unlocked my phone and checked them. The messages read:

Algee (8:45 am): Hey, Kira. I'm pretty sure Keith already told you but, I'm planning on taking you out for breakfast this morning. I'll be there to pick u up in a bit 😊❤

Algee (8:57 am): I'm down the street from Keith's house. I stopped by the store. 😀

Algee (9:05 am): I'm on y'alls street. Expect me in about 2 minutes 🚗

I replied back with:

Me (9:07 am): Alright then. I'm gonna start heading out the door waiting for you outside. Expect me in 20 secs 👋

I had to tell Keith that I was about to leave.

"Okay, Keith. Algee just texted me and said he's outside now. I'm about head out." I told him.

"Alrighty then, girl. See you later. Don't be gone too long." he joked.

I laughed and made my way to the front door to head outside. The weather was nice; warm, just the way I like it. Suddenly, I noticed him pull up in the driveway. I walked toward his car and I saw him get out.

"Kira! Hey." he exclaimed, reaching his arms out for me to hug him.

I hugged him back.

"Hey, Algee. You ready for the date?" I asked, smiling really big.

"Of course. Here, hop in and I'll take you." he said.

I went on the other side and opened the door and got in. He got in as well. We both got out seat belts on and he then pulled out of the driveway. A few short seconds later, we were on the road, heading to the restaurant he was taking me to. 

"So, Kira, what do you think you'd order at the Omelet Cafe?" Algee asked, stirring up conversation. 

I looked over to him, smiling,"Well, I was thinking about ordering the chocolate chip waffle with bacon and some dark roasted coffee. That's what I always order there." 

"For real? You know, that's what I always get too!" he cheered. 

"That's cool! I guess we'd be twinning, but with food, haha." I joked. 

He laughed as well. "Kira, as anyone ever told you when you say something corny, you make it so cute?" 

"Oh shut up, Algee! Like you've never said anything cheesy in your life before." I hit him, softly, in the shoulder and chuckled. 

He rubbed his right shoulder, and acted like the hit I did hurt him. "Ouch, Kira. Didn't know girls could be THIS strong. You almost hit the life outta me!" 

"Haha, quit faking, dude. You know I only hit you barely." 

He took his hand off his shoulder and put it back in his lap. "Bruh, I know. I'm just playing." 

"Mmmhm, yeah right, softie." 

"Hey, I ain't no softie. Some things just hurt me real bad, alright, girl?" He teased.


Meanwhile, we made it to the Omelet Cafe. We pulled into a reasonable parking spot which was near the entrance of the restaurant. 

"Ready to get our grub on?" He asked, in a cheesy tone. 

"Of course, Algee, but I thought you said you don't say cheesy stuff...hehe." I gave him a taste of his own medicine. 

He pretended to look guilty as he looked down at his feet. "Well...I guess I was wrong. For the first time in my life, I've been wrong." 

I shook my head, laughing. "Bro, shut up and let's just eat now, haha." 

"Ha, okay, Kira." He "cheered back up" and we both hopped out of the car.  

Once we walked to the door, Algee stepped in front of me and stopped. 

"What's up?" I asked him. 

"Remember, Kira, I have to hold the door for you so you can get in. Ladies first." He gave me a sweet smile. 

I gladly accepted his offer and went in. He followed behind me. The restaurant wasn't as full as it always is. We must've came at an earlier time then. We found ourselves a table for two by the window and sat there. 

"We don't even need the menus because we already know what we're getting." Algee said with a light chuckle. 

"True, true." I replied, also lightly chuckling. 

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my purse. 

"Um, excuse me for just a second. My phone just went off." I excused myself. I didn't want to be rude in the middle of a date. Well, it's not really a date but...I guess you could call it an outing. 

"Go ahead, it's fine." He assured me. 

I pulled out my phone and looked at my lock screen. The notifications were actually texts. They were texts from Keith.


I unlocked my phone and went to the texting app. His texts read: 

Keith (9:30 am): Hey, Kira, just checking on you. Love you best friend, be safe ❤

Keith (9:31 am): Oh and also, bring me just playing. Eat good! 


I giggled and replied with: 

Me (9:32 am): Yeah, I'm fine. Having a good time so far. And even if you asked I wouldn't bring you back any food, haha 

Keith (9:32 am): Whatever, haha. Ttyl ❤

Me (9:33 am): Bye ttyl ❤


After texting with him, I put my phone back in my purse and tuned my attention back to Algee. 

"Okay, I'm done texting now. So, what else you wanna talk about?" I smiled. 

"Um, well I'd like to talk about your musical background. When you sang for us yesterday, you sounded so good that I began to think you were a professional. Where did you get your musical abilities from?" He asked with an impressed expression. 

I answered attentively,"My mother used to be in our church's choir and when I was about seven years old, she encouraged me to join. So, I did and I just loved to sing and I loved music in general. Also, my dad was a guitarist in our church's band and he also taught me how to play the guitar." 

"Wow, that's awesome. You never told me you could sing or your musical background so I just thought I'd ask." He spoke. 

"Yeah, I don't really tell a lot of people about my music or anything. I just basically let them know that I work at a studio and I producing music. I'm just a music producer nowadays." I said. 

"Hmm, well, I'm gonna be honest with you. I really, truly, positively think you should become a professional. Those producers you deal with don't know what they're missing." 

I blushed. I never got a comment like that from anyone else but my family. 

"Hehe, thanks." I acknowledged. 

Suddenly, a waitress came by and served us. 

"Hi, my name is Alysha and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you guys off with something to drink? Coffee? Orange juice?" the nice lady asked. 

Algee motioned for me to order first. "Um, I'll have the dark roasted coffee." 

She jotted down the request on her notepad. "Okay, thank you, ma'am. And for you sir?" 

"I'll be having the same." 

She jotted down his request as well. "Alrighty then. I'll be right back with you guys' coffees." She said we a perky attitude. 

"So far, all of the waitresses I've gotten at restaurants have been lively and nice like that. But then there was this one girl...." Algee started, staring into space. 

"Hehe, what was up with her?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"Well, this particular girl was nice at first but it was just when she brought me the wrong drink, she turned into a she-devil. See, I had asked for a lemonade and she took that into consideration. Then, a few minutes later, she came back with an iced tea. I told her that I ordered a lemonade instead of tea. Then she said, Well, maybe you should be more clearer next time... I was like, dang. So, I left that place and didn't leave a tip or nothin'." He explained while laughing. 

"Really? Wow. I've never had that experience before in my life. Everyone's been nice to me at every restaurant I've been to." I added. 

"You wanna know why?" He started. 


"Because you're beautiful and people dare not to mess with beauties like you." He winked at me. 

"Oh stop it. I'm not like those girls on the covers of magazines and stuff. Just a regular girl from Sacramento, ya know?" I added modestly. 

"Quit being modest, girl. Everyone in the whole world knows you're fine....I mean beautiful. Whichever word you want me to use to describe you." He chuckled. 

"The word "fine" is okay. I don't mind." I assured. 

Algee's smile was bright and gleamed like the sun. It kind of reminded me of Keith's smile. Suddenly, I became deep in thought about him. 

"Kira...Kira....wake up. Whatcha thinking about? Earth to Kira." Algee tried to get my attention. I had no clue that I was staring off in space.

"Oh, hehe. Nobody...I mean nothing." I woke up and laughed at myself. 

"Who ya thinking about? It's Keith isn't it? Haha, you daydreaming about him?" He asked. 

"Shut up, Algee. I mean, I was, but you don't have to tell the whole world, haha." 

"You know, I honestly think you and Keith would make a good couple. You guys have known each other for sixteen years, been best friends ever since, and you guys are never out of each other's sight. Also, he always talks about you nonstop to me and the guys. He really likes you, Kira." 

I blushed at the thought of him. I never really knew he liked me that much. 

"Are you serious, he talks about ME nonstop?" my voice rose a little bit in excitement. 

"Yep, of course. I also like you but, forget about me. I'd rather see you and him together. You'll be happier that way." He smiled. 

"I'll take your word for it. We'll see what happens soon." I told him. 


Later on through our outing, we already ate, we talked and now, we were on our way back to Keith's house so he could drop me off. 

During the car ride, he's been teasing me about my crush on Keith. 

"Kira and Keith sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage." he chanted, annoyingly. 

"Shut up, Algee. You're acting like a 2nd grader right now." I joked. 

"Haha, I know. Just doing it to annoy you. We're almost at your boyfriend's house by the way." He teased me again. 

"He's not my boyfriend, fool!" 

"Mmhm, but you wish."

"If you say one more word, I swear I'll punch you harder than I did earlier." I joked again, raising my hand, acting like I was about to hit him. 

"Whatever. You can never hit your friend. You're too much of a goody-goody." 

I chuckled and continued to look out the window. 


Thereafter, we pulled up in the driveway of Keith's house. 

"Well, guess I'll see you later then, Kira." Algee smiled. 

"Yeah, I'll see you soon. Text you later."

I opened the car door and headed out. As I made it to the front door, I looked behind me to see Algee leave. He pulled out of the driveway and honked his horn. Then, he drove off. I opened the door and it was unlocked.

When I got in, I noticed Keith wasn't in the living room. 

"Keith? Where are you?" I called for him, loudly. 

"I'm in my room." He yelled from upstairs. 

"Okay, I'm coming." I walked up stairs and right in front of me was the way to his room. Then, I finally made it in. He was laying on his bed, shirtless, on his phone, and was listening to music on his speakers. 

"Hey, Kira. How was your date?" He looked up from his phone, sat up, and motioned me to sit next to him. 

I went over to him and sat down in his comfortable bed. 

"The date was good. We ate some good food." 

"That's good. Anything interesting happen?" He asked. 

"Well, he did tell me that you like me. Is that true?" I stated with a smirk. 

Keith nervously cleared his throat. "Um, ahem, uh, yeah. I do. To be honest, I always have, ever since 4th grade. Is that a problem?" 

"Heck no, bro. I'm actually super flattered. Also, I got a confession. I really like you, too. Ever since 4th grade. How come you never told me after all these years?" I asked, putting my hands in my lap, twiddling my fingers. 

His well-known gleaming smile appeared on his face. "I can't believe we actually like each other. I kept it to myself for sixteen years because I didn't want to ruin our friendship or make you feel weird. You're really special to me, Kira. I couldn't lose you." 

"You wouldn't have lost me, Keith. I would've actually been very happy. We probably would be dating by now as well." I chuckled, flirtatiously. 

He looked into my eyes, deeply, with a warm smile. "Speaking of dating, I'd like to ask you something." 

"Yes, Keith?" 

"Will you be my girlfriend, Kira?" He reached for my hand and I gladly put it in his. 

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend, Keith!" I exclaimed in happiness. 

"Yay! Thanks...girlfriend." He gave me a big hug and I accepted it. Our embrace lasted for about a minute until the unbelievable happened. 

Once he slowly let go of our embrace, he moved closer and closer to my face. I didn't flinch or move away because I knew what was going to happen. He planted a meaningful, passionate kiss on my lips. The moment of our kiss lasted for at least thirty seconds.  

After the kiss, we looked at each other and blushed, both wiping our lips. 

"Hehe, well then...." I couldn't find the words to say at the moment. It just seemed like everything that just happened was just so perfect. 

"Hehe. Wow, I never kissed like that before. I've been wanting to do that forever." 

"Really? Me too." We both laughed. 

"I love you, Kira Southerland." He stated in a sweet tone. 

I said the same in the same tone,"I love you too, Keith Powers." 


*Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you liked the outcome of all  of this! More will be revealed about Kira and Keith's blossoming relationship!*

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