It's Not Hard to Pretend to L...

By PebblesandStones

206K 2.8K 292

This story is about a girl and a boy who despise each other at first. But then their girlfriend and boyfriend... More

It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 1
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 2
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 3
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 4
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 5
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 6
It's Not hard to Pretend to Love You: 7
It's Not Hard to Pretend to love You: 8
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 9
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 10
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 11
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 12
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 13
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 14
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 15
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 16
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 17
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 18
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 19
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 20
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 21
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 22
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 23
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 24
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 25
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 27
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 28
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 29
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 30(THE FINALE)

It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 26

5.4K 75 7
By PebblesandStones

Blake's POV

I'm just a man who makes mistakes and screws up things. But this time, as I went home defeated, I knew that I screwed up BIG TIME. I've never felt so sad before until now. I guess there's really a first for everything. Sydney didn't show up and I waited for her until the sun started to set.

So many things were running inside my head as to why she didn't show up and one of these is that maybe she saw me and Samantha... Shit! I shouldn't have agreed to kiss her in the first place! What was I thinking? We were on here locker for crying out loud! What if she went but saw me and Samantha? Crap! My life sucks!

"Blake, can you give this apple pie to Sydney? I promised to give her when I made one." My mom said as she cooked our dinner.

"Sure!" I said. This could be my time to talk to her. I suddenly felt nervous.

It was raining outside that's why I got one umbrella as I took off. I sometimes like the rain, but today, not so much since it's kind of matching my sad mood and I'm not so cool with that.

Ding Dong!

I rang the doorbell once and after a few seconds, Syd's dad opened the door.

"Hey Blake! What's up?" he greeted me with a smile. Oh, probably didn't know about me and Syd. I guess that's good.

"Hi sir! Uhm, is Sydney there? My mom made her an apple pie..." I said as I raised the pie.

"Oh a pie for Syd! She'll surely love that but she's not yet here because there's this science project that she has to do and finish at the lab, but you can come and wait for her inside." He said as he opened the door wider for me to enter.

I mumbled thanks as I gave the pie to him. He said I could sit anywhere and feel at home as he excused himself to go to his computer to finish some report. I just nodded as my mind is off to somewhere.

Sydney is not home yet. Where could she have been? I could not remember having any science project that is due anytime soon? Besides, the lab is supposed to be closed by now since the guard already shooed me away off the school grounds. If she's not there and not in here, then where is she?

As I had this question in mind, something caught my eye by the wall of their living room. I went to it to have a closer look of the big framed picture. There are three people in it, a younger version of Mr. Parker, a woman and a little girl. The three of them are having these smiles saying that nothing can put their happy mood down. They all look so happy and contented. The woman and the girl look very familiar and both have these green eyes, the green eyes which you could be lost in...

"We took that picture 10 years ago. When my wife was still alive and Syd was still 7. We were so happy back then even though we lived a very simple life. Her mom grew up in a rich family but was married to a middle-class man like me and she never complained. I thought that everything was perfect then until the accident which caused her death. I felt my world shattered into pieces when she died but I still have to hang on since Sydney would be depending on me. She already lost her mom and I don't want her to lose her dad as well that's why we moved to Florida where I grew up to have a fresh start. We came back here to have her mom's last wish for her to finish her high school in the school she used to love..." Mr. Parker said this as his eyes were full of emotions and you can tell that his presence may be here but his mind is back to ten years ago.

"Mr. Parker, I think I have to go find Sydney now... I have to tell her everything..." I said as my eyes still on the picture and mind solely on one person.

"Do what you have to do. I know you can do it Blake." He said as he patted my back.

I then stormed out of the house not caring that it's raining outside and leaving my umbrella behind. My mind was already putting all the pieces together. The bracelet and the green eyes belongs to Sydney, the girl that I loved before and still love now. And she's angry at me because I hurt her feelings.

I have to find her and really have to explain things and make everything clear. Where could she possibly be? The lab? No. Jean's house? I guess not because she could've just said to her father that she's there. Where could she be? I can't think of any place that she could go to knowing that it's raining this hard.

I just let my foot bring me anywhere to find her until I found myself at the park. She's there, by the swings, sitting alone not caring of the rain.

I steadied myself as I approached her, "Sydney..."

She jumped in surprise as she turned to face me. Even though with the rain drops on her face, I know that the rain is not the only reason why her face is wet. It's also composed of tears as I saw her puffy red eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she somehow whispered but I heard it.

"I now know who S.H.P. is..." I said as I offered her a smile.

She was surprised, I can see it in her eyes, but she just bowed her head down as she said, "How...?"

"I went to your house and saw your picture with your mom and dad. And that's when everything clicked inside my head. I'm really dumb to not notice it before..." She still has her head down as I stared at her, "That the girl that I've been waiting for to come has already been there right before my eyes. That the girl that I love ten years ago is also and still the girl that I love after ten years..."

She then turned her head to me with a blank expression on her face as I continued to gaze at her sad eyes and sincerely said, "Sydney, I love you."

She just stared at me as silence filled the air. And then she stood up still expressionless and did the thing I least expected her to do, she slapped me.

She then laughed bitterly and angrily said, "Stop lying Blake! I'm already tired of all your lies! How could you say that you love me when I saw you kissing Samantha on my locker like there would be no tomorrow huh?"

"Y-you saw-" I was cut off since I was too stunned. She really went to see me but she saw it...

"Why, you thought I didn't see that? Well unfortunately, yeah, I saw it. Well, isn't that what you wanted me to see and know? How you love Samantha? And I really think that you love her so much by just seeing how passionate you make-out on MY locker!" she yelled.

"Sydney, it's not what you think it is!" I defended.

"Oh yeah? Well, it does look like it! You know what? I'm so tired already of all this crap," she then took a deep breath and sighed, "Please Blake, leave me alone..."

I just nodded as she left. Just when I thought that with kissing Samantha, she would just leave me and Syd alone but I was wrong... A more complicated situation came that would come in between me and Sydney, but I would not let that get to me because I would not give up. I know that regrets really come after we've already done something that we thought which would be best for us, but there is already nothing that we can do to change what has already been done.

I'm a man but I also have feelings to be hurt. I haven't encountered this thing for a long while but it just came. I was there standing alone without knowing that not only the rain caused my face to be drenched but also caused by this thing called tears.

A/N: Hiya! What's up guys? I was just wondering.. what happened to wattpad? when did it change? I was surprised when I went to this site after 2 weeks of not visiting it... and then awhile ago, I was like.. "Am I in the right website?".. hehe.. I guess many things could really happen in just 2 weeks.. oh well.. that's life.. it needs change, and the change for good... wow, I'm kind of being philosophical here.. ;p anyway.. here's the next chap and I hope you'd like this one!... please comment and vote!.. thank you!... ;D

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