My New Family MB (Vampire/Fan...

By mystery_luvslestwins

55.7K 2.2K 209

When a young vampire,who goes by the name of, Bianca Crippen dad dies in a car accident, she's introduced to... More

My New Family MB (Vampire/Fanfic)
My Mom's My Birthday Present?
How did you get us to the bus so fast?
Dont tell ANYONE....or anything.
My Necklace
The Concert
Interfering With Fate
The Process
Going Out
What the heck is wrong with me?
How are you still alive?
I'm Taking You Back
She's Hiding Something
Stay Away From My Family You Demon
What's Up, Thirst Trap?
The Prophecy Dream
Story Time and #SmackCamGoneWrong
Apologies and Mind Links
Don't Touch My Boys
I'm Only Fourteen
Jo Jo's Secret
Amber's Friend
I Can Fix It
Blame It On Your Brother
A Lot? Try Millions.
Wake Up

Resisting Temptation

1.4K 64 1
By mystery_luvslestwins

"Well since we've done our daily dose of vervain it's time to move on." I announced.

"What are we doing?" Prodigy asked flatly.

"Resisting temptation. I think you guys are ready to enjoy the smell blood and not drink it. 'Enjoying the bouquet' as Edward Cullen would say." I answered.

"Are you serious? We almost killed Amber." Ray reminded me.

"That's because you didn't know the consequence." I said.

"What's the consequence?" Roc asked.

"Let's put it like this, too much blood will end you." I answered.

They nodded, confused. I just hoped that they wouldn't get the punishment to understand.

"Okay guys I'm going out to get someone to tempt you." I announced."Whatever you do,don't leave this cellar." I warned and then I ran out.

I ran to the middle of town searching for a person who was vervain free. Some people had vervain in their system without even knowing it. Then I found a girl. She looked about fifteen, nice size, nice shape, smelled perfect. I stopped in front of her and she backed up surprised.

"Take my hand, you'll be safe with me." I ordered, compelling her.

She immediately took my hand as her pupils grew dilated and back to normal. I ran off and took her to the cellar. We stopped and I opened the door for her. She went in and I followed behind her closing the door again. I immediately heard all of the boys' hearts start beating fast.

"Hey guys this is..." I trailed off remembering I never asked of her name.

"Brittany." She pitched in for me.

"She's going to spend as much time as she can with us today." I said.

They all eyed us holding hands. "I compelled her that she's safe with me." I mouthed.

They nodded.

"So Brittany, what do you like to do for fun?" I asked her.

"I like to dance. I'm a dancer." She answered.

"Do you have a cell phone?" I asked.

She nodded and pulled out her iPhone 5c. It was blue.

"Play me your favourite song." I ordered.

She went to her music and found a song she liked. She pressed play and "Electricity" by Ashley Jana started blasting through her speakers.

"Hey I like this song too." I said.

"Wanna see my dance?" She asked.

"Sure." I answered and she handed me her phone.

She waited until the second verse to start. I knew from the 1st eight count that this girl could dance really well. She did jazz/funk routine. She was an excellent turner and jumper. She had natural turn out and a perfect arch when she pointed her toes. When she finished me and the others couldn't help but clap.

"That was awesome. Did you make that up?" I asked.

She nodded, out of breath.

Roc walked toward her and shook her hand. "I'm Roc Royal, it's very very nice to meet you." He introduced thirstily and not in the freaky way.

This was their moment to prove to me that they could control themselves. Brittany was tired, her heart pumping excess blood through her veins. Roc's fangs almost exposed themselves but then Roc did something that surprised me. He took a deep breath through his nose and stepped away from her. The rest of the guys breathed through their noses, inhaling her scent. They didn't even make an attempt to try to kill her.

After a while of talking and dancing Brittany announced that she had to get home. Everyone said their farewells to her and I grabbed her hand and raced back to the place I found her. Before I let her go, I looked in her eyes and said, "You will not remember what happened today." Her pupils grew dilated and back to normal. I hugged her and told her to go home.

Then I raced back to the cellar and gave each of the boys a hug.

"Congrats guys. You have completed the process." I announced.

They cheered and jumped around.

"What do you guys want to do now until night comes?" I asked.

"Let's train some more." Ray suggested.

We did exactly that until nightfall. They arranged their sleeping bags and I meditated again. They would have a huge surprise tomorrow morning.

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