A tlc story

By Aisa_Basia

21.5K 452 65


A tlc story
I saw this girl oh my lord she had a lotd nice ass body
1 mouth later
Ro baby im fine okay
Lisa im pregnant
Ro fo real lisa what the hell make up already
Tell the truth
I dont have a name for this damn chapter
its a boy .........its a girl
a year later
flash back and presant day
my baby a big boy "smile"
Sex in atl
red light special
the moment you been waiting for
8 mouths later or nine whos counting

water falls

750 22 2
By Aisa_Basia

     next morning t POV

so I'm guessing Lisa went home last night after all the moaning screaming ad

and shit that was going on in there nobody wants yto k ow what the to or think cause they bout  be looking at each  other with lustfull eys s when nobody looking just NASTY :-[ :-! :-*  any way San sent home last night and to has the kids we at the park  playing

k.j.: "laughing"

ro: it was not that funny "help rain upon laughing"

me: "dead laughing"

rain: fa no funny

ro: yeah tell them that's not funny

k.j.: mom?

ro: yeah "look at him"

k.j.: are you okay

ro: why

o lord don't ask

k.j.: cause you where screaming g last night and I got scared and ran to Sam and aunt t.  room

FUCK k.j.

ro: I'm sorry I just saw a bug

k.j.: it took a long time for you to kill the bug fix mommy scream

ro: "mumble" no but she siren was doing ma good jog on killing the bug

k.j.: look "point at Lisa and Sam running away from 10 many 22 girls"

ro:ohh damn k.j, rain your mommy is in trouble

Lisa: ohh fuck "look at most of the girls falling" my bad

Sam: "laughing" Lisa you ate mean

lisa: what ever  "stop"

girls: lisa Sam wait

Lisa: naw we good we got planes

Sam: "runs in ally with Lisa"

girls:'run past"

sam:"run to us"

Lisa:"bout to get hit by car but dose back flip over it"

me: "scared" damn

ro: "cover the kids eyes" damn

Sam: "out breath"

Lisa: "holding her side with blood her side"  Sam you gonna leave me

Sam: I wasn't gonna get shoot

me: what happened

ro: you okay

Lisa: yeah "wince"

me: "smh" you didn't answer my question

Sam: will tell you later

k.j.: "sleep in the stroller"

Lisa&Sam:"run away"

lisa: FUCK

            at home

ro POV

we are at home and we on oovoo with Sam

Sam: want me to tell them

Lisa: yeah

Sam: are yall sitting down

t: yeah why

me:what happened

Sam: come the hospital

t: why

Lisa: just come "yell"

Sam: what she said.......Lisa?

Lisa: what

Sam: you okay

Lisa: yeah you

Sam: I'm straight

me: "putting the kids jackets on"

t: what happened

Sam: I tell you when you get here

Lisa: "humming"

me: come on

us:"walk out the door"

Lisa POV

you remember when I was running and was bout to get hit......no.....fuck go reread that shit :-$ but any way before that I got shot in my side and that shit hurt like hell so I'm in the hospital hurting humming mostly hurting Sam is in the waiting room waiting for everyone I'm bored as hell but guess what........GLUTEN FREE BOOTY BUTT CHEEKS :-D ❇

me:"drawing in my journal and rapping stuff that comes to mind"

doc: "walk in" good news miss lopes we stopped  the bleeding and you are good to go

me: thanks doc

doc: "walk out  the door''

me:"drift off"


me: hurry up damn

5 mins later

t: what happened

me: come on

k.j.: "on ro sleep"

rain:"walking well a little"

me: "open the door" hold on wait right her "walk in" loss wake up

Lisa: what "trying to open eyes"

me: there her

Lisa: okay

me: "yell" come in"

ro: you okay Lisa

Lisa:"sleepy voice"  yeah "eyes closed"

me: wake your sleepy ass up

Lisa: "open eyes"

t: now can you tell us what happened

me: Lisa did it

Lisa: what I aint do shit

ro:just tell us

Lisa: okay we where walking to the park but then these girls where just looking at us and I looked at them and it was creepy

t: get to the point

Lisa: girls where looking at us with lustful eyes so we started running but the where following is so we his in a ally and they ran past but some stayed back so we ran across the street and I got shoot in my rib and did a back flip over a car the end

ro: "smh"

Lisa: "look out the window and see a rainbow" "take out journal and start  writing"

me: what ya writing bout

Lisa: "still writing" nothing "smiling"

rain:"drifting off"

ro: "playing with Lisa's hair'' 

         30 mins

Lisa POV

I wrote a new song called waterfall i wrote it  be cause I looked out the window and saw a rainbow and stated writing

Sam: so you gonna tell us what you  where  writing

me: why "drawing"

t: tell us

me: let's go "hop off the bed and walk out"

them:"follow behind me"

me:"calling pebbles" hey I got a song for you

pebbles: okay come down to the studio

me: we'll be there in a min "hang up"

Sam:hold on wait a minute what's going on

me: my job

ro: TLC?

me: yes "speed off"

t:ohh yeah we told pebbles that we would have as sing by today

Sam: what the hell why

me: cause we did "pull up at the studio and get out with everybody" come on we late

ro&t: fuck we got a minute "run up the steps with me"

me: after you"hold door open''

ro&t: thank you 'walk in'

Sam:"sot on the couch"

pebbles: your late

me: where here arnt we

ro: chill lefty

t: "walk in the both and sit in the chair" "Lisa rap voice" mkc check one two one two

me: I do t sound like that "t-boz voice" every now and then I get a little crazy that not the way it's supposed  to be

t:no :-[

me: "chilli voice" a scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly he's all so known as a busta

ro:  not Even

pebbles: okay  ready "drop the beart"

t: "start singing"

ro: "smile at me"


ro: 'sing with her'

Sam: "bobbing his head"

ro&t: "look at me"

me:"start rapping''……………………… the rest is up to me and you "smile and take head phones off"

t: that was cool "take head phones off"

ro: "take head phones off" aye that was amazing

me: well thank you

pebbles: okay that was good

me: yeah we got a song for the album "hug them''

ro: your warm

me&t: your cold

ro: "stretch"

me:"run my hand across her boobies"  dang ro calm your tits

ro: you play to much "sit on my lap"

me: no you just horny

ro: no I'm not

me: "look at her and kiss her neck"

ro: oh so I'm the horny one

me: yep "hug her"

ro: Lisa your phone lit up

me: naw I want to fell this moment

ro: I love you

me: I love me too

ro: you  get on my nerves

me: well thank you


awe look at the cute couple  but me and Sam could be like that but he is always texting on his phone and I've been going out with my friend since collage  his name is Zion him and Lisa are best friends they get along better then him and Sam but they where friends since forever I'm confused

ro:" hit Lisa playfully"

Sam:"lay on me" well well well

me:" look down'' what

Sam: nothing "phone go off" hello?"walk out the room''

me:"look sad"

Lisa: you good t

me: "ignore her"

Lisa: fine 'pout and walk away'

me: "laugh" Lisa come here

Lisa: what

me: come here


me: do me a favor

Lisa: what is it this time

me: spy on Sam

Lisa: okay ware is he

me: "point to the room he is in"

Lisa POV

Sam: look baby I'll come home later okay tell the kids I love them and tell them I said good night okay...........no baby I'm not cheating in you I'm at work with tionne..........no why would I get her pregnant I got you pregnant 2 times already........baby I'll see you later okay

me: T

t: what "look at me"

me: "mad" he is cheating

t: play it cool

ro: "mad" why would he do that to you

t: I don't know but I'm not mad y'all can keep a secret

us: yeah

t: I'm pregnant by Zion

me: whoo  when did this happen

t:5 weeks ago

Sam:"walk out and sit on the couch" what happened

me&ro: "walk in the booth with t"

Sam: you just gonna leave me

me: "slam the door" t what you going to do about it

t: stay away from him what else can I do

ro: y'all mad


ro: I'm with you he is a ass

me: who ro I didn't know you had it in you

us: "laugh"

Sam: "knock on  the door"

me: don't look  so any way  he was like "ghetto voice" baby I'm at work with  tionne  he said look baby I'll be home later no I'm not cheating on you..........no why would I get her pregnant I already got you pregnant 2 times "clapping her hands like she ghetto" ohh lord I'm turning into regin

t: "laughing with ro"  Lisa you a trip

me: "look out the window at Sam and this girl" ohh hell to the no "run out the door" Sam

Sam: Lisa I'm sorry

me: who the hell are you

girl:oh I'm heaven

me: well you gonna look like hell when she done with you

t:"punch that bitch to the ground"

ro: nooo

me:nooo "Kevin heart voice "

t:"kick her in the face"

me: who shit

Sam: t chill that's my baby mamma

me: shit just got real

t: ohh my bad "back like she bout to walk away bout ouch the hell out of him"

heaven: come on baby we don't need them

Sam: okay

t: "laughing"

Sam: what's so funny

t: nothing bye

me: I sold the house


me: yep bye

             at home

so t invited Zion over and we hanging

ro: "playing with t sideburn things"

t: your weird

me: "playing Xbox with Zion" no that's not fair you cheated

Zion: no I didn't

me: yes you did "cover his eyes"

Zion: ro she cheated

me: you cheated first

Zion: No i didn't

me: yes you did "push him"

ro: yall are kids

me: the 2 in 26 don't mean nothing I'm six in heart

Zion: "do hand shake with me"

me: I WIN in your face "jump up and start dancing"

t: sit your monkey ass  down

me: "sit down"

zion": aha

me: shit up "cross arms"  Zion you coming with me get food

Zion: "run out the door screaming" FOOD

me:  this nigga "grab keys and walk out the door"

ro POV

me: "taking pictures with t and the kids"

        30 mins

we are sitting her starving

Lisa: "walk in" this nigga ate my fries

Zion: no i didn't I'm not the one that tan a red light and almost hit 2 lady and run over the curb

Lisa: shhh dawn cant keep no secret for nothing "walk.in the kitchen"

Zion: you should have seen that lady's face. when she saw you

Lisa: omg Lisa left-eye Lopes its you omg omg omg

Zion: omg where's chilli and t-boz

Lisa: will they are at home........

Zion: well next time branch them

Lisa: bitch "pull me on her lap and kiss my neck"

rain: "sleep on the floor with k.j."

me: so i heard you almost hit 2 women

Lisa: I don't know what you are. talking bout

me: "look at her" 

Lisa: "look away" what you looking at t "smile"

t: shit up Lisa. "trow pillow"

Lisa: "catch it" thank you

t: "still looking at Lisa squinting her eyes"

Lisa: what

t: nothing

Lisa: ro get her

me: now I'm good

Lisa: "move ro and walk in the kitchen and come back out and sit on the couch" fuck

me: what

Lisa: your mean "walk.up stairs"

Zion: "sleep"

t: "sigh"

me:  get this. damn baby out of me

t: I'm not even hungry any more "walk up stairs"night

me: no don't leave me down here with this thing "run up stairs laughing walk in the room and see Lisa in her work uniform"

t: "laughing and walk In her room"

Lisa: "watching t.v. and look at me and back at the t.v." hey

me: "close the door and get in the bed and lay on Lisa stomach" Lisa?

Lisa: yeah

me: I love  you

lisa: I love you too

me: "pick head up and get on top of her and lay down" I fell like the moon

Lisa: you look like the moon "slap my ass"

me: fuck you

Lisa: go right a head

me: what ever

lisa: ro?

me: what

lisa: I'm.sorry

me: what

lisa:  I have to go.to work

me: noo "pout "

Lisa: awe don't worry I'll  be back

me:  I don't want you to go

Lisa: hold on  get up

me: "slid off "

Lisa: "walk.in her closet and come back out with some basket ball shorts and a white wife beater and plop down on the bed ".I dont fell like going

me: "kiss her neck and lay on her " good night

Lisa: "sleep "

me: "look at her "

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